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Do many Thais not deal with refusal/rejection very well?


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Do many Thais ...

Totally ridiculous question posed solely to rattle the cages of the Thai Bashers.

Most people on Thai Visa do not know many Thais or anything about many Thais other than the fantasy nonsense posted in these threads.

Considering how many people go berserk and shoot up schools, post offices, restaurants, malls, etc in the US because they're harboring some trivial loss of face, Thailand would have to go a long way before it reached that level. How many recent riots have there been sparked by marginalized people due to the heavy handed police treatment of someone most of the rioters never knew.

In UK all it takes is for some football match to take place to fray some nerves or for police brutality to incense segments of the population and whole streets of cars and shops will be destroyed for no other purpose than to assuage bent egos.

If you can actually see a few examples of a few Thai people behaving in a certain way and not understand that similar behavior occurs everywhere in the world, you're living in a racist bubble where you can only see things that satisfy your bigoted notions while ignoring similar or worse behavior of the same sort in all of FarangLand.

Sounds to me like you have assimilated into the borg, either way how about the frequency per capita, bring the race card in again if you like

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Do many Thais ...

Totally ridiculous question posed solely to rattle the cages of the Thai Bashers.

Most people on Thai Visa do not know many Thais or anything about many Thais other than the fantasy nonsense posted in these threads.

Considering how many people go berserk and shoot up schools, post offices, restaurants, malls, etc in the US because they're harboring some trivial loss of face, Thailand would have to go a long way before it reached that level. How many recent riots have there been sparked by marginalized people due to the heavy handed police treatment of someone most of the rioters never knew.

In UK all it takes is for some football match to take place to fray some nerves or for police brutality to incense segments of the population and whole streets of cars and shops will be destroyed for no other purpose than to assuage bent egos.

If you can actually see a few examples of a few Thai people behaving in a certain way and not understand that similar behavior occurs everywhere in the world, you're living in a racist bubble where you can only see things that satisfy your bigoted notions while ignoring similar or worse behavior of the same sort in all of FarangLand.

Sounds to me like you have assimilated into the borg, either way how about the frequency per capita, bring the race card in again if you like

I think it's you who brings on the race card. Your posts are generally negative about Thailand and its people.

Thailand is a violent country with a high murder rate. Is it because Thai people are simply violent or could there be other factors.

Poor education, low wages, and a hard life for most for example? I don't know? But I don't believe Thais are inherently violent people as you suggest.

Like the high death rate on the roads. TVF people will call Thai drivers, brainless, clueless, no regard for human life because they're not Christians, all sorts of <deleted>.

Could poor driver's education, poor policing, poor licensing etc have more to do with it?

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Do many Thais ...

Totally ridiculous question posed solely to rattle the cages of the Thai Bashers.

Most people on Thai Visa do not know many Thais or anything about many Thais other than the fantasy nonsense posted in these threads.

Considering how many people go berserk and shoot up schools, post offices, restaurants, malls, etc in the US because they're harboring some trivial loss of face, Thailand would have to go a long way before it reached that level. How many recent riots have there been sparked by marginalized people due to the heavy handed police treatment of someone most of the rioters never knew.

In UK all it takes is for some football match to take place to fray some nerves or for police brutality to incense segments of the population and whole streets of cars and shops will be destroyed for no other purpose than to assuage bent egos.

If you can actually see a few examples of a few Thai people behaving in a certain way and not understand that similar behavior occurs everywhere in the world, you're living in a racist bubble where you can only see things that satisfy your bigoted notions while ignoring similar or worse behavior of the same sort in all of FarangLand.

Sounds to me like you have assimilated into the borg, either way how about the frequency per capita, bring the race card in again if you like

I think it's you who brings on the race card. Your posts are generally negative about Thailand and its people.

Thailand is a violent country with a high murder rate. Is it because Thai people are simply violent or could there be other factors.

Poor education, low wages, and a hard life for most for example? I don't know? But I don't believe Thais are inherently violent people as you suggest.

Like the high death rate on the roads. TVF people will call Thai drivers, brainless, clueless, no regard for human life because they're not Christians, all sorts of <deleted>.

Could poor driver's education, poor policing, poor licensing etc have more to do with it?

Doesnt matter the cause the facts are its a much higher rate than many other places, my posts are based on my experiences, I wish they werent as negative but I say what i see, race is irrelevant, no mention of "race" in this thread by me

Edited by kannot
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Do many Thais ...

Totally ridiculous question posed solely to rattle the cages of the Thai Bashers.

Most people on Thai Visa do not know many Thais or anything about many Thais other than the fantasy nonsense posted in these threads.

Considering how many people go berserk and shoot up schools, post offices, restaurants, malls, etc in the US because they're harboring some trivial loss of face, Thailand would have to go a long way before it reached that level. How many recent riots have there been sparked by marginalized people due to the heavy handed police treatment of someone most of the rioters never knew.

In UK all it takes is for some football match to take place to fray some nerves or for police brutality to incense segments of the population and whole streets of cars and shops will be destroyed for no other purpose than to assuage bent egos.

If you can actually see a few examples of a few Thai people behaving in a certain way and not understand that similar behavior occurs everywhere in the world, you're living in a racist bubble where you can only see things that satisfy your bigoted notions while ignoring similar or worse behavior of the same sort in all of FarangLand.

Sounds to me like you have assimilated into the borg, either way how about the frequency per capita, bring the race card in again if you like

I think it's you who brings on the race card. Your posts are generally negative about Thailand and its people.

Thailand is a violent country with a high murder rate. Is it because Thai people are simply violent or could there be other factors.

Poor education, low wages, and a hard life for most for example? I don't know? But I don't believe Thais are inherently violent people as you suggest.

Like the high death rate on the roads. TVF people will call Thai drivers, brainless, clueless, no regard for human life because they're not Christians, all sorts of <deleted>.

Could poor driver's education, poor policing, poor licensing etc have more to do with it?

Thailand is a lovely country spoilt by the Thais in many cases so you were "half" right on my viewpoint.

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Definite cases of over reaction

Do many Thais over react to perceived rejection/refusal?


They will appear, in Western eyes, to overreact to rejections/refusals delivered in Western style....because that is just not how it is done in Thailand. It is considered rude.

Like it or not, the norm in Thai society is to avoid direct face-to-face refusals. Hence all the unkept promises to do something/provide something at a later time, all the "come back tomorrow" for things they won't have/do then either, the workmen who vanish on some pretext and never return etc. etc.

Also hence all the obvious subterfuges ("Mai mee" when clearly it is something they have...."mai dai" when obviously they could if they wanted to, etc).

Within Thai cultural norms, refusals delivered in the "correct" (i.e. totally indirect) way will not result in a visible display of anger from a normal Thai person. (they may however, drive a foreigner a bit nuts, especially if new to the country wink.png ).

But of course, Thailand like any country has a few unhinged people who make the papers with their outlandish behavior. That's why it is in the papers...it is newsworthy because it is not typical.

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Some Thai people are dicks. Just as some British people are dicks. Or some Germans. Or some Americans.

That's just the way things are. But in none of this cases should you look at the behaviour of a few people and decide that their entire nation acts the same way. People are individuals.

You forgot the Dutch - bunch of terrible unpleasant dicks!

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Don't forget there are 60-80 million people living here, all generally living in close proximity in a hot climate. % wise I have read the crime rate here is comparable or lower than the west

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I think it's you who brings on the race card. Your posts are generally negative about Thailand and its people.

Thailand is a violent country with a high murder rate. Is it because Thai people are simply violent or could there be other factors.

Poor education, low wages, and a hard life for most for example? I don't know? But I don't believe Thais are inherently violent people as you suggest.

Like the high death rate on the roads. TVF people will call Thai drivers, brainless, clueless, no regard for human life because they're not Christians, all sorts of <deleted>.

Could poor driver's education, poor policing, poor licensing etc have more to do with it?

These are fair points, but the explanation of the reasons behind the problems doesn't deny the existence of the problem.. Right?

Is it ok to say 'Thailand has great food.' but not 'The roads here seem dangerous.' ? Taking the good with the bad doesn't mean being in denial of the bad. I find Thai people to be very hospitable and friendly upon first encounters.. Does that mean they are perfect from there out? Can they have flaws too? Does the fact that Thailand has such strong cultural forces make for generalizations a bit easier in that the people are more homogenous? Can we say that a face saving culture might have different tendencies than a non-face saving one?

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Do many Thais not deal with refusal/rejection very well?

So everybody, but Berkshire, agrees that the answer is no, they don't.

You missed out somebody else.........I'll give u a clue........he's a bit of a bell end and its not longstebe :-)

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I think it's you who brings on the race card. Your posts are generally negative about Thailand and its people.

Thailand is a violent country with a high murder rate. Is it because Thai people are simply violent or could there be other factors.

Poor education, low wages, and a hard life for most for example? I don't know? But I don't believe Thais are inherently violent people as you suggest.

Like the high death rate on the roads. TVF people will call Thai drivers, brainless, clueless, no regard for human life because they're not Christians, all sorts of <deleted>.

Could poor driver's education, poor policing, poor licensing etc have more to do with it?

These are fair points, but the explanation of the reasons behind the problems doesn't deny the existence of the problem.. Right?

Is it ok to say 'Thailand has great food.' but not 'The roads here seem dangerous.' ? Taking the good with the bad doesn't mean being in denial of the bad. I find Thai people to be very hospitable and friendly upon first encounters.. Does that mean they are perfect from there out? Can they have flaws too? Does the fact that Thailand has such strong cultural forces make for generalizations a bit easier in that the people are more homogenous? Can we say that a face saving culture might have different tendencies than a non-face saving one?

Agreed, and I'm not denying the many problems. Thai roads are dangerous and we all must take more care to protect ourselves.

But I don't like labeling a whole people as in Thais are this, Thais are that. Sometimes it is system failures, such as education and judicial. The nasty things that have been said about Thais in response to its many issues bothers me. I don't believe they are all violent cheats and liars with no logic whatsoever.

I think many Thais are frustrated with these system problems and many more have never seen a better way. Your last two points I don't know enough about anthropology to hazard a guess, but my opinion only, face saving isn't that much different to what we know as ego but carried a bit further. I know many will disagree with that.

Edited by duanebigsby
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I think it's you who brings on the race card. Your posts are generally negative about Thailand and its people.

Thailand is a violent country with a high murder rate. Is it because Thai people are simply violent or could there be other factors.

Poor education, low wages, and a hard life for most for example? I don't know? But I don't believe Thais are inherently violent people as you suggest.

Like the high death rate on the roads. TVF people will call Thai drivers, brainless, clueless, no regard for human life because they're not Christians, all sorts of <deleted>.

Could poor driver's education, poor policing, poor licensing etc have more to do with it?

These are fair points, but the explanation of the reasons behind the problems doesn't deny the existence of the problem.. Right?

Is it ok to say 'Thailand has great food.' but not 'The roads here seem dangerous.' ? Taking the good with the bad doesn't mean being in denial of the bad. I find Thai people to be very hospitable and friendly upon first encounters.. Does that mean they are perfect from there out? Can they have flaws too? Does the fact that Thailand has such strong cultural forces make for generalizations a bit easier in that the people are more homogenous? Can we say that a face saving culture might have different tendencies than a non-face saving one?

Agreed, and I'm not denying the many problems. Thai roads are dangerous and we all must take more care to protect ourselves.

But I don't like labeling a whole people as in Thais are this, Thais are that. Sometimes it is system failures, such as education and judicial. The nasty things that have been said about Thais in response to its many issues bothers me. I don't believe they are all violent cheats and liars with no logic whatsoever.

I think many Thais are frustrated with these system problems and many more have never seen a better way. Your last two points I don't know enough about anthropology to hazard a guess, but my opinion only, face saving isn't that much different to what we know as ego but carried a bit further. I know many will disagree with that.

It's surely obvious to anyone with even half an intellect that lumping a whole nation together as a homogenous mass is ludicrous. And yet we see it done every day here.

By the same logic, we should conclude that all farangs are stupid. Thankfully, that isn't the case.

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Well today i went to the local bar,and the lady that runs it was drunk,she had caught her partner,in bed in the flat with her friend,between bouts of crying and ranting,she waved a large steak knife around,"i cut ,i kill" she wailed,on this evidence i would say no,they don't take it to well.

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Well today i went to the local bar,and the lady that runs it was drunk,she had caught her partner,in bed in the flat with her friend,between bouts of crying and ranting,she waved a large steak knife around,"i cut ,i kill" she wailed,on this evidence i would say no,they don't take it to well.

Tell her it could be worse her husband could come back from his business trip early.biggrin.png

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I think it's you who brings on the race card. Your posts are generally negative about Thailand and its people.

Thailand is a violent country with a high murder rate. Is it because Thai people are simply violent or could there be other factors.

Poor education, low wages, and a hard life for most for example? I don't know? But I don't believe Thais are inherently violent people as you suggest.

Like the high death rate on the roads. TVF people will call Thai drivers, brainless, clueless, no regard for human life because they're not Christians, all sorts of <deleted>.

Could poor driver's education, poor policing, poor licensing etc have more to do with it?

These are fair points, but the explanation of the reasons behind the problems doesn't deny the existence of the problem.. Right?

Is it ok to say 'Thailand has great food.' but not 'The roads here seem dangerous.' ? Taking the good with the bad doesn't mean being in denial of the bad. I find Thai people to be very hospitable and friendly upon first encounters.. Does that mean they are perfect from there out? Can they have flaws too? Does the fact that Thailand has such strong cultural forces make for generalizations a bit easier in that the people are more homogenous? Can we say that a face saving culture might have different tendencies than a non-face saving one?

Agreed, and I'm not denying the many problems. Thai roads are dangerous and we all must take more care to protect ourselves.

But I don't like labeling a whole people as in Thais are this, Thais are that. Sometimes it is system failures, such as education and judicial. The nasty things that have been said about Thais in response to its many issues bothers me. I don't believe they are all violent cheats and liars with no logic whatsoever.

I think many Thais are frustrated with these system problems and many more have never seen a better way. Your last two points I don't know enough about anthropology to hazard a guess, but my opinion only, face saving isn't that much different to what we know as ego but carried a bit further. I know many will disagree with that.

It's surely obvious to anyone with even half an intellect that lumping a whole nation together as a homogenous mass is ludicrous. And yet we see it done every day here.

By the same logic, we should conclude that all farangs are stupid. Thankfully, that isn't the case.

Ok, but to clarify where LARRYBIRD is coming from.. If we take the case of bad drivers. And I would like to say firstly, that I think MANY Thai people drive quite well, because they have to.. You have to be very alert driving in Thailand. So, more are more focused, more aware.. (I would guess.) On to my point though.. Perhaps in my country we could classify 2% of people as lousy drivers (17 year olds, haha), but, MAYBE here, the number is 5%.... Well, that makes the number 2.5 times larger!

Along the same lines, I think most Thais are quite honest in terms of not stealing, I do think some are happy to take advantage of a gray area.. "Forgetting" to give you something you deserved a store, 'miscalculating your change' etc.. Again, I think this is VERY few, and not a big deal of living here.

Is it ok to say Thai's don't honk their horns often while driving? Do some? Yes. Is it less than in other countries? I think so! Can we speculate on why that is? Is it out of their polite nature? Is it out of fear of honking at the wrong person and getting shot? It might actually be useful to know this. 'Don't honk your horn at that dude in the BENZ, he's probably a gangster that could make you disappear in a day..'

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On the driving thing....I don't know about where u guys live but up country here everytime I drive into the city I would see at least 6 attempts at suicide...or so it would seem. Guys coming head on, on the wrong side of the road and nowhere for either us to go and flashing their lights at me because they're in a "Fortuner". The clapped out old pick ups doing 40kmh and weaving all over the road because they're drunk. The motorcy on the left hand side of the road that as soon as you go to pass decide to drift into the middle of the road because they're in a daydream or texting. Usually with a baby or small child with no helmet. I'm no thai basher but this happens all to often to be considered one off events. Problem is most have no insurance and guaranteed whatever happened it wud be my fault and I'd pay or worse go prison. We've had a drunk near our place have at least 3 accidents. Twice he hit vehicles in people's homes. Attitude here is "no harm done" he's only like that wen he's drunk. Only a matter of time before he hits a kid but we'll worry about that if it happens right? How many people here driving in the country don't have a license? I wud hazard a guess 80%, at least older people don't anyway. That cud be squarely the fault of the ridiculous laws here though. My wife wants to get her license and she can drive ok. We however have a new car and insurance if she has an accident with no license is void. Call transport department. ...how can she get a learn to drive permit? No such thing. How can she legally learn to drive then? Open mouth stare. It's all too hard. Either don't bother getting a license or buy one

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