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Stolen Debit Card used at King Power Suvarnabhumi

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I am in the middle of a dispute with my Thai bank about theft from my bank account by someone using my debit card. It was lost at Suvarnabhumi Airport and used while I was on a plane to China on 9 March. The bank have said that a month ago the shop sent them slips showing a signature but they will not dislcose the slips to me. As a result thay are making further enquiries. I am not too happy about this as I have submitted evidence that I was not in the country at the time. One thing that may help is the usual practice of Duty Free shops scanning your boarding pass. Can someone please confirm if this is the case at King Power Suvarnabhumi? I do now recommend people to either cancel their Thai debit card or at least reduce the daily transaction limit to say 2,000 THB. Thanks.

Edited by pj123
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OP: Your Thai bank MUST make additional inquiries, as this is required from the VISA / MasterCard in case of disputes (dispute meaning they want the money back from KingPower). YOUR evidence is worth nothing in that disputes process, those are the dispute / chargeback laws.

What banks in Europe / US would normally do is to already refund your account with the transactions in dispute based on your evidence. But since this is Thailand, that will probably only happen when your bank receives the money back from KingPower.

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OP: Your Thai bank MUST make additional inquiries, as this is required from the VISA / MasterCard in case of disputes (dispute meaning they want the money back from KingPower). YOUR evidence is worth nothing in that disputes process, those are the dispute / chargeback laws.

What banks in Europe / US would normally do is to already refund your account with the transactions in dispute based on your evidence. But since this is Thailand, that will probably only happen when your bank receives the money back from KingPower.

I have just been informed that King Power will not refund as they have payment slips with a signature. The bank have now said that they will email me copies of the slips for me to examine. They have not been able to confirm if they have compared the signature on the slips with my signature on their records.

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OP: Your Thai bank MUST make additional inquiries, as this is required from the VISA / MasterCard in case of disputes (dispute meaning they want the money back from KingPower). YOUR evidence is worth nothing in that disputes process, those are the dispute / chargeback laws.

What banks in Europe / US would normally do is to already refund your account with the transactions in dispute based on your evidence. But since this is Thailand, that will probably only happen when your bank receives the money back from KingPower.

I have just been informed that King Power will not refund as they have payment slips with a signature. The bank have now said that they will email me copies of the slips for me to examine. They have not been able to confirm if they have compared the signature on the slips with my signature on their records.

See above RE signatures, unfortunately I don't think you'll get any joy from the bank but good luck, let us know how it pans out.

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I'm not so sure comparison of signatures is going to make a big difference...it will just be part of the total justification for reimbursement. A signature that is on record which a person formally signed and is in sync with the signature on his passport may look significantly different on their debit/credit card especially if the card-issuing bank didn't have you sign the card in front of them and then match it to your passport. Some people use variations of signature depending on the document they are signing....less important document, sloppier/shorter signature....more important document, your formal signature. And of course when replacement cards arrive in the mail a person needs to sign them and can pretty much sign them anyway they wanted to from something that looked like a few chicken scratches to a perfectly readable signature which matches a passport/ID card signature.

Then you have the issue of someone who possibly only reads Thai comparing comparing English language (or other language) signatures....heck, since I only read/write English and know some spoken Thai, if I had to compare any non-English language signatures if the signature was even semi-close that would pass my review.

It's probably all going to come down to consumer protection law (the biggest player), bank policy, and how believable a story is. Good luck....hope you get reimbursed.

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Even if the boarding pass was scanned which is requirement under the thai tax law on the purchase of duty free goods, it is highly unlikely to be investigated further as the scan will confirm a name and destination only ... but thats all,

they are not going to search the country for a name to locate an address and go and arrest the perpertrator. ( buts thats not the issue )

How much are we talking ? $50 ...100 .... unfortunately, that's the reality.

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Even if the boarding pass was scanned which is requirement under the thai tax law on the purchase of duty free goods, it is highly unlikely to be investigated further as the scan will confirm a name and destination only ... but thats all,

they are not going to search the country for a name to locate an address and go and arrest the perpertrator. ( buts thats not the issue )

How much are we talking ? $50 ...100 .... unfortunately, that's the reality.

40,000 THB. I was on a plane when the transactions took place so I did not receive the sms messages from the bank.

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