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Thailand just doesn't seem to care about wildlife, the environment or conservation......

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you only have to look after a rain storm in the villages, all the men out that night with head torches looking for frogs, they catch all they see,

then have to spray there land with chemicals to kill the bugs that the frogs would of eaten,

ive told my wife many times they are killing the land, you dont see much wildlife, they eat it all,

there is no hunting on my land, we see allsorts of birds, buterflies ect,

but this is what they have done for generations and again we arent going to stop them,


You are right

Thailand only cares about money that can be made from wildlife, guess they see conservation as non profit so they are not interested

Went to the croc zoo and was disgusted by what we saw, horrible, dirty and run down to put it lightly


They axe down old trees if they hinder the expansion of the (sugar cane) fields.

They axe down old trees for a ridicolous Pattaya beach road rebuild.

Until last week or so some nice trees on the Tesco parking lot (giving shadow outside the roofs).

Two days ago: axed to the trunks.

Yes, also in my home country trees are "cut/shortened", but not senseless to the trunks.

Five (!) moths heavy burning season (burning sugar cane before harvest, burning rice straw).

In Isan its hard to find an animal that is good for food.

Endless stories/examples...

And we can only watch and shake head.



far better the western tradition of raping foreign lands.

the Brazilian rain forest ring a bell?

fracking, strip mining.

Thailand didnt invent these things


Lack of education and awareness. Conservation of nature is global and globally money rules.

We have moved from a world of simple knowledge, self sufficency to i phones.



far better the western tradition of raping foreign lands.

the Brazilian rain forest ring a bell?

fracking, strip mining.

Thailand didnt invent these things

I fail to see how the sins of others in any way mitigates the ghastly travesties committed in Thailand.


you only have to look after a rain storm in the villages, all the men out that night with head torches looking for frogs, they catch all they see,

then have to spray there land with chemicals to kill the bugs that the frogs would of eaten,

ive told my wife many times they are killing the land, you dont see much wildlife, they eat it all,

there is no hunting on my land, we see allsorts of birds, buterflies ect,

but this is what they have done for generations and again we arent going to stop them,

Not so much in the South


There are a lot of Thais who care and that government did already many things....but it needs time....30-40 years....



far better the western tradition of raping foreign lands.

the Brazilian rain forest ring a bell?

fracking, strip mining.

Thailand didnt invent these things

There are a lot of Thais who care and that government did already many things....but it needs time....30-40 years....

I agree with this concept, actually it was the Western civilisation which started the rape of the land on massive scale.

There are Thais who love the land and the nature, and Thais who just want to exploit it for gain... Same as everywhere.

Normally the people become environmentally conscious after a huge damage has been done, and it will happen the same in Thailand.

Edit; I just noticed that the OP was regarding just the exploitation of animals, sorry for being off-topic


The Thai visitors to the zoo probably don't have much of a yard stick to measure how awful this place looks,then again i have never been a fan of zoo's,the other thing is they all go as a big group,and the main thing of course is eating,the zoo setting is just a backdrop. As for the disgusting state of the garbage strewn country,beaches,cities and towns,well i have posted enough on that in the past,the recent article about the western tourist cleaning the beach at Pattaya, i think said it all,the comment from one Thai respondent, "it's not Thai peoples fault as they have not been brought up to dispose of garbage,so no one's to blame" !!! At present i am on Koh chang,on the may bank holiday,many Thai people where at the beach i am staying at,they were eating drinking on tables under the trees,despite there being several highly visible garbage bins in close proximity,when they left,the whole area was strewn with bottles,plastic cups and wrappers,disposable plates this is not a Thai bashing post,but there needs to be a big education campaign on this at schools on Television,okay you won't change the current generation,but it may offer some small hope for the future,before the country is buried under it's own garbage. Getting back to the zoo,i once went to Surubaya zoo,in Indonesia,that was much worse than this place,half the exhibits were not there as they had died,and in one cage there actually was a dead deer or some such,the stench and flies gave it away,"only sleeping ' we were told,i do believe it has now been shut down after a newspaper expose.Hopefully the trip advidsor thing will make this place clean up it's act,though i doubt it.


My wife use to work in the Zoo in Sahmut Prakan a few years ago, we went back last year to see some friends, she commented on how thin the Elephants where, what struck us was the place was run down and unkept,


there is nowadays little or no justification for a zoo at all......but a zoo that puts animals in tiny cages, chains them down and then doesn't even maintain the animals or the property properly is a disgrace.


One astute Thai told me that Thailand is about 50 years behind the west

i don't really find claiming "so many years behind" is very helpful. the fact is we all live at the same time. 50 years ago the information and science we had about wildlife and conservation was less developed, but the information we have now is available to al of us....... it is not necessary to to do the science, it has already been done - it isn't a case of the formation not being there - it is - yet the Thai authorities simply choose to ignore it.

thailand is neither a poor or backward country and looking at the place like that doesn't help or mitigate.

there are conservationists in Thailand who work tirelessly to improve or save the environment.

in the end our attitude to conservation, wildlife and th environment isn't a Nation-based problem, it is an international problem ...it transcends borders and Thai does itself no favours by ignoring international standards. At present they are being appraised by CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) for their handling of the Ivory trade both within the country and at the borders....this is likely to result in trade sanctions

As for tourism - the more people see the exploitation of animals such as elephants and Tigers, the less they are likely to want to come to Thailand, especially if they think their money is supporting this sort of thing.

thailand has virtually no laws whatsoever governing the treatment of wild animals and only the vaguest, weakest laws for the protection of domesticated creatures.......if Thailand is not to becoe an "eco-pariah" then it needs to address these issues and quickly.


there is nowadays little or no justification for a zoo at all......but a zoo that puts animals in tiny cages, chains them down and then doesn't even maintain the animals or the property properly is a disgrace.

Zoo makes only sense to conserve endangered species and finance it by showing them to the public.....But having a zoo just for entertainment is outdated since development of TV.


That so called zoo is an absolute disgrace. Looking at the pictures of the audience watching the so called 'shows' I note that there doesn't appear to be a farang amongst them. I'll bet quids that they are all Chinese. We in the West seem to be realising that animal welfare is important and that animals suffer and should be treated compassionately. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case in China, not only are there reports of Chinese zoos with appalling conditions, but their appetite for such things as bear bile and rhino horn remedies does not endure them to an animal lover.



far better the western tradition of raping foreign lands.

the Brazilian rain forest ring a bell?

fracking, strip mining.

Thailand didnt invent these things

There are a lot of Thais who care and that government did already many things....but it needs time....30-40 years....

I agree with this concept, actually it was the Western civilisation which started the rape of the land on massive scale.

There are Thais who love the land and the nature, and Thais who just want to exploit it for gain... Same as everywhere.

Normally the people become environmentally conscious after a huge damage has been done, and it will happen the same in Thailand.

Edit; I just noticed that the OP was regarding just the exploitation of animals, sorry for being off-topic

Well it applies to both, exploitation of animals might be the smaller issue in compare with complete destroying the environment.

Strange is that the worst are the Chinese minority, but at the same time the strongest protectors are also Chinese.


Don't go.

seems rather inarticulate, what are you suggesting?

That happens to be a complete sentence, LOL. Did you want the audio version? smile.png

It may be a sentence but it is still inarticulate....a predicate would help and a clarification of the implied subject (you).......


Don't go.

seems rather inarticulate, what are you suggesting?


That you not go to the venue you are moaning about. Clear now?

The place is engaged in cruelty to animals, it provably contravenes several international laws that Thai has signed up to and even some of their own paltry laws concerning animals - you are suggesting that I don't visit it? Is this based on the concept of what the eye can't see the heart won't grieve?


Don't go.

seems rather inarticulate, what are you suggesting?


That you not go to the venue you are moaning about. Clear now?

The place is engaged in cruelty to animals, it provably contravenes several international laws that Thai has signed up to and even some of their own paltry laws concerning animals - you are suggesting that I don't visit it? Is this based on the concept of what the eye can't see the heart won't grieve?

I think he means that if we go there, it means we support them (give them money) and they will continue doing this.

For your point, I understand that you would like to be more proactive instead of not doing anything, we need to take any action to help animals.



far better the western tradition of raping foreign lands.

the Brazilian rain forest ring a bell?

fracking, strip mining.

Thailand didnt invent these things

Takes Two to tango though


Our old neighbors told us about the Pangolins that used to inhabit the bamboo groves next to where we built our house so I had hoped to see one on one of my mountain bike rides. Not much chance of that happening anymore as they are actively hunted and sent to China. Would love to see one of these beautiful creatures in the wild.


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