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I know - I know...This is probably a tired, old story, but I have yet to find out what really happened to the girl who was the focus of the Documentary - Pla.

Jordan Clark claims at the end that 7 days after he left Thailand (back around 2002 or there abouts) that Pla was found dead. He says that all he could find out was that they cause of death was supposed 'heart failure'. The reason this bothers me so much is that Pla was 19 at the time of the Documentary, and there are reports of her still being alive and well.

A person's privacy is truly a thing to value, but does anyone know if she truly did die or not? If she did - was it truly due to a heart condition? Or was she murdered? Suicide?

Sorry if this comes off as a nosy Farang (not even living in Thailand wanting to know), but I just want to know if she did in fact die, if a true investigation into her death was ever done or not. If she truly is alive and well (and God I pray she is), then that is the best possible outcome from this tragic story.


I think your missing the point of the story. It's about one woman's challenges that are similar to many others.

The point is not really about focusing on her specifically.

Its on youtube

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I have written at length about this elsewhere. Jordan I dislike, he in my opinion abused a simple Thai bargirl for his own glorification. Offer any bargirl a starring role in a documentary, worlwide fame and Hollywood next!

Jordan has the nerve to enter a world he knows nothing about.

I doubt she died, just a good climax to his own script.

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Guys - thank you for the comments (even the sarcastic, snarky ones). I understand the point of the Documentary, and believe me when I say that I have gone well beyond the garden variety Google searches on what really happened to Pla. The reason I posted this hear was in the hopes of finding people in Thailand who honestly know what happened (either from those who knew her or are truly connected to the story and have facts).

Regardless - thanks for the feedback, and 'buhi'...Where is your article? I would love to give it a read.

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I remember seeing the documentary. I also didn't believe she had died.

She is probably enjoying sum tom somewhere as we speak.

I don't really know.

  • Like 1

Guys - thank you for the comments (even the sarcastic, snarky ones). I understand the point of the Documentary, and believe me when I say that I have gone well beyond the garden variety Google searches on what really happened to Pla. The reason I posted this hear was in the hopes of finding people in Thailand who honestly know what happened (either from those who knew her or are truly connected to the story and have facts).

Regardless - thanks for the feedback, and 'buhi'...Where is your article? I would love to give it a read.


Sorry having a computer problem and though I have my article I cannot copy and paste it, but I stand by my original statement that Jordan was messing naively in a world he knew little about and had his own agenda.

I do know that world, sorry I do and it is not what is portrayed. Could I make a documentary on Lao girls forced into prostitution in up country Thailand. Well I would too have an agenda, but I am Bangkok and do know the scene here and how it was in 2002.

No girl working in the bars of Bangkok, farang bars that is was forced to work there and are free agents.

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I wish there was someone out here with some tangibles on what actually happened. I have a hard time believing something like this went unreported (given the fact that she was the subject of a Documentary).


I had never seen that documentary.

It was well done, but quite depressing.

What am I missing here?

So, you found the documentary uplifting?



Sorry having a computer problem and though I have my article I cannot copy and paste it, but I stand by my original statement that Jordan was messing naively in a world he knew little about and had his own agenda.

I do know that world, sorry I do and it is not what is portrayed. Could I make a documentary on Lao girls forced into prostitution in up country Thailand. Well I would too have an agenda, but I am Bangkok and do know the scene here and how it was in 2002.

No girl working in the bars of Bangkok, farang bars that is was forced to work there and are free agents.

Are you kidding me, very un-judgemental film, no opinions in there at all.

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Sorry having a computer problem and though I have my article I cannot copy and paste it, but I stand by my original statement that Jordan was messing naively in a world he knew little about and had his own agenda.

I do know that world, sorry I do and it is not what is portrayed. Could I make a documentary on Lao girls forced into prostitution in up country Thailand. Well I would too have an agenda, but I am Bangkok and do know the scene here and how it was in 2002.

No girl working in the bars of Bangkok, farang bars that is was forced to work there and are free agents.

Are you kidding me, very un-judgemental film, no opinions in there at all.

Not kidding, it is almost impossible to create any art without having a point of view; as I have and you have about this documentary.!

Question, why and how did he choose Pla?

Why the idiot learing supposed teacher.

Opinion and agenda that is why and that is not a crticism as such, just be aware.

I know plenty of hardened bar girls who would have rather spoilt his agenda!


To add a bit of my reseach knowledge.

Back in 2002 the Sukumwit scene was very lucrative. The baht had crashed and their were many Western tourists and not all sexpats. They came in part for the "amazing " night scene; very common to see a husband and wife from the West enjoying a night out in the bars. Fun time; I would be there with my wife.

Yes you bought a lady a drink, nice to have a hostess look after you and tell you that, "You hansom man!".

I was, as is obvious already a Bangkok expat at the time of Jordan's ego trip.

Now today; few holidaying Westerners around Sukumwit. Some other nationalities, but not the point of this post.

The bars are almost dead; Nana in particular. Cowboy, ,the new haunt of the sexpats.

I still have a fondness for Nana, mainly for nostalgic reasons and because I am known there, so safer than many visitors!

The girs (ladyboys, many, spot the difference) working in the Go Go bars get a flat rate of 300 baht a night, minimum wage, plus bonus for topless. They also earn by getting guys to buy drinks and lady drinks. A cut of that goes to them as a bonus. Most will not go out with a John if he is in the least suspicious; if they CHOOSE to then a bar fine must be paid, the girl gets a bonus for that.

Outside the bar , what she charges is up to her.

So a Pla type now , has a minimum wage plus bonuses which in good times can be substantial.

Give me a film crew and a budget and I will make a documentary, but it would not be very exciting or groundbreaking.

Just , as it is, in Sukumwit, Bangkok.

Other areas I do not know well , so cannot comment with in depth of knowledge.

Pattaya I used to know, but that was before a certain nation of mafia took over. It was, in 2002, much the same as Bangkok, basic daily wage plus extras. Daily wage as most could not be trusted to come to work every day. Find a rich holiday maker and off on a tour of Thailand, back later.

Could write the book, but already written and not by Jordan!


To add a bit of my reseach knowledge.

Back in 2002 the Sukumwit scene was very lucrative. The baht had crashed and their were many Western tourists and not all sexpats. They came in part for the "amazing " night scene; very common to see a husband and wife from the West enjoying a night out in the bars. Fun time; I would be there with my wife.

Yes you bought a lady a drink, nice to have a hostess look after you and tell you that, "You hansom man!".

I was, as is obvious already a Bangkok expat at the time of Jordan's ego trip.

Now today; few holidaying Westerners around Sukumwit. Some other nationalities, but not the point of this post.

The bars are almost dead; Nana in particular. Cowboy, ,the new haunt of the sexpats.

I still have a fondness for Nana, mainly for nostalgic reasons and because I am known there, so safer than many visitors!

The girs (ladyboys, many, spot the difference) working in the Go Go bars get a flat rate of 300 baht a night, minimum wage, plus bonus for topless. They also earn by getting guys to buy drinks and lady drinks. A cut of that goes to them as a bonus. Most will not go out with a John if he is in the least suspicious; if they CHOOSE to then a bar fine must be paid, the girl gets a bonus for that.

Outside the bar , what she charges is up to her.

So a Pla type now , has a minimum wage plus bonuses which in good times can be substantial.

Give me a film crew and a budget and I will make a documentary, but it would not be very exciting or groundbreaking.

Just , as it is, in Sukumwit, Bangkok.

Other areas I do not know well , so cannot comment with in depth of knowledge.

Pattaya I used to know, but that was before a certain nation of mafia took over. It was, in 2002, much the same as Bangkok, basic daily wage plus extras. Daily wage as most could not be trusted to come to work every day. Find a rich holiday maker and off on a tour of Thailand, back later.

Could write the book, but already written and not by Jordan!

buhi - Jordan indicates at the end of his Documentary that Checkpoint Charles was now closed, and that Pla's friends were scattered all along various places in the Red Light district. I have heard the names 'M' and 'O' in the past, and I wonder if any of her friends are still around? They might be the best last chance to finally put to rest if Pla is in fact deceased or not.


To add a bit of my reseach knowledge.

Back in 2002 the Sukumwit scene was very lucrative. The baht had crashed and their were many Western tourists and not all sexpats. They came in part for the "amazing " night scene; very common to see a husband and wife from the West enjoying a night out in the bars. Fun time; I would be there with my wife.

Yes you bought a lady a drink, nice to have a hostess look after you and tell you that, "You hansom man!".

I was, as is obvious already a Bangkok expat at the time of Jordan's ego trip.

Now today; few holidaying Westerners around Sukumwit. Some other nationalities, but not the point of this post.

The bars are almost dead; Nana in particular. Cowboy, ,the new haunt of the sexpats.

I still have a fondness for Nana, mainly for nostalgic reasons and because I am known there, so safer than many visitors!

The girs (ladyboys, many, spot the difference) working in the Go Go bars get a flat rate of 300 baht a night, minimum wage, plus bonus for topless. They also earn by getting guys to buy drinks and lady drinks. A cut of that goes to them as a bonus. Most will not go out with a John if he is in the least suspicious; if they CHOOSE to then a bar fine must be paid, the girl gets a bonus for that.

Outside the bar , what she charges is up to her.

So a Pla type now , has a minimum wage plus bonuses which in good times can be substantial.

Give me a film crew and a budget and I will make a documentary, but it would not be very exciting or groundbreaking.

Just , as it is, in Sukumwit, Bangkok.

Other areas I do not know well , so cannot comment with in depth of knowledge.

Pattaya I used to know, but that was before a certain nation of mafia took over. It was, in 2002, much the same as Bangkok, basic daily wage plus extras. Daily wage as most could not be trusted to come to work every day. Find a rich holiday maker and off on a tour of Thailand, back later.

Could write the book, but already written and not by Jordan!

buhi - Jordan indicates at the end of his Documentary that Checkpoint Charles was now closed, and that Pla's friends were scattered all along various places in the Red Light district. I have heard the names 'M' and 'O' in the past, and I wonder if any of her friends are still around? They might be the best last chance to finally put to rest if Pla is in fact deceased or not.

I do not know, have only one close friend who still works there and she was not around in 2002.

I think the answer is clear, she did not die.

Jordan evades the question in an interview.

This was, in my opinion a scripted film.

Tragic end required for maximum effect.

On release, if Pla had of died then the police/ mafia would have been after Jordan and dishing the blame.

Too much of the film contains dialogue that a bar girl could not manage, certainly not the supposed innocent Pla. The best English speakers are the old hands who have been around with foreigners for years and even they speak Thenglish, which is how , with my rudimentary Thai, I can enjoy a night of fun and pleasant Thenglish conversation.

Even my wife of twenty years could not have used Pla dialogue. And forget the "normal " Thai, most cannot speak English in a meanigful way!

The International school educated can, but you will not find one in a Sukumwit bar.

There you have it, a complete fabrication!

My favourite part is the sob story, highly embelished. I stopped listening to the dead buffalo, mother sick nonsense nineteen years ago. No girl would bother to try it on me!

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To Sly, as you can deduce I am a writer of sorts and quite well known in Bangkok; no not Stickman.

I thank the moderators for not intervening and I have tried to be careful in my replies/ comments.

If you truly want to know more about a certain area of Thai life, then this is not the forum to discuss it. I am very willing to give the lowdown, but not here.


To add a bit of my reseach knowledge.

Back in 2002 the Sukumwit scene was very lucrative. The baht had crashed and their were many Western tourists and not all sexpats. They came in part for the "amazing " night scene; very common to see a husband and wife from the West enjoying a night out in the bars. Fun time; I would be there with my wife.

Yes you bought a lady a drink, nice to have a hostess look after you and tell you that, "You hansom man!".

I was, as is obvious already a Bangkok expat at the time of Jordan's ego trip.

Now today; few holidaying Westerners around Sukumwit. Some other nationalities, but not the point of this post.

The bars are almost dead; Nana in particular. Cowboy, ,the new haunt of the sexpats.

I still have a fondness for Nana, mainly for nostalgic reasons and because I am known there, so safer than many visitors!

The girs (ladyboys, many, spot the difference) working in the Go Go bars get a flat rate of 300 baht a night, minimum wage, plus bonus for topless. They also earn by getting guys to buy drinks and lady drinks. A cut of that goes to them as a bonus. Most will not go out with a John if he is in the least suspicious; if they CHOOSE to then a bar fine must be paid, the girl gets a bonus for that.

Outside the bar , what she charges is up to her.

So a Pla type now , has a minimum wage plus bonuses which in good times can be substantial.

Give me a film crew and a budget and I will make a documentary, but it would not be very exciting or groundbreaking.

Just , as it is, in Sukumwit, Bangkok.

Other areas I do not know well , so cannot comment with in depth of knowledge.

Pattaya I used to know, but that was before a certain nation of mafia took over. It was, in 2002, much the same as Bangkok, basic daily wage plus extras. Daily wage as most could not be trusted to come to work every day. Find a rich holiday maker and off on a tour of Thailand, back later.

Could write the book, but already written and not by Jordan!

The question was what happened to pla?

Not how the baht was doing in 2002 and whatever else came to your mind.

  • Like 1

To add a bit of my reseach knowledge.

Back in 2002 the Sukumwit scene was very lucrative. The baht had crashed and their were many Western tourists and not all sexpats. They came in part for the "amazing " night scene; very common to see a husband and wife from the West enjoying a night out in the bars. Fun time; I would be there with my wife.

Yes you bought a lady a drink, nice to have a hostess look after you and tell you that, "You hansom man!".

I was, as is obvious already a Bangkok expat at the time of Jordan's ego trip.

Now today; few holidaying Westerners around Sukumwit. Some other nationalities, but not the point of this post.

The bars are almost dead; Nana in particular. Cowboy, ,the new haunt of the sexpats.

I still have a fondness for Nana, mainly for nostalgic reasons and because I am known there, so safer than many visitors!

The girs (ladyboys, many, spot the difference) working in the Go Go bars get a flat rate of 300 baht a night, minimum wage, plus bonus for topless. They also earn by getting guys to buy drinks and lady drinks. A cut of that goes to them as a bonus. Most will not go out with a John if he is in the least suspicious; if they CHOOSE to then a bar fine must be paid, the girl gets a bonus for that.

Outside the bar , what she charges is up to her.

So a Pla type now , has a minimum wage plus bonuses which in good times can be substantial.

Give me a film crew and a budget and I will make a documentary, but it would not be very exciting or groundbreaking.

Just , as it is, in Sukumwit, Bangkok.

Other areas I do not know well , so cannot comment with in depth of knowledge.

Pattaya I used to know, but that was before a certain nation of mafia took over. It was, in 2002, much the same as Bangkok, basic daily wage plus extras. Daily wage as most could not be trusted to come to work every day. Find a rich holiday maker and off on a tour of Thailand, back later.

Could write the book, but already written and not by Jordan!

The question was what happened to pla?

Not how the baht was doing in 2002 and whatever else came to your mind.

I think I answered quite eloquently.

What happened to ???? Kilroy was here!


Moderators please lock this topic. I have repled privately to Sly and do not wish to continue. There will be no further replies from me!


Well he is a good storyteller because he still has people locked into the mystery about a bar girl name Pla. That is the hope of the writer. All the writer cared about was his documentary. Obviously, the girl loved the writer who kept asking sensitive and personal information about her life. So he paid for her time and seemingly tossed her around in bed a few times. After he got his precious documentary he left. 7 days later he is told she died. But maybe she didn't die in the literal sense but died of a broken heart. Most Thai girls I find will shave their heads and go to temple when they are unlucky in love. Also will change their names feeling the previous name was unlucky and disappear. The writer killed Pla but she is probably named Mew now.

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I remember watching this documentary with my wife at the time and we both concluded that the show was just another sensationalist melodrama.that portrays Thailand as a cesspit focusing on the poorer underprivileged of Thai society but placed in a Western perspective that this represents the majority of the country. Except for holiday programmes, rarely do these documentary show Thailand in a good light. There have been many such documentaries made like this over the years, focusing on Thai sex workers that all seem to portray Thailand in similar ways.

I can remember a UK documentary was made regarding the tragic murder of Kirsty Jones in Chiang Mai about 2000. The journalist was standing in some heaped up rubbish strewn Soi, that quite honestly appeared had been deliberately dumped there for the documentary while the journalist was explaining how dangerous a city Chiang Mai is and at the same time looking over his shoulders as if expecting to get mugged at any second. So exaggerated that it was laughable.

Pla was just another sex worker, one of thousands in Thailand, but there are probably millions of Plas worldwide and the stories could have been the same. I am never impressed by these documentaries and would never consider them as being 100% credible.

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