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US: White gunman caught in killing of 9 in historic black church


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Charleston is grieving ..... very sad that people can not even be safe in church.

If the gun laws were similar to that of Australia ... there would not be so many shootings in the US.

Guns kill people and the people who have easy access to guns kill people ... it's not rocket science ...coffee1.gif

Yep but 95% of America wants gun control of some kind but your gun lobby wasn't as strong as ours. Yea also your pm got <deleted> for passing said law. Vice did an interview with him. He actually put the country before himself. Shocking. Not going to happen in USA.

"Yep but 95% of America wants gun control of some kind..."

Please source that statement. Who published the statement, who conducted the polls, etc. It sounds made up! If you can't source it, then consider retracting it. If you can source it, then we can debate the accuracy of the source and not the veracity of your statement.

In some the the areas I've lived in within the US, I'd say that up to 80% of the population were armed.

Ask and ye shall receive, courtesy of the Washington Post the last time gun legislation was being considered in Congress, in 2013. As the WaPo article notes, all the mainstream and consistently reliable polling had the same findings, i.e., almost all Americans supported improved background checks of gun purchasers and the vast majority support comprehensive improvements to gun laws.

90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn’t this a political slam dunk? Nine in 10 Americans support expanding background checks on gun purchases in a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, an extraordinary level of agreement on a political issue and a finding that's been duplicated in nearly every major public poll.

Surveys show broad support spans gun owners and non-gun owners alike, Democrats and Republicans, and even among members of the National Rifle Association, whose leadership is leading efforts to spike the measure from pending legislation.


The only people opposed are the extreme of the extreme right wing gun nuts and the hard core of the hard core NRA leadership and membership.

Of the 100 million Americans who own firearms, only 4 million are members of the NRA so no right winger here should presume to speak for me as a gun owner in the United States and as a registered Democrat who doesn't go near the NRA and its members who voluntarily post to websites domestically and abroad.

I stand corrected and appreciate the source. I'll admit when I'm wrong. Apologies.

Now I'm curious and need to dig into the WaPo/ABC article. Not that WaPo or ABC are bastions of conservative values Lol. I'll see what I can find.

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So much White Trash, and where to put it?


Born White

and ashamedthumbsup.gif

My, my, my...someone is really in touch with their 'white privilege' this evening. Poor dear. Hope you can find your way out of 'life's dumpster' sometime in the near future.

Me? Heck, I've been living in the midst of people of color (brown, darker brown, creamy brown, light black, dark black, tan, light, white, and albino) all my life. Privileged? Pffft. Like everyone else, I'm just one of the biological unit in this sea of diversity. Heck, when you get right down to it, if you just turned everyone inside out, we'd all be the same color. LoL Go back to retro-rock and listen to some Sly and the Family Stone. A lot of us learned to embrace everyone as brothers and sisters of the human race back in the 60's if not earlier; and some people have just got to point at others of a different color and rage, rage, rage. Ain't hate and intolerance a hoot?

Edited by connda
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In Thailand the most common occurrence is when two thai are sitting drinking whiskey all day and one says the wrong thing or calls him something that offends him .... he goes home and comes back and shoots the other.

In America it's a rant racist issue or problem and the guy goes home, comes back and shoots nine in a church.

If there were strict gun laws in place and these people could not own and are not allowed to have a gun, then they cannot shoot anyone. !!

how hard is it to work out. facepalm.gif

Are you from the US? I only ask because anyone who has lived there for any amount of time knows there are multitudes of reasons why people get shot with guns, Just like in any other country. Racism is just one small reason. Did you know that most of the crimes and murders against blacks in the US are committed by other blacks? You won't know that if your just listening to today's agenda driven US media. If you did come from the US then you already know there's strict gun laws in place.

If you have lived there and you don't know that then you haven't been paying attention or you've never tried to obtain a weapon legally.

The main issue in the US right now about guns is you have the democrats who want to strip the right to own from law abiding citizens. The problem they have is that it's a constitutional right for law abiding people to bear arms and the leftist in the US can't stand that law. So they have an agenda to try and force law abiding people who don't agree with them, to give up their weapons. That's just never going to happen. So every time there's a gun incident the liberal media joins forces to demonize law abiding gun owners. It's as simple as that. Here's one last note. Let's say by waving a magical wand all guns were vanished from everyone. You don't think determined people won't find another way to kill?

Obama lost no time in politicizing Charleston to call for arms control.

It's the mantra of the DC Inner Beltway Politicos: "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

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