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Democrat slams Thai govt over falling prices of farm produce


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This is just what i had visioned. As soon as the establishment is in office the poor get hit. Question? Are we now seeing Mr Suthep at it again with the palm oil http://asiancorrespondent.com/49900/thailands-palm-oil-crisis-mr-s-strikes-again/ This is what sickens me folks. The truth is Taksin was a kind of Robin Hood, at least he hit the stock markets for his rackets, at the same time hitting the pockets of wealthy investors. These people pray on the silent poor who have no sway. Don't believe me? OK you watch this space with the palm oil. They will import until their is another huge surplus that is past its exporting premium. This will then leave no alternative but to sell it in Thailand. This will mean it will need refining in Thailand. Who owns all the palm oil refineries in Thailand? Yes you got it Suthep. This very same scam pocketed him billions of baht last time. You will need to see who is screwing the corn, however their will be some high up figures making tons of money for every commodity this country farms. Ha and to think, all i have herd for the past 2 years is how bad Yingluck was, Hmmm well in truth she overpaid the farmers at the expense of the economy. If i was a farmer i know which pot i would be pi@@ing in.

Of course, you can prove that Suthep owns ALL the palm oil refineries in Thailand, can't you?

I look forward to seeing all this detail in print in the media and especially on TVF.

On the other hand if you have no proof and all you are spouting is hot air then it is politically biased and most probably nothing like the truth.

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It's the government's fault when prices go up, and it's the government's fault when prices go down. Why doesn't somebody tell these parasites they are running a business, and if they can't do it successfully, try something else? Because here there are too many of them, and they will vote for whichever party panders to their demands.

Why do they bury farmers only 3 feet deep? So they can still stick their hand out.

If you would pay attention, you would know that in Thailand the government has exercised price controls for a very long time. If you want a free market system then get the blood sucking middlemen off the farmers backs, and give them access to a wide variety of inputs. While you are at it, get the Department of Agriculture to start education classes on best practices.

When you are done with that I have a few more things you can do. Then you will have the right to whine.

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