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Thailand Breaks Aviation Agreement with Japan

Jacob Maslow

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Loss of face will be inflicted event after event on this rule -

They trade on lies

So the international community will bit by bit exposé each and every one of them.

Thailand under this rule cannot perform its obligations

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Even if they lose face, they will always believe that Karma will save face bail them out cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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It seems that these Thai quasi-governmental organizations have an ossified culture frozen in time from the 1970s, resistant to change, and staffed by bureaucrats who have jobs for life.

They need an injection of proactive professionals who can keep up with the times, with independent directors who ask the right questions.

..............and the chance of those ground-breaking events happening in our lifetime lies somewhere between "not a" and "sod all".................

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It seems that these Thai quasi-governmental organizations have an ossified culture frozen in time from the 1970s, resistant to change, and staffed by bureaucrats who have jobs for life.

They need an injection of proactive professionals who can keep up with the times, with independent directors who ask the right questions.

It seems you are not familuar with the Thai education system. Thai children are taught not to question. In fact, if a Thai school child has the audacity to question a teacher, there are sometimes dire consequences. The only way that a director will be comfortable asking questions is if (s)he has spent time studying outside of Thailand and has learned that it is OK to ask questions and enguage in critical thinking. I don't think that Thailand has produced too many people who are comfortable with being proactive. I don't know, but I would guess that being proactive is against "Thainess". coffee1.gif To put it another way, "proactive" and "ask the right questions" is not a sheeple trait. whistling.gif

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I'm waiting for the "PM" to invoke 44 on this issue too ... then they can go back to Japan and say the problem's solved, same as with the fishery industry.

The PM was quoted as saying he would use art 44 to solve this, hasn't been solved yet.

So art 44 is ineffective or is it only to help put political enemies in the dungeon hanging by their thumbs.

Assuming that the PM has told the department that under article 44 they WILL do it, he expects the decision to be carried out.

Do you think that he should do the job and all the other jobs by himself, or should he, having issued his demand, let the people whose job it actually is get on with it?

How long ago did he issue his demand? 1 week,2, 3 or more.

Nowhere in the world is anything done instantly, especially something like this. Everything takes a finite amount of time.

Edited by billd766
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The headline is grossly misleading.

It was written, and translated to English, buy a Thai, so what do you expect? cheesy.gif

Not sure I see the issue. What am I missing? How exactly is the headline misleading?

Japan feels that Thailand isn't living up to its commitments. In particular, Thailand agreed to provide regular updates.

The issue is that Thailand needs time to fully comply, however no one wants a disaster. Due to the safety issues involved, Japan insisted on receiving regular updates on progress being made.

Japan is now alleging that Thailand is not living up to its commitment and has broken its commitment.

Try this then.

"Thailand Breaks Aviation Agreement with Japan"


"Japan is now alleging that Thailand is not living up to its commitment and has broken its commitment."

Both the headline and the rejoinder are from your pen. The emphasis is mine. These two statements do not say the same thing, not even close.

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Hey, Thailand, guess what? You're not the Ace #1 World Leader in Everything the way you think, and now other countries are putting you front and center for you ignorance and arrogance. You know, your "Thainess". Other countries are getting tired of your crap, and your attitude, and now are throwing it back in your face. You need to wake up and realize that you are just one tiny country in a great big world, and that you're not as smart, or as slick, as you think you are.

You can scramble to come up with excuses, and blame others all you want, but that only works in Thailand. Other countries aren't buying it any more. The feces is in the fan blades, and it's coming straight back at you.

I don't know if Thailand thinks it's that great, maybe it does when viewed locally, but Thailand does not want to become a global leader on any scale, it seems to be satisfied with where it is now.

Anyway, it seems that Thailand doesn't care about the inconsistency and lack of reciprocity about some things: Chinese cars and even Vietnamese motorcycles can enter Thailand but Thai ones can't enter those countries. It's easier for Chinese, Americans, Canadians, Europeans to enter Thailand since they either don't need a visa or visas are very easy to obtain than the other way around. But oh of course, all those things bring money INTO Thailand, whereas Thais going abroad, who cares?

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"reminding Thailand that it needs to keep its promise"

I don't think I've ever seen the word "Thailand" and the phrase "keep its promise" in the same sentence.

How about :

¨Thailand didn´t keep it´s promise¨ ??


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Nobody is going to send reports because he/she would have to name themselves at the bottom.

That sets up a huge loss of face possibility. So, nothing happens.

In this case though, sometime soon the excrement will hit the fan, big time!

Maybe when a plane falls out of the sky - I hope not.

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Nobody is going to send reports because he/she would have to name themselves at the bottom.

That sets up a huge loss of face possibility. So, nothing happens.

In this case though, sometime soon the excrement will hit the fan, big time!

Maybe when a plane falls out of the sky - I hope not.

Even then I suspect the first task would be to paint over the Thai logo.

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The headline is grossly misleading.

It was written, and translated to English, buy a Thai, so what do you expect? cheesy.gif

Not sure I see the issue. What am I missing? How exactly is the headline misleading?

Japan feels that Thailand isn't living up to its commitments. In particular, Thailand agreed to provide regular updates.

The issue is that Thailand needs time to fully comply, however no one wants a disaster. Due to the safety issues involved, Japan insisted on receiving regular updates on progress being made.

Japan is now alleging that Thailand is not living up to its commitment and has broken its commitment.

Try this then.

"Thailand Breaks Aviation Agreement with Japan"


"Japan is now alleging that Thailand is not living up to its commitment and has broken its commitment."

Both the headline and the rejoinder are from your pen. The emphasis is mine. These two statements do not say the same thing, not even close.

Wow, what has become of TVF


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Pleased to get this update I thought it was another story that simply dropped off the radar never to be heard of again.

So the Thais are doing nothing about this and art 44 hasn't fixed it either.

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