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Swap places with boat migrants, Thai PM tells critics


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Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution...

You obviously don't understand why there is a problem in the south, or, the causes of it..

Maybe do a bit of reading.

Hate swamps thought.

I have done extensive reading on the problems in the South of Thailand with the Muslim Separatists ... I have read the history of hundreds of years in the area. We just look at the situation via a different lens... Typical liberal / leftist - any opinion other than yours is HATE Speech .. Ridiculous ...

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The LAST thing Thailand wants is for these trafficked slaves to

identify the Thais involved....

saving face is more important than saving lives. So the junta says:

"Now how about moving us up a few tiers --we fixed it. Right?"

(no answer)

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"Or you migrate out to the sea and bring them to live here instead," he added." --

So he will accept the refugee migrants if someone else brings them ashore? This PM is clearly drunk on power, let this lunatic talk long enough and he contradicts himself.

No -- he was suggesting that people who whine about the so called 'refugees' swap places with the 'refugee'... you go to the boat and stay there.

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies for these 'refugees' and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

Such hate.

i dont see hate i see a sensible post .that you just dont like..it doesnt mean he,s hateful by any stretch of the imagination..

It is full of hate. Any post containing the words "back to where they came from" is hateful.

In your simple liberal - leftist - socialist opinion it is ... in the real world it is called reality

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Anyone who supports this idea (of accepting boatpeople), please contribute one baht a day or take them to your home when their case has been processed," "Or you migrate out to the sea and bring them to live here instead," he added.

Thats Fantastic, Im really warming to the old General,,,,,

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Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution...

You obviously don't understand why there is a problem in the south, or, the causes of it..

Maybe do a bit of reading.

Hate swamps thought.

I have done extensive reading on the problems in the South of Thailand with the Muslim Separatists ... I have read the history of hundreds of years in the area. We just look at the situation via a different lens... Typical liberal / leftist - any opinion other than yours is HATE Speech .. Ridiculous ...

Rubbish. I don't believe you.

If you knew, then you wouldn't have inferred that the Rohingya would join the cause. They have no stake whatsoever in the conflict.

In fact, I doubt very much if the Southerners would even welcome their co-religionists.

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Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution...

You obviously don't understand why there is a problem in the south, or, the causes of it..

Maybe do a bit of reading.

Hate swamps thought.

I have done extensive reading on the problems in the South of Thailand with the Muslim Separatists ... I have read the history of hundreds of years in the area. We just look at the situation via a different lens... Typical liberal / leftist - any opinion other than yours is HATE Speech .. Ridiculous ...

Your various posts today seem to be suggesting that all Muslims (royhinga) are or eventually will become separatists, should they be granted safe haven? I think you're tarring all Muslims with the same brush with a very inaccurate stereotyping of them. Fear mongering at best.

The nature of the PMs comments show just how out of his depth this little man is on the international stage.

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Anyone who supports this idea (of accepting boatpeople), please contribute one baht a day or take them to your home when their case has been processed," "Or you migrate out to the sea and bring them to live here instead," he added.

Thats Fantastic, Im really warming to the old General,,,,,

So you agree with looking the other way about people enslaved on Thai fishing boats so long as the fish keep getting caught and sold, because he certainly shows no empathy or concern and is only willing to let the enslaved migrants off the boats if somebody volunteers to replace them.

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Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution...

You obviously don't understand why there is a problem in the south, or, the causes of it..

Maybe do a bit of reading.

Hate swamps thought.

I have done extensive reading on the problems in the South of Thailand with the Muslim Separatists ... I have read the history of hundreds of years in the area. We just look at the situation via a different lens... Typical liberal / leftist - any opinion other than yours is HATE Speech .. Ridiculous ...

The words "back where they came from" earlier in this thread and other derogatory islamaphobic comments made by you make it clear what sort of speech you espouse.

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Such hate.

i dont see hate i see a sensible post .that you just dont like..it doesnt mean he,s hateful by any stretch of the imagination..

It is full of hate. Any post containing the words "back to where they came from" is hateful.

In your simple liberal - leftist - socialist opinion it is ... in the real world it is called reality

The fact you cannot see a difference between liberal, socialist and left leaning political views exposes how little you try to examine the motivations, beliefs and actions of different groups of people.

You suffer the same ailment when it comes to faiths other than the ones you approve of.

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Hate swamps thought.

You obviously don't understand why there is a problem in the south, or, the causes of it..

Maybe do a bit of reading.

I have done extensive reading on the problems in the South of Thailand with the Muslim Separatists ... I have read the history of hundreds of years in the area. We just look at the situation via a different lens... Typical liberal / leftist - any opinion other than yours is HATE Speech .. Ridiculous ...

Your various posts today seem to be suggesting that all Muslims (royhinga) are or eventually will become separatists, should they be granted safe haven? I think you're tarring all Muslims with the same brush with a very inaccurate stereotyping of them. Fear mongering at best.

The nature of the PMs comments show just how out of his depth this little man is on the international stage.

You are half right about him being out of his element on the international stage.

On your first thought, though, you may be a bit out of your own element. Just hope that all that trust you seem to place in muslims doesn't result in your demise because if your muslim tolerance ever finds you where your muslim pal has to decide between you and some muslims threatening you, it is going to be like the Lone Ranger cornered in a box canyon with Tonto while dozens of Indians are closing in on them.

"Well, Tonto, looks like we're done for," Lone Ranger says, ducking arrows.

"What do you mean we, white man, woo, woo, woo," Tonto yells as he joins the Indians.

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Perhaps he should swap places with one of the boat people for a week and see how much fun it is? But seriously, if his soldiers food allowance is less than a refugge's food allowance, whose fault is that?

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The Pm and Government(if you can call them a Government) Have got this Boat refugee crisis correct.

Its Simple Thailand is Mainly Buddist. Every country in the world that have Muslims have problems(just like the south of Thailand) This religion can be extinguished just like fire- Take away one of the elements and it dies.(with fire take away - fuel, or oxygen and the fire dies out ) By stopping further boat immigrants(muslims) then eventually the religion will die out in the Thailand South. The problem in the South Ends(may take years but you dont keep topping up the fuel)

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The Pm and Government(if you can call them a Government) Have got this Boat refugee crisis correct.

Its Simple Thailand is Mainly Buddist. Every country in the world that have Muslims have problems(just like the south of Thailand) This religion can be extinguished just like fire- Take away one of the elements and it dies.(with fire take away - fuel, or oxygen and the fire dies out ) By stopping further boat immigrants(muslims) then eventually the religion will die out in the Thailand South. The problem in the South Ends(may take years but you dont keep topping up the fuel)

Those who follow the Muslim faith in the troubled southern provinces were there long before they were part of Thailand.

Any problems there are entirely of Thai states own making.

And I say this while having nothing but the utmost contempt for the terrorist scum who operate there.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies for these 'refugees' and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

I think you are right in saying that the "rich" Muslim nations are not doing much (if anything) to help their fellow Muslims. Everyone wants the Western nations to help. It IS NOT just a western nations problem to solve, it is a humanitarian problem and others, apart from western nations, should get off their backsides and help out. Unfortunately greed/money comes before compassion so often coffee1.gif

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But after a meeting in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, Malaysia and Indonesia softened their stance, saying they would take in migrants for a year, or until they can be resettled or repatriated with the help of international agencies.

What he means to say is;

resetteld.....in Austrailia, NZ, Europe and the States.

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Still a lot of talk about these people as immigrants, eventually they will migrate to another country but in the mean time they will be accommodated by the generous Malaysians and Indonesians.

For those preaching hate of the Muslims a key point here is the Buddhists of SE Asia are the persecutors and slavers of these Rohingya Muslims, they have been rescued by fellow Muslims.

While some Muslims are clearly responsible for some atrocities around the world, I for one will not fall for the hatred manufactured by bureaucrats. I remain in control of my own mind.

Who controls yours?

generous malaysians,indonesians...took then 2 week to start being generous.seeing if thailand would take them first..tell me im wrong ..

All things considered in this neck of the woods I recon pretty generous. Don't forget winston, Indo and Malay are your scary Muslims.

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Here is a place that wants the refugees. So send them there. Seem easy enough. Unless there is another agenda at work, here. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/21/south-east-asia-migrant-crisis-gambia-offers-to-resettle-all-rohingya-refugees


Strange coincidence.

In a way Gambia is the African version of Thailand.

A major destination for European sex tourists.

With a twist.....

FEMALE sex tourists!

If you think I make this up, google!

Strange indeed. As far as I believe no Burmese or Bangladeshi wants to end up in Gambia as they surely prefer to return home to Burma or Bangladesh before ending up in the Gambia. A third of the population lives on 1.25 US$ a day in Gambia.

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Here is a place that wants the refugees. So send them there. Seem easy enough. Unless there is another agenda at work, here. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/21/south-east-asia-migrant-crisis-gambia-offers-to-resettle-all-rohingya-refugees


Strange coincidence.

In a way Gambia is the African version of Thailand.

A major destination for European sex tourists.

With a twist.....

FEMALE sex tourists!

If you think I make this up, google!

Strange indeed. As far as I believe no Burmese or Bangladeshi wants to end up in Gambia as they surely prefer to return home to Burma or Bangladesh before ending up in the Gambia. A third of the population lives on 1.25 US$ a day in Gambia.

Which would be approximately 1.25 US$ a day more, than every of the poor sods on these boats have, so...

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It is hard to conceive how Thailand can turn their backs on these desperate boat people when Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and even the US...half a world away is willing to accept these people to keep them from dying of starvation or slaughtering each other over the remaining food stores on the over crowded vessels...

Good Job Thailand...the Land of Smiles...does not smile on people equally...you must maintain a large bank account to get the phony smile...

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

Only one comment to your nonsense...............

They are human beings!!

I wrote that the 'refugees' should be treated humanely ... I have expanded on that on other threads on this same subject.

But there is NO UNIVERSAL RIGHT to just pack up a go to another country -- refugee or not. Other countries with the capability and funds to take them in are not -- I named them. Doesn't seem to concern the rich Muslim Mid East countries that they are human and that they are fellow Muslims ... not even in the slightest. Bangladesh is the real culprit in this fiasco ... for without their policies and actions these people would have never been 'refugees'. But is anyone holding Bangladesh responsible for this mess? Not many ... Misplaced compassion only generates a thousand more boat loads over time ... How about campaigning to sanction Bangladesh and secondarily Myanmar for this problem ? Any takers ? To campaign for these people - that evidently Bangladesh does not seem to think are 'human beings' ...

Please check here: http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/

certainly articles 3-7 apply to these refugees, however, most pertinent to your claim : But there is NO UNIVERSAL RIGHT to just pack up a go to another country -- refugee or not is article 14.

just for the record. thumbsup.gif

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Still a lot of talk about these people as immigrants, eventually they will migrate to another country but in the mean time they will be accommodated by the generous Malaysians and Indonesians.

For those preaching hate of the Muslims a key point here is the Buddhists of SE Asia are the persecutors and slavers of these Rohingya Muslims, they have been rescued by fellow Muslims.

While some Muslims are clearly responsible for some atrocities around the world, I for one will not fall for the hatred manufactured by bureaucrats. I remain in control of my own mind.

Who controls yours?

Two points...like most apologists you group the Rohingya and Bangladeshi as Rohingya. The Bangladeshi are just cashing in on this particular agenda to be classed as victims when they are in reality economic illegal immigrant opportunists

Second point..why don't the Rohingya simply walk back into Bangladesh where their fellow Muslim brothers will welcome them with open arms?

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I agree with PM. Now, there are 9 refugee camps in Thailand which opened in more than 20 years ago with approx. 140,000 regufees that cannot close down. And money from UNHCR nerver enough for run all these camps. So, It is enough for refugee camp in Thailand.

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