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Time to put the Pattaya ex-pats club to bed?


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Membership probably will still be way up there,as it is life time,,but members attending are fewer and fewer getting almost invisible. The guest speakers are basically just trying to flog stuff off,the diet club always features,probably the best is key visa on his bi-monthly spiel,but the rest...forget it,

Really good one a few weeks ago,..Mrs Boonkreelertusty or whatever her name was swanned in with two uniformed assistants to announce the following week she would be guest speaker announcing a miraculous cure not only to halt the aging process but breath life into the long dead,deaf and dumb dozen or so in the audience,now this was groundbreaking stuff noted only by the one member fully awake,the rest in a dead slumber driven there by solid and sheer boredom....sorry to say Mrs B for all her potential sales went pear shaped,hopefully never to appear again

It just goes on and on,the only appearance I now put in are to see just how embarrassing to the club officials the the non-attending members can or cannot make it worthwhile carrying on

Save 100 baht and stay in bed a bit longer

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The newsletters of both English language expat clubs arrive in my email inbox a few days before the meeting. The newsletters are packed iwth useful information and some info about the weekly discussion. I go when the speaker interests me and to socialize. No idea why anyone needs to complain when the attendance is optional as is the fee (at The Amari club). This is exactly what we do need more of, helpful people.

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The newsletters of both English language expat clubs arrive in my email inbox a few days before the meeting. The newsletters are packed iwth useful information and some info about the weekly discussion. I go when the speaker interests me and to socialize. No idea why anyone needs to complain when the attendance is optional as is the fee (at The Amari club). This is exactly what we do need more of, helpful people.

Yes the Amari is mainly for US citizens,optional fee as well I understand

Not a member of the Flat Earth society yet.

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The newsletters of both English language expat clubs arrive in my email inbox a few days before the meeting. The newsletters are packed iwth useful information and some info about the weekly discussion. I go when the speaker interests me and to socialize. No idea why anyone needs to complain when the attendance is optional as is the fee (at The Amari club). This is exactly what we do need more of, helpful people.

Yes the Amari is mainly for US citizens,optional fee as well I understand

Not a member of the Flat Earth society yet.

Not so sure about that, there are a lot of Aussies and Brits too. Unlike the Neils Colov club which is more German and Scandinavian and much more commercial. The Pattaya City Expat Club (at the Amari, Tavern by the Sea) had a very interesting talk on climate change today.
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There seems to be a certain kind of person wants to be in these 'Clubs" probably Rotarians and wannabe Masons.

You forgot to add scammers and other criminals to the list.

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There seems to be a certain kind of person wants to be in these 'Clubs" probably Rotarians and wannabe Masons.

You forgot to add scammers and other criminals to the list.

Yes some big time scammers has passed through the Pattaya ex- pats club through the years. That wood planting scheme,followed by the plotters brother a year or so later,think he got short shift by members of the audience then,the list could be the whos who of scammers in Patts

Just keep my hands firmly in my pockets when I have been there,and not feeling the family jewels

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There seems to be a certain kind of person wants to be in these 'Clubs" probably Rotarians and wannabe Masons.

You forgot to add scammers and other criminals to the list.

I am always confused about the libel and slander rules so tend to cautious but thanks for finishing off my list wai2.gif

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There seems to be a certain kind of person wants to be in these 'Clubs" probably Rotarians and wannabe Masons.

You forgot to add scammers and other criminals to the list.

Whilst I share some of your sentiments about one of these clubs ( I have no experience of the other one) I certainly know some very good people who go there and support charities not just from a monetary position but in helping certain invalid kids in a very practical manner, taking them to Bangkok hospitals on a regular basis for surgery and also supporting the cost of that surgery.

To say that all the members are scammers or criminals id very unfair

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One is primarily Englishmen and the other primarily Americans?

One is at the mecure the other near amari?

Feel free to add details, never been to either but what i see on the telly is not encouraging.

Could not hurt to go once to each?

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theres the Pattaya Expats Club and

the Pattaya City Expats Club

I have to give a talk at the Pattaya Expats Club next month and so thanks for the heads up on a dead audience

Introduce yourself with some thumping Drum & Bass and then slide in to your spiel. Easy.

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I certainly know some very good people who go there and support charities not just from a monetary position but in helping certain invalid kids in a very practical manner, taking them to Bangkok hospitals on a regular basis for surgery and also supporting the cost of that surgery.

No laying on of hands to cure the victims? Much cheaper, surely?

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There seems to be a certain kind of person wants to be in these 'Clubs" probably Rotarians and wannabe Masons.

You forgot to add scammers and other criminals to the list.

Whilst I share some of your sentiments about one of these clubs ( I have no experience of the other one) I certainly know some very good people who go there and support charities not just from a monetary position but in helping certain invalid kids in a very practical manner, taking them to Bangkok hospitals on a regular basis for surgery and also supporting the cost of that surgery.

To say that all the members are scammers or criminals id very unfair

Agree. Actually some members from both clubs do great work in supporting orphanages and other disadvantaged Thais. If your so inclined you can also contribute to the good work. As said above you can receive the weekly emails & then decide if you wish to attend for a presentation or just to do some socialising away from the bar scene.

There are some people who attend with a miserable attitude, but you soon know who they are & just don't mix with them.

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There seems to be a certain kind of person wants to be in these 'Clubs" probably Rotarians and wannabe Masons.

You forgot to add scammers and other criminals to the list.

Whilst I share some of your sentiments about one of these clubs ( I have no experience of the other one) I certainly know some very good people who go there and support charities not just from a monetary position but in helping certain invalid kids in a very practical manner, taking them to Bangkok hospitals on a regular basis for surgery and also supporting the cost of that surgery.

To say that all the members are scammers or criminals id very unfair

Agree. Actually some members from both clubs do great work in supporting orphanages and other disadvantaged Thais. If your so inclined you can also contribute to the good work. As said above you can receive the weekly emails & then decide if you wish to attend for a presentation or just to do some socialising away from the bar scene.

There are some people who attend with a miserable attitude, but you soon know who they are & just don't mix with them.

Now there springs an idea Simple1,dish out the YABA before the opening,everyone happy for hour or so,mind the cops will most certainly entertain after that upstanding owner informs on the exit piss buckets awaiting

Two of the memorialising speeches I have ever heard,when the guest speakers did not turn up,(hardly surprising when only 5 in the audience) first one was networking and selling through the internet,this speech made by a club steward,God he drolled on for an hour at least, basically it was flog your junk to your friends, yes truly inspiring stuff, then along comes another masterful hour long speech from a club steward,"how to claim your tax back from Thai bank " Five minutes would have done,not constantly repeating (and repeating) (and repeating) (and repeating) and so it went on Now these amongst a myriad of truly inspiring speeches,the sheer embarrassment of having to sit through all the garbage of buy this ,buy that too (well no, the exit door was soooo inviting)

Used to attend when a look at the cinema opposite was showing a half decent film starting at 12ish,so journey not wasted

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The presentation skills of many of the speakers is very low, you could say non existent, somewhat surprising as they often claim to have a professional background. To be fair difficult to obtain interesting speakers, from my POV have a meeting without a speaker, rather than a dullard rambling on.

I recall an interesting speaker from UK Consular Services who during his presentation said many calls received treat the Embassy as a travel agency. During the Q&A session some idiot asked for the location and phone number of the Austrian Embassy in BKK.

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There seems to be a certain kind of person wants to be in these 'Clubs" probably Rotarians and wannabe Masons.

You forgot to add scammers and other criminals to the list.

Whilst I share some of your sentiments about one of these clubs ( I have no experience of the other one) I certainly know some very good people who go there and support charities not just from a monetary position but in helping certain invalid kids in a very practical manner, taking them to Bangkok hospitals on a regular basis for surgery and also supporting the cost of that surgery.

To say that all the members are scammers or criminals id very unfair

I didn't say all the members are scammers and criminals did I ?

I am sure most of you are decent people. Unfortunately some of the members with a criminal past settle down in Pattaya, join the expat club and try to blend in, sooner or later their criminal past will catch up with them and they'll reveal their true identity and end up in the Thai news.

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theres the Pattaya Expats Club and

the Pattaya City Expats Club

I have to give a talk at the Pattaya Expats Club next month and so thanks for the heads up on a dead audience

Introduce yourself with some thumping Drum & Bass and then slide in to your spiel. Easy.

to be fair the clubs offer discounts to members

you get to network

there are sub clubs for learning computer, going fishing, going on trips, golf, restaurant eat outs, many actually

many of the older ones just go there for the company or else they would be rotting away in their rooms

my talks on death anyway and so maybe its an interesting subject for them

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There seems to be a certain kind of person wants to be in these 'Clubs" probably Rotarians and wannabe Masons.

You forgot to add scammers and other criminals to the list.

Whilst I share some of your sentiments about one of these clubs ( I have no experience of the other one) I certainly know some very good people who go there and support charities not just from a monetary position but in helping certain invalid kids in a very practical manner, taking them to Bangkok hospitals on a regular basis for surgery and also supporting the cost of that surgery.

To say that all the members are scammers or criminals id very unfair

I didn't say all the members are scammers and criminals did I ?

I am sure most of you are decent people. Unfortunately some of the members with a criminal past settle down in Pattaya, join the expat club and try to blend in, sooner or later their criminal past will catch up with them and they'll reveal their true identity and end up in the Thai news.

By implication I think that in supporting Rabs post you did in fact infer that sentiment, in terms of percentages maybe you are right, I just wanted to say what I said because there are some very nice people who are members of that "club" and they seem to be included in all the negative posts, which is grossly unfair.

Just for the record I stopped going ages ago, the flagrant treating of the memberships as lambs to the slaughter by those in leadership brought an end a to any idea that the club was anything other than a net ( pardon the expression) for catching new naive fish for the big fish to feed on

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The presentation skills of many of the speakers is very low, you could say non existent, somewhat surprising as they often claim to have a professional background. To be fair difficult to obtain interesting speakers, from my POV have a meeting without a speaker, rather than a dullard rambling on.

I recall an interesting speaker from UK Consular Services who during his presentation said many calls received treat the Embassy as a travel agency. During the Q&A session some idiot asked for the location and phone number of the Austrian Embassy in BKK.

He wasn't an idiot - he had just grasped how utterly useless the UK consular service has become.

It was never good. even the short time they had an office in Jomtien it was crap.

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The presentation skills of many of the speakers is very low, you could say non existent, somewhat surprising as they often claim to have a professional background. To be fair difficult to obtain interesting speakers, from my POV have a meeting without a speaker, rather than a dullard rambling on.

I recall an interesting speaker from UK Consular Services who during his presentation said many calls received treat the Embassy as a travel agency. During the Q&A session some idiot asked for the location and phone number of the Austrian Embassy in BKK.

He wasn't an idiot - he had just grasped how utterly useless the UK consular service has become.

Say that to the Consular officials who assisted 24 rape victims in one year.

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I tried one of those expats clubs meetings and agreed with myself that it's not for me, that must have been 6-7 years ago.

Thankfully as with most other things Pattaya have to offer, you can take your picks and ignore the rest.

Expect the damn trafficwink.png

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theres the Pattaya Expats Club and

the Pattaya City Expats Club

That's right. There are 2 English-speaking expat clubs in Pattaya:

Pattaya Expats Club (meets at The Mercure)

Pattaya CITY Expats Club (meets at Tavern By The Sea which is part of the Amari)

It would be great if posters made it clear which club they're talking about because the two clubs are very different.

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