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Troops, police raid Peace TV to disrupt Chavalit's interview


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typical red shirt thinking, we can do as we please and no one can stop us.

And you don't think the same applies to the junta ... Only difference is that they currently have the power to force their views on everyone

And that's exactly what military governments do!

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No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

And what need would there be anyway? The American media is so awash in globalist corporate spin and propaganda and along with the education system so successful at socially engineering most people to ridicule anything else as conspiracy theory or liberal hot air, that it renders a police seizure of broadcasting station totally unnecessary. You can even have alternative media, they are powerless to have much impact in the long run, lost in the din of Hollywood movies, Fox News hollering at the top of their lungs etc.

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

What law? The gun point order to shut up media is not a "law".

And wasn't it Prayut himself who just recently claimed he never intimidated the media?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist
Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

so you believe TV channels in the west can broadcast anything they like unhindered, are you serious

there is nothing remotely close to the red terrorist propaganda channel so called "peace tv" in west - such channels would never get a licence in the first place, it would be like the IRA UVF ISIS trying to have their own TV in the UK - a completely ridiculous thought

What was it about the interview that was so bad?

Excellent question.

Why don't the peace TV people give some details to support there claim that they are not doing anything wrong?????

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And now that a raid has been done on PeaceTv, okay, what we need to see now is a raid on the Nation newspaper.

IMHO none of the Thai newspapers or tv news outlets have all that credibility plus most of their reporters / journalists have even less credibility. Given that none of the mainstream papers / tv stations, to my knowledge, have broadcast hate speeches and discussions / comments encouraging people to burn the city down etc.

Please share something specific as to why you believe the Nation should be raided.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

Exactly , similar to The French Resistance and the Russian Partisans. They were so arrogant they wouldn't let the Germans do what they wanted without "Interfering". But the Germans followed the law and shot them all

You need to take the "ex" out from the beginning of your name.

Comparing Thailand now to wartime Europe 70 years ago is pitiful at best.

PeaceTV (or as it's know locally, "The Thaksin Channel") is constantly encouraging armed, violent unrest against the "Bangkok Elite", cos they care about "the people" so much and want everyone to be "equal" (just so long as their red leaders are more equal than everyone else).

Yes, sure, deny anything intelligent to say here and act like the ongoing repression is acceptable. The opposition to the Bangkok Elite is there because they want them off their back, to be able to defend themselves and a return of basic human rights. Which any one with a lick of common sense would fight for.

You and your ilk's deluded thinking never ends and never ceases to amaze. Lay on your backs and smirk in the warm glow of the military's oppression.

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Depending on what you read, Chavalit is still respected among his (uniformed) peers regardless of these alleged and very tenuous links to these 'men in black'. The reuters item referenced earlier goes on to list a whole minivan full of disenfranchised and distrustful former military men but let's just go for the obvious one. I mean the fact that that he founded the Rangers and they wear black so I guess it MUST have been his guys, right? BTW, I wear black shirts to work. In fact, they are called tactical shirts so therefore by the same flawed reasoning, I must be a Thaksin supporter, right?

I think the Rangers he set up were the Thahan Phran that were initially supposed to ruthlessly track down the CPT guerillas in NE Thailand in the '80's. Chavalit quickly realised that giving them outlaw status wouldn't solve the issue and drafted the non-confrontational method of alienating them within their community and offering them amnesty if they gave up their fight. It worked; one of SE Asia's singular successes against home-grown insurgency AND the communist stroll through the region. All this while under the watchful eye of Prem Tinsulanonda as well. Yes! Chavalit is a bad one!

Anyway, what would the army and police planning to do if he had been there, talking live to the bits of the nation that may want to listen? Rounding up the Thaksin herd, their sycophants and the intellectuals that support them is like shooting fish in a barrel. Arresting an 82 year-old former statesman who did a great deal to help end the communist threat in the region after the US had been invited to leave the building seems to be a step that hadn't really been thought through to its conclusion.

That's a double face-palm moment if ever there was one.

Edited by NanLaew
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No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

Don't compare the 'freedoms' in the United States to what's happening here.

When was the last time you had bombs exploding and armed rebels(oh sorry, peaceful protestors. Hah!) trying to overthrow the government? This with the aid of 'neutral' 'Peace' TV stations egging on the crowd? Or idiots going on stage calling for the burning of Bangkok and cheering when bombs blow up kids?

Things have been pretty peaceful since the Army took over. That's good enough for most people.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety".

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Why not asks the forum members who are complaining about the channel to tell us what was so bad about the interview?

Maybe many of them don't speak or write Thai and the bandwagon isn't quite full yet? :D

Besides one sources says it was a live interview and the other sources say it was a recording!!

Who cares what was said? If the Reds really wanted to rise up, they could !! Did you know that there's 7% that are terrorists in Thailand? That's a staggering 5 million people, that would make then the largest terrorist organisation in the world, move over ISIS you just been "Thainessed" !!!!!

5 million terrorists would have the RTA on the ropes in hours and there would be more uniforms discarded than an army surplus store at the side of the roads as the desertion rate would go through the roof!!

Edited by Fat Haggis
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

Exactly , similar to The French Resistance and the Russian Partisans. They were so arrogant they wouldn't let the Germans do what they wanted without "Interfering". But the Germans followed the law and shot them all

You need to take the "ex" out from the beginning of your name.

Comparing Thailand now to wartime Europe 70 years ago is pitiful at best.

PeaceTV (or as it's know locally, "The Thaksin Channel") is constantly encouraging armed, violent unrest against the "Bangkok Elite", cos they care about "the people" so much and want everyone to be "equal" (just so long as their red leaders are more equal than everyone else).

Just so that I get this right, you think that any country whose government does not please the elite should just shut-up when that government is shut down, democracy suspected and rights curtailed? Have you any idea what would happen in a country like the USA if the military tried to take over and impose a dictatorship? What is truly surprising is the level of non-violence in Thailand given that the majority have been disenfranchised.

I am not a Red Shirt or a Yellow Shirt - I also find much that is reprehensible about Democrats and Republican in the USA. But that gives neither me nor anyone else the right to overthrow the whole democratic process.

Thailand is becoming more and more like the way Myanmar was. No one can criticise anyone in the Junta or in the [ ] (Thai law forbid that I mention the last item). Of course you can point to the fact that corruption has been reduced (or been moved on or delayed) - but under the Nazis, corruption that had been rampant under the Social Democrats disappeared (although the Nazi party elite were extremely corrupt, helping themselves to state assets, not paying tax etc). Is that what you really want?

If you think, as an expat living reasonably comfortably in Thailand, that it is OK to live under a regime that is not prepared to listen to the wishes of the majority, you cannot complain if they bring in special laws against foreigners like you - a special tax here, higher charges there. How about they decide to rescind all residency rights for foreigners? Who will you complain to then? Where will your voice be heard?

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The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

Law ? Which law ? You mean the ILLEGAL men in uniform who took power illegaly violating the Constitution, have killed and tortured hundreds of innocents, enslaved children and are stealing all the money leaving Thais is misery and desperation ?

I guess you were cheering when dozens of children were killed and their corpses mutilated few years ago by your friends and heroes.

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No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

But they raided the Guardian in UK....


Wasn't that for persistent inability to spell?

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typical red shirt thinking, we can do as we please and no one can stop us.

And you don't think the same applies to the junta ... Only difference is that they currently have the power to force their views on everyone

The difference is - The government is trying to improve people's lives and these agitators are trying to (indirectly) destroy them!!

Somebody didn't do their homework.

Try reading up on Thai history....and not the stuff they "let you read".

I think I'm pretty well up on what Prayut has done and achieved (why do I need a history lesson for that)? I gave up doing homework nearly 40 years ago BTW.

It is also vivid in my mind about the red shirts maiming and killing children and then celebrating this fact with raucous cheers!! How could you forget something as obscene and disgusting as that kind of behaviour?

I was allowed to read all that went on then and I am fully up to speed with what is going on now - I know which kind of existence I prefer (if you were to offer me a 'then' or 'now' choice)!!

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Lucky, Thai history didn't start in 2010 and that's not ten past eight at night either.

Try going all the way back to the 1930's and that's not half past Severn either, you might think you're too old to do homework but if you claim to know what's going on, then you needed to have gone back to before World War 2.

Why do you think there has been 19 coups since then?

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Time to eradicate these red vermin, scum, mercenaries and low-life terrorist animals once and for all. Bang bang. ph34r.png

People like you start wars
And when the tables are turned on them they are the first to pitiously bleat for someone to bale them out of the s**t their bigotry has landed them in. Edited by JAG
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Lucky, Thai history didn't start in 2010 and that's not ten past eight at night either.

Try going all the way back to the 1930's and that's not half past Severn either, you might think you're too old to do homework but if you claim to know what's going on, then you needed to have gone back to before World War 2.

Why do you think there has been 19 coups since then?

I fail to see where history comes into it. I am talking about nothing other than how much better it is under THIS government than it was under Yingluck's and we don't want agitators that lost out in this coup from disrupting their (the government's) valuable work. I couldn't care less about things that happened nearly a century ago - it has absolutely no relevance to today!! This coup is different - probably the best and most needed coup to have happened in world history.

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We hear so much about reconciliation but how is it to be achieved with the attitude that is so pervasive in Thai politics, ' we're in charge and can do what we like ' ? Some reds supposedly took this up as a chant after YL was elected and we saw how they tried to manipulate the parliament in their favour until the situation reached breaking point. After the coup the PM made it very clear he was running the show and laid down the dont's in no uncertain terms, he appointed his own hand picked people and has protected them.

It doesn't really matter how much the system is changed as the people who run the show won't.

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No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

Don't compare the 'freedoms' in the United States to what's happening here.

When was the last time you had bombs exploding and armed rebels(oh sorry, peaceful protestors. Hah!) trying to overthrow the government? This with the aid of 'neutral' 'Peace' TV stations egging on the crowd? Or idiots going on stage calling for the burning of Bangkok and cheering when bombs blow up kids?

Things have been pretty peaceful since the Army took over. That's good enough for most people.

When was the last time you had bombs exploding in areas excluding the South and Bangkok during political protests?

Bombs exploding? A hand grenade or an M79 wouldn't be classed as bombs either, so when is the last time bomb(IEDs) like Syria and Iraq see day in and day out have exploded all over the country?

Things have been pretty peaceful ......unless you lived in the South.

Things have been pretty peaceful for many places all over Thailand even during the 2014 protests.

Sensationalism much? ?

I'm sorry we're not all ex or claim to be ex military 'experts' who know the difference between a 'bomb', an 'IED' or a grenade. All I know is stuff blew up prior to the Army taking over and people died. Anyone blown up and die since they took over? To make it clear, I meant anywhere else but the South. Since when has it been peaceful there whoever is in charge?

It's not sensationalism, unless the violence that took place before the coup was nothing to you? I mean I can understand that sort of skirmish would be nothing if you served in Iraq or Afghanistan. But most of us here lead a relatively peaceful and sheltered life.

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In Germany every denying of the holocaust is punished.

Now the denying of the red shirts part of violence instigated by Jatuporn , Nattawut and others is banned.

Freedom of speaking, for every criminel?

Yes, some posters fight for this freedom, I agree, it's only ignorance.

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BANGKOK: -- The Broadcasting Board decided on Monday to revoke the operating license of Peace TV allegedly for repeated violations of the announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).

Colonel Nathee Sakulrat, chairman of the Broadcasting Board, said that the commission had warned Peace TV which was owned by Peace Television Company on several occasions since last October that the contents of some programmes were deemed to be provocative, inciting disobedience and causing public misunderstanding.

On March 23, the commission decided to serve the television a written warning to Peace TV to comply with the law and to follow the agreement. Yet, the television continued to defy the agreement prompting the commission to suspend its operating license effective as of April 10 until April 17, said Colonel Nathee.

Peace TV resumed operations on April 18 but, again, it broadcasted contents found to be violating the agreement in a way which were deemed provocative and inciting public disobedience.

Reacting to the order revoking Peace TVs licence, Mr Natthawut Saikua, co-leader of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, said he suspected the order came from someone above the Broadcasting Board.

The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

billd, can you give a brief transcript of what they have been saying which justifies their shutting down?

So the answers no, you have no idea. Thanks for clarifying.

Gee-- Maybe we are not allowed to say? Telling the Truth is not always popular or politically correct.

Just be Happywai2.gifwai2.gif and obedient, of course.

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Peace TV? what a hypocritical name. They only believe in peace if you agree with them. If you don't agree with them, they will blow up your children with RPG's then celebrate their evil deed.

Just wait until Allseeingeye finds out not all the staff on Virgin Airways are virgins...

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No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

Don't compare the 'freedoms' in the United States to what's happening here.

When was the last time you had bombs exploding and armed rebels(oh sorry, peaceful protestors. Hah!) trying to overthrow the government? This with the aid of 'neutral' 'Peace' TV stations egging on the crowd? Or idiots going on stage calling for the burning of Bangkok and cheering when bombs blow up kids?

Things have been pretty peaceful since the Army took over. That's good enough for most people.

When was the last time you had bombs exploding in areas excluding the South and Bangkok during political protests?

Bombs exploding? A hand grenade or an M79 wouldn't be classed as bombs either, so when is the last time bomb(IEDs) like Syria and Iraq see day in and day out have exploded all over the country?

Things have been pretty peaceful ......unless you lived in the South.

Things have been pretty peaceful for many places all over Thailand even during the 2014 protests.

Sensationalism much? ?

Pedantic much? :blink:

If you are blown apart by an M-79 Grenade Launcher, does it really matter if it meets your classification of what constitutes a "bomb"?

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No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

Don't compare the 'freedoms' in the United States to what's happening here.

When was the last time you had bombs exploding and armed rebels(oh sorry, peaceful protestors. Hah!) trying to overthrow the government? This with the aid of 'neutral' 'Peace' TV stations egging on the crowd? Or idiots going on stage calling for the burning of Bangkok and cheering when bombs blow up kids?

Things have been pretty peaceful since the Army took over. That's good enough for most people.

When was the last time you had bombs exploding in areas excluding the South and Bangkok during political protests?

Bombs exploding? A hand grenade or an M79 wouldn't be classed as bombs either, so when is the last time bomb(IEDs) like Syria and Iraq see day in and day out have exploded all over the country?

Things have been pretty peaceful ......unless you lived in the South.

Things have been pretty peaceful for many places all over Thailand even during the 2014 protests.

Sensationalism much? ?

I'm sorry we're not all ex or claim to be ex military 'experts' who know the difference between a 'bomb', an 'IED' or a grenade. All I know is stuff blew up prior to the Army taking over and people died. Anyone blown up and die since they took over? To make it clear, I meant anywhere else but the South. Since when has it been peaceful there whoever is in charge?

It's not sensationalism, unless the violence that took place before the coup was nothing to you? I mean I can understand that sort of skirmish would be nothing if you served in Iraq or Afghanistan. But most of us here lead a relatively peaceful and sheltered life.

SHELTERED LIFE? That is a Big Problem-- especially in America! Sure, it is a problem here--especially with a muzzle on everyone. Since the Media is Very controlled in America, if one is to tell the Truth-- it will not even

get published in the Mass Media. There are NO Mass Media Companies in America that can "Go against the Grain". Since there is little to be known about the supposed violations of this Peace TV-- and certainly no open discussion is possible-- The Thai people must solve the problem-- We can't.

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The difference is - The government is trying to improve people's lives and these agitators are trying to (indirectly) destroy them!!

Somebody didn't do their homework.

Try reading up on Thai history....and not the stuff they "let you read".

I think I'm pretty well up on what Prayut has done and achieved (why do I need a history lesson for that)? I gave up doing homework nearly 40 years ago BTW.

It is also vivid in my mind about the red shirts maiming and killing children and then celebrating this fact with raucous cheers!! How could you forget something as obscene and disgusting as that kind of behaviour?

I was allowed to read all that went on then and I am fully up to speed with what is going on now - I know which kind of existence I prefer (if you were to offer me a 'then' or 'now' choice)!!

So you have only read the stuff they allow you to read.

I can tell by your postings you have no interest in history or the stuff that they block.

Your happy just reading fairy tales.

Sad, because they banned material is so interesting.

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