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What Is Going On With The Beach Restoration Project ?


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These white un sightly construction trailers have been parked at area between South end of Beach walk and Walking street for months. That whole area is the sorriest mess I have ever seen on the bay front. There are collapsed areas along wood walkway, huge truck /water pump, degraded concrete construction barriers scattered around . The beach is littered with decaying sandbags The dirt embankment is washing out into a gully.Very limited footpath walking the gauntlet by moto taxis to get from South end Beach road .to Walking st. .One sorry mess indeed..

In fact the entire beach and walkway is a sorry mess now starting at the North end with the giant decaying sandbags and collapsed wall and walkway all along with no concern by city hall whatsoever.

Edited by morrobay
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I drove along Jomtien Beach last week, and I saw a lot of work going on. I don't mind improvements being done. Goodness knows that in the states this is just normal. I guess I would be more frustrated if they were doing nothing.

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The city officials either have no engineers with any experience in dealing with the enormous amounts of water you get in Pattaya 2, 3, 4 or more times a year or they do not have a willingness to do what it will really take to fix the problem. They have never accepted what they really have to do to drain away the floods quickly, safely and properly. It boils down to massive drainage pipes to quickly carry the water away and take it out far enough into the ocean so it does not undermine the beaches.

All that takes precious money they are not willing to spend. It also means huge disruptions to businesses and the tourist industry.

So what do they do...they put band-aids on it again and again and again and that gives you the wonderful looking beaches we have today.

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The city officials either have no engineers with any experience in dealing with the enormous amounts of water you get in Pattaya 2, 3, 4 or more times a year or they do not have a willingness to do what it will really take to fix the problem. They have never accepted what they really have to do to drain away the floods quickly, safely and properly. It boils down to massive drainage pipes to quickly carry the water away and take it out far enough into the ocean so it does not undermine the beaches.

All that takes precious money they are not willing to spend. It also means huge disruptions to businesses and the tourist industry.

So what do they do...they put band-aids on it again and again and again and that gives you the wonderful looking beaches we have today.

I think that the minor flooding that happens in Pattaya a handful of times a year for a few hours each time would be considered a minor inconvenience rather than a major problem, obviously it would be nice to have a drainage system that can cope with these deluges but not really worthy of a huge amount of money spending on it.

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The city officials either have no engineers with any experience in dealing with the enormous amounts of water you get in Pattaya 2, 3, 4 or more times a year or they do not have a willingness to do what it will really take to fix the problem. They have never accepted what they really have to do to drain away the floods quickly, safely and properly. It boils down to massive drainage pipes to quickly carry the water away and take it out far enough into the ocean so it does not undermine the beaches.

All that takes precious money they are not willing to spend. It also means huge disruptions to businesses and the tourist industry.

So what do they do...they put band-aids on it again and again and again and that gives you the wonderful looking beaches we have today.

Yes and in the meantime their busy killing the duck who lais the golden eggs even more with not at least cleaning the beaches.... I went down to Jomtien beach early morning last week and ohh man.....what n freaking mess....looks like a garbage dumping ground.. Who ( specially tourist ) want to sit between empty beer bottles and plastic bags and all the other shit laying around there ??

Absolutely disgusting...

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I think I'd prefer term "destruction" over "restoration". Friend made observation that while they were up destroying Pattaya beach, many were coming down to enjoy Jomtien Beach, butchered by not yet destroyed. We can't have that, make them equal! It's like if there is one clean toilet and one dirty toilet, most would choose clean. In this case, make both stinking loos so can share equally in profits made on those few tourists who come here based on photos of beaches taken from other countries. I think Pattaya area wishes to become "hub of horrendous bad planning"

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The city officials either have no engineers with any experience in dealing with the enormous amounts of water you get in Pattaya 2, 3, 4 or more times a year or they do not have a willingness to do what it will really take to fix the problem. They have never accepted what they really have to do to drain away the floods quickly, safely and properly. It boils down to massive drainage pipes to quickly carry the water away and take it out far enough into the ocean so it does not undermine the beaches.

All that takes precious money they are not willing to spend. It also means huge disruptions to businesses and the tourist industry.

So what do they do...they put band-aids on it again and again and again and that gives you the wonderful looking beaches we have today.

I think that the minor flooding that happens in Pattaya a handful of times a year for a few hours each time would be considered a minor inconvenience rather than a major problem, obviously it would be nice to have a drainage system that can cope with these deluges but not really worthy of a huge amount of money spending on it.

it will actually be quite a major inconvenience in a year or so when they no longer have a beach, putting a few pipes in is not that big a job, certainly not as big a job as replacing the entire beach. my guess it that those sheds are where the first pipe is going to go. maybe that boat thats been parked offshore for a while is involved as well. but in the meantime they are having a short holiday it seems

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And what about "Bins". When I first came to Thailand there were big blue barrel bins everywhere, now I could be carrying a piece of waste paper for a while before I come across one, usually end up throwing in the 7 Eleven bin....that's not fair on them either.

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Pre-renovation, if you had had a hundred people walk down and study pattaya beach road and asked them what the top 3 things that needed to be fixed were, probably 90 or more would have said: 1. fix the awful, narrow or non-existent sidewalks by the shops--make them a lot wider and build in some shade while your at it. 2. Get rid of the awful, unsightly sandbags that are everywhere and fix the flooding. 3. Improve the entrance area to Walking Street--that whole area is such a total, total, total MESS. So hard to believe it looks SO BAD and it is such an important area. Even the lousy sign is crooked. Well, sadly, as we know, none of the 3 were addressed at all. As for Jomtien, all it mostly needs are the sidewalks fixed, more and nicer trashcans on the beach, possibly a few more public bathrooms and the current ones renovated, a beach sand sweeper purchased (and used daily), and parking totally eliminated on the very narrow part of the beach road past Cetus condo heading south.

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4/ Get some more Girls in....(if we are getting our priorities right it should have been number 1) I went to live there in the late 90s & stayed 7 years, Honestly the some of the Girls on the beach then were knockouts....& a real big selection-----better then the bars.

Never did get to have a swim there...................coffee1.gif

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The city officials either have no engineers with any experience in dealing with the enormous amounts of water you get in Pattaya 2, 3, 4 or more times a year or they do not have a willingness to do what it will really take to fix the problem. They have never accepted what they really have to do to drain away the floods quickly, safely and properly. It boils down to massive drainage pipes to quickly carry the water away and take it out far enough into the ocean so it does not undermine the beaches.

All that takes precious money they are not willing to spend. It also means huge disruptions to businesses and the tourist industry.

So what do they do...they put band-aids on it again and again and again and that gives you the wonderful looking beaches we have today.

Yes and in the meantime their busy killing the duck who lais the golden eggs even more with not at least cleaning the beaches.... I went down to Jomtien beach early morning last week and ohh man.....what n freaking mess....looks like a garbage dumping ground.. Who ( specially tourist ) want to sit between empty beer bottles and plastic bags and all the other shit laying around there ??

Absolutely disgusting...

I've said and thought this a 1000 times. It would be soooooooooooooo easy and sooooooooooooo cheap to hire a crew of workers to start early in the morning cleaning up the beaches before the day starts. They can manage to spend millions of baht on a useless crosswalk system throughout the city that someone got a lot of kickbacks on, but not a few baht on a daily clean-up crew for both Pattaya and Jomtien.

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The city officials either have no engineers with any experience in dealing with the enormous amounts of water you get in Pattaya 2, 3, 4 or more times a year or they do not have a willingness to do what it will really take to fix the problem. They have never accepted what they really have to do to drain away the floods quickly, safely and properly. It boils down to massive drainage pipes to quickly carry the water away and take it out far enough into the ocean so it does not undermine the beaches.

All that takes precious money they are not willing to spend. It also means huge disruptions to businesses and the tourist industry.

So what do they do...they put band-aids on it again and again and again and that gives you the wonderful looking beaches we have today.

Yes and in the meantime their busy killing the duck who lais the golden eggs even more with not at least cleaning the beaches.... I went down to Jomtien beach early morning last week and ohh man.....what n freaking mess....looks like a garbage dumping ground.. Who ( specially tourist ) want to sit between empty beer bottles and plastic bags and all the other shit laying around there ??

Absolutely disgusting...

I've said and thought this a 1000 times. It would be soooooooooooooo easy and sooooooooooooo cheap to hire a crew of workers to start early in the morning cleaning up the beaches before the day starts. They can manage to spend millions of baht on a useless crosswalk system throughout the city that someone got a lot of kickbacks on, but not a few baht on a daily clean-up crew for both Pattaya and Jomtien.

Be even easier if they borrowed this one from Songkla....


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The city officials either have no engineers with any experience in dealing with the enormous amounts of water you get in Pattaya 2, 3, 4 or more times a year or they do not have a willingness to do what it will really take to fix the problem. They have never accepted what they really have to do to drain away the floods quickly, safely and properly. It boils down to massive drainage pipes to quickly carry the water away and take it out far enough into the ocean so it does not undermine the beaches.

All that takes precious money they are not willing to spend. It also means huge disruptions to businesses and the tourist industry.

So what do they do...they put band-aids on it again and again and again and that gives you the wonderful looking beaches we have today.

Yes and in the meantime their busy killing the duck who lais the golden eggs even more with not at least cleaning the beaches.... I went down to Jomtien beach early morning last week and ohh man.....what n freaking mess....looks like a garbage dumping ground.. Who ( specially tourist ) want to sit between empty beer bottles and plastic bags and all the other shit laying around there ??

Absolutely disgusting...

I've said and thought this a 1000 times. It would be soooooooooooooo easy and sooooooooooooo cheap to hire a crew of workers to start early in the morning cleaning up the beaches before the day starts. They can manage to spend millions of baht on a useless crosswalk system throughout the city that someone got a lot of kickbacks on, but not a few baht on a daily clean-up crew for both Pattaya and Jomtien.

Be even easier if they borrowed this one from Songkla....

attachicon.gifSongkla beach clean.jpg

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added to above : Water & excessive rain water flows back to Lake Mabprachan , NO NEED to worry about the beach.

Erosion is the fault of the rain , not the engineers . the size of pipes & drainage does not matter - most of the time

they are empty & idle . The walking path is strong - it's the damn water that caused damage , not the people that

walk on it .... so that's not the responsibility of the Public Works department . Blame on the Climate change .

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I have been reading about this topic for years. The thing is, before the buildings and roads, there were few erosion problems. Nature has a way of retaining water inland and releasing it slowly through various paths including absorption, evaporation and water loving plants and animals.

I have read nothing about trying to prevent or curtail the flooding, only control the flooding. Larger pipes and better diversion of the water does not lower the amount of water that reaches the beach (or sea) all at once.

Green space and retention or detention ponds in most developed countries are required of all new developments. Pattaya does not require this as evidenced by so many structures being erected with very little if any green space. Essentially 100% of the runoff from these developments ends up eroding the beach.

Green space and retention/detention ponds do a world of good in regards to flood prevention and increased nature and are incredibly efficient. For more about retention ponds... Retention ponds also trap garbage that would normally flow down the road and clog drains further exasperating the problem.

There are plenty of empty lots that could be turned into retention basins in a very short time. The costs are not high and they can be converted back to building spaces in no time at all. Here is a low cost solution to a big problem.

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your suggestion for retention ponds is very sensible and in fact has been suggested in the past by a very influential Thai person

( he used the term monkey cheeks ) unfortunatley implementation seems to be patchy and slow with to my knowledge none in the Pattaya area.

There is also, as you mention rampant over developent with less and less trees-parks or open green spaces. sad.png

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