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I hope that you wrote down their names and got their phone numbers and maybe a photo, in a nice way. You must be proactive in Thailand. Do not let them have full control. Keep them wondering what is he going to do with this info, just as they are keeping you wondering.

Live and learn and please wear your helmet for your safety and it is the law, although not necessarily for Thais. Remember you are always at fault because you were there and you have money.

He was at fault because he was at fault.Never been done for bogus incidents.Just wear a skid lid,obey the law and have Thai licence.Not too hard.

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@dasboot: my recommendation would be to pay the fine as soon as possible on Monday and move on. You did a number of things wrong, so frankly a small fine of 1500 or 1800 baht is not much at all. I previously had to pay a fine despite not having done anything wrong. Sometimes you better write off a few hundred baht then getting into discussion/trouble with the police.

So breaking a raft of motoring laws in LOS would only net you a fine of 1500-1800 THB max - and doubtless considerably less if, as suggested by a number of posters, you could only get penalised for 1 of the offences!

On the other hand, if you were to commit the mortal sin of missing a 90-day report, you would be liable for a fine of at least 2,000 THB - and possibly as high as 5,000 THB!!

TIT priorities at their finest, methinks!!!

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Ubonjoe,you are right i was taken in because I didn't have my passport or a copy,they were going to take me and Prem onto the Police station but the officer in charge changed this to the Monday appointment.

A Thai licence is a bonus in this country.Not only is it ID but i saved all the money plus more 2nd day after National park visit.

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Depends on the officer. You can be fined for all offenses.

No it doesn't, no you can't.

They get to pick one offence, their choice, that's how the tickets are designed to be issued, no options for multiple offences on them.

They also have to issue the ticket for the one offence, on the spot, date and time fixed at the place of the offence.

If drunk driving is the offence you are held in custody until appearing in court.

Sorry but I agree with stevenl on this one.

They can charge for multiple offences. The choice to charge for only the most serious offence is solely at their discretion.

It's a bit like suggesting the moon is made of cheese.

It don't matter how many nutjobs you can get to agree with you, it's still wrong.

Equally wrong as you suggesting he doesnt front after a multitude of offences.You rekon after 3 hours he is gunna be forgotten about.

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Now question nr 6:

If the OP uses the expression " had a few beers and a wisky", does that states exactly how much he had been drinking in a certain timeframe prior to his been stopped by the police ?


question 6 is irrelevant as they never nicked him for drinking and driving

Which makes him one very lucky blighter!

Two small Changs and one whiskey is about 4 units of alcohol.

It takes the average male 1 hour per unit after his last drink before he is fit to drive; so that's four hours.

More if his "few Changs" were more than two, or were large bottles, not small ones. Even more if it was more than one whiskey.

From an old thread in the motor forum, Penalty For Drink Driving In Thailand

posted by Luccin 2012-05-25 15:20:08

I got caught a little over a year ago and could not settle it "out of court" (believe me, I tried). From what I understand, penalties depend on which court you are brought to. In my case, I was caught in Asoke and brought to Lumpini Police Station who then decided in which court I would be prosecuted.

Below is the penalty, which apparently is the harshest it gets for a first time DUI:

- THB 20'000 bail to get out of jail and come back to court on Monday (was fully refunded)

- THB 8'000 fine (THB 6'000 if caught on a motobike, irrespective of how much you are above the limit)

- 6 months licence suspension (irrespective of how much you are above the limit)

- 3 months of jail on probation for 2 years (irrespective of how much you are above the limit)

- 4 yearly visits to a probation officer (irrespective of how much you are above the limit)

- 12 hours of community service (only for a certain amount of alcohol in the blood, but not sure how much)

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There is/was no drink driving charge! No breath test took place. So, it's a non starter and needs no further mention.

If they ask for more money on Monday, as we suspect, it is purely and simply a stitich up and selective law enforcement........ They are not even traffic cops.

Ask them what the 1,800 baht was for if they ask for more money. It certainly was not to avoid deportation.

Tell them you have already paid the fine the other day, 1800 baht. You do not have to cower down to them. They view it as weak and exploit it.

Sure,telling you not to bring anybody else is to avoid you having a witness!!!

Make sure you take somebody with you and also take your passport and have copies of it to hand over. A classic scam is for the person who told you not to bring your passport will not be there and the rest will deny knowledge of him saying it.

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IMHO this is part and parcel of living in a country like Thailand.

Either make sure you are squeaky clean or expect to get fleeced by corrupt policemen or other officials from time to time.

It stinks but it's a price you pay for staying in such a fantastic place. If you can't handle it you are always free to leave. Maybe one day it will all change ... but I doubt it. Corruption is viewed as an acceptable way to make money here.

Avoid any circumstance where you might get stung as much as possible then enjoy the rest. Thailand is very much 'rough with the smooth'.

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As it's extortion try these numbers,

" foreign tourists and Thai people to file complaints to the people service call center opened by the National Council for Peace and Order on top of the 1111 hotline, PO Box 1111, the www.1111.go.th website and 1111 public complaint receiving booths at the four gates of the Government House.
The spokesman explained that the 1111 channels of complaint receiving were aimed at receiving non-emergency complaints although the people and foreign tourists can call 1111 and press 2 on the 24-hour basis.
In case of emergency, foreign tourists are urged to call the 1155 hotline of the Tourist Police Division.
Sansern said since the government has opened the 1111 hotline and other channels, 1,793 foreigners have filed complaints to the government through both the 1111 hotline channels and 1155 hotline of tourist police."

From this news post


Go along tomorrow, ask the police officers for their names and numbers, then say you intend to report them on the official corruption hotline for attempted extortion.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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gdaya folks, what would be the fine in the uk ?? riding a motorbike on the wrong side of the road, no helmet, no uk license, and alkohol in the venes ?? wbr roobaa01


We are not in the UK.

How much is an ice cream in Italy, how much is a room to rent in Germany, how much is a pair of Levis Russia..........totally irrelevant.

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"No helmet, driving the wrong way and no drivers license"


Can I do it in your home country?

What's so special in the LOS?

OR, is it only the special people who visit and live there?



Edited by ravip
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But where can i read the answers to:

"I am a little confused, about the 90 day rule... and the drivers license... i heared about the one year rule, residing in Thailand, to obtain a Thai DL and also heared about the rule to have a International DL. (but not mandatory )

1: I can't read where the OP is longer then 90 day's in Thailand.

2: Does that 90 day rule apply's for exiting every 90 day and returning or does the clock starts again each time ?

3: Some country's have a DL that states that if you have a (cool.png that you also can drive with a small motorbike (less then 400 cc ), these DL's are being targeted, hence any DL which indicates the correct pictogram and category are normally accepted. ( my International DL has only pictograms and stamps for every valid category, but for the rest is in foreign language )

4: up till today, my valid European DL has been always accepted ( even the copy which i carry in my purse )

5: Its confusing to read that not carrying your passport could lead to a fine, as always have been proclaimed that a copy was sufficient but not mandatory, the inconvienience would be being detained untill your identity was verified. Therefore my question : what law is applicable ?"

Now question nr 6:

If the OP uses the expression " had a few beers and a wisky", does that states exactly how much he had been drinking in a certain timeframe prior to his been stopped by the police ?

1. there is no 1 year rule to obtain a Thai DL, and if you use google you will find the 90 rule on multiple websites, even the AA's if if remember correctly and even in the motoring section on TV I believe, the 90 day rule is intended for tourists on short term visits, by your own admission your resident here, then you should have a Thai DL

4. upto today you have been lucky, thats all, have a wreck and injure a Thai national and see what happens

5. the only thing required is a copy of your PP, the OP had nothing, thats why they pulled him in

question 6 is irrelevant as they never nicked him for drinking and driving

I think the answers to these questions require more clarification, the information on different websites is inconclusive, i would like to know the exact , valid , applicable law-ruling... not some hear-say

As far as my knowledge go's, after multiple contacts and questions to the police, as long as your DL is in englisch language, its accepted...

Same go's for the use of Thai DL in foreign country's ( short time travels, some european country's have a 185 days rule for long term (Thailand), or even a 10 year validity for european partners...)

So, with all due respect, correct to the point answers and a link towards the correct rulings would be more then welcome

Your missing the point.

Yes a UK or licence in English is perfectly legal to drive in Thailand under the Geneva Convention, as is an IDP.

However almost all Insurance Companies will void Insurance beyond 3 months if you are still driving on a UK licence or IDP.

Your licence or IDP may be valid, but driving without Insurance isn't.

Wait until you have an accident.............I hope you have deep pockets.

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But where can i read the answers to:

"I am a little confused, about the 90 day rule... and the drivers license... i heared about the one year rule, residing in Thailand, to obtain a Thai DL and also heared about the rule to have a International DL. (but not mandatory )

1: I can't read where the OP is longer then 90 day's in Thailand.

2: Does that 90 day rule apply's for exiting every 90 day and returning or does the clock starts again each time ?

3: Some country's have a DL that states that if you have a (cool.png that you also can drive with a small motorbike (less then 400 cc ), these DL's are being targeted, hence any DL which indicates the correct pictogram and category are normally accepted. ( my International DL has only pictograms and stamps for every valid category, but for the rest is in foreign language )

4: up till today, my valid European DL has been always accepted ( even the copy which i carry in my purse )

5: Its confusing to read that not carrying your passport could lead to a fine, as always have been proclaimed that a copy was sufficient but not mandatory, the inconvienience would be being detained untill your identity was verified. Therefore my question : what law is applicable ?"

Now question nr 6:

If the OP uses the expression " had a few beers and a wisky", does that states exactly how much he had been drinking in a certain timeframe prior to his been stopped by the police ?

1. there is no 1 year rule to obtain a Thai DL, and if you use google you will find the 90 rule on multiple websites, even the AA's if if remember correctly and even in the motoring section on TV I believe, the 90 day rule is intended for tourists on short term visits, by your own admission your resident here, then you should have a Thai DL

4. upto today you have been lucky, thats all, have a wreck and injure a Thai national and see what happens

5. the only thing required is a copy of your PP, the OP had nothing, thats why they pulled him in

question 6 is irrelevant as they never nicked him for drinking and driving

I think the answers to these questions require more clarification, the information on different websites is inconclusive, i would like to know the exact , valid , applicable law-ruling... not some hear-say

As far as my knowledge go's, after multiple contacts and questions to the police, as long as your DL is in englisch language, its accepted...

Same go's for the use of Thai DL in foreign country's ( short time travels, some european country's have a 185 days rule for long term (Thailand), or even a 10 year validity for european partners...)

So, with all due respect, correct to the point answers and a link towards the correct rulings would be more then welcome

Your missing the point.

Yes a UK or licence in English is perfectly legal to drive in Thailand under the Geneva Convention, as is an IDP.

However almost all Insurance Companies will void Insurance beyond 3 months if you are still driving on a UK licence or IDP.

Your licence or IDP may be valid, but driving without Insurance isn't.

Wait until you have an accident.............I hope you have deep pockets.

What I don't understand is why people, (if one is living here long term), are so resistive to getting a document which is easily obtained, costs THB 500, and takes at worst, half a day of your time, and once you have you know your perfectly legal, irrespective of any debates over IDP's, validity of foreign licenses, insurance etc...

People who don't do it are either the laziest people undef the sun or stupid, or maybe both

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Sorry you had to go through this...but wearing a helmet is really for your best interest...forget the easy rider syndrome..

And driving on the wrong side of the road is not good for your health too......! "we drank a couple of Chang beers and a little local whiskey" and no driving licence, you must be living here too long !

Four stupid things ....I guess you deserve what's coming....

Edited by off road pat
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You'll not get deported for this - they are after your money and should not have told you this.

On Monday tell them kindly but clearly you'll not accept any fine higher than the going rate and you want to have a receipt and ใบสั่ง in case they would think it's necessary to give you a fine.

Edited by kriswillems
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Your missing the point.

Yes a UK or licence in English is perfectly legal to drive in Thailand under the Geneva Convention, as is an IDP.

However almost all Insurance Companies will void Insurance beyond 3 months if you are still driving on a UK licence or IDP.

Your licence or IDP may be valid, but driving without Insurance isn't.

Wait until you have an accident.............I hope you have deep pockets.

What I don't understand is why people, (if one is living here long term), are so resistive to getting a document which is easily obtained, costs THB 500, and takes at worst, half a day of your time, and once you have you know your perfectly legal, irrespective of any debates over IDP's, validity of foreign licenses, insurance etc...

People who don't do it are either the laziest people undef the sun or stupid, or maybe both

1: Because i don't have to, i have valid insurance and valid IDL

2: My situation has nothing to do with the OP's situation

3: In my case its far more difficult or time and money consuming to obtain mentioned DL, obviously some have really no idea nor emphaty for others...

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Playing a little sherlock now:

OP, it seems you where in the country not longer then 90 days. ( assuming from your mentioning the 60 days extension at immigration)

Also you have a valid UK drivers license.. also for the motorbike i asume ?

Also the police was able to verify your identity with their computer.

They did not insist to see the original passport after all.

They did inquire about your reasons to be there at that time, but where satisfied with the explanations from you and your girlfriend...

You where verbally summoned to re appear today, but no papers where given, nor was your drivers license withheld...

I think you came of with a slap on the wrist... for nothing... and they know it and accept it, they just act this way for not losing their face...

Waiting for the outcome, if any...

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Having an International drivers license makes it quite easy to obtain a Thai License.Got my car and motorbike in about 40 min. in Pattaya.I was also stopped about 2 weeks ago and ask for my passport witch I don't carry with meI, I have a picture of my front page and visa on my phone and they accepted that and I didn't have to take a drug test 555 on the side of the road like everyone else was having to do.

Edited by Degobuy
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Having an International drivers license makes it quite easy to obtain a Thai License.Got my car and motorbike in about 40 min. in Pattaya.I was also stopped about 2 weeks ago and ask for my passport witch I don't carry with meI, I have a picture of my front page and visa on my phone and they accepted that and I didn't have to take a drug test 555 on the side of the road like everyone else was having to do.

Yes, i am fully aware of that. It does however comes with a lot off other requirements and consequences to obtain the other documents, especially when you have businesses elsewhere...

Off topic however...

On topic: awaiting news from the OP

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You seem like a good guy, I'm happy things worked out for you. I believe these guys saw the white face and only saw money. It's how it works here. Keep you helmet on and obey the laws. They will leave you alone. Cheers! BTW, don't let all the grumpy old men on this forum discourage you, it's something we have to put up with, haha.

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Who is Prem? You didn't mention him/her by name at any rate in your OP!

Just as well that you weren't overdue on your 90-day report, then, or they might really have thrown the book at you to the tune of 5,000 THB for that mortal sin!

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Prem is a woman I have just started seeing from Maesai,she has a heart the size of BKK,her and her brother are just fantastic in the way they helped me,I have a couple of gifts to delver to them for there assistance.

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