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Profiled And Harrassed By Immigration / Customs?


Harrassed because you visited Thailand?  

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"None of your f*ing business!" might have thrown him a bit. Nosey sod. :o

And that will get you the full body cavity stripsearch as an appetizer.

Rank & file Customs agents and TSA staff aren't noted for their intelligence. They might hassle you...probably not...but they are just as likely to be seen shaking down a 70 year old woman in a walker while some guy that looks like khalid shiek mohammad walks to the gate undisturbed. Only time Ive been stopped was once coming back from Amsterdam. That didn't really surprise me though

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Has it gotten worse? Or better?

From http://www.november.org/razorwire/rzold/07/0724.html

"In September, 1994 Amanda Buritica of Port Chester, N.Y. was subject to an airport search...a woman in her 50s, traveling alone, on a Singapore Airlines flight from Hong Kong-a "high-risk flight" from a city that is a common source of drugs...

First her luggage was searched. They found nothing...

For eight hours customs agents watched her defecate into a portable commode. Then they left. It was six to eight hours before they returned to release her. The ordeal had lasted 22 hours..."

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They seem to hassassed me when I come back from anywhere. My friend say I just got this sly look about me and thats why they always do it.

Even when I get pulled over when driving here the cops seem to always want to search my car for some reason.

You're just a mischievious looking lad I suppose.......

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On a side note, OP said he used his mobile inside customs. Most places I know this is prohibited, so that might have drawn needless attention to himself and opened himself up for hassles.

But if that was it, why didn't the agent inspect his phone, or even ask him any questions about who he was calling, etc.?

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Last time I went back to the US (entered through LAX) I was basically interoggated as well. They sent me through customs three times! Once they just told me to go through, then at the last gate they sent me back to check for organic stuff, then back at the last gate they sent me back again to check my bags for other stuff! This time I got to stand next to some customs booth (not immigration) while some mexican asked me questions and wrote about 3 paragraphs on me. They even wanted me to turn on my digital camera so they could see the pictures (although there was nothing since I had transferred everything to the computer already).

I was pissed, tired from a 16 hour flight, and just wanted to tell them off, but I restrained myself. No matter how bad they annoy you, I would not advise doing that.

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I use to listen to the John and Jeff show years ago. Good radio show. What station are they on now?


Yeah - they're a lot of fun! They work really well together - John, the cynical, serious, angry guy from back east (who also has a thing for the Asian ladies!) and Jeff, the California dude, with his surfer accent and goof-off personality.

Here in San Diego, I get it on both 103.7 FM (SD) and 97.1 FM (LA). You can see the whole lineup at their website - maybe some stations broadcast over the internet?


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A female customs officer had lots of questions when I travelled single to Thailand once.

I offered to show her my ass crack and hold my marble pouch up while she gazed. She then let me pass.


Edited by ding
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I was singled out yet again for questioning by Customs and asked to go into an 'interrogation' booth. I was asked loads of questions, many out of their jurisdiction. I don't play along with them, I know my rights and am not in the least intimidated by their antics.

Hi Peter,

What exactly ARE our rights? Right now I'm feeling intimidated just thinking about this stuff!


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Been searched about 20% of the time. It's annoying but I got nothing to hide so who cares>?

Well - hmmm.... are you sure you have nothing to hide? Do you know ALL the laws? Do you know how the US defines "child" these days? (anyone under EIGHTEEN). Do you know just how old every girl you've been with was? Because I don't normally card my dates, you know? And apparently consensual sex is now becomming a major crime if it involves a white guy and an Asian girl. At the very least, it's politically incorrect - you're immediately put into the category of "John Karr, freak boy". I don't know. I don't like the way things are going.

It just bothers me because I don't know the game AT ALL. I don't know why they singled me out, why they asked about "girls", and what my answer meant to them. I don't know if they've pegged me as some kind of "sex tourist" they can harrass from now on every time I come back from Asia, etc.

I guess it's just fear of the unknown. I haven't left the country since that time, not really because of that, but I do sort of fear coming back home after my next international trip...

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US Customs & Immigration in the USA now come under the Homeland Security Dept. They have separate agents in the airport/Ports of Entry for Customs and Immigration, but they also have a cross trained 'task force' of agents that work for I.C.E. which is the Immigration and Custome Enforcement section. These agents are both Customs and Immigration agents.

Right, I forgot about Homeland Security. I was hassled mildly twice: on my first trip back from LOS as a graduate student, and on my way back from Cuba as a graduate student.

The first time back from LOS 2001: some weird and young immigration agent tried to ask me silly questions about where I'm from in New York, and other silliness it didn't even make sense to me. He also asked strange questions about BKK which I don't remember, but I remember my eyebrows knitting up in a look like "what??" the way they are now. In retrospect, I guess they were trying to test or see what they could draw out. In my case, I guess the look of sheer incomprehension must of been considered normal and he let me go.

BAck from Cuba: well, that's to be expected, because it is illegal for Americans to go to Cuba. George W. was just elected, and it was before 9/11, so his big mission then was the travel embargo to Cuba. I went through my university, and had a proper license and everything. So, I just had a good time sitting back and watching the immigration people try as hard as they may to do something to me, but couldn't - ha ha!

My return to the states in October should be quite interesting this time, as I've now been living in LOS.

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For years now when filling out the Aust. Immigration card I always tick the last question: Have you been on farm land in the last 30 days? This raises the question in which I reply something like "90% of Thailand is farmland and I live in the middle of it". This gets me out of the customs hall a lot quicker than other exits as all they want to do is look at the soles of my shoes :o

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Has it gotten worse? Or better?

From http://www.november.org/razorwire/rzold/07/0724.html

"In September, 1994 Amanda Buritica of Port Chester, N.Y. was subject to an airport search...a woman in her 50s, traveling alone, on a Singapore Airlines flight from Hong Kong-a "high-risk flight" from a city that is a common source of drugs...

First her luggage was searched. They found nothing...

For eight hours customs agents watched her defecate into a portable commode. Then they left. It was six to eight hours before they returned to release her. The ordeal had lasted 22 hours..."

Man! I really, REALLY hope there's more to this story (as I suspect). If she had a criminal record and a history of drug smuggling, then I could see it. But if not???

Loose statistical data shows that as many as 86 percent of the people stopped are not drug couriers. We don't know how much, or what drugs are seized from the few fruitful searches that do lead to arrest. We do know that 75 percent of seizure and arrests result from investigation and leads­­and this figure is wrapped up into the random search data. Successful searches of random citizens are very rare.

Already I was thinking - "there's no way that individual drug couriers could account for more than a tiny fraction of the drugs sold in America. This is a joke and a sham. Most of the drugs must come in bulk, flown or trucked into the country, not secreted in people's asses and vaginas."

Anyone else agree? Anyone disagree? Scary.

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I know a guy who works at London Heathrow customs. He sits behind a one way mirror before the passengers walk into the red or green channels (something or nothing to declare). I asked him what the profile is that they look for when pulling over people to search/question. I figured the usual... nervouce looking, sweaty, looking edgy et al. He said all of that is a load of crap, and they just pull people at complete random with very little science to the process, regardless of age, race, dress etc. Just pure pot luck.

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Has it gotten worse? Or better?

From http://www.november.org/razorwire/rzold/07/0724.html

"In September, 1994 Amanda Buritica of Port Chester, N.Y. was subject to an airport search...a woman in her 50s, traveling alone, on a Singapore Airlines flight from Hong Kong-a "high-risk flight" from a city that is a common source of drugs...

First her luggage was searched. They found nothing...

For eight hours customs agents watched her defecate into a portable commode. Then they left. It was six to eight hours before they returned to release her. The ordeal had lasted 22 hours..."

Man! I really, REALLY hope there's more to this story (as I suspect). If she had a criminal record and a history of drug smuggling, then I could see it. But if not???


She sued and the tax-payers will foot the bill ­­to the tune of a $451,000 award plus court costs.

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Hmmm....here's another article on that case:


Customs officials deny that she was singled out because she is Hispanic, saying Buritica was detained because she gave inconsistent answers in an interview.

The first article said she was "unresponsive to questions" by the customs agents. Hmmm.

Well, the good news is that the $450,000 jury award was later upheld by a federal judge. I guess the chances of something this extreme happening are exceedingly rare. And if they do, you've won the lottery!

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After 9/11 the chimp has pretty much managed to turn USA into a police state. Just bend over while they probe you and pray they remember to use vaseline and rubber gloves.

I did notice the customs agent on my last return was a real hardcase for no reason.

It was a stark shock after having been treated with grace and humility for so long in LOS.

"Welcome home -to the land of the free"

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After 9/11 the chimp has pretty much managed to turn USA into a police state. Just bend over while they probe you and pray they remember to use vaseline and rubber gloves.

I did notice the customs agent on my last return was a real hardcase for no reason.

It was a stark shock after having been treated with grace and humility for so long in LOS.

"Welcome home -to the land of the free"

Hmmm... "Thailand" also means land of the free.... kinda ironic.

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I get bag searched arriving at LAX the majority of the time. It seems they are simply looking for stashed drugs and make just a cursory check that doesn't take too long. They may not even search all my bags. As far as I can see from who gets picked it is younger single guys guys coming from Thailand and this appears a peculiar profile as they never seem to find anything. It used to bother me when my welcome to my own country is being a suspected criminal, but now it doesn't. I know I'm the one coming back from Thailand and not them, haha suckers. Give them their little power trip and move along.

It's easy to make them look ridiculous. Let them ask those foolish questions, type their little notes in the computer, and search away. If they get rude I have a little fun with them. If they have that "tisk tisk" shaking the head, shame on you, you bad person look when they see how long I was there and want an explanation, I'll just say that's right, it was a reeeeally long and completely legal vacation and next time I may stay even longer, with the expression like what are you going to do about it bud? If they have that condescending tone asking where do you get the money to do that, then I give 'em the old mobster godfather response "Ima privut investah". I'll reveal nothing and slip in my own questions along the way; hey why am i being searched? Duh, you were coming from Thailand you know! Me with a puzzled expression looking around says Oh, so where are the other 400 people then? silence. It's now just a little entertainment when I come back examining their useless tactics.

I sometimes get a chuckle out of what other guys do. They asked the guy ahead of me what was in his bag and he boasted "oh there's nothing but dirty underwear in there". Now there was a damned if I do, damned if I dont hesitation and they muttered for him to open it and sure enough, he had planned a nice welcome of dirty underwear ready and waiting for them to search through!

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I can remember boarding a plane in India, with anxious-looking officers at every metre asking passengers, "Are you carrying any drugs?" . :D

I wonder...how many passengers said: YES, just a few Kilo's. :o


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I can remember boarding a plane in India, with anxious-looking officers at every metre asking passengers, "Are you carrying any drugs?" . :D

I wonder...how many passengers said: YES, just a few Kilo's. :o


It seems like an idiot question, but trained officers can read certain responses in the passengers reactions.

Although, I don't think there's much value in throwing it at everybody getting on or off a plane. :D

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It seems like an idiot question, but trained officers can read certain responses in the passengers reactions.

Fair enough, though they came across as just highly uncomfortable about asking.

I found it funny. In another place I might have developed sweaty palms and itches from the heat of suspicion.

I like Indians and their atttude. I went there on holiday from Hong Kong, so it was like going from one extreme to the other.

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After 9/11 the chimp has pretty much managed to turn USA into a police state. Just bend over while they probe you and pray they remember to use vaseline and rubber gloves.

I did notice the customs agent on my last return was a real hardcase for no reason.

It was a stark shock after having been treated with grace and humility for so long in LOS.

"Welcome home -to the land of the free"

"Police State?"....please. Our borders and streets are wide open for every scumbag in the world that wants to come in and mill around undocumented and unfettered. I travel through Dulles Airport in Washington regularly and little has changed from pre-Bush/pre 9/11 unless you count having to slip your shoes off while going through screening. Customs agents on the floor have their share of pricks just like other law enforcement agencies. The only difference is they are probably less educated and less trained than real cops. I can remember living in Miami 20 years ago. My gf worked with a branch of the USDA that worked side by side with Customs inspecting incoming international baggage, shipping containers,etc. She routinely complained to me how many of the Customs staff were rude, milicious pricks who abused their authority....and they do have authority. They would "confiscate" things from people ...or even detain them....for no probable cause other than their own amusement. Have you looked at the TSA people at your airport? They are working there because they couldn't get the job at McDonalds due to the illegals from Mexico and Central America taking those jobs. Police state? It might come closer to that reality after the next big attack but it may well be under a different President. Right now, I would be happy to see a real "police state" level of security set up on the borders cuz it is wide fcukin open right now

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Landing at Heathrow on christmas morning with english wife in tow,both wearing christmas hats both a little pissed but far from legless.

Customs official : whats in the bag?

Me: christmas presents

customs :you have three cases are they all presents?

wife: yes

customs; thats a lot why so many?

me:rudolphs sick so we needed a flight.

next thing im naked with some one checking my chute.

Me. the christmas logs are with the wife.

four hours they made me wait before a sour faced trout pointed out that Uk is multicultral and not everyone in airport celebrates xmas and my comments where offensive to some.etc etc

If i could of been bothered at the time id have made a complaint but the turkey was getting cold at my mums and the wife needed stuffing (or was it the other way round) :o

Any how customs have a job to do but English contracted airport staff and customs ..... tossers the lot.

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