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No Longer "dreaming" Of Retiring In Thailand


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"Stay away from those that carry 'round a fire hose." -Bob Dylan

Boy has this thread gone south!!!

Terry snap out of it. It's Bs like your s that has kept me off the board over the past few years.

Arrogant, pompous, cocky and well just basically full of it.

Your situation/life is much more fragile and uncertain than you imagine.

No offense mate just one mans opinion. Get over your self...

"Captain force fields at full power" _ Spock... :o

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"Stay away from those that carry 'round a fire hose." -Bob Dylan

Boy has this thread gone south!!!

Terry snap out of it. It's Bs like your s that has kept me off the board over the past few years.

Arrogant, pompous, cocky and well just basically full of it.

Your situation/life is much more fragile and uncertain than you imagine.

No offense mate just one mans opinion. Get over your self...

"Captain force fields at full power" _ Spock... :D

cricky's doc,

thats a bit rough isn't it. :D

but i do like it as ive got you to step it up a bit and you are well entitled to your opinion as i am mine.

your frigging right my life is fragile and uncertain as i got to run into burning building, cut people out of car wrecks and deal with the threat of terrorism every day im on shift.

i do this to serve the public and save lives much like your good self.

the only difference between me and you is that your sitting on your arse in your doctors surgery safe and sound and im a front line veteran fire fighter who could die in a millisecond.

i must add that i have nearly died a few times serving people like your good self and only hope i get through the next few years so i can come and retire in my beloved los.

you know what doc,

thats why im a fun loving, positive, up beat and un serious punter as i know how <deleted> and short life can be.

i try not to get hung up on <deleted> that a lot of people do as its not worth it, lifes so short, i love my life and my profession even though it could very well get me killed.

look doc, :D

you can slag me off, attack me , troll me and flair me, but no one will ever defeat my upbeat nature and i remain totally unaffected by any criticism of my good self.

you know why that is doc ?

its because i never bull <deleted> any body, and the stories that i write are very true and 110% strait up.

good luck doc and dont get me wrong as i dont mean any thing bad to you as you doctors do a brilliant job.

cheers doc and i hope you beat that bleeding depression and you can one day smell the roses.


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It is enough to deal with losing personal freedoms here at home. I can't imagine losing even more freedoms one has by residing in Thailand. What's the trade off?

"Freedommmm!!!" - William Wallace

I hear this alot in the states, Not sure where your from Pepe. Can you answer me this?? What freedom's have you lost?? I ask people this in the US and they cannot answer, Come to think of it you have not lost anything!!!

When I wake up in the morning I have the freedom to walk out my front door and do whatever I please. Even I could do something wrong, I may have to face the consequences of it but I could still do it.

Actually the only difference in personal freedom between the US and Thailand is that in the latter prostitution is mostly tolerated.

As for this doctor, he is well advised to reconsider any long-term commitment to Thailand. There are of course other places he can visit in retirement, though they all have their good and bad aspects. What has changed is that Thailand is no longer head-and-shoulders above the others.

Edited by opebo
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"Stay away from those that carry 'round a fire hose." -Bob Dylan

Boy has this thread gone south!!!

Terry snap out of it. It's Bs like your s that has kept me off the board over the past few years.

Arrogant, pompous, cocky and well just basically full of it.

Your situation/life is much more fragile and uncertain than you imagine.

No offense mate just one mans opinion. Get over your self...

"Captain force fields at full power" _ Spock... :D

Make that two. :o

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Terrorism is rife in Fremantle, Terry? :D

sling sling,

your still being very cruel to that frigging horse mate. :D

where's its new freaking front legs gone ? :D

but i know you dont mean it as your a top, bloody, bleeding fun loving punter like my very brilliant and highly intelligent self.

cricky's mate,

not every punter loves me like you do, but maybe they arn't as smart as you. :o

my in box is still over flowing with accolades and i'll be in rehab by the time i end up having a lager with them all.

look im a bit sad, as i forgot to ask the doc to get my prostrate check cranked up.

jes--us sling sling, :D

you might have to do it when we hit the turps in november. :D

its ok mate,

as we will have about 33 pints before you give it a crack and i wont feel a thing. :D

see you in november sling sling . :D

sorry jai dee for going of topic a tad.

ok then,

i'll get back to pepe's very important, earth shattering and incredibly inspiring question of " if he should retire here in los. " :D

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"Stay away from those that carry 'round a fire hose." -Bob Dylan

Boy has this thread gone south!!!

Terry snap out of it. It's Bs like your s that has kept me off the board over the past few years.

Arrogant, pompous, cocky and well just basically full of it.

Your situation/life is much more fragile and uncertain than you imagine.

No offense mate just one mans opinion. Get over your self...

"Captain force fields at full power" _ Spock... :D

Make that two. :o

cricky's mate,

maybe you and pepe should get a room together. :D:D:D:D

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B.T.W. , its ok for you to stay there as its your life mate.

Thank you.

Indeed it is my life, my real life.

Not one that I made up. :o


you like that one did'nt you old croc :D

but cricky's mate, :D

be frigging carefull will you,

as an old fella like you might have a frigging stroke laughing like that. :D

come on down to freo fire station, and ask for terry on D shift. :D

i'll give you free ride in my fire truck to freo hospital emergency department. :D

cracker mate

bye bye old crock :D

Terry, me old mate. I'm going to take you up on your invitation. It's not far for me to pop down to Freo. Are you based in the Phillimore St fire station ? Are you there now or in LOS?

If home we could go to your local, The Sail and Anchor isn't it, for a couple. We can talk footy, I barrack for the chardonay sippers. You, the other mob I suppose? Come clean.

We could talk about my old crockedness and see how fit you are as a member of the elite WAFD.

Or perhaps we could go to Papas for some spag bol. Although the old fish and chips are always good. Where's the best place in Freo to get them?

Looking forward to meeting you me old china and showing you the old croc is not quite ready for Freo hospital yet, although I do go there to donate blood, do you?

Cheers, the other Terry

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B.T.W. , its ok for you to stay there as its your life mate.

Thank you.

Indeed it is my life, my real life.

Not one that I made up. :o

you like that one did'nt you old croc

but cricky's mate, :

be frigging carefull will you,

as an old fella like you might have a frigging stroke laughing like that. :D

come on down to freo fire station, and ask for terry on D shift.

i'll give you free ride in my fire truck to freo hospital emergency department.

cracker mate

bye bye old crock /quote]

Terry, me old mate. I'm going to take you up on your invitation. It's not far for me to pop down to Freo. Are you based in the Phillimore St fire station ? Are you there now or in LOS?

If home we could go to your local, The Sail and Anchor isn't it, for a couple. We can talk footy, I barrack for the chardonay sippers. You, the other mob I suppose? Come clean.

We could talk about my old crockedness and see how fit you are as a member of the elite WAFD.

Or perhaps we could go to Papas for some spag bol. Although the old fish and chips are always good. Where's the best place in Freo to get them?

Looking forward to meeting you me old china and showing you the old croc is not quite ready for Freo hospital yet, although I do go there to donate blood, do you?

Cheers, the other Terry

you little bloody ripper old crock,

its game on then. :D

you got that in one mate as there's only one fire station in freo and that is phillimore street.

im here at the mo but fly to hong kong on the 31 october so give me a bell at home in bicton on //removed at op request//

papa's is a top spot for people watching but the sail is better as it sells nice lager, at a premium price i might add.

im in top condition mate as i have to keep on top of it you know for F.E.S.A., which used to be the W.A.F.B before they shafted us to F.E.S.A. :D

best place for fish and chips in freo :

well mate thats an easy one as its the fishermans kitchen at the fishing boat harbour but the view is crap so its got to be cicorello's i suppose just for the view on a cracker day.

a cracking beautifull day yesterday was'nt it.

you'd think being a hero firefighter id be giving blood every 10 seconds but ive been slack late'ly so thanks for the reminder.


well old crock, i might live in freo but im no fanatic of football and really could not give a toss about the game and further more dont even know who one the footy last night and care even less.

im real sorry about that mate but better i tell you now than leave you hanging.

but we can have a nice chat about travelling and the brilliant los.

it will be my pleasure to meet you crock but give me a few weeks please as ive got a few things happenning.

my best mate was called crock but the bugger died on me so maybe he has come back in your body

so im looking forward to meet you.

cheers mate :D

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Not a good idea to put your phone numbers on the old WWW mate.

I suggest you get a mod to wipe them off your post if you can't still edit.

Cheers OC

<deleted>, thanks for that as i did'nt even think about it,

but you have them dont you ? and please contact me in 4 weeks time and well have that drink for sure .

cheers crock

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well mate thats an easy one as its the fishermans kitchen at the fishing boat harbour but the view is crap so its got to be cicorello's i suppose just for the view on a cracker day.

Terry is right on this one. Fisherman's Kitchen is where I get fish and chips when in Freemantle - have to be careful of the sea-gulls swooping down and stealing your fish though! :o

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well mate thats an easy one as its the fishermans kitchen at the fishing boat harbour but the view is crap so its got to be cicorello's i suppose just for the view on a cracker day.

Terry is right on this one. Fisherman's Kitchen is where I get fish and chips when in Freemantle - have to be careful of the sea-gulls swooping down and stealing your fish though! :D

thanks for backing me up mr G,

but im a bit confused as you said that im right on this one ? :D

cricky's mate,

arn't i right every time i post. :o

cheers mate :D

next time your in freo pm me and well have a pint. :D

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well mate thats an easy one as its the fishermans kitchen at the fishing boat harbour but the view is crap so its got to be cicorello's i suppose just for the view on a cracker day.

Terry is right on this one. Fisherman's Kitchen is where I get fish and chips when in Freemantle - have to be careful of the sea-gulls swooping down and stealing your fish though! :D

thanks for backing me up mr G,

but im a bit confused as you said that im right on this one ? :D

cricky's mate,

arn't i right every time i post? :o

Probably, but this time, I was absolutely sure. :D

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To old croc and the others that accused terry57 of lieing, Why would he lie about his hometown? Don't make cent$ or dollars. Or was there something I didn't read. Back on topic I will retire in LOS, since I find LOS a place for myself, and my TGF.

hello jens,

how you going my friend ?

bloody cracking good i hope,

sorry mate but we have to deal in fact and truth only when discussing issue's regarding my top self.

the only person that has questioned my legitimacy was bloody guesthouse.

i hit him with all the facts to back up what i was posting and he disappeared into annenimmiti.

frigging boring me to death he was anyway. :D

i dont think old crock was questioning me, but only having a bit of a giggle. ( was'nt you crock ?)

you know that i like to have a laugh jens and i talk it up a tad but when it comes to places and experiences, every story i tell is strait up 115 % bloody true as i been around a bit.

i never lie or tell porky pies as that will lead a man strait to hel_l and one can lose credibility in a nano second.

besides that ive got a million true stories to tell and when i finish my book you are getting a free copy.

do you know why that is jens ? :D

as you are a top of the ladder, first class punter and i like you heaps. :D

dont get the wrong idea jens, as its girls first and men never in my bedroom at all times

cheers my good friend :o

ps. im retiring to los also as i frigging love it warts and all, but i hate disrespectful pissed up farangs giving good guys like you and me a bad name. :D

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Terry Im fine thanks, I was just wondering ,from the others, why anyone would lie about ones hometown, since I think you like you're town, and nothing wrong with being proud and telling it like it is, BUT, its your writing (oz style) alot don't take a shine to, like my superier self, etc. Now as a dane, we don't take things like that in a bad way, just another culture. So have a nice Weekend man & cheers.....and stay out of trouble, mate!

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BTW Terry, You'd better get crackin' on ya book if you ever want to finish it.

Do yo know way Terry old freind?

Because going on tv (this forum) you will get hooked.

Ja like BIG H, from the north of Thailand

This you punter, isn't good for ya

So Im tryin' to help a bleedin' mate,

Not with a band-aid

But words....and they say T57, get crackin' on da book!!!!!

Have a good one my freind.

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Terry Im fine thanks, I was just wondering ,from the others, why anyone would lie about ones hometown, since I think you like you're town, and nothing wrong with being proud and telling it like it is, BUT, its your writing (oz style) alot don't take a shine to, like my superier self, etc. Now as a dane, we don't take things like that in a bad way, just another culture. So have a nice Weekend man & cheers.....and stay out of trouble, mate!

my good friend jens,

i must respond to parts of your post and once again tell it like it is, as thats the only way to go in life my friend.

now im no mummys boy, am never afraid of constructive criticism and never aim to make every body happy.

to do so is a fate worse than death as in aussie one would be branded a suck hole big time, lacking in back bone gaining zero respect from any one.

now if you aint aussie you wont be able to understand that.

now for every punter that dont like me there are 10 that do and my inbox is telling me that, as its frigging full mate. :D

i am only concerned with the people that i do reach out to and can appreciate what im really on about.

this forum is read world wide by 33,000 punters so how could i possibly expect that everyone should like me.

that is never my aim in life as one must know who his friends are.

the rest are simply pond fodder and not important.

one must love there friends and disgard there enemys to the rubbish bin.

to expect every body to like you is simply an exercise in frutility.

now jen's, :D

my friend, i know that you dont love me but like me a little bit and thats perfectly ok by me.

but dont get to hung up on my posting persona my friend and remember its only a forum we are reading and i could be the king of denmark as far as you know and you could be the queen.

your are right about one thing mate and that is i love my home town of fremantle and my top job as a fire fighter.

i also love los and one day we might meet up and have a nice drink together.

then you can really make a true decision whether you like me and if i really like you.

you are also right about this bloody forum being totally addictive and my book is suffering.

the thing is, its supplying untold top information about los and im making some nice contacts out of it.

but im a bit worried as it looks like im going to have to smash my computer to get away from it as at the moment im a junkie for the forum loving the verbal sparring and general banter.

any way jens,

party on mate and cheers :o

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Don't get me wrong, man, I was just tryin' to help you, since I wrote a book about my life travelin' the world and other things I won't go into it since its not on topic. But I had my then wife kickin' my ass to finish it, so I "could get a real (paying) job", and you know what, Terry, IT WORKED. Now Im happy not to be your wife-Hee hee-But you need to get it done, not so much for others, but FOR YOURSELF, mate. Just a peice of advice you can take or forget (I really could care less). Books aren't the big money makers, and especially what I was telling you in that post, about understanding some of your words, but it's yo book, my friend.

Have a virgal beer on me!

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Don't get me wrong, man, I was just tryin' to help you, since I wrote a book about my life travelin' the world and other things I won't go into it since its not on topic. But I had my then wife kickin' my ass to finish it, so I "could get a real (paying) job", and you know what, Terry, IT WORKED. Now Im happy not to be your wife-Hee hee-But you need to get it done, not so much for others, but FOR YOURSELF, mate. Just a peice of advice you can take or forget (I really could care less). Books aren't the big money makers, and especially what I was telling you in that post, about understanding some of your words, but it's yo book, my friend.

Have a virgal beer on me!

good piece of advise jens and im hearing you loud and clear.

cricky's mate, :D

im not writing my book like im posting on this forum as i would not be able to understand it mate. :D

its more of a personal project as i get paid well in my job now, so money has nothing to do with it at all.

i just been around like yourself and need to get it down on paper before i kick off.

maybe i need a wife to kick my arse to get it done but jes--us fella im not going there as im not that silly.

well not yet any way ?

the frigging thai girls are dangerous, as there frigging gorgeous and walking man traps.

the only way a dude can resist them is to be full on gay and thats not an option as i like front bottoms and not back bottoms :D

im not scared of any man but those thai girls got me terrified as a man can lose his heart in a millisecond if he dont keep his wits on high beam.

now jens my friend, :D

as you know my top self is a bit of a wordmizzter and have untold cracker words in my repartee but you have defeated me fella.

can you please tell me what a virgal beer is please ? :D

im going to have a crack at it and say you ment virtual beer ? :D

virtual = adjective, = not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so.

thats what you ment did'nt you jens :D

but i would rather have a real one and next time im on samui we will have a top drink.

cheers mate :o

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Some thing like this is kinda' , sorta' what I was concerned about.



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Posts: 8

Joined: 2005-10-20

Member No.: 23,254


who can explain me, why the hel_l News channels have been banned including CNN & BBC ? This is not a comunist state, isn't it? This upsets me most.

Who has the authrority to do so? What do they think Thai people will say?


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I hope you're right. I just got off the phone with my mother in-law in Samuts Sakorn. She told he my sister in -law was out jogging. Unfortunately she couldn't say more than that in English but it was a great relife to thear that...

they should be back by now Pepe.

there was just a little matter of a coup d`état taking place.

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