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Racist Xenophobic Neighbour. What to do?

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Why not stop him and discus xenophobia, maybe you will find a friend and go back his place for coffee and discus things more.

That's probably more than I would do. I've been in similar dynamics. See quote below - which dovetails better with my views of annoying Thai neighbors. . . . .

What he's really saying is that he's a miserable old git whose time has passed. They exist all over the world. I don't both trying to explain or reason with them anymore.

Agree with him. Tell him that the world is becoming increasingly hybridised and homogenised and that his world has gone and it's never coming back.

Tell him that he's just passing time and distracting himself until he dies and that he can die with a smile on his face or a scowl, it's "up to him". I find that usually shuts them up.

Ignore is usually the best policy. People are usually going to attribute to strangers better qualities (if it's a young girl seeing a handsome young man) or worse qualities (if it's a Thai neighbor seeing a complaining farang move in the neighborhood).

I fit in the 2nd (complaining) category. One disadvantage I've had, in my 16 yrs residing in rural Thailand, is not having a Thai wife who can act exceedingly polite, and make excuses for me (in flowery language) - to my neighbors. Initially, my Thai neighbors were ok. Then when I complained about dogs barking and radios blaring, they quickly came to dislike my presence. One, while drunk, said (in front of me and some Thai revelers) that he 'smelled something bad from my property.' I naively assumed it was true, and asked what it was, because if there was a bad smell (sewer breach or whatever) I'd want to fix it a.s.a.p. The next day, another Thai neighbor told me kindly that the first guy was drunk and a racist, and advised me not to worry about it. 14 years went by. Now the rude neighbor is trying to be chummy with me, but I just smile, wave, and say 'sabai dee?'.

Mate I can understand your stance and i would do the same, they can be quiet rude sometimes, and with my limited Thai I can pick up when they are being rude, I ask my wife what did he just say she will not tell me straight away because she knows what I an like, but later she will tell me

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One's and for al... FARANG = the officiel Thai translation of white foreing. Nothing wrong about rthis word OK

Go to thai- language.com-Dictionary

Thank you. The ultra thin skinned people who rant about being called farang should hear themselves. Please get over yourselves. It means nothing. Less than zero. Who cares?

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There are racist Thais, but I think most are decent - much as you'd find in any grouping of people by nationality.

I can usually tell the racist sort rather quickly. They won't look at the farang, they mumble things under their breath. They're very perfunctory, and have a pre-set niggling animosity against anything/anyone farang. Best left alone. But again, it's not a nationality thing. I know farang who become almost physically sick if other farang are in the vicinity - I bullshit not.

This topic would be more realistic if it spoke to human quirks - rather than quirks of a particular nationality.

Humans are a very odd species. I could make a long list of reasons why, but I'll write the book instead, and you can buy it on Amazon.

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Somewhat of a breakthrough this evening. I'd told him I'd read someone from the Philippines had posted that they were happy to have been colonised by the British as they'd at least had the benefit of a foundation of working towards a working Legal System/ Democracy. I told him 'You should have been colonised by the British. At least you would have been able to establish the foundations of a Democracy, and not the coup after coup shambles you have now'. I'd also told him that this particular post was closely followed up by an indigenous South African who'd pointed out 'Look at the rest of my country' (continent).'They're all going about slaughtering one another with no one to stop them. Were it not for colonisation by the West, we would be the same '. Can't disagree with that. So my neighbour then began chastising the French for their 'laziness in Laos and Cambodia'. I'd again alluded to the fact that his fellow countrymen weren't exactly known for their industriousness. At this point he started talking about the trainloads of gold and jewels having to have been given to the interlopers to free the sequestrated land in aforesaid Laos and Cambodia. I made my excuses. My dog was becoming restless and needed to shit. Ah well, tomorrow biggrin.png

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Maybe you can let him reading this


And with this, PlEASE al of You "read well how many times the word farang is used", I hope to close the polymic about this word for ever.

As I said before it is the comen word for WHITE FOREINGER


Edited by BFerearnk
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Somewhat of a breakthrough this evening. I'd told him I'd read someone from the Philippines had posted that they were happy to have been colonised by the British as they'd at least had the benefit of a foundation of working towards a working Legal System/ Democracy. I told him 'You should have been colonised by the British. At least you would have been able to establish the foundations of a Democracy, and not the coup after coup shambles you have now'. I'd also told him that this particular post was closely followed up by an indigenous South African who'd pointed out 'Look at the rest of my country' (continent).'They're all going about slaughtering one another with no one to stop them. Were it not for colonisation by the West, we would be the same '. Can't disagree with that. So my neighbour then began chastising the French for their 'laziness in Laos and Cambodia'. I'd again alluded to the fact that his fellow countrymen weren't exactly known for their industriousness. At this point he started talking about the trainloads of gold and jewels having to have been given to the interlopers to free the sequestrated land in aforesaid Laos and Cambodia. I made my excuses. My dog was becoming restless and needed to shit. Ah well, tomorrow biggrin.png

Phillipines actually colonised by Spain then the Usa,as for the African example,just about every country there was colonised by a European power,so lucky your neighbour has as little factual grasp of history as yourself.

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Somewhat of a breakthrough this evening. I'd told him I'd read someone from the Philippines had posted that they were happy to have been colonised by the British as they'd at least had the benefit of a foundation of working towards a working Legal System/ Democracy. I told him 'You should have been colonised by the British. At least you would have been able to establish the foundations of a Democracy, and not the coup after coup shambles you have now'. I'd also told him that this particular post was closely followed up by an indigenous South African who'd pointed out 'Look at the rest of my country' (continent).'They're all going about slaughtering one another with no one to stop them. Were it not for colonisation by the West, we would be the same '. Can't disagree with that. So my neighbour then began chastising the French for their 'laziness in Laos and Cambodia'. I'd again alluded to the fact that his fellow countrymen weren't exactly known for their industriousness. At this point he started talking about the trainloads of gold and jewels having to have been given to the interlopers to free the sequestrated land in aforesaid Laos and Cambodia. I made my excuses. My dog was becoming restless and needed to shit. Ah well, tomorrow


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Why not stop him and discus xenophobia, maybe you will find a friend and go back his place for coffee and discus things more.

If he is a decent person in other respects, perhaps introducing yourself, giving your name and asking his would solve the problem. I was always referred to as Farang in the village till they got to know me. Now they say hello to Sateve. And wave.

Never considered avoiding them though because they are nice.

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Somewhat of a breakthrough this evening. I'd told him I'd read someone from the Philippines had posted that they were happy to have been colonised by the British as they'd at least had the benefit of a foundation of working towards a working Legal System/ Democracy. I told him 'You should have been colonised by the British. At least you would have been able to establish the foundations of a Democracy, and not the coup after coup shambles you have now'. I'd also told him that this particular post was closely followed up by an indigenous South African who'd pointed out 'Look at the rest of my country' (continent).'They're all going about slaughtering one another with no one to stop them. Were it not for colonisation by the West, we would be the same '. Can't disagree with that. So my neighbour then began chastising the French for their 'laziness in Laos and Cambodia'. I'd again alluded to the fact that his fellow countrymen weren't exactly known for their industriousness. At this point he started talking about the trainloads of gold and jewels having to have been given to the interlopers to free the sequestrated land in aforesaid Laos and Cambodia. I made my excuses. My dog was becoming restless and needed to shit. Ah well, tomorrow biggrin.png

See I'd never fit in as a neighbour in your Soi.

You guys think to much.

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