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Israel veterans group alleges Israeli misconduct in Gaza war


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Majority Christian states don't refer to themselves as Christian states, but unlike the Zionists they don't want to expel all the other religions from their territories.

Considering that 20% of those with Israel citizenship are Muslims, that is an amazingly stupid statement. crazy.gif

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Majority Christian states don't refer to themselves as Christian states, but unlike the Zionists they don't want to expel all the other religions from their territories.

Dude, the state of Israel was founded as the homeland of the Jewish people which globally are a tiny minority compared to Christians and Muslims and suffered persecution and genocides for thousands of years, so such a homeland was NEEDED. So Israel's immigration policies unapologetically do favor Jewish people. Even if ALL the Jews in the world moved to Israel it would only about double the number of Jews in Israel, that is how TINY the global population of Jews is. But there are minority groups in Israel as well, Muslims, Christians, and others and Arabs comprise 20 percent of the people and they are NOT being kicked out.

If you're suggesting that Christian and Muslim majority countries are always angelic towards their minorities, now or in the past, try selling that fantasy to someone on drugs or something. Nobody rational would believe that.

Edited by Jingthing
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Majority Christian states don't refer to themselves as Christian states, but unlike the Zionists they don't want to expel all the other religions from their territories.

Dude, the state of Israel was founded as the homeland of the Jewish people which globally are a tiny minority compared to Christians and Muslims and suffered persecution and genocides for thousands of years, so such a homeland was NEEDED. So Israel's immigration policies unapologetically do favor Jewish people. Even if ALL the Jews in the world moved to Israel it would only about double the number of Jews in Israel, that is how TINY the global population of Jews is. But there are minority groups in Israel as well, Muslims, Christians, and others and Arabs comprise 20 percent of the people and they are NOT being kicked out.

If you're suggesting that Christian and Muslim majority countries are always angelic towards their minorities, now or in the past, try selling that fantasy to someone on drugs or something. Nobody rational would believe that.

And that's the point...the Zionist entity is not a secular democratic state but a religiously based theocracy, on a par with the Islamic Republic or Iran. In the areas under Zionist control, the majority non-Jewish population's rights have to be curtailed to maintain its Jewish religious character. In addition, the religious cleansing and expulsion of non-Jews in territories under illegal Zionist occupation is another crime these service members are documenting and protesting about.

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the Zionist entity is not a secular democratic state

The "Zionist Entity". Is that kind of like "ZOG"? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ZOG It is not too difficult to see where that is coming from. whistling.gif

The name of Israel is Israel. It's not cool here to twist names like Bummer for Obama. Perhaps this Zionist entity silliness should be similarly verbotten. Israel is a nation ... not an entity.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The myth of an occupied Palestine exits in stark contrast to the actuality of moslem/Arab occupied North Africa. When will the Arab entities cease their occupation of North Africa? One occupation is a myth one is reality. But Islamafascism and it's imperialist tendencies is not part of the rhetoric of the trendy lefties and deluded liberals.

Edited by The manic
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The myth of an occupied Palestine exits in stark contrast to the actuality of moslem/Arab occupied North Africa. When will the Arab entities cease their occupation of North Africa? One occupation is a myth one is reality. But Islamafascism and it's imperialist tendencies is not part of the rhetoric of the trendy lefties and deluded liberals.

The Arabs came to North Africa and The African Berbers converted to Islam and have been Muslim for more than a millenium. Theres unity between the North African Berber and North African Arabs, they live as equals side by side in countries with mixed cultures with equal rights for all citizens.

Theres no similarities to see when looking at Berbers and Arabs in North Africa in comparison to what you see when looking at Israeli jews and Palestinian Arabs in the occupied territories.

Edited by BKKBobby
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Oh no. The Berbers resent the Arabs. The Arabs started the slave trade in Africa. As for embracing Islam : they had no choice. Islam is an expansionist political ideology. The K**#n is a war manual. The m****ms used the north African coast to conduct war against the west and it's trade. There is nothing new in current events except daft liberals and their lack of understanding of history. They have a a pernicious influence with their perverted world view. Look at what the Muslims are doing to the yazidi people and you can understand why the pagans and Christians and berbers 'embraced' Islam. The alternative was death, torture or enslavement.

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Oh no. The Berbers resent the Arabs. The Arabs started the slave trade in Africa. As for embracing Islam : they had no choice. Islam is an expansionist political ideology. The K**#n is a war manual. The m****ms used the north African coast to conduct war against the west and it's trade. There is nothing new in current events except daft liberals and their lack of understanding of history. They have a a pernicious influence with their perverted world view. Look at what the Muslims are doing to the yazidi people and you can understand why the pagans and Christians and berbers 'embraced' Islam. The alternative was death, torture or enslavement.

I dont think you have been speaking or seen a Berber in real life...

You know Muslim Berbers were among those that conquered Spain, right?

Yes the option of not embracing Islam was death I guess.

They are believing Muslims today.

Back to Israel now...

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The myth of an occupied Palestine exits in stark contrast to the actuality of moslem/Arab occupied North Africa. When will the Arab entities cease their occupation of North Africa?

As our illustrious moderator has reminded us, the topic of this thread is the Zionist entities war crimes in Gaza...not the Arab occupation of North Africa.
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The point is that Israeli war crimes, however numerous, pale into insignificance compared to the mass murder and killing of Muslims by Muslims. For them atrocity and rape and slavery is/was a strategy and a tactic. That is how Islam spread. It is silly to decontextualise accusations of war crimes against Israel without looking at the history of Arab /Islamic expansionism who used barbarism as a tool as the daesh are now. The only people who talk of a 'Zionist entity' are lefties In UK - SWP etc or Muslims who are taught to hate via the K****n.The nutters are betrayed by their rhetoric and wrote learned jargon

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It is well worth downloading the complete account of the Breaking the Silence original testimonies.

There are numerous examples of war crimes.

It gives you frightening insight into the minds of psychopathic IDF. Not all of course. The war criminals' behavior disturbed some courageous soldiers enough that they gave these testimonies.

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Irony is a supporter of Hamas and numerous other Islamic terrorist groups try to claim the IDF is "psychopathic". The IDF's civilian-to-terrorist death ratio is the lowest in the world.

Another fabrication.
In numerous posts (this very thread too somewhere I think) I have recommended that Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank haven't a hope in hell of defeating the nuclear power Israel militarily, and that their best option is passive resistance like Martin Luther King and Ghandi, shaming Israel by flooding the social and international media with images of their daily humiliations, beatings and murders at the hands of the IDF and fanatical Jewish colonists to protest their 48 year occupation. Hence the success of the OP..exposing and shaming the psychopaths in the IDF.
With the enormous advances in communications this is far more effective. Then just lie back literally and outbreed the Jewish Israelis exacerbating their demographic problem, until the Zionists face reality: they soon wont have a Jewish state unless they make a just peace for the two peoples to live separately..
Edited by dexterm
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Irony is a supporter of Hamas and numerous other Islamic terrorist groups try to claim the IDF is "psychopathic". The IDF's civilian-to-terrorist death ratio is the lowest in the world.

Another fabrication.

Please quit being ridiculous. Many of us read your posts every day. You obviously hate Israel and constantly make illogical excuses and justifications for Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups. The fantasies about defeating Israel are childish at best. After almost 70 years of failures, it is time to sign a peace treaty and abide by it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Irony is a supporter of Hamas and numerous other Islamic terrorist groups try to claim the IDF is "psychopathic". The IDF's civilian-to-terrorist death ratio is the lowest in the world.

Another fabrication.

Please quit being ridiculous. Many of us read your posts every day. You obviously hate Israel and constantly make illogical excuses and justifications for Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups. The fantasies about defeating Israel are childish at best. After almost 70 years of failures, it is time to sign a peace treaty and abide by it.

Far from it. I am one of the best friends Israel could have, along with the courageous soldiers in Breaking the Silence. We are not in denial about Israel's wrongdoings.
It is only when Israel can accept justifiable criticism that it can be honest with itself, rectify its mistakes, face the injustices it has perpetrated upon the Palestinians by displacing them, make a just peace with its neighbors and start forging an incredibly prosperous future for itself and the region within secure recognized borders.
I am not a head in the sand yes man supporter who parrots "Israel can do no wrong". They will be Israel's downfall, because they are shielding Israel from the truth and helping Israelis to delude themselves that the IDF is the most moral army in the world and to dehumanize Palestinians....just read some of those testimonies.
"People that look at you from the window
of a house, to put it mildly, won ׳t look
If you shoot someone in Gaza it ׳s cool,
no big deal
They were fired at - so of course, they
must have been terrorists…"
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I am one of the best friends Israel could have

Why do you fell the need to constantly misrepresent the truth in your posts? Almost every post is packed full of false information that is easily disproved with factual links to credible sources or - in this case - by simply using common sense.

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I am one of the best friends Israel could have

Why do you fell the need to constantly misrepresent the truth in your posts? Almost every post is packed full of false information that is easily disproved with factual links to credible sources or - in this case - by simply using common sense.

I am addressing the OP.

I leave it to forum readers to have the common sense to judge for themselves the truth of my posts and the credibility of my links.

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The myth of an occupied Palestine exits in stark contrast to the actuality of moslem/Arab occupied North Africa. When will the Arab entities cease their occupation of North Africa?

What myth? The west bank is occupied by Israel. The west bank is Palestinian, ergo Palestine.

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Irony is a supporter of Hamas and numerous other Islamic terrorist groups try to claim the IDF is "psychopathic". The IDF's civilian-to-terrorist death ratio is the lowest in the world.

Another fabrication.

Please quit being ridiculous. Many of us read your posts every day. You obviously hate Israel and constantly make illogical excuses and justifications for Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups. The fantasies about defeating Israel are childish at best. After almost 70 years of failures, it is time to sign a peace treaty and abide by it.

If Israel stops building illegal settlements in occupied west bank, the Palestinians might sign one. Till that day, they will not.

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They Palestinians always have some stupid excuse. They refused to sign a peace treaty long before Israel took over the West Bank or had any settlements there. Israel would stop building as a condition. Ask Jordan and Egypt about trading land for peace.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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They Palestinians always have some stupid excuse. They refused to sign a peace treaty long before Israel took over the West Bank or had any settlements there. Israel would stop building as a condition. Ask Jordan and Egypt about trading land for peace.

Yep, it is obviously not true that if Israel withdrew all West bank settlements that there would be peace. It's much more complex than that. It's a narrative that Israel demonizers like to push though.

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They Palestinians always have some stupid excuse. They refused to sign a peace treaty long before Israel took over the West Bank or had any settlements there. Israel would stop building as a condition. Ask Jordan and Egypt about trading land for peace.

Yep, it is obviously not true that if Israel withdrew all West bank settlements that there would be peace. It's much more complex than that. It's a narrative that Israel demonizers like to push though.

So, just keep building. In six hundred years Israel will still be surrounded by Arab states. Do you really want to be fighting them then for the same reason as now? The present policy just isn't working.

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