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Israel veterans group alleges Israeli misconduct in Gaza war


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If the Catholic Irish and the Protestant Irish can make peace after 600 years of conflict, why can't Israel with the Palestinians?

Did the Charter of the IRA call for the complete destruction of England and all Protestants? The Hamas Charter call for the complete destruction of Israel and all Jews and they are half of the Palestinian Government

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You don't seem to get that most of us accept the right of Israel to exist WITHIN THE LEGAL BOUNDARIES AS SET IN 1948 BY THE UNITED NATIONS.

Too late. You turned that deal down 67 years ago, declared war on Israel and have been fighting and losing ever since ever since. Sorry, but that deal has been off the table for a long time ago.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You don't seem to get that most of us accept the right of Israel to exist WITHIN THE LEGAL BOUNDARIES AS SET IN 1948 BY THE UNITED NATIONS.

Too late. You turned that deal down 67 years ago, declared war on Israel and have been fighting and losing ever since ever since. Sorry, but that deal has been off the table for a long time ago.

The way things are going Israel will not have a say in it.

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More wishful thinking. The boycotts of Israel have been a dismal failure and no one can force them into doing anything. The Palestinian's traditional allies never had much use for them and now their national interests are aligning them with Israel's.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Israel only offers mock deals no matter if theres a Hamas or not, no matter if Palestinians are friendly or hostile. Thats the truth. Israel is just trying to buy time until the country can say "Hey look, we have had this plot of land for a long time now, its ours, we wont give it back". Its so obvious.

Edited by BKKBobby
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More wishful thinking. The boycotts of Israel have been a dismal failure and no one can force them into doing anything.

It is exactly that head in the sand thinking that WILL cause it to happen.

Refer to UP Country Sinclair post.

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You don't seem to get that most of us accept the right of Israel to exist WITHIN THE LEGAL BOUNDARIES AS SET IN 1948 BY THE UNITED NATIONS.

Too late. You turned that deal down 67 years ago, declared war on Israel and have been fighting and losing ever since ever since. Sorry, but that deal has been off the table for a long time ago.

Then you have nothing to look forward to except hundreds of years of war. Is that really what you want for the generations to come? Israel will never be strong enough to conquer the surrounding countries and they will never stop hating Israel as long as it oppresses Arabs.

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You better start reading the current news. The surrounding Arab countries' national interests are coinciding with Israel's more and more. The Islamic terrorist nut-cases are turning into a common enemy.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You better start reading the current news. The surrounding Arab countries' national interests are coinciding with Israel's more and more. The Islamic terrorist nut-cases are turning into a common enemy.

And when the war on terror is over?

Russia was an ally during WW2, but how did that work out after?

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Russia was an ally during WW2, but how did that work out after?

We crushed their economy and broke up the union. They are an annoyance, but much less of a threat than before. You can't tell the future - so quit pretending - and neither can I. wink.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Russia was an ally during WW2, but how did that work out after?

We crushed their economy and broke up the union. They are an annoyance, but much less of a threat than before. You can't tell the future - so quit pretending - and neither can I. wink.png

You can't tell the future - so quit pretending - and neither can I.

Hmmmmm. Isn't that what you were doing in your previous post?

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You better start reading the current news. The surrounding Arab countries' national interests are coinciding with Israel's more and more. The Islamic terrorist nut-cases are turning into a common enemy.

Very true but not sure how much longer that will last.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Russia was an ally during WW2, but how did that work out after?

We crushed their economy and broke up the union. They are an annoyance, but much less of a threat than before. You can't tell the future - so quit pretending - and neither can I. wink.png

The only "bond" between Arab countries and Israel are common enemies. Those enemies exist today, but Islamic terrorism is a contemporary phenomenon that will end. Do you suggest that Arab countries will continue being cozy with Israel when the war on terror has ended?

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Do you suggest that Arab countries will continue being cozy with Israel when the war on terror has ended?

Who knows? Israel and Jordan have gotten along for quite a while and no one knows how long the war on terror will last.

The Arab countries are well aware that Israel has defeated them numerous times, are smarter, have more advanced technology and a better military. They just don't like to admit it out loud.

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Do you suggest that Arab countries will continue being cozy with Israel when the war on terror has ended?

Who knows? Israel and Jordan have gotten along for quite a while and no one knows how long the war on terror will last.

The Arab countries are well aware that Israel has defeated them numerous times, are smarter, have more advanced technology and a better military. They just don't like to admit it out loud.

The Arab countries in the Middle East minus Assads Syria, Lebanon and the warzone Yemen are US allies, they dont need Israel. Edited by BKKBobby
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Can't have "Jewish" thought advanced here ... no siree.

Unless it's anonymous Jews being paid by non-Israelis who are hostile to Israel to broadcast carefully filtered exaggerated Israel demonization propaganda internationally. Then ... OK.

Man up boychiks ... if you're going to reject information sources for being "Jewish" don't you need to reject speech from ALL Jews? Oh, no, that would be RACIST. So confusing for you.

I don't reject information sources for being Jewish, and I don't think the other posters on this thread do either.

Breaking the Silence, Peace Now, and many other Israeli groups are credible and fair.

What I object to is biased and flagrant propaganda.

Yeah sure unless it's biased and flagrant propaganda that can be exploited by the odious Israel demonization/BDS movement which clearly is fixated on denying the legitimacy of the existence of Israel.

Why do you persist with this nonsense? The BDS movement is trying to put pressure on Israel to do the right thing with regard to the peace process and the Palestinians, it is not trying to bring an end to the existence of Israel. Utter rubbish drama queen stuff and nonsense to repeat your emotive appeals to pity.

Let me repeat YET again...criticism of Israel, and attempts to bring Israel around to being law-abiding DOES NOT equate to antisemitism nor does it mean a desire for Israel to cease to exist.

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It is exactly that head in the sand thinking that WILL cause it to happen.

Maybe if Lord Voldemort casts a spell with his magic wand to help the terrorists.

Just showing your mindset by referring to over 130 countries (and growing) as terrorists.

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What about the rights of the Middle Eastern Jews kicked out so many Muslim countries?

The Israel demonizers obviously simply can't accept the existence of just the one rather small Jewish majority country.

The anti-Jewish discrimination in that is totally obvious.

Stuff and nonsense again.......What has ME Jews and Muslim countries got to do with Israeli war crimes and apartheid? What has antisemitism in another country got to do with justifying Israel demolishing Arab houses in East Jerusalem?

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The BDS movement is trying to put pressure on Israel to do the right thing with regard to the peace process and the Palestinians, it is not trying to bring an end to the existence of Israel.

Please save this nonsense for suckers people who do not read your posts.on a regular basis.

A number of BDS activists were captured on camera expressing their admiration for Hitler or making Nazi salutes. Jews (including elderly men and women) were threatened and intimidated. Anti-Semitic leaflets were handed out to members of the public.

Anyone who has witnessed BDS in action will be in no doubt that it is anti-Semitic. But there is a case to be made that BDS is not just anti-Semitic, it is racist.


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Why should Israel accept what the Arab/Muslim world never accepted? Israel was immediately attacked by multiple Muslim borders. Those 1948 borders are totally indefensible. Israel has nothing to do with Northern Ireland. It's funny the Arabs demand right of return into Israel but you don't hear the millions of Middle Eastern Jews demanding right of return into the Muslim countries. These demands of people for so called Israeli surrender don't fool many people ... they are really demands for the end of Israel and to make Israel so weak that she is overrrun by the much greater numbers from the Muslim world.

OK, I will grant that some of "peace" promoters are just naive but many know exactly what the result of their suggestions would be.

Ahhhhh...now we're getting down to the unspoken truth.

"Why should Israel accept what the Arab/Muslim world never accepted?"

I daresay the boatloads of Jewish immigrants from Europe, plus the then current Israeli Jews, plus Ben Gurion et al DID accept those boundaries with an amount of satisfaction and relief.

But the Zionist long term plan was and is otherwise, as evidenced by the continued expansionism.

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The BDS movement is trying to put pressure on Israel to do the right thing with regard to the peace process and the Palestinians, it is not trying to bring an end to the existence of Israel.

Please save this nonsense for suckers people who do not read your posts.on a regular basis.

A number of BDS activists were captured on camera expressing their admiration for Hitler or making Nazi salutes. Jews (including elderly men and women) were threatened and intimidated. Anti-Semitic leaflets were handed out to members of the public.

Anyone who has witnessed BDS in action will be in no doubt that it is anti-Semitic. But there is a case to be made that BDS is not just anti-Semitic, it is racist.


Well of course neonazi types will gravitate towards the BDS movement, doh!....just as Islamaphobes gravitated towards anything supporting Bush's invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Did that make those wars racist? Of course not...so enough of your silliness.

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Why should Israel accept what the Arab/Muslim world never accepted? Israel was immediately attacked by multiple Muslim borders. Those 1948 borders are totally indefensible. Israel has nothing to do with Northern Ireland. It's funny the Arabs demand right of return into Israel but you don't hear the millions of Middle Eastern Jews demanding right of return into the Muslim countries. These demands of people for so called Israeli surrender don't fool many people ... they are really demands for the end of Israel and to make Israel so weak that she is overrrun by the much greater numbers from the Muslim world.

OK, I will grant that some of "peace" promoters are just naive but many know exactly what the result of their suggestions would be.

Ahhhhh...now we're getting down to the unspoken truth.

"Why should Israel accept what the Arab/Muslim world never accepted?"

I daresay the boatloads of Jewish immigrants from Europe, plus the then current Israeli Jews, plus Ben Gurion et al DID accept those boundaries with an amount of satisfaction and relief.

But the Zionist long term plan was and is otherwise, as evidenced by the continued expansionism.

The "...Zionist long term plan..." was, and is, Eretz Israel.

This is spelled out plainly in Zionist literature dating from the late 19th century to modern times.

The presence of the Palestinian people has been the stumbling block that is slowing up the realization of that cherished dream.

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The Arabs had their chance in the 40s. They blew it. Now the whole world is waking up to the Islamic threat that Israel has been under for years. Meanwhile more Muslims and Arabs are killed by their fellow Arabs and fellow Muslims.

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The Arabs had their chance in the 40s. They blew it. Now the whole world is waking up to the Islamic threat that Israel has been under for years. Meanwhile more Muslims and Arabs are killed by their fellow Arabs and fellow Muslims.

Indeed the Arab and Muslim world made a big mistake attacking Israel in 1948. If they had only accepted Israel's existence from the start, the entire region surrounding Israel could have been an amazing hub of peace and prosperity. Of course, they thought they would win ... most of the world thought they would win, so it wasn't exactly crazy to attack. I'm not religious but it is kind of a miracle that they didn't win.

Edited by Jingthing
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You better start reading the current news. The surrounding Arab countries' national interests are coinciding with Israel's more and more. The Islamic terrorist nut-cases are turning into a common enemy.

Quite so, which leaves us with the bizarre spectacle of Israel cooperating with her neighbors against Islamist terrorists, who are cheered on at a distance by western leftists sat behind their keyboards. Here is an article out of Lebanon, it is common knowledge in the region that Palestinians actually enjoyed better rights under Israeli occupation.


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You better start reading the current news. The surrounding Arab countries' national interests are coinciding with Israel's more and more. The Islamic terrorist nut-cases are turning into a common enemy.

Quite so, which leaves us with the bizarre spectacle of Israel cooperating with her neighbors against Islamist terrorists, who are cheered on at a distance by western leftists sat behind their keyboards. Here is an article out of Lebanon, it is common knowledge in the region that Palestinians actually enjoyed better rights under Israeli occupation.


And that mitigates/excuses/justifies Israel's war crimes how?????

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You better start reading the current news. The surrounding Arab countries' national interests are coinciding with Israel's more and more. The Islamic terrorist nut-cases are turning into a common enemy.

Quite so, which leaves us with the bizarre spectacle of Israel cooperating with her neighbors against Islamist terrorists, who are cheered on at a distance by western leftists sat behind their keyboards. Here is an article out of Lebanon, it is common knowledge in the region that Palestinians actually enjoyed better rights under Israeli occupation.


It really is amazing and the usual suspects could care less about Palestinian atrocities against their own people.

The annual report by the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights said hundreds of people were tortured by authorities in Gaza, ruled by the Islamic militant group Hamas, and in the West Bank, governed by the Western-backed Palestinian Authority.

It says several people died in Hamas detention and one died while incarcerated in the West Bank. It also says Hamas took 16 prisoners from their jail cells and killed them during the war with Israel last year.

Commission chief Ahmad Harb said other violations include bans on peaceful gatherings.


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