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Malaysia Minister: Let's turn human trafficking camp into tourist spot


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You could charge the tourists a $1000 for a month's stay with no food or water, just to get a real flavor of what it would be like to have been brought there. Why not put a ransom on their head as well and while their at it give a prize to anybody who doesn't die during their time there.

You don't have to be in a mental hospital to be "sick" in the head.

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If the Mals would let me run the place I'd turn it into a two week SERE school and

Datuk Shahidan Kassim can be one of the first batch of "students".Then again...Ralph

Lauren's people may be on to him before that happens for wearing the fake Polo shirt.

Regardless...seems that every nation involved has their players trying to make a buck

from the suffering of others & with Malaysia ranked a Tier 3 human trafficking nation...

Datuk Kassim's comment doesn't surprise me one iota.

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I remember Thailand was criticized by an NGO for running a Human Zoo because of it's treatment of hilltribes. Perhaps Malaysia misinterpreted this as a compliment and after a brainstorming session came up with the tourist camp idea.

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I'm at a loss for words....

have to say I agree, it seems it's not only Thailand that has it's share of idiots in high level positions, not easy to outstrip some Thailand ministers for out and out stupidity

all we need now is an endorsement from an ex Thai mp - I don't think the current government is capable of such an idea

Are you sure about your last sentence?

I am sure that the present government are kicking their own arises for not thinking about it first!

Despicable idea from a mindless moron not you smedley

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Fifty five odd years ago we had chased Chin Peng and his Communist Terrorists up the Malay Peninsula to the Thai border at Betong where they hid out in jungle camps fleeing across the invisible border into Thailand if our security forces got too close. Chin Peng died last year of old age in southern Thailand yet he was a Malay so yes, they are quite capable of building similar camps for trafficking. He forgot to mention the Malay writing on the walls and the Tiger Beer cans.....

It takes two to tango.....

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That is one of the last places I would want to visit, besides the mosque would do my head in with the constant rabble, but hay, what ever floats your boat, they could even organise a dig site in case people got bored. and there are more than just Thai writings on the wall, who knows, maybe they might find some headless corpses,

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Around 1980, following the success of Roots, someone had the bright idea to (try to) sell tourist packages to African-Americans that included the slave markets of Ghana, and other such west African fun destinations. Haven't heard much about that since.

On the other hand Auschwitz, the Anne Frank House etc seem to do a fairly brisk business.

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In my opinion, I don't think the camps were built by Malaysians unless they were communists.

- because they are too well constructed

No! because there were Thai beer cans there wai2.gif

Are they going to display the graves of the mass murdered found on the border recently?

This man must have had a brilliant idea fly into his funnel.

Was there any Chinese beer cans or a Toohies or 2 maybe a Vic Bitter, man this could prove to be an international conspiracy if they find other brands clap2.gif

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Why are people here complaining? Gross? Inhuman? The camps were inhuman when they had humans in them, now they're empty. People flock in their thousands to visit Belsen, Birkenau and Auschwitz etc and they were far more inhumane in their day yet people not only accept this but applaud it too

The Malaysian minister described the camps as "beautiful" several times. I would not describe Belsen, Birkenau and Auschwitz as beautiful. What is the intention? To have a sombre memorial to remind visitors of inhumanity that should not be forgotten, or to make some money out of tourists?

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This idiot of a Minister in the Prime Ministers office needs to be fired immediately and should be locked up in a camp

like this for 6 months. He has total disregard for human lives and dignity.

This is typical thinking of greedy Asian Brain's.

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Looks like Malaysia has the dumber ministers. The site of the camp they found is so inaccessible that they had to remove bodies by helicopters, and this airhead wants to turn it into a tourist spot??

If you go through malaysia news you will die laughing at the things the so called ministers say there.

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