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Israel veterans group alleges Israeli misconduct in Gaza war


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The context of why I brought up the Rohingyas who justifiably should be the top priority in the world right now of human rights activists and leftist progressives was that it is relevant that they are not. This is a case of a real genocide, happening right now, and the world really could save many many lives if it sprung into action. Sadly, my sense is the world will do very little and these people are heading towards being largely wiped out. The Gaza situation, sad as it is, is not any kind of genocide, in fact the population of Arabs there keeps growing. It is also interesting both groups being Muslims ... yet the Muslims who can pin the blame on Jews and Israel get the lion's share of international attention. Even notoriously Judeophobic Muslim Malaysia treats these refugees as aliens and sends these Muslim brothers back to be executed. What utter hypocrisy!

Delete this if you want, sorry, but the context of why I added to this, is this is really proof of the irrational obsession of "progressives" on Israel and Jews.

The reason there will be little support for Muslims outside of Israel is that the fundamentalist savages have painted all Muslims as wanting to kill westerners and impose sharia, even though it is not true.

I would say that more posters on TV are against Muslims than against Jews. It should be noted that I and hopefully "we" make a distinction between "Jews" and "Israeli" policy in the illegally occupied territories of Palestine

However, the actions of Israelis are so dispicable that in the case of the Palestinians they are seen as less bad than the Israelis and deserve support.

If anyone doubts that Israelis treat west bank Palestinians terribly they should watch "Journey into an invisible war" to see the truth as documented by an Israeli organisation.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Haha, so finally the "antisemite" label that has been bandied around to hackneyed proportions has been, rightfully, dropped.

We now have "Judeophobe" to lambaste.

They both mean the same thing and have both been used many times on the forum. They both are appropriate for certain posters that are obsessed with expressing their hatred towards Israel and Jews and not even honest enough to admit it.

Stop equating our dislike for Israeli policies with anti Jewish sentiment. Being anti Israeli does not mean anti Jew, as much as you like to distort the truth.

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So you think Zionist is always a bad thing? Why?

Yes, I do.

It is the racist/religionist supremacist aspect of Zionism that I object to. The Jews must be in control, Israel must be recognized as a Jewish State, only Jews have a right to return and self determination..but no-one else.

I have no objection to any Jew persecuted for their faith elsewhere in the world finding safe haven in Israel...but the same should apply to persecuted Muslims and Christians also.

Zionism ignores the elephant in the room..the 4.5 million Palestinians who were born there, have been ethnically cleansed, many of whom are still living in refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank. That is the root cause of this whole conflict.

If the Palestinians who used to live in Sederot for example hadn't been ethnically cleansed over the fence into Gaza (and they had actually helped the Jewish Haganah fighters against the British) maybe they would not be in conflict and there would never have been a Hamas or resistance movement.


The Palestinians have experienced many other such injustices. The atrocities in the OP are just one manifestation of them.


The sixty-year-old Palestinian refugee issue has little connection with reality. It has become solely a bargaining chip used by Arabs and Palestinians in peace talks with Israel and, as such, is a distraction from the real issues of terrorism and boundaries.

Indeed, continuing to call Palestinians refugees is a misnomer. They no longer live in tents or temporary quarters. In addition, the Palestinian refugee issue is unique. Since 1920 all other major refugee crises involving the exchange of religious or ethnic populations, while creating hardships, were dealt with in a single generation.

The exact number of Palestinians who fled Israel from November 1947 to December 1948 will never be known. The estimates range from about 400,000 to one million. The most plausible is some 550,000. Based on census figures and demographic trends, in 1947 there were most likely about 740,000 Palestinians living in the area that became Israel.[2]

About 140,000 remained and roughly 50,000 soon returned after 1948 (estimates range from 30,000 to 90,000).[3] About two-thirds of those who left Israel went to the West Bank and Gaza with the remainder mainly going to Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.[4]

The number of additional Palestinian refugees resulting from the 1967 war is also based on rough approximations. Most observers use some 300,000, of whom nearly 100,000 returned in the months following the war.[5]

In addition, about half of those fleeing were already refugees from the 1948 war. The result is that new refugees probably amounted to about 100,000. Thus, the net total of refugees created by both wars was some 650,000.

Instances did occur in which Jewish forces drove the Palestinians out of their homes and Palestinian civilians were killed. But these occurrences were comparatively rare and take place in all wars. Unquestionably, the prime responsibility lies with those who started the war –– in this case the Arab states. By contrast, the expulsion of the Jews from Arab states was purely vindictive. Attacks on Jews and their property in these countries intensified in the 1920s with the discussion of a possible Jewish state in Palestine.

Calling these people refugees makes no sense. Few if any live in tent camps or temporary residences. Most own their homes and live in areas of towns that can be classified as working class neighborhoods. Rather than refugees, they are simply the recipients of assistance, mainly for education and health. Outside of the West Bank and Gaza, only Jordan has granted citizenship to all Palestinians and fully integrated them into the local society. But even those assimilated into Jordan and elsewhere are still considered refugees by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA).

The political motivations are clear. In the years after the 1948 war, the refugee issue was kept alive partly because the Arab countries felt disgraced by having lost the war they had initiated. This sense was further aggravated by a strong nationalism that persisted for decades. After all, Jordan and Egypt could have absorbed the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, which they controlled as part of their own countries.

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All one has to do is read this forum regularly to realize that the charges of Jew hatred and anti-Semitism are well founded. After that, Google "anti-Semitic protests" and take a gander.

Anti-Semitic Muslim Protesters Chant ‘Heil Hitler’ in London


Of course anti Semitism exists worldwide..amongst Muslims in London, neo Nazi white supremacist Christians in Idaho, and even incredibly among Jews in Israel.
What I object to is labeling someone anti Semitic because they legitimately criticize Israeli war crimes.
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So you think Zionist is always a bad thing? Why?

Yes, I do.

It is the racist/religionist supremacist aspect of Zionism that I object to. The Jews must be in control, Israel must be recognized as a Jewish State, only Jews have a right to return and self determination..but no-one else.

I have no objection to any Jew persecuted for their faith elsewhere in the world finding safe haven in Israel...but the same should apply to persecuted Muslims and Christians also.

Zionism ignores the elephant in the room..the 4.5 million Palestinians who were born there, have been ethnically cleansed, many of whom are still living in refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank. That is the root cause of this whole conflict.

If the Palestinians who used to live in Sederot for example hadn't been ethnically cleansed over the fence into Gaza (and they had actually helped the Jewish Haganah fighters against the British) maybe they would not be in conflict and there would never have been a Hamas or resistance movement.


The Palestinians have experienced many other such injustices. The atrocities in the OP are just one manifestation of them.

Zionism ignores the elephant in the room..the 4.5 million Palestinians who were born there, have been ethnically cleansed, many of whom are still living in refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank. That is the root cause of this whole conflict.

Don't you think the question should be why are there still refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank? Hamas are in full control of Gaza, why haven't they replaces the camp with proper accommodation for the refugees? Same with the West Bank where Abbass and the PA control the refugee camps why haven't they built proper homes for the refugees.

Why do they repress their own people?

Surely you jest? You can't be ignorant of the fact that Gaza is blockaded by Israel...Gaza is officially classed as occupied by Israel as it controls every person and every item going in or out. It's pretty hard to rebuild your home after Israel has bombed it, when Israel won't allow cement in.

Besides.....every few years, Israel goes and blast Gazan homes to rubble...as soon as they rebuild, Israel decides it's time to bomb again.

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Because all of us are either for something or against something else what purpose does the act of censorship actually accomplish. I have never reported anyone and I can't imagine ever doing so. Why would you remove the basis of your argument by having the view of others removed. You want the people you hate, exposed. You don't want them censored.

To me, the need to censor forms the basis for my prejudices

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So you think Zionist is always a bad thing? Why?

Yes, I do.

It is the racist/religionist supremacist aspect of Zionism that I object to. The Jews must be in control, Israel must be recognized as a Jewish State, only Jews have a right to return and self determination..but no-one else.

I have no objection to any Jew persecuted for their faith elsewhere in the world finding safe haven in Israel...but the same should apply to persecuted Muslims and Christians also.

Zionism ignores the elephant in the room..the 4.5 million Palestinians who were born there, have been ethnically cleansed, many of whom are still living in refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank. That is the root cause of this whole conflict.

If the Palestinians who used to live in Sederot for example hadn't been ethnically cleansed over the fence into Gaza (and they had actually helped the Jewish Haganah fighters against the British) maybe they would not be in conflict and there would never have been a Hamas or resistance movement.


The Palestinians have experienced many other such injustices. The atrocities in the OP are just one manifestation of them.


The sixty-year-old Palestinian refugee issue has little connection with reality. It has become solely a bargaining chip used by Arabs and Palestinians in peace talks with Israel and, as such, is a distraction from the real issues of terrorism and boundaries.

Indeed, continuing to call Palestinians refugees is a misnomer. They no longer live in tents or temporary quarters. In addition, the Palestinian refugee issue is unique. Since 1920 all other major refugee crises involving the exchange of religious or ethnic populations, while creating hardships, were dealt with in a single generation.

The exact number of Palestinians who fled Israel from November 1947 to December 1948 will never be known. The estimates range from about 400,000 to one million. The most plausible is some 550,000. Based on census figures and demographic trends, in 1947 there were most likely about 740,000 Palestinians living in the area that became Israel.[2]

About 140,000 remained and roughly 50,000 soon returned after 1948 (estimates range from 30,000 to 90,000).[3] About two-thirds of those who left Israel went to the West Bank and Gaza with the remainder mainly going to Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.[4]

The number of additional Palestinian refugees resulting from the 1967 war is also based on rough approximations. Most observers use some 300,000, of whom nearly 100,000 returned in the months following the war.[5]

In addition, about half of those fleeing were already refugees from the 1948 war. The result is that new refugees probably amounted to about 100,000. Thus, the net total of refugees created by both wars was some 650,000.

Instances did occur in which Jewish forces drove the Palestinians out of their homes and Palestinian civilians were killed. But these occurrences were comparatively rare and take place in all wars. Unquestionably, the prime responsibility lies with those who started the war –– in this case the Arab states. By contrast, the expulsion of the Jews from Arab states was purely vindictive. Attacks on Jews and their property in these countries intensified in the 1920s with the discussion of a possible Jewish state in Palestine.

Calling these people refugees makes no sense. Few if any live in tent camps or temporary residences. Most own their homes and live in areas of towns that can be classified as working class neighborhoods. Rather than refugees, they are simply the recipients of assistance, mainly for education and health. Outside of the West Bank and Gaza, only Jordan has granted citizenship to all Palestinians and fully integrated them into the local society. But even those assimilated into Jordan and elsewhere are still considered refugees by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA).

The political motivations are clear. In the years after the 1948 war, the refugee issue was kept alive partly because the Arab countries felt disgraced by having lost the war they had initiated. This sense was further aggravated by a strong nationalism that persisted for decades. After all, Jordan and Egypt could have absorbed the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, which they controlled as part of their own countries.

Of course its a bargaining chip among Palestinians...they want to go home.

In every war people flee when the fighting comes too close, but after the belligerence has died down according to the Geneva Convention and UN resolutions they are allowed back to their homes. Israel won't allow this, because they want to maintain a racist Jewish majority. That's the whole crux of the problem.

One day the Palestinian refugees will be absorbed back into Israel and the conflict will end. It's a geographic inevitability.

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Because all of us are either for something or against something else what purpose does the act of censorship actually accomplish. I have never reported anyone and I can't imagine ever doing so. Why would you remove the basis of your argument by having the view of others removed. You want the people you hate, exposed. You don't want them censored.

To me, the need to censor forms the basis for my prejudices

It has to do with compromise! one side thinks only one party is at fault, and should pay the price of Palestinian suffering. The other side would compromise, but has no real partner to make peace with.

If those against Israel would admit that the Palestinians are at fault as much as if not more so than Israel, that their desire to see mass absorption if Palestinians into Israel is unrealistic and is aimed at changing the reality on the ground in favour of the Arabs is not a solution.

And while People should have a right to voice their opinion. It is hoped they know enough about the situation that they do not then make claims that have no basis in reality to the situation.

Cleverer men (it is hoped) will prevail. Fortunately none of us will have a say in that regardless of social media.

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Because all of us are either for something or against something else what purpose does the act of censorship actually accomplish. I have never reported anyone and I can't imagine ever doing so. Why would you remove the basis of your argument by having the view of others removed. You want the people you hate, exposed. You don't want them censored.

To me, the need to censor forms the basis for my prejudices

Some off-topic, inflammatory posts and replies have been removed.

It's not necessarily about censorship. There are members who go off on completely unrelated tangents; there are people who flame and threaten other members and there are people who deliberately troll to derail topics.

Those posts need to be removed for the good of a reasonable discussion.

People are welcome to their opinion, and voicing that opinion within the forum rules is permitted. Direct anti-semitism is not allowed, although dislike of Israel is permitted. Dislike of the PLO/Hamas etc., is permitted; racist remarks against Arabs and Palestinians is not.

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There might have been a core population but the Muslims definitely came after the Jews. And this is what the issue really is about.

Destabilization in the region with nowadays impact came when the first temple of Solomon was built. Since then it has been destroyed twice without religious context of war.

The Muslims built on top of the ruins the Al Aqsa mosque much later.

Jewish international community is planning to build the temple again for the 3rd time in history.

By the way, with the multiple ancient conflicts its known that many Jews became Muslims and/or Christians.

Would be more correct to define that today we have a war of 'modern' principles instead of a war of 'ancient' religions.

Edited by Thorgal
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It would be simpler just to give advance warning and then nuke Jerusalem and the surrounding area.

Then see who wants to live there so desperately.

The Israelis could go and live in LA, they own most of it anyway.

The Palestianians can go and live in Jordan with their relatives.

And everyone will live happily ever after and unicorns will dance in clouds of fairy glitter.

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So Why is it racist to have a Jewish state.
Because in the process of establishing a Jewish state, Zionist immigrants have displaced more than 5 million non Jews (incl descendants) who were living there already. That's the racist part that I object to.
And early Zionists knew right from the start that they couldn't have a Jewish state when Jews were in fact a minority. So how do you make a minority into a majority...either by ethnic cleansing or by massive immigration or both.
Zionists still face the same problem today if they annex the West Bank...what are you going to do with the existing 2.5 million population living there who are non Jews if you want to maintain your Zionist dream of a Jewish State.
The war in Gaza last year was with the remnants of 2 waves of ethnic cleansing. Is Israel planning a third?
But this time the whole world is watching via the (social) media. They wont get away with it this time. The OP is a case in point where people are brave enough to speak out and expose Israeli wrongdoing.
To answer your question I was brought up a Christian with Scottish Irish ancestry. My great great great grandmother was a Latvian Jew. But I am a confirmed atheist. I think all religion is the opium of the semi conscious mind, and is the cause of most death and destruction in this world
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So Why is it racist to have a Jewish state.
Because in the process of establishing a Jewish state, Zionist immigrants have displaced more than 5 million non Jews (incl descendants) who were living there already. That's the racist part that I object to.
And early Zionists knew right from the start that they couldn't have a Jewish state when Jews were in fact a minority. So how do you make a minority into a majority...either by ethnic cleansing or by massive immigration or both.
Zionists still face the same problem today if they annex the West Bank...what are you going to do with the existing 2.5 million population living there who are non Jews if you want to maintain your Zionist dream of a Jewish State.
The war in Gaza last year was with the remnants of 2 waves of ethnic cleansing. Is Israel planning a third?
But this time the whole world is watching via the (social) media. They wont get away with it this time. The OP is a case in point where people are brave enough to speak out and expose Israeli wrongdoing.
To answer your question I was brought up a Christian with Scottish Irish ancestry. My great great great grandmother was a Latvian Jew. But I am a confirmed atheist. I think all religion is the opium of the semi conscious mind, and is the cause of most death and destruction in this world

I thought you claimed to be Irainian to another poster?

But again you exagerate, the real figure of displaced is about 650,000 not 5 million. So you are not able to be rational about it? None of what you say stops Israel from being a Jewish state.

Maybe the Arabs need to take care of their own? It was Egypt and Jordan Lebanon, Syria who made the refugee camps because they did not want to absorb the displaced. You even don't recognise quite a lot returned after the fighting.

There was no ethnic cleansing or there would not be a figure of 4.5 million Arabs living in the west bank/Gaza.

I think all religion is the opium of the semi conscious mind, and is the cause of most death and destruction in this world.

Yet you would perpetuate the violence to see the destruction of Israel. Odd that an Irish/Scottish atheist supports a holy jihad against Israel! After all that is the essence of the Arab Israel problem The Arabs wanted to kick the Jews out of Israel. Failed and can't accept their failure.

Salaam Alaikum

Edited by ggold
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Where are the Palestinian groups being self critical of their actions in this or any war with Israel?

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So it is OK to kill civilians children and women.....because Palestinians aren't too careful as well. Is that what you are trying to say?

Beside it is Israel who is steeling and continue to steel land from Palestinians, destroying their farms and houses.

That the Palestinians are problematic and really dislike the Israelis isn't an excuse.

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So Why is it racist to have a Jewish state.

Because in the process of establishing a Jewish state, Zionist immigrants have displaced more than 5 million non Jews (incl descendants) who were living there already. That's the racist part that I object to.

And early Zionists knew right from the start that they couldn't have a Jewish state when Jews were in fact a minority. So how do you make a minority into a majority...either by ethnic cleansing or by massive immigration or both.

Zionists still face the same problem today if they annex the West Bank...what are you going to do with the existing 2.5 million population living there who are non Jews if you want to maintain your Zionist dream of a Jewish State.

The war in Gaza last year was with the remnants of 2 waves of ethnic cleansing. Is Israel planning a third?

But this time the whole world is watching via the (social) media. They wont get away with it this time. The OP is a case in point where people are brave enough to speak out and expose Israeli wrongdoing.

To answer your question I was brought up a Christian with Scottish Irish ancestry. My great great great grandmother was a Latvian Jew. But I am a confirmed atheist. I think all religion is the opium of the semi conscious mind, and is the cause of most death and destruction in this world

I thought you claimed to be Irainian to another poster?

But again you exagerate, the real figure of displaced is about 650,000 not 5 million. So you are not able to be rational about it? None of what you say stops Israel from being a Jewish state.

Maybe the Arabs need to take care of their own? It was Egypt and Jordan Lebanon, Syria who made the refugee camps because they did not want to absorb the displaced. You even don't recognise quite a lot returned after the fighting.

There was no ethnic cleansing or there would not be a figure of 4.5 million Arabs living in the west bank/Gaza.

I think all religion is the opium of the semi conscious mind, and is the cause of most death and destruction in this world.

Yet you would perpetuate the violence to see the destruction of Israel. Odd that an Irish/Scottish atheist supports a holy jihad against Israel! After all that is the essence of the Arab Israel problem The Arabs wanted to kick the Jews out of Israel. Failed and can't accept their failure.

Salaam Alaikum

Its not a holy jihad, its a matter of ownership of real estate. He hasnt spoken in favor of a religious struggle. Youre peddling rubbish. You expect a atheist Scottish/Irish to be on the Israeli side on this issue? You should travel around Europe, theres a continent full of countries, you can check the sentiment on this issue with random people. The West doesnt only consist of North America. Edited by BKKBobby
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So Why is it racist to have a Jewish state.
Because in the process of establishing a Jewish state, Zionist immigrants have displaced more than 5 million non Jews (incl descendants) who were living there already. That's the racist part that I object to.
And early Zionists knew right from the start that they couldn't have a Jewish state when Jews were in fact a minority. So how do you make a minority into a majority...either by ethnic cleansing or by massive immigration or both.
Zionists still face the same problem today if they annex the West Bank...what are you going to do with the existing 2.5 million population living there who are non Jews if you want to maintain your Zionist dream of a Jewish State.
The war in Gaza last year was with the remnants of 2 waves of ethnic cleansing. Is Israel planning a third?
But this time the whole world is watching via the (social) media. They wont get away with it this time. The OP is a case in point where people are brave enough to speak out and expose Israeli wrongdoing.
To answer your question I was brought up a Christian with Scottish Irish ancestry. My great great great grandmother was a Latvian Jew. But I am a confirmed atheist. I think all religion is the opium of the semi conscious mind, and is the cause of most death and destruction in this world

I thought you claimed to be Irainian to another poster?

But again you exagerate, the real figure of displaced is about 650,000 not 5 million. So you are not able to be rational about it? None of what you say stops Israel from being a Jewish state.

Maybe the Arabs need to take care of their own? It was Egypt and Jordan Lebanon, Syria who made the refugee camps because they did not want to absorb the displaced. You even don't recognise quite a lot returned after the fighting.

There was no ethnic cleansing or there would not be a figure of 4.5 million Arabs living in the west bank/Gaza.

I think all religion is the opium of the semi conscious mind, and is the cause of most death and destruction in this world.

Yet you would perpetuate the violence to see the destruction of Israel. Odd that an Irish/Scottish atheist supports a holy jihad against Israel! After all that is the essence of the Arab Israel problem The Arabs wanted to kick the Jews out of Israel. Failed and can't accept their failure.

Salaam Alaikum

I have never ever claimed to be Iranian.
"The 1948 Palestinian exodus when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war."
There has been more ethnic cleansing of "hundreds of thousands more" that occurred in 1967 in East Jerusalem and the West Bank which of course still continues today due to settlement expansion.
Notice I wrote (incl descendants)...
4.9 million (Registered with UNRWA—including descendants and re-settled)
It is these people I am concerned about in any Israeli attempt at a 3rd wave of ethnic cleansing.
The larger Palestinian diaspora is actually about 10 million.
Arabs just happen to speak the same language.Palestinians are not the responsibilty of neighboring countries. They are the responsibility of Israel...the the country that made them refugees in the first place.
I don't support a jihad or violence against Israel. Just the opposite in fact. I would like to see a secular Israel living at peace with its neighbors, preferably in a 2 state solution. It is fanatical Zionists in fact who will eventually cause Israel to cease to be a Jewish state by their persecution of the Palestinians they are occupying, alienating world opinion.
Personally, I think it is counter productive for Hamas to continue an armed struggle against Israel..they can't possibly win militarily.
I would recommend Palestinians practise passive resistance like Dr Martin Luther King and Gandhi. They succeeded against their oppressors and such methods would be far more effective in this age of mass communication. Simply record the daily humiliations, beatings and murders the Palestinians experience at the hands of IDF and settlers and flood the social media with the images.
Just look at the impact the Breaking the Silence OP has already made. It completely undermines any pretense that the IDF is the most moral army in the world.and cements Israel's PR disaster of the 2014 Gaza War.
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Haha, so finally the "antisemite" label that has been bandied around to hackneyed proportions has been, rightfully, dropped.

We now have "Judeophobe" to lambaste.

They both mean the same thing and have both been used many times on the forum. They both are appropriate for certain posters that are obsessed with expressing their hatred towards Israel and Jews and not even honest enough to admit it.

Stop equating our dislike for Israeli policies with anti Jewish sentiment. Being anti Israeli does not mean anti Jew, as much as you like to distort the truth.

You folks love those Straw-men fallacies. I have never claimed that all the criticism of Israel stems from antisemitism, but, it is obvious that the great majority of it does - especially on this forum. Israel is held to an impossible standard, while other countries doing far worse are pretty much given a pass.

It is almost comical how much attention is paid to tiny Israel and the lies that are told to justify it. Syria and ISiS are murdering thousands of Muslims constantly - right next door - and the Israel obsessives barely comment on what is going on unless a Jew is involved somehow.

What I find really interesting is how intent most of the compulsive antisemites are to deny it, when it is completely obvious to anyone who reads the forum on a regular basis.

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It's interesting that any conflict between Israel and Gaza is always posted as news.

With conflicts all around the world, maybe it's time to change the record?

Israel has been a hotspot that divides people and a source of conflict for more than 2000 years.

Its news because its in the interest of so much people all over the world.

Edited by BKKBobby
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It's interesting that any conflict between Israel and Gaza is always posted as news.

With conflicts all around the world, maybe it's time to change the record?

Every real fan of Albert Camus (The Plague) would understand differently the psychological torture of the Palestinian citizens.

Seems like OP perfectly matches with a lot of similarities in the book.

I wouldn't change the record...

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The Palestinian people caused most of their own their own problems.

"The Stranger" was a much superior book. biggrin.png

Im sure defence will use that when Israel is brought before the international court.

But your honor, they caused their own problems, we just had to murder innocent people.

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The Palestinians already have plenty to answer for at the international court. wink.png

Newsflash, this thread is about Israel and one of the long list of attrocities it inflicts on others.

Feel free to go spew your bigotry in a thread about Palestinians attrocities.

A big thumbs up to the Vatican for formally acknowledging Palestine as a state. The number just keeps growing.????

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The Palestinian people caused most of their own their own problems.

"The Stranger" was a much superior book. biggrin.png

From OP it's not really the Palestinians people who caused 'most' of their own problems.

In an non-existentialistic way you could indeed consider 'The Stranger' a much superior book.

But, are the French and Sephardic Jews still in Algeria ?

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Anyway, right now Hamas in Gaza is working feverishly to rearm for their next aggressive action against the state of Israel. The IDF and Israeli goverrnment I am sure is very aware of these matters of controversy concerning targeting ethics. There's always a next time. That's the status quo now, tragic as it is, a predictable flare up every few years or so. Of course Hamas can't beat the IDF ... maybe if they got over their unreasonable demands towards Israel, as in their wish to take it all over and kick out/kill the Jews something could change. No reason to expect that though.

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Anyway, right now Hamas in Gaza is working feverishly to rearm for their next aggressive action against the state of Israel. The IDF and Israeli goverrnment I am sure is very aware of these matters of controversy concerning targeting ethics. There's always a next time. That's the status quo now, tragic as it is, a predictable flare up every few years or so. Of course Hamas can't beat the IDF ... maybe if they got over their unreasonable demands towards Israel, as in their wish to take it all over and kick out/kill the Jews something could change. No reason to expect that though.

The blockade of Gaza and the building of illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are aggressive actions against the Palestinian people and the State of Palestine.

Maybe if the Israelis got over their unreasonable demands towards the Palestinians, as in their wish to kick out/kill the Palestinians something could change. No reason to expect that though.

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Anyway, right now Hamas in Gaza is working feverishly to rearm for their next aggressive action against the state of Israel. The IDF and Israeli goverrnment I am sure is very aware of these matters of controversy concerning targeting ethics. There's always a next time. That's the status quo now, tragic as it is, a predictable flare up every few years or so. Of course Hamas can't beat the IDF ... maybe if they got over their unreasonable demands towards Israel, as in their wish to take it all over and kick out/kill the Jews something could change. No reason to expect that though.

The blockade of Gaza and the building of illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are aggressive actions against the Palestinian people and the State of Palestine.

Maybe if the Israelis got over their unreasonable demands towards the Palestinians, as in their wish to kick out/kill the Palestinians something could change. No reason to expect that though.

As far as Israel is concerned there is no state of Palestine. Right of return of Arabs into Israel (a key Palestinian demand) is a non-starter as everyone knows that would mean the end of Israel. The Gaza blockade is justified based on the actions and genocidal goals of the Hamas regime there. Personally, I agree the west bank settlements will make any chance of peace harder though that leaves Jerusalem and surroundings, a true hot potato. I realize the odious Israel demonization movement would love to see Israel just voluntarily give up the nation state they have worked so hard to achieve. Dream on. Not gonna happen.

Edited by Jingthing
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