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Drunk drivers should be jailed. Or fined with a painful high penalty and if can't paid then jail.

As a teenager, yes I was once, I remember being out late at a party. I had driven there on my motorcycle, but knew there was no way I could drive home. I rang my father ( no cell phones then) and asked him to get me home. Simple reply, "Walk!"

It was ten miles and I did.


Slavery in fishing industry exposed - Crackdown on fishing industry.

Mass grave of suspected Rohingya illegal migrants - Order an investigation.

Complaint about taxi cab drivers at Siam Paragon - Order investigation on these offending taxis.

Drunk driver kills cyclist - Crackdown on drunk driving.

Seems like a lot of knee jerk action happening all around.


Drunk drivers should be jailed. Or fined with a painful high penalty and if can't paid then jail.

As a teenager, yes I was once, I remember being out late at a party. I had driven there on my motorcycle, but knew there was no way I could drive home. I rang my father ( no cell phones then) and asked him to get me home. Simple reply, "Walk!"

It was ten miles and I did.

You would probably not have made it home in Thailand...

Hit and flee drunk driver...


The Gaffer is forgetting that the majority of police don't work at night when most drink/driving is taking place. During daytime many coppers drink themselves, as i have witnessed on many occasions in village eating holes and bars...it's called lunchtime. I've even seen them turn up at funeral's where the hooch and the playing cards come out.

When 'society' rubs shoulders with cops who are perpetual lawbreakers it is small wonder that everyone can do what the hell they like and not be held accountable.


How can drunk driving be removed from Thai habits?

I have seen far too many driving intoxicated. It is somewhat normal here.

Same goes for no helmets, over occupied bikes, non road worthy vehicles,wrong turns, not using indicators, reckless speeding, not keeping safe distances and much more. Fact is traffic police does a lousy job, fines are too low and drivers do not remember what the law is....

Crack down on all of it. Suggest to start with educating the police and Crack down on those not doing their jobs.


The question isn't how belated the directive is, or how many needless deaths have occurred before.

The question is... will the g.d. Thai police actually do anything on a sustained basis in response to the PM's directive.

Sure they will - set up more traffic checkpoints - then take 10,000B from drunk drivers to let them freely drive on.....


I was at a stop light last night with a cop on a scooter right next to me. Across from us was an exit from a temple who was holding a fair. I'd hate to count how many scooters came out going the wrong way down the road (Sukhumvit), driving down the sidewalk, riding without helmets, etc. The cop did nothing

This is abysmal behaviour by motorcycle riders constantly driving on the wrong side of the road occupying the shoulder on highway roads. I think it's getting worse. They do not follow any rules and the police does nothing about it.

Knee jerk ? closing the gate after the horse has bolted ? too little, too late ? a day late, a dollar short? that ship has sailed ? a bit late in the day ? better late than never ? late bloomer ? a bit late in the day ?

Just pick one and apply it to this BS order. Ordinary people killed daily but if any of his compatriots are in the car then it's of vital importance. bah.gif

All these (knee-jerk?) criticisms were equally applicable 35 odd years ago when many western countries finally decided to get serious about drink-driving. Given the benefit of hindsight, do you think they would have been appropriate then?


The accident in Chiang Mai was a tragic loss of life, RIP all those concerned.

It will take a real change in peoples attitudes before drunk driving can be controlled. It's not enough for it to be a crime, it needs to be socially unacceptable before the numbers of drunk drivers will reduce.


Knee jerk ? closing the gate after the horse has bolted ? too little, too late ? a day late, a dollar short? that ship has sailed ? a bit late in the day ? better late than never ? late bloomer ? a bit late in the day ?

Just pick one and apply it to this BS order. Ordinary people killed daily but if any of his compatriots are in the car then it's of vital importance. bah.gif

All these (knee-jerk?) criticisms were equally applicable 35 odd years ago when many western countries finally decided to get serious about drink-driving. Given the benefit of hindsight, do you think they would have been appropriate then?

We are talking about Thailand now not other countries 35 years ago and when they decided to get tough, tough it was and still is.

How long does LoS get serious about anything, oh the thoughts passed so move onto the next crackdown, purge, strict enforcement etc.


How can drunk driving be removed from Thai habits?

I have seen far too many driving intoxicated. It is somewhat normal here.

Same goes for no helmets, over occupied bikes, non road worthy vehicles,wrong turns, not using indicators, reckless speeding, not keeping safe distances and much more. Fact is traffic police does a lousy job, fines are too low and drivers do not remember what the law is....

Crack down on all of it. Suggest to start with educating the police and Crack down on those not doing their jobs.

Invest in an arena, like the days of old.

I believe that illegally built circuit at Khao Yai can now be put to good use...


By tomorrow afternoon it'll all be forgotten and you'll see police officers sitting together having a beer while still in uniform and armed and then, if they don't shoot each other, get on their scooters and drive home.

As usual this crackdown will last a few hours and all be forgotten.


The programs implemented in North America over the last 20 years have significantly reduced road deaths. I hope they can manage to put a dent (pun intended) into the amount of road casualties here as well.


There's one thing the police doing the job they are paid for, in arresting drunk drivers and taking them to the station, and quite another when their case comes to court.

Sentences are generally abysmal even when they get to court. My brother in law was stopped at 2am very drunk, driving from Bangkok to Isaan. Police wanted 15,000baht to let him continue. This was negotiated down to 7,000baht, and since there was no money left, the "kind" copper gave him back 1,000baht! He (my bil) should have been locked up for a minimum of 2 years in my book! And a policeman taking money should also be locked up for double the time!

There should be specific sentences for drunk driving, enforced in every court of the land, and they shoud NOT be fines.


so sad that the cyclists died.

No country can completely eliminate drunk drivers or drink-drive-drivers or DUI, but this country has far more serious problems than these drunk drivers or drivers under the influence.

For example:

Kids riding on scooters... a family riding on scooter with no helmets.... more than 2 on a scooter... scooters going down a one way road... scooters riding on sidewalk (a.k.a foot paths).

...drum roll please.... LIFETIME drivers licenses. If you knew that airplane pilots had lifetime licenses, would you get on a plane?


The Bih Kahyna is ordering local administrators to build bike lanes - b......it what about walking pavements that you wont break your neck on and not have

bikes, stalls, rubbish , electic poles in the middle etc etc before we worry about bike lanes?????


This subject has been put on T.V so many times it really is tedious don't do it myself but who cares get a life people move if you don't like it and look for my other post on this subject for answers to the usual responses


Oh please, Why is TV giving this guy any press at all .. He just issues these meaningless statements and that's it, maybe a few cycle lanes for the cameras.

The answer is - nothing will happen - to every one of these directives. So why give it coverage.

The clown can't even look directly into the camera on a Friday night to address the people.


Hello sir, stop blabbering about these crackdowns and actually see to it that something IS done in a sustained manner.

Speaking of which, I remember there was one case where a rich brat drove his Ferrari over a copper and all... wonder what happened to THAT. Any crackdowns, I wonder... whistling.gif


Others expressed concern that highways might not be safe for cyclists t ride anymore.

Highways not only safe for cyclists anymore, what do you think about the uturns, when I see all the uturns on the petchkasem road from Chaam to Huahin, everytime you have to use it it is like a suicide attempt.

And that used much more than drunk driving.

@0 years ago I can accept, but now it is one of the most dangerous obstacles on the high way!


Nothing will happen!

As always!

I know, it is a crazy idea, Mr P...but you have laws against drunk driving!

Read up on them and try to enforce those!

Hub of useless and ineffective crackdowns!


Aaah good to hear. We are inded needing another crackdown.

It has been so long time since the last crackdown, I was beginning to miss the dramatic "crackdown" headlines.


Knee jerk ? closing the gate after the horse has bolted ? too little, too late ? a day late, a dollar short? that ship has sailed ? a bit late in the day ? better late than never ? late bloomer ? a bit late in the day ?

Just pick one and apply it to this BS order. Ordinary people killed daily but if any of his compatriots are in the car then it's of vital importance. bah.gif

Yes! All true!

For a leader, he does not seem too bright.

As most of us here on TV know, the way to stop all this senseless murder is to ENFORCE THE LAWS 24/7/365. It does not take a rocket scientest to figure this out. rolleyes.gifcoffee1.gif


I always liked the idea of me, my wife and daughter going out on bicycles in the afternoon sunsets for a bit of fun and fresh air......but drive past the bike shops and just keep on going. Sod that for a game of soldiers these roads are horrific for everyone not just pedestrians...i will keep my 4x4 tank thank you very much and YES i'm a tea total.

R.I.P to those who thought an afternoon bike ride was a good idea.. and give that retarded bitch 80yrs in jail.

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