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Chinese Tourist Rudeness - the legend continues


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They may of course stop breeding. They slaughtered many Female babies because they only wanted SONS under their One Kid Law.

Now there is a severe shortage of Female Chinese Breeding Stock. Perhaps they'll have to follow Ireland and go for Same-sex Marriage and then try surrogacy.... or maybe they'll just fade away?

And Thailand has more women than men.

Do the math.

Then... be afraid. Be very afraid.

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I mentioned this in a different thread but meet a Chinese woman on line. We Met up in BKK. We were in a restaurant and had just placed our order. Anyway, she saw a dish being served across the room and asked me what it was. I said I had no idea. There was a couple the next table over who were looking at their menus trying to decide what to order. Anyway, without saying a word, my date snatched the menu from the guys hand and start searching for her answer. Never so embarrassed in my life. There was no second date.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I mentioned this in a different thread but meet a Chinese woman on line. We Met up in BKK. We were in a restaurant and had just placed our order. Anyway, she saw a dish being served across the room and asked me what it was. I said I had no idea. There was a couple the next table over who were looking at their menus trying to decide what to order. Anyway, without saying a word, my date snatched the menu from the guys hand and start searching for her answer. Never so embarrassed in my life. There was no second date.

So she didn't put out, huh?

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When I was going through passport control at Dubai a Chinese family flitted in front of me. I actually had my passport and boarding pass out and was about to place it on the desk but they saw a space and moved into it. Sometimes have the same problems at the toilets in Adelaide. The Chinese are the new Germans.

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I mentioned this in a different thread but meet a Chinese woman on line. We Met up in BKK. We were in a restaurant and had just placed our order. Anyway, she saw a dish being served across the room and asked me what it was. I said I had no idea. There was a couple the next table over who were looking at their menus trying to decide what to order. Anyway, without saying a word, my date snatched the menu from the guys hand and start searching for her answer. Never so embarrassed in my life. There was no second date.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

If this had happened to me that would have been the end to the first date.

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I don't suppose you can generalise with all those millions involved.

In the UK, amongst many countries, the Chinese restaurant has become an institution and synonymous with extreme politeness and helpfulness from the waiting staff etc. to the point of servility.

Perhaps it is a different cultural awareness of the old adage "Know your place?" ie When in the driving seat as a tourist with money to spend it is considered normal to act in a dominant manner to the point of rudeness. When the role are reversed, servitude and politeness are the accepted order.

I once ran an international agency business (medical) with a long-standing Chinese (Hong Kong) fried with whom I originally trained. The only real complaint (custom) that I resented (slightly) was that when he came to visit me in England the whole caboodle was expected to be financed by me. His pockets were stitched up in restaurants, pubs and public transport and the such .... he came over as the consumate scrounger. However, on the two occasions I visited him the reverse was true and he wouldn't let me spend a penny.

As has been pointed out in previous posts, a vastly different set of cultural attitudes.

I think you need to visit London's Soho Wong Kei restaurant a byword for rudeness but the food is cheap and cheerful and therefore a popular place.

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You are right OP, only people from your ethnic background and nationality should be allowed to travel abroad.

Every country that has had economic growth and its citizens can afford to travel abroad have always had an adjustment period. I remember 15 years ago when Russians started travelling in droves and read the same kind of comments. Americans still get grief, Europeans smell bad, Americans are too loud and pushy, Germans are... French are...

Just relax and stop judging billions of people by the few encounters you see. For every single negative thing I see a Chinese tourist do, I see 100 more just enjoying the country and being polite.


The OP never said anything about only his ethnic background and nationality being allowed to travel. Just an argumentative remark from YOU.

Even the Thais have been shown in the media to be running out of parience with typical Chinese behaviour. For example their constant inability to use public bathrooms without urinating and defacating all over the floor!

I suggest that if these animals are unable to travel without acting like animals or to respect others in any way then they should stay within their own borders where their behaviour is accepted.

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Within living memory, people in China who "waited their turn" starved to death, along with their families.

It's going to take generations for that memory to fade.

On the flipside, you should hear what they say about our habits when we visit China.

Its a shame a few million more of them along with their families didn't die. Maybe the ones that were left could have learnt some manners.

Do tell us! What do they say about our habits? Or was it just your habits that offended their delicate sensibilities?

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You are right OP, only people from your ethnic background and nationality should be allowed to travel abroad.

Every country that has had economic growth and its citizens can afford to travel abroad have always had an adjustment period. I remember 15 years ago when Russians started travelling in droves and read the same kind of comments. Americans still get grief, Europeans smell bad, Americans are too loud and pushy, Germans are... French are...

Just relax and stop judging billions of people by the few encounters you see. For every single negative thing I see a Chinese tourist do, I see 100 more just enjoying the country and being polite.


The OP never said anything about only his ethnic background and nationality being allowed to travel. Just an argumentative remark from YOU.

Even the Thais have been shown in the media to be running out of parience with typical Chinese behaviour. For example their constant inability to use public bathrooms without urinating and defacating all over the floor!

I suggest that if these animals are unable to travel without acting like animals or to respect others in any way then they should stay within their own borders where their behaviour is accepted.

And I think Zeichen would suggest we allow Thais to decide who gets to travel to their country, and how they must behave. If he did suggest that, I'd agree with him.

For every Facebook photo you can find of a Chinese tourist defecating on the floor in Thailand, I can find 100 photos of people (who spell behavior with a "u"), puking on the floor, or the street in front of their barstool- or passed out in a puddle of their own mess on a beach. So who's worse?

Edited by impulse
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Please do not tell me you are knocking the quality tourists from China.

Thailand loves them and wants more of them

Thing is most of what you notice and write is also thai of Thai people

Kind of like they are distant cousins

Seen many a Thai person cut in line

Thais often cut in Q

Thais also love to yell in a restaurant for service / water / to order

Try getting of the BTS when Thai want to get on

Thais and Chinese have many of the same lack-of-quallities

Maybe you are just immune to it

Every hear a Thai say please, thank you or sorry?

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This is normal daily life in China and part of their "culture". This morning I threw out a guy in his 50's from elevator as he came in smoking a cigarette. It's a constant battle here and this is why I spend as little time as possible in local stores, transport or street. When they do travel they continue behaving same way and do not consider it to be rude. Think how the Chinese factory owners treat their staff... Oh, just the other day I saw an accident where a car hit a motorcycle (country side as these are banned in major cities) and the motorcycle guy gut hurt and was lying on the street. Instead of helping him the car driver went and started to kick the poor bastard for damaging his car...

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I'm living in a large hotel in the States for a few months. Chinese tourists make up the majority of the guests, arriving daily on tour busses the size of the Space Shuttle, and descending on the front desk clerks like hyenas on two freshly downed, but still breathing, gazelles.

They group, oblivious to external stimuli, in the middle of any and every passage or doorway, chattering or taking photos of anything from the bus, to the lobby, to the desk clerks pulling out their own hair.

It's a better watch than anything on television.

On the other hand, when I want to pass through their clans, I smile and say excuse me, and they all become alert and smile and make little bows and graciously stand aside. Most speak English enough to say, sorry, good morning. Some speak it well.

That last paragraph is where I note a significant difference between Chinese behavior in the States, versus when they visit Thailand.

I gather there is a wee bit of animosity between Thais and Chinese.

It does seem to be 'where they are', as in they respect the USA because of it's relative financial success and think themselves superior to Thais. From what I can gather though, Thais have in the past generally had great respect for the Chinese because of their provision of jobs in Thailand and their mutual obsession with money but some are now seeing, via the tourists, their less attractive side.

I read there's some 1.3 billion of them not sure if that includes those living overseas but in any case it's a huge number of people under a central control resulting in them acting like ants. I think a USC would improve them markedly.

Edited by piersbeckett
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I have too many bad experiences with loud obnoxious People's Republic of China tourists in hotels.

I have stopped going to some of my fovourite hotels in Bangkok as they have too many very very very annoying Chinese tourists - I check closely previous visitors comments when I book on "Igothere".

And yes, in response to a previous post - the breakfast buffet .,. constantly shouting, pushing in, filling plates and bowls, spilling food on the floor and not caring, and leaving a mess.

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I was going to add my twopence worth.....but I felt my New Year's resolution starting to kick in....."If I have nothing good to say about anybody, then say nothing".....better late than never...Eh? I feel I'm on the right track....at last.

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I was going to add my twopence worth.....but I felt my New Year's resolution starting to kick in....."If I have nothing good to say about anybody, then say nothing".....better late than never...Eh? I feel I'm on the right track....at last.

C'mon. Get it out. Don't let your head explode holding it in...

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Do not want to be judgmental of Chinese.

Just trying to give my two bits on the topic:

1) On my trip to Siem Reep (Angkor) was forced to get really rude and vocal by a HUGE crowd of Chinese tourists

obstructing the view I patiently waited to photograph. There were other foreigners in the same situation as myself who

looked like being from different European countries. None dared to voice a protest. But the looks they exchanged were telling.

My shout was rather rude and I got a few side glances from them.

But all have benefited from a brake of the human wave my shouted abuse created. That much for Europe. Too refined to stick for themselves.

2) Siem Reep Airport. I and my wife are sitting on a bench in a huge hall waiting for our flight back home. About 100,000 crowd of Chinese passengers in groups waiting for theirs.

Two Chinese 'ladies' between 30 and 40 well dressed in 'nothing over 200 bt stall' garb come out of female toilet door both brushing their teeth!

The white froth falling on the clean stone floor and dripping down their chins.

Without haste moving towards a boarding crowd of their own (NO, no, not the queuing line).

I wandered if their 'ladies' also piss in public?

Would have asked them, but my wife being a Thai and knowing me well kept a firm grab on my elbow.

Just the facts, man, just the facts...

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On a positive note about the Chinese, Thankfully they don't hire cars and drive ???

The roads of Thailand are dangerous enough as it is, without them weaving in and out and stopping when they feel like it...

Sadly they do up here in Chisng Rai/Mai...

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Chinese seem to treat Thailand is a place to abuse and use. Treat the locals like shit, be as rude and obnoxious as possible.

And yet, and yet, TAT and the General proudly proclaim six million of them are on their way, oblivious to the fact their Thai countrymen despise them.

The Thais probably despise all foreigners but accept them with their cash. I have no illusions as to how popular i am to local Thais.

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I am amazed at the change in Thai Immigration. Western tourists, who spend money and respect Thai culture, customs, religion and people are now being discouraged to come here or stay here, .. but the red carpet has been rolled out to Russians and chinese, both of which show no respect for anything Thai and do not even like Thai people, ... plus they frequent their own restaurants, hotels and tour companies, ...so little real benefit goes to the Thai people or economy!

Wake up Thailand! Devalue the baht and make Westerners feel welcome again! Your exports will do better and your revenue from tourism will soar once more

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I am so proud to be a TV member. I love that we have such a close nit community of racist losers that are allowed to spout off any garbage against any other culture as long as it isn't Thai bashing.

I wish there was an app that would delete my entire account and every single post I have made on these forums. I am ashamed to be a member of a community that allows this garbage to continue for 3 pages.

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brought a smile to my face, i was in BIG C rama 4 recently, chinese woman marched to the front, plonked her shopping basket down (caught me unawares) but the good thing is i would not let her husband by me to pay for the goods, it was hilarious, total confusion. i did fire into them. yep it made my day. now did i lose "face" or them ? trying to sort that one out.

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It is said that one day, Chinese will own Canada. Not by war, they'll just buy it all. We have complete suburbs and shopping malls that are all Chinese. For the most part, they seem like good citizens (but do anything to get around taxes). It seems that when they congregate in numbers though that the din goes up (and up, and up).

However, it is quite possible that the Chinese will have a turf battle with our burgeoning Pakistani and East Indian communities. I'll take the Chinese, thank you.

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I teach Chinese and will be leading a group of 19 American high school students on a tour in China next month. I intend to make very sure there will be no reason to complain about our group while we are there, but who knows.

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I am so proud to be a TV member. I love that we have such a close nit community of racist losers that are allowed to spout off any garbage against any other culture as long as it isn't Thai bashing.

I wish there was an app that would delete my entire account and every single post I have made on these forums. I am ashamed to be a member of a community that allows this garbage to continue for 3 pages.

I just file it away as an education into the dark hearts of a small subset of people on every continent. And goes a long way to explaining why people kill each other.

I came to Asia 15 years ago (first 10 years in China) thinking I'd meet fascinating travelers with a sense of adventure and a keenness to sample other rich cultures. Ho ho ho. I laugh on myself.

Sadly, a lot of what I have run into is whiners who hated everything and everyone back home and now they (surprise, surprise) hate it here. But it's cheaper to hate it (and to get drunk and laid) here... so here they stay.

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I can second all the points regarding the Chinese.

I personally don't like the constant crossover yelling in a room or public building. It's somehow annoying.

Here comes the mystery: I find Chinese people more obnoxious or ill-mannered in Asia, particularly in Thailand, compared to Germany for example. Sounds odd, but this is my true observation! When you walk through the major cities and sights, you will encounter lots of Japanese, Koreans and of course, Chinese- almost in a package every time.

I rarely felt that the same way about the Chinese here. In Germany, they would run around and take pictures, but I wouldn't say they go complete berserk like they do here in Thailand. I could often hear some Chinese chatter but it was never intrusive in trains. Chinese students are alright too in Germany.

My theory is, oh don't shoot me please, is that the majority of Chinese visitors in Thailand are from more rural places. To cut the chase, less "cultivated" or less well behaved Chinese are streaming into the Kingdom. Why? Thailand is obviously close to Southern China. It's reachable and a lot cheaper then flying to Europe or America. Moreover Thailand as a culture is similar and overall a great attraction nevertheless.

To some extend, Chinese people and Thailand are equivalent to drunktards from UK, Germany and Russia going to Spain, Minorca or other South European places... What are the Spanish thinking of us then?

To be fair, look at "us" walking through isle. The darker it gets the worse. It's loud, extreme growling and yelling, gibberish singing.. Overall very unpleasant to see too.

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sorry, i just don't get it !

i have just one question.

ever wondered the origins of the inhabitants of homes and work places for example throughout Thailand that place the Buddhist (shrine, place of worship where offerings are given ) on the floor, as opposed to about 6ft off the ground ?

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I'm living in a large hotel in the States for a few months. Chinese tourists make up the majority of the guests, arriving daily on tour busses the size of the Space Shuttle, and descending on the front desk clerks like hyenas on two freshly downed, but still breathing, gazelles.

They group, oblivious to external stimuli, in the middle of any and every passage or doorway, chattering or taking photos of anything from the bus, to the lobby, to the desk clerks pulling out their own hair.

It's a better watch than anything on television.

On the other hand, when I want to pass through their clans, I smile and say excuse me, and they all become alert and smile and make little bows and graciously stand aside. Most speak English enough to say, sorry, good morning. Some speak it well.

That last paragraph is where I note a significant difference between Chinese behavior in the States, versus when they visit Thailand.

I gather there is a wee bit of animosity between Thais and Chinese.

You might be seeing a "better" quality Chinese tourist in the USA than in Thailand. Travel and visiting in the USA is much more expenseive than in Thailand. Think of the kind of Chinese tourist who would visit the USA if they could simply drive there!

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