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Thai Buddhists to help anti-Muslim Myanmar monks set up radio station

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Terrorists strike around the world.

28 British and German tourists killed in Tunisia.

25 dead in Islamic State attack on a Kuwait Mosque.

Man beheaded in Islamist attack a French factory.

Long may the 'religion of peace' be allowed to flourish in non-moslem countries!!!!!!! NOT

Apologists and multiculturalists, wake up Islam is at war with 'Kuffars' (us). Islamic communities in non Islamic countries act as a safe haven for extremists to infiltrate and dominate the native culture. It is a cancer, that will eventually become terminal unless we start moving to contain and if necessary eradicate it.

So go for it Myanmar Budfdhists. F&&k the PC brigade.

So in your opinion these terrorist attacks which have nothing to do with any Muslims in Burma justify the support of setting up of a radio station by radical Buddhist monks who have in the past attacked and murdered Muslims in Burma.

To me radical religion of any sort is bad and encouraging it is even worse.

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Complicated situation. While I have no love for the Islamic world view, one I believe is interested only in world subjugation. Burma maybe the only country where I hold some sympathy for the Muslims. Simply for the fact that the Burmese have been monsters to all of the varied cultures and people groups in their country, except the Bamar people, the main ethic group.

I don't think Burma requires any help in being intolerant and repressive.


Complicated situation. While I have no love for the Islamic world view, one I believe is interested only in world subjugation. Burma maybe the only country where I hold some sympathy for the Muslims. Simply for the fact that the Burmese have been monsters to all of the varied cultures and people groups in their country, except the Bamar people, the main ethic group.

I don't think Burma requires any help in being intolerant and repressive.

Good point. Nearly all posters ignore the subjugation of the other ethnic groups in Myanmar, including ethnic Christians, yet happily support the Myanmar government, or more accurately, dictatorship.


Stop criticising the buddhists...its about time that they woke up and also the rest of the world to the threats of the Islam religion. Laws should be passed that prohibits the conversion of buddhists, hindus, christians, sikhs, etc by birth to Islam. Stop the building of mosques in non-Islamic countries just like they prevent other religions form setting up shop in muslim countries like Saudia Arabia, UAE, etc. Start boycotting all muslim owned shops like in Thailand...brands like XXI Forever, Forever 21, Zara, Ted Baker, Massimo Dutti, Adidas, Berskha,etc inThailand are controlled by muslims from Dubai.

Dear me, didn't take long for the nonsense to emerge.

Hate is hate and should always be criticised, no matter who is promoting it.

Seems you don't read international news ??? look what is happening around the world...

Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but all terrorist are Muslim !


Stop criticising the buddhists...its about time that they woke up and also the rest of the world to the threats of the Islam religion. Laws should be passed that prohibits the conversion of buddhists, hindus, christians, sikhs, etc by birth to Islam. Stop the building of mosques in non-Islamic countries just like they prevent other religions form setting up shop in muslim countries like Saudia Arabia, UAE, etc. Start boycotting all muslim owned shops like in Thailand...brands like XXI Forever, Forever 21, Zara, Ted Baker, Massimo Dutti, Adidas, Berskha,etc inThailand are controlled by muslims from Dubai.

Dear me, didn't take long for the nonsense to emerge.

Hate is hate and should always be criticised, no matter who is promoting it.

Seems you don't read international news ??? look what is happening around the world...

Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but all terrorist are Muslim !

People keep repeating this mantra & it is totally wrong. By way of example just recently a Christian terrorist group, National Liberation Front of Tripura, in India murdered 20+ plus people


Stop criticising the buddhists...its about time that they woke up and also the rest of the world to the threats of the Islam religion. Laws should be passed that prohibits the conversion of buddhists, hindus, christians, sikhs, etc by birth to Islam. Stop the building of mosques in non-Islamic countries just like they prevent other religions form setting up shop in muslim countries like Saudia Arabia, UAE, etc. Start boycotting all muslim owned shops like in Thailand...brands like XXI Forever, Forever 21, Zara, Ted Baker, Massimo Dutti, Adidas, Berskha,etc inThailand are controlled by muslims from Dubai.

Dear me, didn't take long for the nonsense to emerge.

Hate is hate and should always be criticised, no matter who is promoting it.

Seems you don't read international news ??? look what is happening around the world...

Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but all terrorist are Muslim !

Wgat a bunch of crap! Just because the media is labeling almost all other terrorism (South Carolina shooting f.e.) as "lone wolf, crazy action" , doesn't make these attacks less }terrorist".

There are more than just a few attacks, carried out be "good god-fearing Christians"!


I think FEAR is the driving factor behind Islamaphobia. Fear that our PC governments and liberal wa**ers are not standing up and countering in an agressive and decisive manner when dealing with blatant examples of Moslems trying to, and sometimes succeeding, in dominating non Moslem cultures. Islam is at war with non Islamic cultures. So if groups start acting on their own to counter the rise of this medieval, or just evil, so called religion within their own countries it is because their governments are not proactive enough to protect the existing culture from this insidious cancer growing in our society. I believe in PEACEFUL coexistance, Islam wants to dominate and subjugate all (ISIL , Iran, Taliban,Hamas etc) . NOT ACCEPTABLE. Let the PC apologists go into a feeding frenzy



Stop criticising the buddhists...its about time that they woke up and also the rest of the world to the threats of the Islam religion. Laws should be passed that prohibits the conversion of buddhists, hindus, christians, sikhs, etc by birth to Islam. Stop the building of mosques in non-Islamic countries just like they prevent other religions form setting up shop in muslim countries like Saudia Arabia, UAE, etc. Start boycotting all muslim owned shops like in Thailand...brands like XXI Forever, Forever 21, Zara, Ted Baker, Massimo Dutti, Adidas, Berskha,etc inThailand are controlled by muslims from Dubai.

Dear me, didn't take long for the nonsense to emerge.

Hate is hate and should always be criticised, no matter who is promoting it.

Seems you don't read international news ??? look what is happening around the world...

Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but all terrorist are Muslim !



I think FEAR is the driving factor behind Islamaphobia. Fear that our PC governments and liberal wa**ers are not standing up and countering in an agressive and decisive manner when dealing with blatant examples of Moslems trying to, and sometimes succeeding, in dominating non Moslem cultures. Islam is at war with non Islamic cultures. So if groups start acting on their own to counter the rise of this medieval, or just evil, so called religion within their own countries it is because their governments are not proactive enough to protect the existing culture from this insidious cancer growing in our society. I believe in PEACEFUL coexistance, Islam wants to dominate and subjugate all (ISIL , Iran, Taliban,Hamas etc) . NOT ACCEPTABLE. Let the PC apologists go into a feeding frenzy


"Phobia' an irrational hate or fear of something. My hate isn't irrational, it is based on the fact that Muslims, and the Koran, have very clearly stated that the will establish Sharia law in the entire world. By sword. And they are doing a good job of it, aren't they? You must be completely blind to what is going on in Europe if you think, like David Cameron, that Islam is a language of peace.


"Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but all terrorist are Muslim !"

Try again. In USA since 2001 there have been 65 attacks by right wing terrorists vs 28 by fundamentalist Muslims. And that doesn't count the recent one in South Carolina.


I think FEAR is the driving factor behind Islamaphobia. Fear that our PC governments and liberal wa**ers are not standing up and countering in an agressive and decisive manner when dealing with blatant examples of Moslems trying to, and sometimes succeeding, in dominating non Moslem cultures. Islam is at war with non Islamic cultures. So if groups start acting on their own to counter the rise of this medieval, or just evil, so called religion within their own countries it is because their governments are not proactive enough to protect the existing culture from this insidious cancer growing in our society. I believe in PEACEFUL coexistance, Islam wants to dominate and subjugate all (ISIL , Iran, Taliban,Hamas etc) . NOT ACCEPTABLE. Let the PC apologists go into a feeding frenzy


"Phobia' an irrational hate or fear of something. My hate isn't irrational, it is based on the fact that Muslims, and the Koran, have very clearly stated that the will establish Sharia law in the entire world. By sword. And they are doing a good job of it, aren't they? You must be completely blind to what is going on in Europe if you think, like David Cameron, that Islam is a language of peace.

Hate such as yours is always irrational.

I am not blind nor am I blinded to the truth by prejudice.

Apply my comment to John 1012's post to yours, but when you do so give it greater emphasis.


I think FEAR is the driving factor behind Islamaphobia. Fear that our PC governments and liberal wa**ers are not standing up and countering in an agressive and decisive manner when dealing with blatant examples of Moslems trying to, and sometimes succeeding, in dominating non Moslem cultures. Islam is at war with non Islamic cultures. So if groups start acting on their own to counter the rise of this medieval, or just evil, so called religion within their own countries it is because their governments are not proactive enough to protect the existing culture from this insidious cancer growing in our society. I believe in PEACEFUL coexistance, Islam wants to dominate and subjugate all (ISIL , Iran, Taliban,Hamas etc) . NOT ACCEPTABLE. Let the PC apologists go into a feeding frenzy


"Phobia' an irrational hate or fear of something. My hate isn't irrational, it is based on the fact that Muslims, and the Koran, have very clearly stated that the will establish Sharia law in the entire world. By sword. And they are doing a good job of it, aren't they? You must be completely blind to what is going on in Europe if you think, like David Cameron, that Islam is a language of peace.

Hate such as yours is always irrational.

I am not blind nor am I blinded to the truth by prejudice.

Apply my comment to John 1012's post to yours, but when you do so give it greater emphasis.

O yeah peace and love. That's not what is radiating from Islam, have you actually made an attempt at getting through the Koran? The 'peaceful' bits at the beginning are abrogated by the really violent, arrogant and ignorant later parts. Read the Hadiths. The 'religion' of Islam (it is a political ideology, a cult) is based, as I'm sure you know, on medieval principles as regards crime, the rights of women, treatment of homosexuals, treatment of apostates and the conviction of having the God given right to apply Sharia law everywhere. Actually, that's what peace means to them, when we all submit (which is what the words Islam and Muslim mean) then there will be peace. Not before. Liberals like you, politically correct thinkers, have undermined Western values without having anything to put in its place. Have you noticed that Egypt and now Tunesia are clamping down on these rabid scum bags? Have you seen how in the Middle East children are brought up to hate the Jews without really knowing why? That they have declared war on Western civilisation? They have and they do so repeatedly.

They hate us and everything we stand for. What am I supposed to do, talk about a religion of peace and cultural diversity? I can't fight but I can see and hear what is happening, European leaders are twiddling their thumbs.



Terrorists are scum but they are not representative of the faith they murder in the name of. They are blinded by their hate of anything they consider unislamic. They are prejudiced bigots who represent their hatred not their faith.

To blindly condemn all Muslims because of these bigots and create more hatred between and within communities does nothing but further their cause.



Terrorists are scum but they are not representative of the faith they murder in the name of. They are blinded by their hate of anything they consider unislamic. They are prejudiced bigots who represent their hatred not their faith.

To blindly condemn all Muslims because of these bigots and create more hatred between and within communities does nothing but further their cause.

Yes that is the usual apologist argument we get. No Muslims in Europe? No more suicide attacks. I am most definitely not a 'shoot the Muzzies' brigade member.

A question: why do Muslim countries not accept Muslim refugees? (For instance Indonesia/ Rohingya) Why is no one screaming about Christians being slaughtered right now?

The terrorists are following the Koran to the letter. The 'moderate Muslims' do very little to condemn the actions of their radical brethren when something happens, which it does with increasing regularity. The other argument that comes up is that the Bible also contains a heap of violent and vengeful exhortations to wreak havoc. Yes, but we don't follow that, do we?


Difficult to fight without hatred. Bigot? Thanks for that you ignorant piece of manure. I'm surprised you didn't use the words racist and fascist, the last refuge of a scoundrel.



Terrorists are scum but they are not representative of the faith they murder in the name of. They are blinded by their hate of anything they consider unislamic. They are prejudiced bigots who represent their hatred not their faith.

To blindly condemn all Muslims because of these bigots and create more hatred between and within communities does nothing but further their cause.

Yes that is the usual apologist argument we get. No Muslims in Europe? No more suicide attacks. I am most definitely not a 'shoot the Muzzies' brigade member.

A question: why do Muslim countries not accept Muslim refugees? (For instance Indonesia/ Rohingya) Why is no one screaming about Christians being slaughtered right now?

The terrorists are following the Koran to the letter. The 'moderate Muslims' do very little to condemn the actions of their radical brethren when something happens, which it does with increasing regularity. The other argument that comes up is that the Bible also contains a heap of violent and vengeful exhortations to wreak havoc. Yes, but we don't follow that, do we?

Absolute rubbish! at least check your facts before posting such nonsense....you are wrong on just about every count......same ol', same ol' - no-one ever bothers to check and see if there's an ounce of truth in these ridiculous statements.


Difficult to fight without hatred. Bigot? Thanks for that you ignorant piece of manure. I'm surprised you didn't use the words racist and fascist, the last refuge of a scoundrel.

I only use the appropriate terms.


what a great idea... coffee1.gif

no religion needs "defending".

I have yet to see any group from any religion using "defense of religion" as anything other than a cover for fear/hate-mongering.

Actually it's defense of race and religion.

yeah, they don't even try to be subtle, do they?

I prefer that to these who speak nice but have the same mindset, at least they don't hide behind nice words....Maybe someone should send them a book about Buddhism....as long as I know the fire and sword thing was in a different book



Terrorists are scum but they are not representative of the faith they murder in the name of. They are blinded by their hate of anything they consider unislamic. They are prejudiced bigots who represent their hatred not their faith.

To blindly condemn all Muslims because of these bigots and create more hatred between and within communities does nothing but further their cause.

Yes that is the usual apologist argument we get. No Muslims in Europe? No more suicide attacks. I am most definitely not a 'shoot the Muzzies' brigade member.

A question: why do Muslim countries not accept Muslim refugees? (For instance Indonesia/ Rohingya) Why is no one screaming about Christians being slaughtered right now?

The terrorists are following the Koran to the letter. The 'moderate Muslims' do very little to condemn the actions of their radical brethren when something happens, which it does with increasing regularity. The other argument that comes up is that the Bible also contains a heap of violent and vengeful exhortations to wreak havoc. Yes, but we don't follow that, do we?

Absolute rubbish! at least check your facts before posting such nonsense....you are wrong on just about every count......same ol', same ol' - no-one ever bothers to check and see if there's an ounce of truth in these ridiculous statements.

Oh, I've checked the facts, don't worry. Which particular fact do you want to go over?



Terrorists are scum but they are not representative of the faith they murder in the name of. They are blinded by their hate of anything they consider unislamic. They are prejudiced bigots who represent their hatred not their faith.

To blindly condemn all Muslims because of these bigots and create more hatred between and within communities does nothing but further their cause.

Yes that is the usual apologist argument we get. No Muslims in Europe? No more suicide attacks. I am most definitely not a 'shoot the Muzzies' brigade member.

A question: why do Muslim countries not accept Muslim refugees? (For instance Indonesia/ Rohingya) Why is no one screaming about Christians being slaughtered right now?

The terrorists are following the Koran to the letter. The 'moderate Muslims' do very little to condemn the actions of their radical brethren when something happens, which it does with increasing regularity. The other argument that comes up is that the Bible also contains a heap of violent and vengeful exhortations to wreak havoc. Yes, but we don't follow that, do we?

Absolute rubbish! at least check your facts before posting such nonsense....you are wrong on just about every count......same ol', same ol' - no-one ever bothers to check and see if there's an ounce of truth in these ridiculous statements.

Oh, I've checked the facts, don't worry. Which particular fact do you want to go over?
So having checked the facts you now realise that your intitial post was nothing more than hateful, baseless propaganda?
Oh, I've checked the facts, don't worry. Which particular fact do you want to go over?
So having checked the facts you now realise that your intitial post was nothing more than hateful, baseless propaganda?

You are putting words into my mouth, I didn't just start reading about this stuff because of comments in this topic. Baseless propaganda? Where have you been living recently. It is the declared intention of ISIS or whatever you want to call it, to conquer the world. They are getting money from oil rich countries and earnestly believe what they are saying will become reality. Muslims remain silent when atrocities happen, they don't accept Muslim refugees in Muslim countries ( apart from Jordan which has little choice and is a 100% Muslim country anyway). You ignored my challenge to pick out one particular statement of mine and to discuss it. The arrogance in your post here is astonishing.

Oh, I've checked the facts, don't worry. Which particular fact do you want to go over?
So having checked the facts you now realise that your intitial post was nothing more than hateful, baseless propaganda?

You are putting words into my mouth, I didn't just start reading about this stuff because of comments in this topic. Baseless propaganda? Where have you been living recently. It is the declared intention of ISIS or whatever you want to call it, to conquer the world. They are getting money from oil rich countries and earnestly believe what they are saying will become reality. Muslims remain silent when atrocities happen, they don't accept Muslim refugees in Muslim countries ( apart from Jordan which has little choice and is a 100% Muslim country anyway). You ignored my challenge to pick out one particular statement of mine and to discuss it. The arrogance in your post here is astonishing.

As with the recent mass murders in Tunisia and Kuwait Muslims don't remain 'silent', numerous other examples if you can be bothered to find out.

Muslim majority countries host millions of refugees, it only takes a few minutes to verify.

Turkey nearly - 2 million.

Iran nearly - 1 million

Pakistan - 1.5 million

Iraq nearly - 1 million

Ethiopia - 400k

etc etc...

Maybe at some point the West will accept the challenge of DAESH and it's vision for the End of Time and destroy them at Dabiq.


Oh, I've checked the facts, don't worry. Which particular fact do you want to go over?
So having checked the facts you now realise that your intitial post was nothing more than hateful, baseless propaganda?

You are putting words into my mouth, I didn't just start reading about this stuff because of comments in this topic. Baseless propaganda? Where have you been living recently. It is the declared intention of ISIS or whatever you want to call it, to conquer the world. They are getting money from oil rich countries and earnestly believe what they are saying will become reality. Muslims remain silent when atrocities happen, they don't accept Muslim refugees in Muslim countries ( apart from Jordan which has little choice and is a 100% Muslim country anyway). You ignored my challenge to pick out one particular statement of mine and to discuss it. The arrogance in your post here is astonishing.


As with the recent mass murders in Tunisia and Kuwait Muslims don't remain 'silent', numerous other examples if you can be bothered to find out.

Muslim majority countries host millions of refugees, it only takes a few minutes to verify.

Turkey nearly - 2 million.

Iran nearly - 1 million

Pakistan - 1.5 million

Iraq nearly - 1 million

Ethiopia - 400k

etc etc...

Maybe at some point the West will accept the challenge of DAESH and it's vision for the End of Time and destroy them at Dabiq.


The three countries at the top of the list plus the fifth are accepting refugees and asylum seekers from their own brand (Shiite or Sunni respectively). Never mind, maybe I did generalise a bit, but Saudi Arabia that is at the root of the troubles in accepting no refugees - "The six wealthy Gulf countries - Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain - have offered to receive exactly zero Syrian refugees" and North Africa exports any refugees to Europe. I'm afraid that it was of these countries that I was thinking.

So having checked the facts you now realise that your intitial post was nothing more than hateful, baseless propaganda?

You are putting words into my mouth, I didn't just start reading about this stuff because of comments in this topic. Baseless propaganda? Where have you been living recently. It is the declared intention of ISIS or whatever you want to call it, to conquer the world. They are getting money from oil rich countries and earnestly believe what they are saying will become reality. Muslims remain silent when atrocities happen, they don't accept Muslim refugees in Muslim countries ( apart from Jordan which has little choice and is a 100% Muslim country anyway). You ignored my challenge to pick out one particular statement of mine and to discuss it. The arrogance in your post here is astonishing.


As with the recent mass murders in Tunisia and Kuwait Muslims don't remain 'silent', numerous other examples if you can be bothered to find out.

Muslim majority countries host millions of refugees, it only takes a few minutes to verify.

Turkey nearly - 2 million.

Iran nearly - 1 million

Pakistan - 1.5 million

Iraq nearly - 1 million

Ethiopia - 400k

etc etc...

Maybe at some point the West will accept the challenge of DAESH and it's vision for the End of Time and destroy them at Dabiq.


The three countries at the top of the list plus the fifth are accepting refugees and asylum seekers from their own brand (Shiite or Sunni respectively). Never mind, maybe I did generalise a bit, but Saudi Arabia that is at the root of the troubles in accepting no refugees - "The six wealthy Gulf countries - Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain - have offered to receive exactly zero Syrian refugees" and North Africa exports any refugees to Europe. I'm afraid that it was of these countries that I was thinking.

Again you're off the mark.

Back in 2005 the ethnic and sectarian composition of Iran’s Afghan refugee population was (40.47% Shia Hazaras, 22.07% Sunni Tajik, 8.8% Sunni Pashtuns, 3.1% Sunni Baluch, and 2.5% Sunni Uzbek.

I assume there still are Sunni Muslim refugees in Iran.


Pakistan hosts Afghan Sunni & Shiite refugees. As well as Sunnis, Turkey hosts Shiite & Christian refugees. Iraq hosts both Sunni & Shiite refugees; I cannot locate the actual numbers by faith.

I believe current number of Syrian refugees in KSA is about 70k who receive schooling, medical and so on, Obviously a tiny comparison to other regional countries, but KSA has provided US$10 billion to Jordan to help with the cost of caring for their refugee population.

I do agree KSA (e.g. mass deportations of Somalis) and the Gulf States have been bastards in relation hosting refugees, but they put a lot of money on the table to assist other countries with refugees.


Ah well so that's alright then. I originally answered because somebody claimed that I was full of hate. I'm not.

Your words from post #39

"Phobia' an irrational hate or fear of something. My hate isn't irrational, it is based on the fact that Muslims, and the Koran, have very clearly stated that the will establish Sharia law in the entire world. By sword. And they are doing a good job of it, aren't they? You must be completely blind to what is going on in Europe if you think, like David Cameron, that Islam is a language of peace.


Ah well so that's alright then. I originally answered because somebody claimed that I was full of hate. I'm not.

Your words from post #39

"Phobia' an irrational hate or fear of something. My hate isn't irrational, it is based on the fact that Muslims, and the Koran, have very clearly stated that the will establish Sharia law in the entire world. By sword. And they are doing a good job of it, aren't they? You must be completely blind to what is going on in Europe if you think, like David Cameron, that Islam is a language of peace.

You won't let it go, will you? I am accused of being an Islamophobe as though this is the ultimate argument. I don't have an ounce of hate in my body.

However if you are confronted with an enemy that has declared that democracy must go and Sharia law WILL (not must) be established, then hate is a a reasonable reaction. Nothing irrational about my reaction. You remind me of someone, let me see now...


Ah well so that's alright then. I originally answered because somebody claimed that I was full of hate. I'm not.

Your words from post #39

"Phobia' an irrational hate or fear of something. My hate isn't irrational, it is based on the fact that Muslims, and the Koran, have very clearly stated that the will establish Sharia law in the entire world. By sword. And they are doing a good job of it, aren't they? You must be completely blind to what is going on in Europe if you think, like David Cameron, that Islam is a language of peace.

You won't let it go, will you? I am accused of being an Islamophobe as though this is the ultimate argument. I don't have an ounce of hate in my body.

However if you are confronted with an enemy that has declared that democracy must go and Sharia law WILL (not must) be established, then hate is a a reasonable reaction. Nothing irrational about my reaction. You remind me of someone, let me see now...

You can't have it both ways. You say you hate Muslims and also you don't have an ounce of hate in your body. Which is it?

Hatred of terrorism and violence is fair enough.

Hatred of the followers of a faith because of the terrorist actions of some members of it, a minority, who falsely claim to represent it, is not.

Islamic leaders and scholars have not declared democracy will go. They have also condemned the actions of isis.

To blame all Muslims for the actions of those twisted by hatred {something all faiths suffer from} is indeed irrational.


Buddhism in its purest isn't even a religion. It's a philosophy for living your life. Buddha would weep if he saw what people have done to his teachings. Jesus probably would as well.

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