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Lending scooter good/bad idea?


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Scenario: I lend my registered scooter to a friend or relative for several months while I am out of the country (and the motorbike only has basic compulsory insurance coverage) and the person borrowing the scooter gets into an accident...is the registered owner responsible for all damages? By the way, the borrower has a tourist visa with no international drivers license. Can the borrower get coverage for the time they're using the scooter? If so, can anyone please recommend an insurance company here in China Mai? Thank you.

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How much do/can you trust you friend, can he afford to buy you a new if its totaled or stolen?

Bitter experience over the years has taught me that truly good friends are few and far between and some was suddenly not such a good friend anymore when money were involved and have perhaps meet less than 5 over my whole life. Even a family member back in my home country shafted me out of app. 300$ once, haven't spoken to him for over 25 years.

The owner is responsible that the vehicle is safe/road worthy and insurance is valid and also only borrow it to a person that has a valid driver license.

If above is fulfilled then the rest is up to the lender regarding responsibility, so if he use it for a bank robbery, he is the one taking the shit, not you.

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Yeah, so called friends vanish when money is involved.

I say the borrower should give you a deposit for the value of the bike, or tell the person to rent a scooter.

Any tourist can buy a vehicle here.

If a person can't afford 30-60K to buy used/new transportation....I think it is risky to lend something to that person.

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Agree with above posters.

When I would be asked to lend something out my first thought would be: can I affort to miss this if things go wrong? Secondly: if things go wrong would it be interesting to know the outcome?

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You wont be responsible in case of an accident so don't worry. You're only worry is, if he crashes it beyond repair. Do you trust him to replace it? or are you willing to write it off? As he cannot get insurance

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For one, if the person gets a ticket and manages not to pay it, you can't renew the road tax until ticket is paid. with somewhat like a 50% increase from of the original amount.

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