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Yingluck misses date with NACC, claims 'urgent business'


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Some things never change. Still packed up in her box next to Barbie heay.

The only unemployed person with urgent business and with her as an example people wonder why the Red Bull Ferrari driver that killed the policeman was "sick" in Singapore and unable to travel.

When the ex PM sets the example people tend to follow suit.

She was useless when she was PM and she is still useless now.

The Red Bull Heirs little missed encounter with the law, on a pretty clear cut criminal matter, took place sometime before NACC started proceedings against Yingluck, he can hardly be said to be following her example now can he?

The Red Bull Heirs case involves a simple criminal matter. He is, in one of your favourite phrases a "fugitive from justice".This case is brought by a man in a political position who is an avowed enemy of Yingluck, her government, the party she represents and the process by which it came to power. That rather makes it political. That also rather suggests that the verdict is a foregone conclusion. By not attending she has rather spoiled their show trial. That I suggest is really why they, and I suspect you, are upset.

"By not attending she has rather spoiled their show trial."

She didn't 'not attend', she asked for and was granted permission for delay. As for "show trial", well your words showing your opinion. Personally I wasn't aware the press was invited.

Indeed Rubl, I have an opinion. It may be considered partisan. As one yourself who often advances opinions, which may also at times be considered partisan, I trust you can permit me this?

Of course JAG. We all know you are a partisan Shin supporter who prefers to ignore their lying, cheating, undemocratic self serving ways.

And you are absolutely entitled to believe their re-writes of history. and repeated statements that they never ever did, do or will do anything wrong if you so choose.

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for gods sake you people get real people are sick and tired of reading about the shinawatra family there are far more pressing things to do in Thailand what she did was for the good of the people and she should not get pilloried for it.

They cant be that sick of it I see there are over 200 posts on the 4 day old topic of Thaksins passport.

Yep everything she did was for the good of the people, try telling that to the farmers whose debts rose on average 6% per year when she was in office.

In this instance it has been determined that she did not comply with the law in what she did, would you suggest that good intentions should take precedence over the law ?

Anyway we don't know what the intent was in this case.

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for gods sake you people get real people are sick and tired of reading about the shinawatra family there are far more pressing things to do in Thailand what she did was for the good of the people and she should not get pilloried for it.

They cant be that sick of it I see there are over 200 posts on the 4 day old topic of Thaksins passport.

Yep everything she did was for the good of the people, try telling that to the farmers whose debts rose on average 6% per year when she was in office.

In this instance it has been determined that she did not comply with the law in what she did, would you suggest that good intentions should take precedence over the law ?

Anyway we don't know what the intent was in this case.

what law are you referring to?

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Rather than respond to many of the Posts disputing the point that Agencies having no accountability links to an electorate. Over whose decisions they have veto power, thereby rendering them anti-democratic, many repeat in various ways the following:

  • Repeat Opposition mantra, as if utterances from the Opposition are gospel...Unquestionable statements of what they say as factual, without referencing the clearly politically biased source.,.
  • Equating these Agencies to sacrosanct judiciary
  • All else failing, attack the messenger

The only point that is debatable here, is the sacrosanct judiciary thing.

At some point, these rapidly proliferating Independent Agencies are viewed by Democracy advocates as being the manner in which anti-democrats seek to restrict and nullify the electorate and Democracy....When it comes to an Independent and sacrosanct judiciary, all I can do is refer to the view of many on the pro-democracy side of the political divide, when talking about 'double standards'......Why is that a repetitive theme among the pro-democracy majority, as it surely is? Far be it from me to adjudicate that in a short Post...but it is a fact nevertheless.

So to link these Independent Agencies into the judiciary and bestow on them that mantle of credibility, is a reach, IMHO. They are political entities, created for political purposes with a judicial veneer, when all is said and done.

Edited by Bannum opinions
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Rather than respond to many of the Posts disputing the point that Agencies having no accountability links to an electorate. Over whose decisions they have veto power, thereby rendering them anti-democratic, many repeat in various ways the following:

  • Repeat Opposition mantra, as if utterances from the Opposition are gospel...A minority Opposition at that.
  • Equating these Agencies to sacrosanct judiciary
  • All else failing, attack the messenger

The only point that is debatable here, is the sacrosanct judiciary thing.

At some point, these rapidly proliferating Independent Agencies are viewed by Democracy advocates as being the manner in which anti-democrats seek to restrict and nullify the electorate and Democracy....When it comes to an Independent and sacrosanct judiciary, all I can do is refer to the view of many on the pro-democracy side of the political divide, when talking about 'double standards'......Why is that a repetitive theme among the pro-democracy majority, as it surely is? Far be it from me to adjudicate that in a short Post...but it is a fact nevertheless.

So to link these Independent Agencies into the judiciary and bestow on them that mantle of credibility, is a reach, IMHO. They are political entities, created for political purposes with a judicial veneer, when all is said and done.

Just man up and reply to our posts. Otherwise it seems as if your posts are just copy and paste. They are very similar to propaganda pieces I have read on Shin sponsored sites. Therefor it would be good if you could just challenge what some of us have stated here.


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Is anyone really surprised she did this? It's kind of par for the course for her, Thaksin and PT ... delay, delay, delay ... maybe she's hoping to delay enough that a new Govt will be in power and will clear her of all charges ... or perhaps it's simply more backroom deals made with the Shin's which they keep breaking.

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for gods sake you people get real people are sick and tired of reading about the shinawatra family there are far more pressing things to do in Thailand what she did was for the good of the people and she should not get pilloried for it.

What did she do that was good for the people?

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"Just man up and reply to our posts"

I would love to do that, but it is not feasible.

I tried to summarize the three themes that they all seem to fit into, and then responded to those three.

You may disagree with that summation, but I think they are pretty close. It seemed to be the most feasible thing to do.

I see this as debate, not conflict.

Fun to do

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"Just man up and reply to our posts"

I would love to do that, but it is not feasible.

I tried to summarize the three themes that they all seem to fit into, and then responded to those three.

You may disagree with that summation, but I think they are pretty close. It seemed to be the most feasible thing to do.

I see this as debate, not conflict.

Fun to do

Can you simply state why replying to posts is not feasible? Or is it not feasible to state why also?

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"Just man up and reply to our posts"

I would love to do that, but it is not feasible.

I tried to summarize the three themes that they all seem to fit into, and then responded to those three.

You may disagree with that summation, but I think they are pretty close. It seemed to be the most feasible thing to do.

I see this as debate, not conflict.

Fun to do

You can't call it a debate when you are not replying to our posts. You have all the ingredients of being a troll. Make phony statements and when we challenge you, you don't reply. Come on give it a try, man to man. It's fun to do. Trust me.

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Rather than respond to many of the Posts disputing the point that Agencies having no accountability links to an electorate. Over whose decisions they have veto power, thereby rendering them anti-democratic, many repeat in various ways the following:

  • Repeat Opposition mantra, as if utterances from the Opposition are gospel...A minority Opposition at that.
  • Equating these Agencies to sacrosanct judiciary
  • All else failing, attack the messenger

The only point that is debatable here, is the sacrosanct judiciary thing.

At some point, these rapidly proliferating Independent Agencies are viewed by Democracy advocates as being the manner in which anti-democrats seek to restrict and nullify the electorate and Democracy....When it comes to an Independent and sacrosanct judiciary, all I can do is refer to the view of many on the pro-democracy side of the political divide, when talking about 'double standards'......Why is that a repetitive theme among the pro-democracy majority, as it surely is? Far be it from me to adjudicate that in a short Post...but it is a fact nevertheless.

So to link these Independent Agencies into the judiciary and bestow on them that mantle of credibility, is a reach, IMHO. They are political entities, created for political purposes with a judicial veneer, when all is said and done.

Just man up and reply to our posts. Otherwise it seems as if your posts are just copy and paste. They are very similar to propaganda pieces I have read on Shin sponsored sites. Therefor it would be good if you could just challenge what some of us have stated here.


How many times are you going to repost someone else's post with no response of your own? Are you just trying to get your post count up.

BTW, you make a lousy troll with your copy and paste posts. You're not fooling anyone so please stop.

I pointedly responded to one of your earlier posts in this thread and you didn't care to, or couldn't intelligently, respond to the few questions I posed to you. You have the earmarks of a troll.


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This attack on previous Govt. policy and personages by the anti-democrats, along with retroactive impeachment nonsense, seems to garner some support from those originating in countries with solid Democracy traditions.......continues to baffle me.

It totally ignores the Democratic principle of submitting all these so-called sins generated by the previous Parliamentary opposition to the electorate...Turf the bums if all of this has substance.

Taking Opposition mantra's as gospel, and suggesting they are truths that ought to be adopted by the country at large is being sufficient to demonize an elected Govt. to the point of deposing them by means other than an election, is anti-democratic mantra's at the extreme.

Can you imagine taking Canadian, Australian, UK, etc. Parliamentary opposition stuff as being the final arbiter of any elected Govt's legitimacy.

But for some, they think it is OK for Thailand...A double standard if I ever saw one. They espouse the Thai minority Opposition stuff as legitimizing non-electoral measures.

It gets back to my point, that the color differentiation of the political divide in Thailand is not valid anymore....Now it is simply anti-Democrat vs. Democracy.......All political commentary can be slotted into one of those two catagories.


Before you start equating the last "democratic government" here to western democracies, ask yourself in how many of those MPs are allowed to accept regular and substantial payments to vote to the order of a fugitive criminal, how many allow the same criminal access to cabinet meetings and to dictate policy, and how many will propose legislation with blatant conflicts of interest without a single recusal.

Then you might consider what the check and balance regulatory bodies in those western democracies would do should such a situation develop. If your answer is wait for the next election, you are deluding yourself, or worse.

Just to note--newbie lashing out----coincidence ?? a replacement ?? just take all the newbies over the last year, the biggest % are anti army--pro Shin

of course entitled to an opinion, but strange about the old Shin guard leaving TVF----and this new lot homing in.

Stands out a mile posters most are well aware of these tactics to try to disrupt difficult Thailand times. The Thai people now are more aware, so you few can carry on the good work in opposition.

I look at facebook her photos of late are Mushrooms----otop shops----buying from local markets----all dressed up to the nines makeovers the lot-----but too busy to attend ha ha ha

............."Just to note--newbie lashing out----coincidence ?? a replacement ?? just take all the newbies over the last year, the biggest % are anti army--pro Shin"..................

Could not help but notice that myself, he has been a member for all of a week, racked up only 20 posts but attacking the present government like a "veteran".

As quick as they are banned another one steps up to the plate, and you are right, the vast majority are junta-bashers. All seem to be quoting from the same "book".

And I am sure Yingluck has a very good reason for not attending the hearing. whistling.gif

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you excuse after the death time with business !! 55555

In which educated country you can play with the court like this ?

( be sure only in 3rd world )

Thanks TV we know now she is busy with her mashroom farming,

as they need service and watering every day !!

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To get back to the original post, Yingluck by not turning up and making yet another excuse is not doing herself any favours.

She has known the timing of this for some time and should have blocked out a period to cover the court case.

There can be few things more important than defending yourself (with the help of lawyers) on charges as improtant than this.

If you truly believe in your innocence it makes sense to get the case over quickly.

Making excuses for not turning up may convince some of the judges that you are merely playing for time before the inevitable happens.

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for gods sake you people get real people are sick and tired of reading about the shinawatra family there are far more pressing things to do in Thailand what she did was for the good of the people and she should not get pilloried for it.

They cant be that sick of it I see there are over 200 posts on the 4 day old topic of Thaksins passport.

Yep everything she did was for the good of the people, try telling that to the farmers whose debts rose on average 6% per year when she was in office.

In this instance it has been determined that she did not comply with the law in what she did, would you suggest that good intentions should take precedence over the law ?

Anyway we don't know what the intent was in this case.

what law are you referring to?

The law which the NACC has used when ordering her to appear to give testimony to defend herself , try reading the OP and other related material and you will then not have to ask silly questions.

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Urgent business - perhaps she had to rush to an urgent and unexpected business meeting at the Four Seasons again.wink.png

Being a billionaire, mushroom farmer, mum and ace shopper doesn't leave much time for trivia like the NACC. As she's shown before.

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Quote He said the accusation was unusual because the money used to compensate those affected by the political protests came from the central government budget and many previous administrations had used the same means to alleviate those affected by natural calamities. Being killed or injured in a riot would that be considered a natural calamity?

Better check your bag of excuses and come up with a better one. If I was killed under these circumstances I doubt if my life insurance company would pay.

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so why did the NACC not pursue theses cases until now

Maybe another reason why reforms are needed so badly, this agency was obviously obstructed from doing their job

Well PT did cut the NACC budget in their attempt to combat corruption.

Whether that helped or obstructed would be up to you to decide.

I know! She's not a patch on Prayuth though - he changed the law to make himeslf immune to criticism and/or future charges for ANYTHING being brought against him! Fantastic!

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for gods sake you people get real people are sick and tired of reading about the shinawatra family there are far more pressing things to do in Thailand what she did was for the good of the people and she should not get pilloried for it.

What did she do that was good for the people?

Try asking the people. That's called an election.

Of course, the right wing prefer to do it another way, which is called forcing their opinions down other people's throats.

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Doesn't the NACC know that posting pictures of tending to her mushrooms on facebook is more urgent than answering to charges of corruption?

Why waste time attending a trial where the outcome is a forgone conclusion. Maybe they will show some mercy but I doubt it.

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so why did the NACC not pursue theses cases until now


Maybe they just received their brown envelopes?

Sorry, I digress. You are asking a serious question which deserves a serious answer, so here we go.

Maybe they just received their brown envelopes?

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"Just man up and reply to our posts"

I would love to do that, but it is not feasible.

I tried to summarize the three themes that they all seem to fit into, and then responded to those three.

You may disagree with that summation, but I think they are pretty close. It seemed to be the most feasible thing to do.

I see this as debate, not conflict.

Fun to do

For many though this is not a debate, but more like a crusade. Fired by a worked up righteous indignation, frothing with hatred and spitting vitriol, they take up the (virtual) sword, swearing not to rest until the (virtual) world is cleansed of those who do not stand by their views of what is right, and the evil which is dissent from their course is driven from the land!

A bit over the top I know, but sometimes when I read what is posted here I do wonder...

Incidentally I see that three of the leading players have accused you of being a troll. You re doing well - for a newbie - it took me ages to be accorded the same honour! biggrin.png

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so why did the NACC not pursue theses cases until now

Maybe another reason why reforms are needed so badly, this agency was obviously obstructed from doing their job

Well PT did cut the NACC budget in their attempt to combat corruption.

Whether that helped or obstructed would be up to you to decide.

The NACC budget was cut by 60% from FY2013

IIRC it was cut to 60% of the previous budget, so a 40% cut, rather than 60% one.

Still, hardly the actions of a government invested in combating corruption.

That's not what the boss said in January 2014

" We have about 1,200 people in our organization but we have actually 1,800 positions. We cannot fill them all right now because

our budget has been cut by 60 percent this year, says Dr Sirilaksana. At this point she says the NACC needs a different way of funding."

Answer get rid of PTP and put someone in charge who wants to reduce corruption.

In the same budget for 2013-2014 the PM's office increased it's funding by Bt6.2B to Bt31B and reduced NACC to BT1.3B

As Robby said it shows you how much YL/TS/PTP wanted to cut back corruption. NOT

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"Just man up and reply to our posts"

I would love to do that, but it is not feasible.

I tried to summarize the three themes that they all seem to fit into, and then responded to those three.

You may disagree with that summation, but I think they are pretty close. It seemed to be the most feasible thing to do.

I see this as debate, not conflict.

Fun to do

For many though this is not a debate, but more like a crusade. Fired by a worked up righteous indignation, frothing with hatred and spitting vitriol, they take up the (virtual) sword, swearing not to rest until the (virtual) world is cleansed of those who do not stand by their views of what is right, and the evil which is dissent from their course is driven from the land!

A bit over the top I know, but sometimes when I read what is posted here I do wonder...

Incidentally I see that three of the leading players have accused you of being a troll. You re doing well - for a newbie - it took me ages to be accorded the same honour! biggrin.png

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"Just man up and reply to our posts"

I would love to do that, but it is not feasible.

I tried to summarize the three themes that they all seem to fit into, and then responded to those three.

You may disagree with that summation, but I think they are pretty close. It seemed to be the most feasible thing to do.

I see this as debate, not conflict.

Fun to do

For many though this is not a debate, but more like a crusade. Fired by a worked up righteous indignation, frothing with hatred and spitting vitriol, they take up the (virtual) sword, swearing not to rest until the (virtual) world is cleansed of those who do not stand by their views of what is right, and the evil which is dissent from their course is driven from the land!

A bit over the top I know, but sometimes when I read what is posted here I do wonder...

Incidentally I see that three of the leading players have accused you of being a troll. You re doing well - for a newbie - it took me ages to be accorded the same honour! biggrin.png


Makes you wonder NM. Notice how many Shin supporters are now reduced to claiming anyone who posts against them are hate filled right-wing Junta supporters whose hyperbole betrays their anti democracy tendencies?

Of course it's far easier to do that than try to debate the actual facts. The one thing PTP and all Shin supporters hate more than anything - facts. Becomes so much more difficult to twist the truth if people know the facts. Easier to try and pretend that those who do want to discuss facts are extremists given to hyperbole and present Shin supporters as reasonable and balanced. Sad they think anyone other than themselves would fall for such a trick.

Does make you wonder why some Westerners chose to support the elite Shiniwattra family.

Edited by Baerboxer
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For many though this is not a debate, but more like a crusade. Fired by a worked up righteous indignation, frothing with hatred and spitting vitriol, they take up the (virtual) sword, swearing not to rest until the (virtual) world is cleansed of those who do not stand by their views of what is right, and the evil which is dissent from their course is driven from the land!

A bit over the top I know, but sometimes when I read what is posted here I do wonder...

It is bizarre and somewhat pitiful. It's hardly natural that such virulent hatred could be part of someone's everyday life, so deeply ingrained in their personality as to blind them to everything else. It might be entertaining if it wasn't so dangerous.

Rather than a crusade it seems more like a concerted propaganda system in which they are paid by the post. Wouldn't put it past the fascists to infiltrate social media in that way - in fact I would be more surprised if it didn't happen. In any case, it's the only sense that can be made of apparently articulate foreigners arguing against democracy.

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