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"He insisted that he did not do anything wrong, citing no arrest warrant has ever been issued upon him by the Interpol."

...then feel free to jump on your private jet and come on back to Thailand.

The only person stopping you is YOU.

Link to interview

Surely such a smart man as Dr. Pol Lt.Col Mr. T knows Interpol doesn't issue arrest warrants only informs members that a warrant has been issued by a member country which will immediately seek extradition upon detention. The only provisos are that the warrant must be for a crime within the Interpol charter and no member country is legally obliged to detain a wanted person.

He was just being his usual smug, arrogant self as he knows LoS has never attempted to bring him back.

Are Thaksin talking about the same red shirt that he once said he don´t know?

Yes, the same red shirts he addressed and promised 500 baht per day for rallying...

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"Fair" trials just haven't been the same since judges stopped accepting Shinawatra bribes. This could be perceived as bias by some.

Or for that matter stopped being swayed by threats intimidation and coffin burning.


She will get a much fairer trial than Thaksin gave the 2000+ supposed drug dealers that he arranged to be exterminated.


So tell me TV posters. Why has no arrest warrant been issued thru interpol for this man. He apparently robbed the country of billions of baht but no international arrest warrant but meanwhile the other dude from KTML or whatever it's called had an arrest warrant issued through interpol immediately. ??????

Why, better to leave the criminal overseas, pining to come back, crying in his champagne every meal, missing the opportunity to ripe-off more and more money from the Thai people - it's the absolute pay-back.

Although it's a shame the news media don't ignore him which would really put the icing on the cake - but then that doesn't sell newspapers does it?


"He insisted that he did not do anything wrong, citing no arrest warrant has ever been issued upon him by the Interpol."

...then feel free to jump on your private jet and come on back to Thailand.

The only person stopping you is YOU.

Link to interview

Very good interview..

Sent from my c64


He got a fair trial but didn't stay around to accept the verdict and the sentence.

Or file an appeal. He could have dragged his case on for years and stayed out on bail the whole time. His wife Potjamarn was sentenced to three years yet hasn't served a day in jail.

It could also be that he knew the hammer was going to fall on several more corruption charges that were ready to be brought to court.



Yingluck will get a far more fairer trial than the victims of Thaksin's war on drugs got

So tell me TV posters. Why has no arrest warrant been issued thru interpol for this man. He apparently robbed the country of billions of baht but no international arrest warrant but meanwhile the other dude from KTML or whatever it's called had an arrest warrant issued through interpol immediately. ??????

Personally, I think they prefer him out of Thailand, rather than return home a martyr and potential rally his supporters into fighting...

But it is something I have always wondered.

I don't think Interpol has any authority on this type of crime. Yes Yingluck will get a far more fair trial than the victims of Thaksin's war on drugs. About 1,500 of them were never tried he just had them shot out of hand. They were innocent and he had no evidence so he just took the easy way out.sad.png

The problem with a fair trial is they will be unable to give her a fair punishment. That would just cause a lot of unrest and the people would look at her as a martyr.sad.png Little do they realize she already is a martyr for her brother who is throwing her under the bus for his actions.

In my opinion when she is found guilty she should be impeached and banned from politics for life. I am sure she will not miss it one bit except for the free traveling around the world to the shopping mallswai.gif and it will leave Thaksin all by himself. He hasn't got enough money and the public is not gullible enough to accept his son.

Even before the coup when he had his henchmen talking dividing the nation there was a movement in the red shirts to have him get out of politics. They knew that Yingluck was useless she was just doing as he told her and they could see Thailand being robbed right left and center by the PTP government which they knew was owned and controlled by Thaksin.


This guy is like herpes: Dormant for a while then WHAM he's back rolleyes.gif

I could be wrong but was he not invited? He still has foreigners who weren't here

in 2010 and through the Yingluck years who don't know

what kind of a low life blood sucking piece of scum he really is.mfr_closed1.gif


Thaksin never got a fair trial. Thats why he worries. I agree with him.

Convicted criminal fugitives living in luxurious 'self-exile' tend to state such. Totally believable of course. Already the fact that the court didn't want to accept the money stuffed lunch boxes clearly shows the unfairness rolleyes.gif


Well at least Thaksin doesn't need to worry about a fair trial, he never turns up for his trials, just does a runner!


What a sad old man!!

Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!

Your little sister will hopefully get the punishment, she deserves after costing the taxpayers more than 700 billion baht!!

And before starting to worry about your sisters sentence, may I suggest, you get your sorry backside back to Thailand and start to serve your own sentence!!

Thaksin's estimated worth 1.7 billion USD

One day I hope to be just as a "sad old man" as him

I wouldn't want his money as I like to sleep at night - it's blood money stolen from the thai people.


Thaksin never got a fair trial. Thats why he worries. I agree with him.

Now tell us whom was running Thailand when he was scentenced? Was it Thaksins brother-in-law Somchai Wongsawat?


we know now already the measures of a fair traial !

Guilty : no fair trial

Not guilty: fair trial;

In case of a fair trial, he would compensate the 500 Bill lost easily

with his black- illegal not taxed money horded in abroad !!


Thaksin never got a fair trial. Thats why he worries. I agree with him.

Now tell us whom was running Thailand when he was scentenced? Was it Thaksins brother-in-law Somchai Wongsawat?

I also would have appreciated a fair trial for him, leade by Kim from Pjong Young !

Would they have allowed to take the Flag with him ??


Thaksin never got a fair trial. Thats why he worries. I agree with him.

therefore he is invited to come back,

fight his other 20 criminal offences he had done on the expenses of the Thai people !!


What a sad old man!!

Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!

Your little sister will hopefully get the punishment, she deserves after costing the taxpayers more than 700 billion baht!!

And before starting to worry about your sisters sentence, may I suggest, you get your sorry backside back to Thailand and start to serve your own sentence!!

"Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!"

Amazing point of view here at the hub of sex tourists, serial over-stayers and visa abusers who think they are above the law and should never be accountable for their behavior ... not to mention all those who whine about blowing all their money on women and then portray themselves as victims rather than admitting their behavior was to blame for the inevitable consequences. Farang-ness means it's never your fault. Everything can be blamed on Thais.


What a sad old man!!

Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!

Your little sister will hopefully get the punishment, she deserves after costing the taxpayers more than 700 billion baht!!

And before starting to worry about your sisters sentence, may I suggest, you get your sorry backside back to Thailand and start to serve your own sentence!!

"Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!"

Amazing point of view here at the hub of sex tourists, serial over-stayers and visa abusers who think they are above the law and should never be accountable for their behavior ... not to mention all those who whine about blowing all their money on women and then portray themselves as victims rather than admitting their behavior was to blame for the inevitable consequences. Farang-ness means it's never your fault. Everything can be blamed on Thais.

You mean I'm on a forum with people like that? This obviously isn't the sort of place for a (generally) clean living, law abiding person such as myself. I must cancel my account immediately. You should do the same, assuming that's not a description of yourself.


My mom always told me "Life isn't fair".

After some of my actions as a young man, I'm very glad it isn't!


What a sad old man!!

Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!

Your little sister will hopefully get the punishment, she deserves after costing the taxpayers more than 700 billion baht!!

And before starting to worry about your sisters sentence, may I suggest, you get your sorry backside back to Thailand and start to serve your own sentence!!

Thaksin's estimated worth 1.7 billion USD

One day I hope to be just as a "sad old man" as him

One day you may very well achieve your ambition to be just as a"sad old man" as him, sadly for you it will guaranteed to be without the money! not my idea of a lifetime achievement! be careful what you wish for!


What a sad old man!!

Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!

Your little sister will hopefully get the punishment, she deserves after costing the taxpayers more than 700 billion baht!!

And before starting to worry about your sisters sentence, may I suggest, you get your sorry backside back to Thailand and start to serve your own sentence!!

Thaksin's estimated worth 1.7 billion USD

One day I hope to be just as a "sad old man" as him

I wouldn't want his money as I like to sleep at night - it's blood money stolen from the thai people.

Naaah, I would not need to sleep at night, I would hire a couple of people to do that for me,

I would stay up and count my money

1001, 1002. 1003..........

every fruit the fox cant reach, she call them rotten apples


What a sad old man!!

Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!

Your little sister will hopefully get the punishment, she deserves after costing the taxpayers more than 700 billion baht!!

And before starting to worry about your sisters sentence, may I suggest, you get your sorry backside back to Thailand and start to serve your own sentence!!

Classic Hypocracy, with plenty of crocodile tears,thrown in for good measure!

And this is from the guy who was coaching his sister in how to do things right and above board1


Thaksin never got a fair trial. Thats why he worries. I agree with him.

espinoza ! you are obviously new to Thailand, Thaksin never turned up for his trials,so how could he possibly have a fair non existent trial ???


If he is so worried then why doesn't he come back and serve his 2 years. He does realize this all happened because she forced a secret vote at 4AM to pass amnesty to him?

Her only crime is having him as a brother.

She actually wasn't a bad leader, she wasn't actually good either. But I would still prefer her to the current government.

I think if there was more checks and balances in the government and the PM didn't have power like a dictator, there would be less conflict.

If people got to vote for individual issues rather than the government telling us what they did would be better.

The average person doesn't even know the issues. No one can ever tell me what policies that the Yellow shirts support or don't support that make them worse than the Red shirt leaders or viceaversa

They just spout of complaints of power corruption, nepotism, etc. Things that really have nothing to do with what each party actually votes for or does for the country.

More transparency and less bickering would set the country 20 years into the future.


Of course he is worried for his sister as they know their is no one they can turn to and bribe.

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