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UN: Israeli military killed 44 Palestinians at UN shelters


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Gazans elected terrorists to govern them and got what pretty much anyone would expect. More terrorist attacks on civilians. As soon as Hamas stopped shooting rockets into Israel, the reprisal shelling stopped. wink.png

UN school shelling has little to do with Hamas ideology.

What a load of hooey.

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Gazans elected terrorists to govern them and got what pretty much anyone would expect. More terrorist attacks on civilians. As soon as Hamas stopped shooting rockets into Israel, the reprisal shelling stopped. wink.png

UN school shelling has little to do with Hamas ideology.

The shelling of UN schools started on 21st of July till 3rd of August.


Need to tell that the Golani Brigade lost on 20th of July 13 IDF soldiers in a single day and 56 wounded. This caused panic in Israeli homefront.

Military reprisals of IDF followed immediately on targeting Palestinian civilians by intensive bombing and countless sniping.


At least 100 Palestinian civilians died on the 21st of July.


Why changing the events if IDF soldiers confirmed the harsh military reprisals ordered from higher officers for the 13 casualities ?

Positions of UN schools were known by IDF Air Force, Artillery and Infantry...

Good research. The timeline of events are often deliberately obfuscated in this debate.

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This conflict has gone on too long.

Israelis are surely intelligent enough to simply extricate themselves from this mess, in this instance killing 44 school girls and being accused of war crimes. I know and you know that the occupation of 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank and a blockade of 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza while refusing them all the right to self determination is at the heart of the problem. And it cannot continue indefinitely. The Palestinian population is growing and the problem of absorbing them as equal citizens or reaching a just peace agreement with them to live separately is growing too.

Israeli chutzpah and denial is quite amazing, but something has to give in the end, and I don’t think it is going to be Palestinians volunteering themselves to disappear into a 3rd wave of ethnic cleansing.

I agree that after all these years of bitterness Israel has serious security concerns, but why not sit down and thrash those problems out instead of a holding pattern of more wars, civilian casualties and lousy PR.

Why doesn’t Israel face up to reality that it can’t carry on in this cavalier fashion running roughshod over human rights forever while the whole world is watching. There will be consequences and maybe not to Israel’s advantage.

Who would Israel sit down to talk peace with. Hamas, or Fatah, the PLO?

Hamas police beat, arrest protesters at Gaza rally Over 400 demonstrators in Shejaiya urge reconstruction of Strip, call for end to intra-Palestinian division

Police in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip beat and arrested protesters on Wednesday at a youth rally in the north of the Palestinian enclave, an AFP correspondent said.

More than 400 demonstrators gathered in Shejaiya, a neighborhood in eastern Gaza City that was razed during a July-August war between the Hamas terrorist group and Israel, urging reconstruction and calling for an end to intra-Palestinian division.

Plainclothes police officers entered the crowd, beating a number of protesters without causing serious injury, the AFP correspondent said.

They then arrested at least seven people, according to witnesses.


It seems Hamas don't like peace demo's even when it is about their own unity! That is the problem is it not? There is no one to talk to because there is not one person who can speak for all the factions. Even Abbas keeps the refugee camps in the west bank as they are. He is not interested in their welfare, only his political status.

This always seems to be a one sided affair Israel is expected to do, when there is no one to do it with. It takes two to tango, the only tango the arabs are interested in is that of violence.

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This conflict has gone on too long.

Israelis are surely intelligent enough to simply extricate themselves from this mess, in this instance killing 44 school girls and being accused of war crimes. I know and you know that the occupation of 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank and a blockade of 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza while refusing them all the right to self determination is at the heart of the problem. And it cannot continue indefinitely. The Palestinian population is growing and the problem of absorbing them as equal citizens or reaching a just peace agreement with them to live separately is growing too.

Israeli chutzpah and denial is quite amazing, but something has to give in the end, and I don’t think it is going to be Palestinians volunteering themselves to disappear into a 3rd wave of ethnic cleansing.

I agree that after all these years of bitterness Israel has serious security concerns, but why not sit down and thrash those problems out instead of a holding pattern of more wars, civilian casualties and lousy PR.

Why doesn’t Israel face up to reality that it can’t carry on in this cavalier fashion running roughshod over human rights forever while the whole world is watching. There will be consequences and maybe not to Israel’s advantage.

Who would Israel sit down to talk peace with. Hamas, or Fatah, the PLO?

Hamas police beat, arrest protesters at Gaza rally Over 400 demonstrators in Shejaiya urge reconstruction of Strip, call for end to intra-Palestinian division

Police in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip beat and arrested protesters on Wednesday at a youth rally in the north of the Palestinian enclave, an AFP correspondent said.

More than 400 demonstrators gathered in Shejaiya, a neighborhood in eastern Gaza City that was razed during a July-August war between the Hamas terrorist group and Israel, urging reconstruction and calling for an end to intra-Palestinian division.

Plainclothes police officers entered the crowd, beating a number of protesters without causing serious injury, the AFP correspondent said.

They then arrested at least seven people, according to witnesses.


It seems Hamas don't like peace demo's even when it is about their own unity! That is the problem is it not? There is no one to talk to because there is not one person who can speak for all the factions. Even Abbas keeps the refugee camps in the west bank as they are. He is not interested in their welfare, only his political status.

This always seems to be a one sided affair Israel is expected to do, when there is no one to do it with. It takes two to tango, the only tango the arabs are interested in is that of violence.

Peace plans have been on the table for negotiations for years...been very close to it already under Ehud Barak and Olmert, until darker anti peace forces intervened. When others see the benefits of peace and prosperity in the West Bank others' hearts and minds will follow too...Gazans and Israelis included.

Talk to the PA, then Syria, Lebanon and Hamas when circumstances dictate, just as Israel did piecemeal with Egypt and Jordan. Doesnt have to be all or nothing, sit on hands, all in the too hard basket. What on earth are we paying our politicians for? If you cant deliver, move aside for someone who can.

The OP atrocity should not be allowed to happen in the 21st century in a European style democracy.

Just saying it cant go on forever like this, so lets think towards the future and a just solution rather than getting stuck in the past.

The arabs want all or nothing. I don't think either Hamas, PLO Syria Lebanon are ready to talk with Israel. As you say yourself there were peace efforts. Arafat and now Abbas were/are both not willing to agree to peace. They had their chance they did not take it.

As I said it takes two to talk so where are the arabs that want to talk peace?

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Shelling a UN shelter is a war crime.

Palestinians should claim war reparations.

So is using a UN shelter to store weapons and ammunition and use it as a firing point.

Perhaps the Israeli's should sue the @ss off the UN.

Or better still. Why don't all the mouthpieces stop with the tit for tat blame game and get the whole thing resolved in a manner that is beneficial to everyone ?

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ggold (thread full)

The arabs want all or nothing.
Simply not true. They want all of the land occupied in 1967 (with land swaps ...so Israel gets to keep its large settlements close to the border plus all lands occupied in 48...quite a concession from Palestinians I reckon).
The PA was talking to Netanyahu and Kerry just last year. Then Netanyahu announced more settlements and the OP Gaza War started. What's wrong with trying again...and again...and again. Better than war.

So it had nothing to do with Abbas forming a unity government with a terrorist group Hamas? A group which still calls for the destruction of Israel. A unity government which is far from united.

Don't you think the Arabs hold some of the blame for any lack of peace?

Now you go on about settlements, the reality though I know you won't accept it is, there is only expansion of settlements already in existence, there are no new new settlement building going on at the moment.

Or I could provide this link, again I hope you accept the source as being a non bias source?


The EU is acting illegally by funding unauthorised Palestinian building in areas placed under Israeli control by international law, say an NGO, international lawyers and MEPs.

More than 400 EU-funded Palestinian homes have been erected in Area C of the West Bank, which was placed under Israeli jurisdiction during the Oslo Accords – a part of international law to which the EU is a signatory.

The Palestinian buildings, which have no permits, come at a cost of tens of millions of Euros in public money, a proportion of which comes from the British taxpayer.

This has raised concerns that the EU is using valuable resources to take sides in a foreign territorial dispute.

Please also note the legal status of the land, It is Israeli is it not!

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Shelling a UN shelter is a war crime.

Palestinians should claim war reparations.

So is using a UN shelter to store weapons and ammunition and use it as a firing point.

Perhaps the Israeli's should sue the @ss off the UN.

Or better still. Why don't all the mouthpieces stop with the tit for tat blame game and get the whole thing resolved in a manner that is beneficial to everyone ?

The Israeli illegal designation 'sui generis' literally places (off topic : the West Bank and) Gaza and their populations into a state of exception, outside the reach of the international humanitarian law.

In fact, there is little or no chance that there will be peace in those occupied territories.

Most Israeli war propaganda is based so that the Palestinians can't claim preemptive self-defense.

OP is a clear example that Israeli collective punishment is a war crime...

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The Hamas charter is an old red herring often repeated by Israeli apologists in order to avoid discussing peace.

This is a LIE. Do you ever post ANYTHING honest at all? You constantly post false information and keep repeating it after it has been debunked.

Hamas' charter calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and its replacement with a Palestinian Islamic state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean See. Hamas intentions of destruction of the State of Israel can easily be found in its own publications and videos. Hamas has NEVER agreed to a two-state solution - under ANY circumstances and No Hamas representative has ever renounced the charter. Hamas leaders not only reiterate the charter's precepts calling for an Islamic caliphate in all of Israel, but view it as the first step to worldwide Islamic rule.


Hamas' targeting of Jewish civilians is part and parcel of its mission — as set out in its governing Covenant or Charter — to "fight the Jews and kill them" and to replace Israel with an Islamic state. According to the Charter, any type of peace negotiation and diplomatic end to the conflict "stand in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement."

The Zionist agenda of relentless settlement expansion undermines any prospect for peace in the region.

Zionists and their supporters frequently declare that "Israel has a right to defend itself." Seldom does anyone ask if Palestinians have that same right, or even the right to enjoy freedom of movement in their own homeland.

Blockaded in Gaza and confined to West Bank bantustans surrounded by a network of roads reserved only for Israelis.

Apartheid South Africa - in spite of its military power - couldn't sustain such inhuman practices, and neither will Israel be able to do so. It will become an international pariah.

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Your crystal ball is is set on wishful thinking. The boycott movement has failed dismally. Israel keeps on improving its economy and is way ahead of other countries with innovative technology that the rest of the world badly needs. The Jewish state ain't going nowhere. clap2.gif

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Your crystal ball is is set on wishful thinking. The boycott movement has failed dismally. Israel keeps on improving its economy and is way ahead of other countries with innovative technology that the rest of the world badly needs. The Jewish state ain't going nowhere. clap2.gif

If their economy is so good then they should not accept money from the US for arms. Let them pay for things themselves.

The Jewish State will definitely be going somewhere whether they like it or not. They will have no choice because of their beligerence in continuing to do the same thing over and over and thinking it may be better.

If they dont change their way of dealing with the situation they will be the author of their own demise, and after all the warning signs, will deserve everything that goes against them.

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Anyone who goes on about "Zionists" or "apartheid", in conjunction with Israel, sounds like the lunatic fringe to average people. wacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsIER15eQL

The Israel Zionists are the lunatics. The majority of the world already knows this. ?

Yeah. the Jewish people wanting political self determination realized in being the majority in a nation state in their ancestral homeland after thousands of years of persecution in the larger world, totally MESHUGA! rolleyes.gif


Edited by Jingthing
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Anyone who goes on about "Zionists", Hasbara or "apartheid", in conjunction with Israel, sounds like the lunatic fringe to average people. wacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsIER15eQL

Didn't you just brought yourself these 3 words in conjunction with Israel ?

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Your crystal ball is is set on wishful thinking. The boycott movement has failed dismally. Israel keeps on improving its economy and is way ahead of other countries with innovative technology that the rest of the world badly needs. The Jewish state ain't going nowhere. clap2.gif

If their economy is so good then they should not accept money from the US for arms. Let them pay for things themselves.

I'm pretty sure that they could care less about your personal opinion on anything. They are doing fine without out advice from people who are full of hate for Israel.

Even China takes charity from the USA. Why not supply our closest ally in the Middle East with arms?

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Anyone who goes on about "Zionists" or "apartheid", in conjunction with Israel, sounds like the lunatic fringe to average people. wacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsIER15eQL

The Israel Zionists are the lunatics. The majority of the world already knows this. ?

Yeah. the Jewish people wanting political self determination realized in being the majority in a nation state in their ancestral homeland after thousands of years of persecution in the larger world, totally MISHUGA! rolleyes.gif

Yep, no matter which way you spin it Israel will have to change its ways or it will be forced to. The writing is on the wall, bit by bit, they are digging their own grave.

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Your crystal ball is is set on wishful thinking. The boycott movement has failed dismally. Israel keeps on improving its economy and is way ahead of other countries with innovative technology that the rest of the world badly needs. The Jewish state ain't going nowhere. clap2.gif

If their economy is so good then they should not accept money from the US for arms. Let them pay for things themselves.

I'm pretty sure that they could care less about your personal opinion on anything. They are doing fine without out advice from people who are full of hate for Israel.

Even China takes charity from the USA. Why not supply our closest ally in the Middle East with arms?

If you think it is only my personal opinion you are more delusional. Not surprising though.

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Yep, no matter which way you spin it Israel will have to change its ways or it will be forced to.

Don't count on it. That is what the Palestinians have been saying for almost 70 years, but they are the ones with no country and without a pot to piss in. whistling.gif

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Yeah. the Jewish people wanting political self determination realized in being the majority in a nation state in their ancestral homeland after thousands of years of persecution in the larger world, totally

That part I bold'ed in your post might be something Israel might want to reflect on as to the reasoning behind it. I in no way claim to know the historical truth (nor can anyone here today)but....

If their ancestors were anything like the current incarnation I would not expect changes anytime soon.

I will also say as to not yet again be labeled anti-whatever that I would say the same for the USA's lady liberty who has in recent decades taken to prostituting herself to the highest bidders

Edited by Scott
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Your crystal ball is is set on wishful thinking. The boycott movement has failed dismally. Israel keeps on improving its economy and is way ahead of other countries with innovative technology that the rest of the world badly needs. The Jewish state ain't going nowhere. clap2.gif

If their economy is so good then they should not accept money from the US for arms. Let them pay for things themselves.

The Jewish State will definitely be going somewhere whether they like it or not. They will have no choice because of their beligerence in continuing to do the same thing over and over and thinking it may be better.

If they dont change their way of dealing with the situation they will be the author of their own demise, and after all the warning signs, will deserve everything that goes against them.

actually from what I have seen Israel takes American arms and makes them 10 time better, Which America benefits from as well. whistling.gif

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Yeah. the Jewish people wanting political self determination realized in being the majority in a nation state in their ancestral homeland after thousands of years of persecution in the larger world, totally

That part I bold'ed in your post might be something Israel might want to reflect on

as to the reasoning behind it.

Yeah, yeah, the Jews brought it all on themselves. We get it. Too bad more of your ilk are not so direct. All the fake crocodile tears for the Palestinians gets boring.

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Yeah. the Jewish people wanting political self determination realized in being the majority in a nation state in their ancestral homeland after thousands of years of persecution in the larger world, totally

That part I bold'ed in your post might be something Israel might want to reflect on

as to the reasoning behind it. I in no way claim to know the historical truth

(nor can anyone here today)but....

If their ancestors were anything like the current incarnation I would not expect

changes anytime soon.

I will also say as to not yet again be labeled anti-whatever that I would say the same for the

USA's lady liberty who has in recent decades taken to prostituting herself to the highest bidders

Typical Jew hating rhetoric we've heard so many times on this forum. I got what you just did though you tried to do it gingerly. Shame on you.

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