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1 year after the coup: People's rights severely curtailed over the past year


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A junta shill. You are telling everyone in Thailand is okay with the deposing of an elected government ?

Delivering what ? Bicycle paths? Closing down radio stations ? Threatening reports who report on slaver fishing vessels ? Please enlighten us as to what is being delivered ?

We are paying guests. We have legal rights and should be treated fairly. What is your point about guests ?

I am a little confused when you say that an elected government was deposed.

AFAIR there was NO elected government at the time. There was a caretaker government which was trying to stay in power but was limited in its power (as all caretaker governments are by law) but kept trying to break the law at the time. The military certainly did NOT depose the PTP caretaker government as that was done through the courts according to the law.

Yes the government are delivering bicycling paths.

Yes they are closing down radio stations who were breaking the law and were warned at least 3 times.

Yes they are cleaning up the corrupt police force.

Yes they ARE cracking down on corruption.

Perhaps they did crack down on reports of slavery on Thai fishing vessels but with freedom od the media and the press also comes responsibilities to report correctly the facts with NO bias either way.

When you are a guest in any country it is YOUR responsibility to become aware of the rules and laws of that country and to abide by them. The rights that you have are defined by the host country, not your home country, the UN, the USA or any other country BUT the host country. If you break those laws through ignorance or deliberately the host country has the right to arrest you, fine, jail you or both and it has the right to deport you.

If you don't like or agree with the host countries way of doing things that is up to you. If however you braek the host countries rules and laws then don't complain how you get treated. This applies to all countries and not just to Thailand.

If you play the game according to the host countries rules you will have no problem.

The point about being guests in Thailand is that unless you become a Thai citizen with full voting rights you do nor have the right to criticise the government, to speak out against the Royal Family nor to break any laws that YOU don't think should apply to you, simply because you are NOT a citizen of Thailand. The Thai (or any other government for that matter) HAS the right to say who can stay and what they can say or do and equally it has the right to cancel your visa and deport you should they wish to do so.

My understanding was Yingluck was in office until the good general called for a coup. You are groping for some sort of legal language to sterilize the act of overthrow as would a government shill.

Police officers get paid around B7000 a month. How do you think they survive ? They run rackets. The systems of both law enforcement and the military are corrupt at the core.

What laws were the radio stations breaking ? Not playing enough propaganda ? offering an opposing view political point? Playing too much Micheal Jackson ?

The Thai fishing industry relies in slavery. Where is the liable on the part of the press ?

You go on and on about host country nonsense too like it is some big deal. Some of us have lived a few decades or years in many "host" countries. We have been married people from these host countries. You do have rights, and you can make comments. Of course you have the right to criticize if you pay taxes and participate in trade or society. Why would you not have that right. Again many of us have been working overseas our entire adult lives and do okay and do not need a lecture on being a guest. It sounds like you have not been overseas for very long.

Your voice, my voice and every other foreign voice in Thailand means nothing to the Thai people. It is their voice and their choice to do with as THEY wish in Thailand. Not yours, not mine anybody elses, not the USA, UK, UN nor any other countries choice but Thailand.

Our voices do mean something. When people ask me where should I go to retire, I tell them Cambodia if they are in good health and Thailand if less so. That statement effects people in Thailand and Cambodia.

When living in Taiwan, rebutted statements made by politicos and they were published in the news paper. Did the same thing of Taiwan Television. Perhaps that is why Taiwan is a more successful democracy, as they are open to outside political view points and not so caught up in themselves.

With some Thai vendors, customers and friends on both sides of the argument, we have political discussions too, and that does matter.

If you wish to sit on your hands, feel free. Don't go telling others to do the same. If you are saying people should be polite debating politics , than we agree on something.

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Your voice, my voice and every other foreign voice in Thailand means nothing to the Thai people. It is their voice and their choice to do with as THEY wish in Thailand. Not yours, not mine anybody elses, not the USA, UK, UN nor any other countries choice but Thailand.

Our voices do mean something. When people ask me where should I go to retire, I tell them Cambodia if they are in good health and Thailand if less so. That statement effects people in Thailand and Cambodia.

When living in Taiwan, rebutted statements made by politicos and they were published in the news paper. Did the same thing of Taiwan Television. Perhaps that is why Taiwan is a more successful democracy, as they are open to outside political view points and not so caught up in themselves.

With some Thai vendors, customers and friends on both sides of the argument, we have political discussions too, and that does matter.

If you wish to sit on your hands, feel free. Don't go telling others to do the same. If you are saying people should be polite debating politics , than we agree on something.

Which people are you advising to go to Cambodia or Thailand to retire? Thais or foreigners? How many people that you have advised have chosen Thailand over Cambodia?

Here in Thailand I have written to the BKK Post and been somewhat critical and also enthusiastic about several governments going back to the PPP under Somchai. Some posts were printed and some were not.

I to have discussions with my Thai neighbours over Thai politics and several of them were and still are Thaksin supporters though their support is somewhat less now. My wife however will not discuss politics or who she votes for with me. It is her choice and not mine.

I don't sit on my hands but neither do I wish to but my head against the wall trying to change the face of Thai politics locally or nationally because I am a realist and I know that nothing I can do or say will make the slightest bit of difference to Thailand. Nor do I tell anybody else what they should or shouldn't do as I figure everybody on TVF is big enough and old enough to make up their own minds what they want to do.

I do feel that politics should be allowed to be debated in Thailand however some political parties debate far more loudly than others and neither of the two biggest parties are willing to sit in the same room and talk to each other to find some common ground and work outwards from that point. The majority of the other parties are mostly in politics for the crumbs that fall from the table and are only interested in "what's in it for me?" rather than for the nation as a whole which is where Thailand falls down when you compare it to Taiwan and other "democratic" countries in the region.

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Your voice, my voice and every other foreign voice in Thailand means nothing to the Thai people. It is their voice and their choice to do with as THEY wish in Thailand. Not yours, not mine anybody elses, not the USA, UK, UN nor any other countries choice but Thailand.

Our voices do mean something. When people ask me where should I go to retire, I tell them Cambodia if they are in good health and Thailand if less so. That statement effects people in Thailand and Cambodia.

When living in Taiwan, rebutted statements made by politicos and they were published in the news paper. Did the same thing of Taiwan Television. Perhaps that is why Taiwan is a more successful democracy, as they are open to outside political view points and not so caught up in themselves.

With some Thai vendors, customers and friends on both sides of the argument, we have political discussions too, and that does matter.

If you wish to sit on your hands, feel free. Don't go telling others to do the same. If you are saying people should be polite debating politics , than we agree on something.

Which people are you advising to go to Cambodia or Thailand to retire? Thais or foreigners? How many people that you have advised have chosen Thailand over Cambodia?

Here in Thailand I have written to the BKK Post and been somewhat critical and also enthusiastic about several governments going back to the PPP under Somchai. Some posts were printed and some were not.

I to have discussions with my Thai neighbours over Thai politics and several of them were and still are Thaksin supporters though their support is somewhat less now. My wife however will not discuss politics or who she votes for with me. It is her choice and not mine.

I don't sit on my hands but neither do I wish to but my head against the wall trying to change the face of Thai politics locally or nationally because I am a realist and I know that nothing I can do or say will make the slightest bit of difference to Thailand. Nor do I tell anybody else what they should or shouldn't do as I figure everybody on TVF is big enough and old enough to make up their own minds what they want to do.

I do feel that politics should be allowed to be debated in Thailand however some political parties debate far more loudly than others and neither of the two biggest parties are willing to sit in the same room and talk to each other to find some common ground and work outwards from that point. The majority of the other parties are mostly in politics for the crumbs that fall from the table and are only interested in "what's in it for me?" rather than for the nation as a whole which is where Thailand falls down when you compare it to Taiwan and other "democratic" countries in the region.

A great many foreigners who are in good health and have vitality go to Cambodia now. The visas are an not a worry and you can work if you want. Thailand has become less desirable due to the visa (past) situation and the whole 90 day reporting thing. Thailand's troubles are a great opportunity for Cambodia. Thais are conspicuously absent in Cambodia. Chinese and westerners are far more prevalent . Almost every foreigner in my circle prefers Cambodia now. Contractors who use to make Thailand their second home have moved to Cambodia. My 90 year old professional back packer friend moved to Cambodia. Had to leave his peaceful hamlet in northern Thailand due to Thai visa hassles.

As far as butting heads, will continue to do so in the interests of those enslaved, those who wish universal suffrage and those who stand against article 44.

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These westerner who love this coup are a strange group of people. The all sound triumphant and feel might makes right.

Great how telling the truth means someone is a coup lover but I suppose those with so much hate in them they have to condemn everything must see anyone who doesnt agree with them as some sort of enemy.

If you stand for deposing elected governments, stifling free speech, article 44 (newer better martial law) and military government, that does make you less than desirable in some circles. If you are just a lout that does not really care about the world around him, then apologies and you are living in the right place.

My post was the truth and you cant stand that so you have to put labels on me and others who also tell it as it is.

If the "Some circles" are the red ones that you travel in then I take it as a compliment that I would not be desired there for I have no wish to be associated with that pack of thugs.

There is no difference to the everyday life of normal Thai people who go about their business without harassment.

The only ones who have problems are the so called activists and those who want to make trouble for their own selfish ends.

Every day there are critical editorials and comments in the media on many things that the present Govt is doing, that is called freedom of speech.

The only things that are banned are lies inflammatory comments and statements.

You have consistently twisted things out of context in your support for PT, Yingluck, the reds and Thaksin and your blind hatred for the present PM.

I know that it will never get through to you with your entrenched attitude but it is a fact that recognizing the good that the present administration has done does not signify support for them. It is simply being able to see the truth.

In the past I have criticized things that I believe the present PM has done wrong and will do so again but I am also prepared to give credit for the good.

A military Govt in this country is a fact of life whether you, I or anyone else likes it or not and to rant on against it as you and your few friends on here do can not change that.

Get over it.

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Your voice, my voice and every other foreign voice in Thailand means nothing to the Thai people. It is their voice and their choice to do with as THEY wish in Thailand. Not yours, not mine anybody elses, not the USA, UK, UN nor any other countries choice but Thailand.

Our voices do mean something. When people ask me where should I go to retire, I tell them Cambodia if they are in good health and Thailand if less so. That statement effects people in Thailand and Cambodia.

When living in Taiwan, rebutted statements made by politicos and they were published in the news paper. Did the same thing of Taiwan Television. Perhaps that is why Taiwan is a more successful democracy, as they are open to outside political view points and not so caught up in themselves.

With some Thai vendors, customers and friends on both sides of the argument, we have political discussions too, and that does matter.

If you wish to sit on your hands, feel free. Don't go telling others to do the same. If you are saying people should be polite debating politics , than we agree on something.

Which people are you advising to go to Cambodia or Thailand to retire? Thais or foreigners? How many people that you have advised have chosen Thailand over Cambodia?

Here in Thailand I have written to the BKK Post and been somewhat critical and also enthusiastic about several governments going back to the PPP under Somchai. Some posts were printed and some were not.

I to have discussions with my Thai neighbours over Thai politics and several of them were and still are Thaksin supporters though their support is somewhat less now. My wife however will not discuss politics or who she votes for with me. It is her choice and not mine.

I don't sit on my hands but neither do I wish to but my head against the wall trying to change the face of Thai politics locally or nationally because I am a realist and I know that nothing I can do or say will make the slightest bit of difference to Thailand. Nor do I tell anybody else what they should or shouldn't do as I figure everybody on TVF is big enough and old enough to make up their own minds what they want to do.

I do feel that politics should be allowed to be debated in Thailand however some political parties debate far more loudly than others and neither of the two biggest parties are willing to sit in the same room and talk to each other to find some common ground and work outwards from that point. The majority of the other parties are mostly in politics for the crumbs that fall from the table and are only interested in "what's in it for me?" rather than for the nation as a whole which is where Thailand falls down when you compare it to Taiwan and other "democratic" countries in the region.

A great many foreigners who are in good health and have vitality go to Cambodia now. The visas are an not a worry and you can work if you want. Thailand has become less desirable due to the visa (past) situation and the whole 90 day reporting thing. Thailand's troubles are a great opportunity for Cambodia. Thais are conspicuously absent in Cambodia. Chinese and westerners are far more prevalent . Almost every foreigner in my circle prefers Cambodia now. Contractors who use to make Thailand their second home have moved to Cambodia. My 90 year old professional back packer friend moved to Cambodia. Had to leave his peaceful hamlet in northern Thailand due to Thai visa hassles.

As far as butting heads, will continue to do so in the interests of those enslaved, those who wish universal suffrage and those who stand against article 44.

I know of about 20 foreigners living within a 20 km radius of me in rural Thailand ranging from a couple of 30+ year olds to my mate of 78. They are Aussie, Belgian, a few Brits, a Swiss, a Dane, an Austrian. Most are married, some with children and some without. Further afield I know quite a few expats in Jomtien, Sattahip, Ban Lamung, BKK and Hua Hin.

None of them to my knowledge have any problems in Thailand and none of them have any visa problems either. Most of them have land and houses in their wives names, some have condos and all of them are very happy living in Thailand.

Obviously we have a completely different circle of friends and none of them to my knowledge are interested in living anywhere other than Thailand. Most of them are successful engineers or ex engineers now retired at least 3 have their own businesses and the all seem to have had a good education in the country of their birth.

They seem to have their heads screwed on and they are quite happy to live in Thailand under this government and have no desire to relocate elsewhere.

When I look around the rural area where I live and talk to the local Thais I know I haven't found any that are enslaved by anybody let alone this government. They are quite happy to be left alone to get on with their lives, keep their jobs, put food on the table, whiskey in the jar and give thanks that their children are not drug addicts.

Khampaeng Phet province used to favour the PTP and Thaksin a few years ago but over the years and decades the people KNOW that they will be screwed over by whichever politicians are in power, red, yellow or sky blue with tartan patches. They KNOW that politicians only need them for 20 minutes or so at election time so they really have no faith in politicians and are most probably enjoying the respite from them currently.

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The only things that are banned are lies inflammatory comments and statements.

That's not entirely true Robby, and well you know it. Go and read 1984 in Siam Pargon, wearing a red coloured shirt, and giving the 3 fingered hunger games salute to passers by. ;)

None of these are lies, they are banned by the Junta. You are aware that many books were removed from bookstores after the coup, as they were considered "inappropriate" ?

The use of the D word to describe the Junta is also banned, polls representing the Junta in a less than flattering light are not allowed either.

Sure you have been critical of the Junta, but you're also one of the biggest kool aid drinking advocates on TVF as well.

But that is your right and that of the others who see the Junta as the best thing since sliced bread, as is the right of those who don't see them quite in the same light ;)

Time will tell, but considering they have banned political gatherings, they are using their time in power to prevent opposition to their power grab, and that's exactly what it is, power corrupts, and absolute power? The Junta are using every single delaying tactic to prevent any opposition to them from forming.

After a referendum, they will also need to relax the political gatherings, at some stage so that canvassing for the various parties can begin, you can't just say, next month we will have a General Election, but first to do that they have to wait for the courts to complete their cases against the PTP, so that these very courts can disband them, and ban all current PTP/UDD members from running for office.... it all takes time Robby, the courts aren't ready, so it's delay delay delay.

It's very clever really, but it's also an abuse of power, Thailand does NOT belong to the PM, nor the NCPO/NLA/EC, it belongs to the people, and the people are unable to protest if that is their desire, they cannot listen to potential MP's as canvassing is not allowed, and yet you still don't see anything really wrong with this?

You're correct about a Military Government is a way of life here in Thailand, I'm of the opposing view, that the sooner they lose this power, and stop interfering in politics, the better.. but that's just my opinion, of which I'm sure there are many others who have a similar one. We are the lucky ones Robby, through this forum, we're allowed to have these opinions, go and dress your wife up in a 1984 T shirt, with a copy of "A Kingdom in crisis" and see how long she gets to enjoy the ambiance and sunshine ;)

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"Indeed, some have warned that Thais might become so used to their rights and liberty being curbed under the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), that they start seeing it as normal."

It seems like it is an excepted fact and is the norm. Most Thais seem too afraid to talk about it, or they just do not care.

A corrupt or inept prime minister is better than an all powerful, completely above the law Junta any day.

Still cannot phathom westerners who supported this coup.

With a corrupt Government running rampant, it was a good thing that the Coup happened. Things have greatly improved since the coup....crooked politicians, Government Employees and Police are being rounded up, Beaches and Forests have been returned to the people. If you haven't accepted this and think that a corrupt/inept Prime minister is better then I can only say that you are a complete idiot. Can you name which of your rights has been affected ??

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Wombat, you cannot ask farangs which rights have been affected, as the OP isn't about expats rights, it's about Thai citizens, you know, often known as the electorate, Farangs don't have any rights here unless they have PR status, so really, your question is pretty moot. ;)

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These westerner who love this coup are a strange group of people. The all sound triumphant and feel might makes right.

Great how telling the truth means someone is a coup lover but I suppose those with so much hate in them they have to condemn everything must see anyone who doesnt agree with them as some sort of enemy.

If you stand for deposing elected governments, stifling free speech, article 44 (newer better martial law) and military government, that does make you less than desirable in some circles. If you are just a lout that does not really care about the world around him, then apologies and you are living in the right place.

My post was the truth and you cant stand that so you have to put labels on me and others who also tell it as it is.

If the "Some circles" are the red ones that you travel in then I take it as a compliment that I would not be desired there for I have no wish to be associated with that pack of thugs.

There is no difference to the everyday life of normal Thai people who go about their business without harassment.

The only ones who have problems are the so called activists and those who want to make trouble for their own selfish ends.

Every day there are critical editorials and comments in the media on many things that the present Govt is doing, that is called freedom of speech.

The only things that are banned are lies inflammatory comments and statements.

You have consistently twisted things out of context in your support for PT, Yingluck, the reds and Thaksin and your blind hatred for the present PM.

I know that it will never get through to you with your entrenched attitude but it is a fact that recognizing the good that the present administration has done does not signify support for them. It is simply being able to see the truth.

In the past I have criticized things that I believe the present PM has done wrong and will do so again but I am also prepared to give credit for the good.

A military Govt in this country is a fact of life whether you, I or anyone else likes it or not and to rant on against it as you and your few friends on here do can not change that.

Get over it.

"Get over it" ? Sorry, no . It is far to gratifying arguing with the likes of you As far as the color of my shirt, had little interest until the second coup. Are the reds the good people who voted for the two time deposed Shinawatras, or are they something else ? Surely you not calling 60% of the population a "pack of thugs" . That would be labeling .

Polls that are critical of the current government are banned. Kids holding up three fingers have been detained. Hardly something to be proud of. Because you are able to move around freely doesn't mean others can.

Some posters, more eloquent than I, said that the Fascists use to say, "At least we got the trains to run on time". Usurping power does not get you accolades or sympathy. The good they have done is a matter a debate and few have come up with anything tangible other than bicycle lanes, for which I am for . Please enlighten us as to the great strides the general is making.

My belief is that Thailand is capable of better and this junta and its elitist serving general have deprived the Thai population a bright future, even with the bike lanes. They should aspire to what the Taiwanese and others have and covet. They should allow democracy take its course just like other countries.

Edited by yellowboat
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The only things that are banned are lies inflammatory comments and statements.

That's not entirely true Robby, and well you know it. Go and read 1984 in Siam Pargon, wearing a red coloured shirt, and giving the 3 fingered hunger games salute to passers by. wink.png

None of these are lies, they are banned by the Junta. You are aware that many books were removed from bookstores after the coup, as they were considered "inappropriate" ?

The use of the D word to describe the Junta is also banned, polls representing the Junta in a less than flattering light are not allowed either.

Sure you have been critical of the Junta, but you're also one of the biggest kool aid drinking advocates on TVF as well.

But that is your right and that of the others who see the Junta as the best thing since sliced bread, as is the right of those who don't see them quite in the same light wink.png

Time will tell, but considering they have banned political gatherings, they are using their time in power to prevent opposition to their power grab, and that's exactly what it is, power corrupts, and absolute power? The Junta are using every single delaying tactic to prevent any opposition to them from forming.

After a referendum, they will also need to relax the political gatherings, at some stage so that canvassing for the various parties can begin, you can't just say, next month we will have a General Election, but first to do that they have to wait for the courts to complete their cases against the PTP, so that these very courts can disband them, and ban all current PTP/UDD members from running for office.... it all takes time Robby, the courts aren't ready, so it's delay delay delay.

It's very clever really, but it's also an abuse of power, Thailand does NOT belong to the PM, nor the NCPO/NLA/EC, it belongs to the people, and the people are unable to protest if that is their desire, they cannot listen to potential MP's as canvassing is not allowed, and yet you still don't see anything really wrong with this?

You're correct about a Military Government is a way of life here in Thailand, I'm of the opposing view, that the sooner they lose this power, and stop interfering in politics, the better.. but that's just my opinion, of which I'm sure there are many others who have a similar one. We are the lucky ones Robby, through this forum, we're allowed to have these opinions, go and dress your wife up in a 1984 T shirt, with a copy of "A Kingdom in crisis" and see how long she gets to enjoy the ambiance and sunshine wink.png

Here we go again because I tell it the truth I get called an advocate of the military.

"That's not entirely true Robby, and well you know it. Go and read 1984 in Siam Pargon, wearing a red coloured shirt, and giving the 3 fingered hunger games salute to passers by"

Why would I or anyone with any common sense want to do that ? As you well know that is considered a offensive political statement and an extremely stupid thing to do and it is no wonder that loonies who would do such a thing are given a talking to. As for dressing a wife up, akin to putting a child on top of a barricade as a target, abject stupidity to even think of.

There are rallies and protests against or about one thing or another almost every day no problem, just today.


And yesterday.


I could carry on going back and probably find something every day but these things are not disruptive and trying to make trouble, on the contrary they are groups that are working to improve things by bringing their grievances to public notice.

Would the reds and their supporters have such consideration for the people of this country.

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"Indeed, some have warned that Thais might become so used to their rights and liberty being curbed under the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), that they start seeing it as normal."

It seems like it is an excepted fact and is the norm. Most Thais seem too afraid to talk about it, or they just do not care.

A corrupt or inept prime minister is better than an all powerful, completely above the law Junta any day.

Still cannot phathom westerners who supported this coup.

With a corrupt Government running rampant, it was a good thing that the Coup happened. Things have greatly improved since the coup....crooked politicians, Government Employees and Police are being rounded up, Beaches and Forests have been returned to the people. If you haven't accepted this and think that a corrupt/inept Prime minister is better then I can only say that you are a complete idiot. Can you name which of your rights has been affected ??

So in order for all these thing to happen, it took an army to depose an elected government: Things have greatly improved since the coup....crooked politicians, Government Employees and Police are being rounded up, Beaches and Forests have been returned to the people ? Why does a coup have to happen ? Why can't there be trials ? Why do you need article 44 ? Why can the Taiwanese manage a workable democracy while Thailand cannot ? You are right. I feel the need to be educated.

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The only things that are banned are lies inflammatory comments and statements.

That's not entirely true Robby, and well you know it. Go and read 1984 in Siam Pargon, wearing a red coloured shirt, and giving the 3 fingered hunger games salute to passers by. wink.png

None of these are lies, they are banned by the Junta. You are aware that many books were removed from bookstores after the coup, as they were considered "inappropriate" ?

The use of the D word to describe the Junta is also banned, polls representing the Junta in a less than flattering light are not allowed either.

Sure you have been critical of the Junta, but you're also one of the biggest kool aid drinking advocates on TVF as well.

But that is your right and that of the others who see the Junta as the best thing since sliced bread, as is the right of those who don't see them quite in the same light wink.png

Time will tell, but considering they have banned political gatherings, they are using their time in power to prevent opposition to their power grab, and that's exactly what it is, power corrupts, and absolute power? The Junta are using every single delaying tactic to prevent any opposition to them from forming.

After a referendum, they will also need to relax the political gatherings, at some stage so that canvassing for the various parties can begin, you can't just say, next month we will have a General Election, but first to do that they have to wait for the courts to complete their cases against the PTP, so that these very courts can disband them, and ban all current PTP/UDD members from running for office.... it all takes time Robby, the courts aren't ready, so it's delay delay delay.

It's very clever really, but it's also an abuse of power, Thailand does NOT belong to the PM, nor the NCPO/NLA/EC, it belongs to the people, and the people are unable to protest if that is their desire, they cannot listen to potential MP's as canvassing is not allowed, and yet you still don't see anything really wrong with this?

You're correct about a Military Government is a way of life here in Thailand, I'm of the opposing view, that the sooner they lose this power, and stop interfering in politics, the better.. but that's just my opinion, of which I'm sure there are many others who have a similar one. We are the lucky ones Robby, through this forum, we're allowed to have these opinions, go and dress your wife up in a 1984 T shirt, with a copy of "A Kingdom in crisis" and see how long she gets to enjoy the ambiance and sunshine wink.png

Why would I or anyone with any common sense want to do that ? As you well know that is considered a offensive political statement and an extremely stupid thing to do and it is no wonder that loonies who would do such a thing are given a talking to.

Why are these offensive books ? Are they libelous ? Are you in the least bit intellectually curious as to why these books are band ?

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Politics here in Thailand has nothing to do with us?

Where do you live? In a pink bubble, bouncing through space?

I live in Thailand and so all its politics has very much to do with me!

Right now, nothing in Thai -politics is going to be swayed by anyone, except those in power right now!

So again: what's your point?

Politics has very much to do with us here. A cursory glance at the Visa Forum would open blinkered eyes for starters. Daily we see Immigration offices countrywide sending applicants out for every more useless documentation, left handed spanners, requiring repeat visits for just one visa whereas before just one day sufficed. Why? The ever expanding 'visa agent' entrepreneurship should give you a clue.

The General has made his dislike of 'foreigners' known with ignorant 'We eat rice, they eat bread' comments, immigration are having a free for all without let or hindrance by the, ha! 'Great Reformer'. Reformed what? Exactly. It's today been noted that business leaders can't come up with one solid 'reform' on this, the anniversary of the coup. 'But they like his promises'!blink.png

This state of affairs shows no sign of abating. you think the current ultra nationalist give a stuff about individuals within the country? Foreign press who dare to besmirch LalaLand, yes, they care very much. About the effect on their bank accounts. Wheresoever they might be ..

Edited by dageurreotype
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"Indeed, some have warned that Thais might become so used to their rights and liberty being curbed under the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), that they start seeing it as normal."

It seems like it is an excepted fact and is the norm. Most Thais seem too afraid to talk about it, or they just do not care.

A corrupt or inept prime minister is better than an all powerful, completely above the law Junta any day.

Still cannot phathom westerners who supported this coup.

With a corrupt Government running rampant, it was a good thing that the Coup happened. Things have greatly improved since the coup....crooked politicians, Government Employees and Police are being rounded up, Beaches and Forests have been returned to the people. If you haven't accepted this and think that a corrupt/inept Prime minister is better then I can only say that you are a complete idiot. Can you name which of your rights has been affected ??

So in order for all these thing to happen, it took an army to depose an elected government: Things have greatly improved since the coup....crooked politicians, Government Employees and Police are being rounded up, Beaches and Forests have been returned to the people ? Why does a coup have to happen ? Why can't there be trials ? Why do you need article 44 ? Why can the Taiwanese manage a workable democracy while Thailand cannot ? You are right. I feel the need to be educated.

I lived in Taiwan for many years and watched their democracy emerge. Why Thailand & Taiwan are different is the fact that Taiwan has true freedom of expression. Nothing is off limits because of some draconian LM or defamation law.

Taiwan politics is noisy, abusive at times, but out and out honest.

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence here knows, dare mention anything truly meaningful and the specter of 112 will get wielded to silence debate, regardless of whether or not it does actually contravene 112,

Until this country really comes to gripes with that fundamental reality, might as well get ready for coup after endless coup, since without honest debate politics is pointless.

And as a final point, look at what happened to Taiwan since it transitioned to a real democracy, compare it's standard of living and prosperity to that of Thailamd

Edited by GinBoy2
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My sources tell me the dear general will be in office for another 2 years o so before we have election. Just hope it doesn't turn out to be another decade.

I hope it is a decade, by that time the good PM will have achieved alot.

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The activists, read stirrers, have had their so called rights, to make trouble, curbed but I haven't noticed any of my rights or freedom to go wherever I want or do what I want in this country effected, nor do I see anyone around me having any problems with going about their normal business or going where they want and doing what they want.

I don't get stopped by the military wherever I go, nor by the police and I have moved around the country quite a bit in the last year.

Perhaps those who post agreeing that their rights have been curtailed could give some personal examples.

Lots of I's and My's in there, it didn't trouble you so that's all good.

It's not so bad now but after the coup there were road blocks around Udon Thani manned by terrified looking young squaddies from the basic training camp at the end of my soi. Driving to Khon Kaen averaged 3 police and or military checks although now it's back to the usual. police stops.

You are lucky " I never get stopped wherever I go " but you didn't have to sound so triumphant.

These westerner who love this coup are a strange group of people. The all sound triumphant and feel might makes right.

Actually they turn the stomach - ignorant, lacking any moral compass, self centred and absurd.Most seem to be of semi educated lower middle class origin.

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Rights to do what? Seize airports, threaten to close down banks, cause economic chaos, mob takeovers of streets in Bangkok, declare certain areas as their territories, set fire to shopping malls, riot in the streets, bomb properties, mob lynch innocent people, threaten those who disagree with them with violence and bring the country into civil war, all under the umbrella of corrupt politicians and so-called leaders.

Thailand does not need the west`s human rights laws here and do gooders telling them how to morally run the country. I hope this present government remains in power forever, long may they reign.

I could not agree more. Where do we start. How many riots have happened since the general Said new rules. I get waved through checkpoints.

Immigration are always polite friendly & efficient in providing their services. My life has not changed in any way.

They only people that don't like the current goverment either want to get their hands in the till, or are doin something illegal

& pissed off they cant continue supporting the blindness charitys because their connection cant provide protection with the military watching.

The farmers have been paid. Corruption is getting eroded. Even the jet ski thieves have been slowed down.

If an uncorrupt election were held tommorow

Prayuth would still be leader by a landslide.

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Rights to do what? Seize airports, threaten to close down banks, cause economic chaos, mob takeovers of streets in Bangkok, declare certain areas as their territories, set fire to shopping malls, riot in the streets, bomb properties, mob lynch innocent people, threaten those who disagree with them with violence and bring the country into civil war, all under the umbrella of corrupt politicians and so-called leaders.

Thailand does not need the west`s human rights laws here and do gooders telling them how to morally run the country. I hope this present government remains in power forever, long may they reign.

I could not agree more. Where do we start. How many riots have happened since the general Said new rules. I get waved through checkpoints.

Immigration are always polite friendly & efficient in providing their services. My life has not changed in any way.

They only people that don't like the current goverment either want to get their hands in the till, or are doin something illegal

& pissed off they cant continue supporting the blindness charitys because their connection cant provide protection with the military watching.

The farmers have been paid. Corruption is getting eroded. Even the jet ski thieves have been slowed down.

If an uncorrupt election were held tommorow

Prayuth would still be leader by a landslide.

Hand in your passports, social security cards and renounce your citizenship at your embassy then, but you won't. Not least because without your documentation, Thailand would all of a sudden be adding you to the 'Unwanted' list which would not end well for you.

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where have they been when Thaksin killed 3000 "drug-dealer" or when the previous government hired thugs to shoot protesters?

Well done Mr. Amsterdam.....

human rights groups called out Thaksin on the war on drugs....

Although if you have something that shows that it was the previous government that hired "thugs" to shoot protesters, then pony up at the bar with your evidence...

(thinking people recognize that as the nonsense that your claim is... since the previous government wanted to avoid violence at all costs... If there were violence against the PDRC, then the government understood that it could be used as an excuse for an "intervention" ... funny that you guys can't figure that one out. whistling.gif )

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