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Farang killed in pickup crash in Udon Thani

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Request to the editorial team to name foreigners what they are = foreigners, or give their nationality and stop calling non-Thais "farang" in your articles like they were pieces of garbage. Thank you!

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I am weekly on the road between Udon and Phang Khon and at night Hway 22 is very dangerous.

My guess is that the location might be between Nong Han and Sawang because the road between Udon and Nong Han has lights and have 2 lanes on each side.

Between Nong Han and Sawang a lot of construction is going on and trucks specially that carry Sugar cane and rice to the mills in Nong Han. They often park on the road but the road is very narrow. What I think that might have happened was that the truck didn't used the light when he parked and we too often had problems with trucks being parked on the road. They normally park at the Motorbike lane which is about 1 meter wide but a truck is normally two meters. They should not park at all at night on the main road.

RIP Edward


Request to the editorial team to name foreigners what they are = foreigners, or give their nationality and stop calling non-Thais "farang" in your articles like they were pieces of garbage. Thank you!

We are farangs so no big deal.


How did Somjit know the pick up crashed into him at full speed,

when he was most likely fast asleep,parked on the road,I see

no mention of having his lights on either.another life wasted on

Thai roads,

RIP Edward

regards Worgeordie

Depending on how the car is parked there is a big chance the farang is to blame. In my country people who hit others from behind are often guilty.

It is not as if the truck suddenly braked and the car then had to break (cars stop faster as big trucks). So the truck was parked. Unless the truck was parked on the road id put most of the blame on the farang not the Thai. However unpopular my opinion may be there are quite a few farangs here that drive like crap and drink and drive. Not all foreigners are angels.

If someone crashes on a truck parked on the side of the road (not the road itself) then I blame them not the truck. If the truck was parked on the road itself without lights I blame the trucker. So a bit more detail would be nice.

Much of what you say is true, but what if this truck was parked half on the road and half off in the small motorcycle lane, in a dark area and no lights on the truck. Not a big stretch of the imagination for some idiot to do that in this country. My point is, there is a lot to this story that is not being said, unless the falang was drunk then it becomes more understandable.


How did Somjit know the pick up crashed into him at full speed,

when he was most likely fast asleep,parked on the road,I see

no mention of having his lights on either.another life wasted on

Thai roads,

RIP Edward

regards Worgeordie

Depending on how the car is parked there is a big chance the farang is to blame. In my country people who hit others from behind are often guilty.

It is not as if the truck suddenly braked and the car then had to break (cars stop faster as big trucks). So the truck was parked. Unless the truck was parked on the road id put most of the blame on the farang not the Thai. However unpopular my opinion may be there are quite a few farangs here that drive like crap and drink and drive. Not all foreigners are angels.

If someone crashes on a truck parked on the side of the road (not the road itself) then I blame them not the truck. If the truck was parked on the road itself without lights I blame the trucker. So a bit more detail would be nice.

Much of what you say is true, but what if this truck was parked half on the road and half off in the small motorcycle lane, in a dark area and no lights on the truck. Not a big stretch of the imagination for some idiot to do that in this country. My point is, there is a lot to this story that is not being said, unless the falang was drunk then it becomes more understandable.

I agree it would be a danger.. but still if your not going to fast you should be able to avoid this. I suspect that speed played a big part in this accident. People here don't like blaming foreigners they love blaming it on Thais but in this case the foreigner probably went far to fast.


it does not mention what time the accident happened just when the police were informed so it could of been at dusk.


RIP, Hopefully he didn't decide to stop in the middle of the highway, I've seen so many drivers confused about what they are doing and just decide to stop, regardless of who's behind them.


RiP Edward. and condolences to your friends & family.

Thats all I can say about it at the moment because I dont know the full story and I doubt any one else on the forum knows, you all just want to get into a p!ssing contest.

The sad thing is another life has been lost on the very dangerous roads of Thailand.


RiP Edward. and condolences to your friends & family.

Thats all I can say about it at the moment because I dont know the full story and I doubt any one else on the forum knows, you all just want to get into a p!ssing contest.

The sad thing is another life has been lost on the very dangerous roads of Thailand.

Hmmmmm, one vehicle was stationary, the other moving.......Who's fault was it....?

Seems in some folks think we must not park up or break down...rolleyes.gif

Depends on a lot of things which are not known. If breaking down one should put hazards on.

Parking on a road at night is dangerous and could be at fault.

I've near y hit many a parked truck at night and don't drink or speed.


Sunlight/dusk or dark, Pick up was going too fast for the conditions. The stationary vehicle could of broken down in the middle of the road , that is no reason to drive in to it so fast that the front of your car becomes soluble ( disolved ) Always on Thai roads expect the unexpected. Nuff said.


The location of the accident is hard to interpret from the news (km 20 on some road in A. Ban Phue, strange transcriptions etc.).

From a Thai news source I found the (approx) location (this km marker) where the accident happened.

To my surprise: it is NOT a small two lane highway, but the wide 4 lane hw. #22 (separated).

Have a look:


The article also does not say that the driver stop to "have a rest", but to "check his truck".

The article in Thai shows a small picture of the victim:


Location from the Thai news article.

Udon Thani - Sakon Nakhon road. (#22), km marker 20
Ban Phon Ngam, Tambon Phon Ngam, Amphoe Nong Hanot, Udon Thani

This location does not match with the English news text.

But it is clearly the same accident they report.


How did Somjit know the pick up crashed into him at full speed,

when he was most likely fast asleep,parked on the road,I see

no mention of having his lights on either.another life wasted on

Thai roads,

RIP Edward

regards Worgeordie

?? you must drive at a speed that you can stop within the area that is visible. A bit too fast would mean you knock a bit into it (if you can't steer away) but not in a total and fatal crash.

Very high probability the Edward Farang is to blame.

What a load of twaddle If the truck was parked without lights,how can you tell the distance? Same as driving at a brick wall !!

I take it you do not have a driving permit ?

For a start you drive at a speed that gives you judgment as to what you can see in front of you. Maybe he was on his phone or texting. If you smash into the rear of another vehicle parked it is your fault end of story.

Very sad.

Without other witnesses I would not condem just one party.

Very likely: the truck was parked (half) on the driveway, no lights on, no reflectors etc.

For me this is nothing unusual. Very common.

Likely: the pickup driver was driving in the dark like he would in broad light, quite speedy.

But that he smashed to hefty seemingly without breaking makes me think (asleep? intoxcated?).

I sometimes have such encounters, but even in the dark I will have enough time to break if such a big thing like a truck is there.

Does not apply to small vehicles like scooters or even bicycles!!!

You don't see them before your headlamp beam reaches them.

Very scary!

I avoid driving in the night if possible and if so, I drive slow (60 to 70 km.h) and stare out of the window highly concentrated!

Since I got hit by an "airborne Honda 150", right after my pick up was redone twice, which took 17 months, I really slowed down a lot.

I do know that I have to think for others and I saw things here, people wouldn't even believe me.

That includes a guy who almost collided with with my car doing a red light. When I showed him how upset I really was having my wife and son with me, the guy pulled out a gun and was chasing me.

The good luck for us was that the guy wasn't familiar with the city we live in and I cold take a small lane, where he couldn't follow me.

Then some more short cuts and I was at home, drove inside and was shaking my ass off. Reality on Thailand's roads.

But I've also seen trucks without any lights driving in the middle of the night from Ubon Ratchathani to Sisaket, cops who saw the truck, but didn't even stop this freak.

I know a Canadian and an American guy, who seem to think that they're driving on a German Autobahn without speed limits. Will never sit in their cars again.

One day I preferred to take a cab home, couldn't get anymore. The guy killed two dogs, as it was fun.

Some people here underestimate the dangers of Thailand's roads. If it's not a truck, it could easily be a buffalo, a cow, or even a dog that could cause a horrible accident.


The location of the accident is hard to interpret from the news (km 20 on some road in A. Ban Phue, strange transcriptions etc.).

From a Thai news source I found the (approx) location (this km marker) where the accident happened.

To my surprise: it is NOT a small two lane highway, but the wide 4 lane hw. #22 (separated).

Have a look:


The article also does not say that the driver stop to "have a rest", but to "check his truck".

The article in Thai shows a small picture of the victim:


Location from the Thai news article.

Udon Thani - Sakon Nakhon road. (#22), km marker 20

Ban Phon Ngam, Tambon Phon Ngam, Amphoe Nong Hanot, Udon Thani

This location does not match with the English news text.

But it is clearly the same accident they report.

Using Google and have the website translated shows some weird stuff.

Horse Racing western swing trailer died at the wheel.

Can't believe the marks some Thais made:

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Another proof of the limited value of Google translate wink.png

Can't give you a complete translation, but its indeed about a "farang" hitting a tow truck and being killed.

21.3% click on "fun" bah.gif .No brainers.


How did Somjit know the pick up crashed into him at full speed,

when he was most likely fast asleep,parked on the road,I see

no mention of having his lights on either.another life wasted on

Thai roads,

RIP Edward

regards Worgeordie

?? you must drive at a speed that you can stop within the area that is visible. A bit too fast would mean you knock a bit into it (if you can't steer away) but not in a total and fatal crash.

Very high probability the Edward Farang is to blame.

What a load of twaddle If the truck was parked without lights,how can you tell the distance? Same as driving at a brick wall !!

I take it you do not have a driving permit ?

In most western countries as part of your driving test you must operate the vehicle at a speed which provides a safe braking distance from other vehicles in front of you. Seocndly a moving vehicle hitting a static vehicle is in the vast majority of times in the wrong.

However here in Thailand it seems it doesn't work like that, if you park on a major road or highway, you can be responsible for the accident. A friend had 2 kids (unlicensed) run into the back of his parked vehicle while he was sleeping and he went to jail because he refused to pay out hundreds of 1000s in blood money.


Not true,infact a thick answer. Just sit down and think about it Its night time OK If in Europe a truck ,car parkes without lights at night without lights on a main road he is a danger and breaking the Law Period

And if you have a breakdown.. your alternator goes and no battery and cant drive ??

Its still your responsibility ?? the moving vehicle must take care to be able to stop and only drive to their line of sight.


Being reported on other sites, I cannot name here because of TV's draconian rules regarding links to local forums, his name is Paul from Birmingham and his family have been notified! There are apparently some extenuating circumstances re, medication.


The body of the farang was sent to the Nong Harn Hospital pending contracts by his relatives.

So far, police did not know where he lived, Krissasda added. He urged anyone with information about the killed driver to inform police about his identity.


I do not know how police investigate here ! First the cops should check if the dead driver has any ID on him and search the truck to find any clues . Usually there are many document in the glove box than can help investigate. Also, was there open booze container 'pills" in the cab ? Information usefulto get a warrant to check the dead driver blood.

Then, how is it that the cop can not check the registration and find the owner address. Do they have to wait Monday and phone the Land Transport Dept or do they have a computer available in The Royal Thai Police HQ. It seem very complicated to check vehicle registration here.

I know small station have no computer link to check.


How did Somjit know the pick up crashed into him at full speed,

when he was most likely fast asleep,parked on the road,I see

no mention of having his lights on either.another life wasted on

Thai roads,

RIP Edward

regards Worgeordie

?? you must drive at a speed that you can stop within the area that is visible. A bit too fast would mean you knock a bit into it (if you can't steer away) but not in a total and fatal crash.

Very high probability the Edward Farang is to blame.

What a load of twaddle If the truck was parked without lights,how can you tell the distance? Same as driving at a brick wall !!

I take it you do not have a driving permit ?

I wonder if you have one.. he is absolutely right you should be able to stop for anything that is in your visibility range. So yes even when the road ends all of a sudden you should not goo too fast.

Good example is when going over a minor hill, you can't see the other side so you slow down. I once had it when i went over a flyover on my bike that once i passed the crest there was a traffic jam. Had I not slowed down before because parts of the road were not visible i would have had an accident.

So if you can see 100 meters make sure you can stop in 100 meters. If you can only see 40 meters.. go a lot slower.

Was it on a hill? Why is it illegal to drive without taillights? passifier.gif


Not true,infact a thick answer. Just sit down and think about it Its night time OK If in Europe a truck ,car parkes without lights at night without lights on a main road he is a danger and breaking the Law Period

And if you have a breakdown.. your alternator goes and no battery and cant drive ??

Its still your responsibility ?? the moving vehicle must take care to be able to stop and only drive to their line of sight.

Yes it is your responsibiliy YES In Germany and most other EU countrys you must carry a hazard warning ( trucks flashing lights) also

it is law to now carry fluorescent jackets


It must be remembered that vehicles are fitted with red reflectors at the rear so other rides headlamps pickup/reflect the red light back to the driver. Mainly used so folk can be aware of a parked ride, however big or small it is.

Theoretically, however TIT, how many bikes don´t?

Aren´t they supposed to put an orange triangle so far before the truck? Or is that just good practice?


Not true,infact a thick answer. Just sit down and think about it Its night time OK If in Europe a truck ,car parkes without lights at night without lights on a main road he is a danger and breaking the Law Period

And if you have a breakdown.. your alternator goes and no battery and cant drive ??

Its still your responsibility ?? the moving vehicle must take care to be able to stop and only drive to their line of sight.

Yes it is your responsibiliy YES In Germany and most other EU countrys you must carry a hazard warning ( trucks flashing lights) also

it is law to now carry fluorescent jackets

Gawd.............rolleyes.gif ..........So now you want the driver taken out by this guy.............facepalm.gif

Well what does one say to that? better you throw away the shovel He He V8 my axxe !!!


a speeding farang driver named Edward ? last name unknown nationality unknown crashed at speed into the back of a stationary vehicle parked on the side of the road the front of his vehicle was dissolved ? where did it go ? do they mean it was compacted .


a speeding farang driver named Edward ? last name unknown nationality unknown crashed at speed into the back of a stationary vehicle parked on the side of the road the front of his vehicle was dissolved ? where did it go ? do they mean it was compacted .

Think you know what they meant. Translation is poor but at the same time the real meaning is obvious. No real need to comment on it.


RiP Edward. and condolences to your friends & family.

Thats all I can say about it at the moment because I dont know the full story and I doubt any one else on the forum knows, you all just want to get into a p!ssing contest.

The sad thing is another life has been lost on the very dangerous roads of Thailand.

Hmmmmm, one vehicle was stationary, the other moving.......Who's fault was it....?

Seems in some folks think we must not park up or break down...rolleyes.gif

Depends on a lot of things which are not known. If breaking down one should put hazards on.

Parking on a road at night is dangerous and could be at fault.

I've near y hit many a parked truck at night and don't drink or speed.

Did YOU hit any........?

Sorry a typo - "I've nearly hit"

I had a head on collision before with a DTAC van on the wrong side of the road overtaking.


How did Somjit know the pick up crashed into him at full speed,

when he was most likely fast asleep,parked on the road,I see

no mention of having his lights on either.another life wasted on

Thai roads,

RIP Edward

regards Worgeordie

?? you must drive at a speed that you can stop within the area that is visible. A bit too fast would mean you knock a bit into it (if you can't steer away) but not in a total and fatal crash.

Very high probability the Edward Farang is to blame.

What a load of twaddle If the truck was parked without lights,how can you tell the distance? Same as driving at a brick wall !!

I take it you do not have a driving permit ?


Folk must drive at a suitable speed for the type of road they are driving on to be able to control the vehicle if a situation arrises..I was taught this when learning for my bike, car and heavy goods vehicle license's.

In the UK if you rear end a ride you get nicked......

My memory of driving test and police in UK is similar. However when it comes to parking I seem to recall certain situations where it was a requirement to leave "parking lights" on. Whatever, right/wrong poor chap is still dead.

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