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France moves to expand mass surveillance, read emails, bug cars


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France moves to expand mass surveillance, read emails, bug cars
Alissa Rubin

Paris: The French lower house has taken a long stride towards mass surveillance, overwhelmingly approving a bill that could give authorities their most intrusive domestic spying abilities ever, with almost no judicial oversight.

The bill, in the works since last year, passed on Tuesday and will now go to the Senate, where it seems likely to pass, having been given new impetus in reaction to the terrorist attacks in and around Paris in January. Those attacks including at the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and at a kosher grocery, that left 17 people dead.

As the authorities struggle to keep up with the hundreds of French citizens who are cycling to and from battlefields in Iraq and Syria to wage jihad - often lured over the internet - the new steps would give the intelligence services the right to gather potentially unlimited electronic data.

The provisions, as currently outlined, would allow them to tap mobile phones, read emails and force internet service providers to comply with government requests to sift through virtually all of their subscribers' communications.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/france-moves-to-expand-mass-surveillance-read-emails-bug-cars-20150506-ggv1z8.html

-- The Age 2015-05-06

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As the authorities struggle to keep up with the hundreds of French citizens who are cycling to and from battlefields in Iraq and Syria to wage jihad

They should pass a law revolking the passports and disallowing these jihades from reintering France.

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As the authorities struggle to keep up with the hundreds of French citizens who are cycling to and from battlefields in Iraq and Syria to wage jihad

They should pass a law revolking the passports and disallowing these jihades from reintering France.

Why don't they just chain their bikes up to railings or something?

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If the French want to stop future attacks they should get rid of the gun bans, not flush more liberty down the toilet. Look what a difference it made in Texas.

Edited by BudRight
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This will be used by pro-Junta in dozens of future topics.

I cannot see into the future. If I were as fortunate as some who can, my portfolio would look much better.

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The French have always had a problem with migrants from former colonies, before it was crime and drugs , now it is terrorism,

the good thing about the French is they are not politically correct like the USA-UK and will target the problem groups and while the USA-UK pretend that they are not ,

In the USA they search at random instead of going after probable troublemakers ,

I hope the French can get a handle on the problem, but I fear it is already a lost cause

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The French have always had a choice. Get tough on terrorists or get tough on their law abiding citizens. Puzzy countries get tough on the law abiding and take their freedoms away while preaching inclusiveness and PC crap.

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If the French want to stop future attacks they should get rid of the gun bans, not flush more liberty down the toilet. Look what a difference it made in Texas.

It is my understanding that the two would-be terrorists were shot and killed by a policeman - not some redneck with a rifle. Am I wrong?

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If the French want to stop future attacks they should get rid of the gun bans, not flush more liberty down the toilet. Look what a difference it made in Texas.

Think what a difference just a few passengers with concealed carry weapons might've made on 9-1-1. (Yeah, I know, now we're going to hear all the parrots squawking the usual myths about bullet holes and aircraft decompression (go ahead, don't do your homework first and make my day...), and the risk of a stray bullet hurting an innocent - like there weren't some 5000 innocents killed on 9-1-1 for simple want of some armed good guys.)

But no, now the French are going to follow the U.S. lead, saying adieu to those of their liberties that still remain, one-by-one.

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