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Swap places with boat migrants, Thai PM tells critics


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I'm not surprised Thailand doesn't want to take these people in and i'm not sure that it should, as all the neighbouring countries have a responsibility to deal with this situation - not only Thailand.

However, Thailand should at least offer basic humanitarian aid to these people in their time of need. The point blank refusal to help them, followed up by Thailand's failure to even bother to attend the talks with neighbouring nations on the matter earlier this week, and then Prayuth's comments yesterday are disgusting in my opinion - what an abominable way for a prime minister to behave.

Let's face it, some people in Thailand couldn't get enough of these migrants when they had them working on their fishing boats.

Secondly, it's not unreasonable to assume that many of these Rohingya people will have found themselves in this situation having been at the mercy of Thai human trafficking gangs.

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I'm not surprised Thailand doesn't want to take these people in and i'm not sure that it should, as all the neighbouring countries have a responsibility to deal with this situation - not only Thailand.

However, Thailand should at least offer basic humanitarian aid to these people in their time of need. The point blank refusal to help them, followed up by Thailand's failure to even bother to attend the talks with neighbouring nations on the matter earlier this week, and then Prayuth's comments yesterday are disgusting in my opinion - what an abominable way for a prime minister to behave.

Let's face it, some people in Thailand couldn't get enough of these migrants when they had them working on their fishing boats.

Secondly, it's not unreasonable to assume that many of these Rohingya people will have found themselves in this situation having been at the mercy of Thai human trafficking gangs.

Thailand has been offering humanitarian aid, hell, they're even contemplating giving the people islands to live on (more than I can say for the Mediterranean nations with the same problem). Myanmar NOT Thailand refused to attend talks that were held in...wait for it...Thailand!

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Whether you like it or not, he will garner Thai public support for his comments. It would seem that he is following Thai public opinion on this subject. I was quite surprised at the position of many (the majority ?)Thais on this subject. If one looks through the comments on many social media sites, towing them out to sea seems far far more popular than taking a humanitarian approach to the problem by about 10 to 1. Even that Thai reporter who expressed sympathy for the plight of the refugees (economic or not) was ripped apart by a large number of people.

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Plenty of opportunities here for them. Slaves for hi so families, sex slaves, cheap hard labourers (no need to pay too much like they do with Burmese), scapegoats to cover up hi so kids crimes etc etc. The thai economy could benefit especially hi end car dealers with cheap slave labour making hi so richer still.

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Still a lot of talk about these people as immigrants, eventually they will migrate to another country but in the mean time they will be accommodated by the generous Malaysians and Indonesians.

For those preaching hate of the Muslims a key point here is the Buddhists of SE Asia are the persecutors and slavers of these Rohingya Muslims, they have been rescued by fellow Muslims.

While some Muslims are clearly responsible for some atrocities around the world, I for one will not fall for the hatred manufactured by bureaucrats. I remain in control of my own mind.

Who controls yours?

Edited by Oziex1
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If they each had an 'Elite' visa, would that change the game? Friend of the kingdom and all that...

He's suggesting that supporters give 1baht per day, for 3000 people, or maybe give 20 baht a day (USD$20,000) for food (not like there's no surplus of rice from a previous administration that he can leverage for popularity). Either way I don't think their religion should be the basis of judgement, or money at retail cost of food. Okay maybe make it a temporary stay to find out how to repatriate them, but if they're at sea without enough water and nobody wants to help, it's not that far from knowingly letting people die.

Whilst not wanting to suggest being a do gooder and supporting the idea that it's okay for traffickers to send more people to exploit soft hearted people on the receiving end, and also do think he should take a hard line, I'd like to think he could find it within his cold heart to at least as a one off gesture make a show of empathy and help them find a solution. Traffickers should be the longer term target, and that can't be squared on the Thai people since it's outside their jurisdiction. There's no easy answer to that one other than humanitarian pressure of some kind from many nations, and if money is what he's thinking about then perhaps that should be the tool that other nations should bring his attention to via lack of customers to his country's products.

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IF he ever steps down he can start a new career teaching public and motivational speaking.

A perfect example of the Peter Principle although in his current post he wasn't promoted into it, he promoted himself but at least it cuts out the middleman.

Blame Yingluck for stirring up trouble with her 'blanket' amnesty for her brother, Thaksin, and 27,000 other political crimes under investigation/prosecution. If she hadn't done that, her and Thaksin could still be milking the Rice Scheme and General Prayut and the army would still be in their barracks.

Good lord! Just when you think that some of the flapdoodle posted on Thaivisa couldn't become any more farcical.. I take my hat off to you, sir!

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies for these 'refugees' and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

You forgot one other reason why these people will not be accepted into Thailand: They have dark skin! Eeeh!

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Try to imagine for a moment, that you received a letter from your home country that your passport or citizenship had been revoked along with all attendant benefits. Imagine for a moment that you were considered a social pariah for no other reason than the religion in which you believed. Imagine for a moment that communal violence had resulted in the killing of most of your family and the rape of your wife and/or children, and the destruction of all your personal property. Imagine for a moment, that the government had placed you in camps with the 'rest of your kind' because you were 'illegal'. Imagine for a moment that there was no way out of this nightmare other than to attempt to escape from a country which only wanted to see you imprisoned in camps for the rest of your life. If you can imagine all of these things, then you will know what it is like to be Rohingya in Myanmar.

To ignore the plight of the Rohingya is tantamount to denying the holocaust. If we, as human beings, are incapable of showing compassion for those suffering in inhumane conditions, then we are incapable of showing compassion at all.

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"Anyone who supports this idea (of accepting boatpeople), please contribute one baht a day or take them to your home when their case has been processed,"

I think most of us contribute more than one baht per day in taxes..

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The General has a problem with the preparation of Halal food, it's not that long ago Thailand was to be the hub of Halal.

If the costs of keeping a few refugees is too high how about recovering some of the ill gotten from your mates who profited from enslaving the poor souls.

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies for these 'refugees' and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

Such hate.

i dont see hate i see a sensible post .that you just dont like..it doesnt mean he,s hateful by any stretch of the imagination..

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The Rohingya: a destitute, persecuted Muslim minority from Burma/Bangladesh. Some of them strive to make a better life for themselves in Malaysia.

Let us examine why "no flys on me" Thailand is even part of the story.

These destitute people, with their desire to escape poverty or persecution or a combination of the two were offered this opportunity by people smugglers based in Thailand and protected by some Thai official and much of the Thai establishment that turned a blind eye. The Rohingya were brought into Thailand to be subsequently smuggled into Malaysia. Once here, some were sold into slavery, others held for ransom, and yet others killed for various reasons.

The gruesome discovery of mass graves inside Thailand, news of which could not be covered up, embarrassed the Thai authorities into abruptly closing down the the people smuggling operations.

The smugglers disappeared and stranded many boatloads of Rohingya in the Andaman Sea.

The Thai Government, with the help of the Thai media subsequently launched the following relentless propaganda campaign:

"No flys on me"

"Not my business"

Really? I don't think so.


Edited by Thakkar
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Still a lot of talk about these people as immigrants, eventually they will migrate to another country but in the mean time they will be accommodated by the generous Malaysians and Indonesians.

For those preaching hate of the Muslims a key point here is the Buddhists of SE Asia are the persecutors and slavers of these Rohingya Muslims, they have been rescued by fellow Muslims.

While some Muslims are clearly responsible for some atrocities around the world, I for one will not fall for the hatred manufactured by bureaucrats. I remain in control of my own mind.

Who controls yours?

generous malaysians,indonesians...took then 2 week to start being generous.seeing if thailand would take them first..tell me im wrong ..

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I'm not surprised Thailand doesn't want to take these people in and i'm not sure that it should, as all the neighbouring countries have a responsibility to deal with this situation - not only Thailand.

However, Thailand should at least offer basic humanitarian aid to these people in their time of need. The point blank refusal to help them, followed up by Thailand's failure to even bother to attend the talks with neighbouring nations on the matter earlier this week, and then Prayuth's comments yesterday are disgusting in my opinion - what an abominable way for a prime minister to behave.

Let's face it, some people in Thailand couldn't get enough of these migrants when they had them working on their fishing boats.

Secondly, it's not unreasonable to assume that many of these Rohingya people will have found themselves in this situation having been at the mercy of Thai human trafficking gangs.

Thailand has been offering humanitarian aid, hell, they're even contemplating giving the people islands to live on (more than I can say for the Mediterranean nations with the same problem). Myanmar NOT Thailand refused to attend talks that were held in...wait for it...Thailand!

true but lets not let the truth get in the way of a bit of thai bashing,by some liberals who wouldnt put any of them up in there houses..not in my back yard

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I like the PM's no nonsense style of governing....the people are left with no doubt about his position....like it or not!

Unfortunately the people are also left with no recourse to remove him peacefully either

Prayut is going to govern Thais and there's nothing they can do about it.

Now I call that "no nonsense."

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

Only one comment to your nonsense...............

They are human beings!!

they are human being who a part of a extremely violent cult. their belief system clearly states that they must "dispatch the infidels" to god for disbelieving. it is a global cancer that must be stopped. they are destroying Thailand. Look what they have done to the South. If you want to live in the 7th century, go join them. see how long it is until they cut your head off infidel.

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Dear Mr. P

yes...I will spent one Baht a day and I even am willing to take a Rohinga- refugee in (given, that you provide him with visa, work permit etc)!

You take in all the others and get on a <deleted>' boat with 399 other people for a 2 week trip in the Andman Sea with one toilet, a saltwater- shower, no water and food!


"If you don't like it here..."- he must be reading TVF quiet often!


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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

Only one comment to your nonsense...............

They are human beings!!

they are human being who a part of a extremely violent cult. their belief system clearly states that they must "dispatch the infidels" to god for disbelieving. it is a global cancer that must be stopped. they are destroying Thailand. Look what they have done to the South. If you want to live in the 7th century, go join them. see how long it is until they cut your head off infidel.

...and God's Big Book of Bad Ideas states, that you have to stone your neighbour, if he let's his wife stay in the house if she has her periode, if you find him eating shellfish, trims his beard or mows the lawn on a Sunday!

What is your point, again?

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Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution...

You obviously don't understand why there is a problem in the south, or, the causes of it..

Maybe do a bit of reading.

Hate swamps thought.

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies for these 'refugees' and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

Such hate.

i dont see hate i see a sensible post .that you just dont like..it doesnt mean he,s hateful by any stretch of the imagination..

It is full of hate. Any post containing the words "back to where they came from" is hateful.

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PM Prayut - O he speaks a certain amount of truth , place yourself in the refugees shoes and see how it feels, however not enough is being done from the international community in dealing with this at grass roots level with the Government concerned , in this case the Myanmar Government , any one who has had anything to do with Thailand would know that the Rohingya have been persecuted for decades , now the bubble has burst , ASEAN partners should be applying pressure to Myanmar to behave themselves and start treating people properly or kick them out of ASEAN, however the UN , US , OZ, Kiwi , UK , Lapland all should stop being Mr nice guy to Myanmar and tell it like it should be, if you want to be a member of the international community show your maturity Myanmar.coffee1.gif

I agree, this is a global issue. Damn those poor. They just will not suffer and starve quietly and leave the rest of us alone! As my friend C. Dickens reminded us, "beware ignorance and want" (poverty). Meanwhile the wealth gap continues to grow...Viva Yo! Hooray for me!

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

Only one comment to your nonsense...............

They are human beings!!

I wrote that the 'refugees' should be treated humanely ... I have expanded on that on other threads on this same subject.

But there is NO UNIVERSAL RIGHT to just pack up a go to another country -- refugee or not. Other countries with the capability and funds to take them in are not -- I named them. Doesn't seem to concern the rich Muslim Mid East countries that they are human and that they are fellow Muslims ... not even in the slightest. Bangladesh is the real culprit in this fiasco ... for without their policies and actions these people would have never been 'refugees'. But is anyone holding Bangladesh responsible for this mess? Not many ... Misplaced compassion only generates a thousand more boat loads over time ... How about campaigning to sanction Bangladesh and secondarily Myanmar for this problem ? Any takers ? To campaign for these people - that evidently Bangladesh does not seem to think are 'human beings' ...

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies for these 'refugees' and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

"Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind." clap2.gif

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