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Former British soldier jailed for 50 years in Thailand for drug dealing

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All of the excusers' equivalents such as alcohol etc. don't cut it. They won't get you life in a Thai jail. The issue is that this guy was outright stupid and I'd be surprised if he doesn't agree by now.

as youre not the OP, your pronouncement on what the issue is means little.

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........................... 2 Life Sentences? No Way!

It is one sentence of 50 years.

His 'friend' got 2 Life Sentences.

his friend got that? I thought he got out?

No, definitely still there......for a very long time it seems.


The conditions in thai prisons are not tolerable. Tackle this matter please, Mr. Prayuth.


Anyone that knows the case knows Lances father is lying through his teeth here. He also missed out the part where his father went around Pattaya threatening Al, sorts of people


Since you pretend to know this case better than the rest of us do you mind posting a Link to prove some of the B.S. you have been saying.

You Can't?

That Figures!


The thing with crime, and this includes drug dealing, is that nobody ever expects to get caught.

No matter what, this is excessive punishment. I don't know how long he will actually spend in jail, I suspect he could get transferred to a UK jail within 5 years, but the punishment here does not fit the crime.

British guys in Thai jails have a harder time than many other nationalities as they get no support from the UK government. There are charities that can help, but basically he will need to depend on help from friends and family outside for even basics like food and basic medicine etc.

Much as I dislike drug dealing, I feel sorry for this guy.

Would you still feel sorry for him if any of your family died because they were using drugs supplied by a dealer?

If there was no drug dealers, almost every type of crime would be reduced.

and AJAYDEE, you cannot say that bartenders can be compared with drug dealers, alcohol is not a drug if drunk in moderation.

OK Possum seeing as this is clearly trolling, am biting. Alcohol is a drug whether you have 1 beer or 50 beers.

Alcohol is the root cause of a LOT of societal issues because of its wide availability and aggressive selling strategies by the manufacturers. Even in my immediate family, my wife had an ex partner who beat her exclusively when he got drunk, also attacked his own 8 year old daughter when drunk because she tried to protect her mother. Then you have all the drink drivers (doesn't take a lot to impair driving ability) who kill and injure many.

And then you have all the health and productivity issues associated with drinking either in moderation or to excess. Even having a couple of beers every day is not going to benefit your health, productivity or bank balance is it.

Also if you've ever done ecstasy (MDMA) you'd know that if it is good quality then it is absolutely safe to take. Some people do die after taking tablets, but in most cases there has been a bad batch made and / or the stuff has been cut with something more dangerous because the authoritieshave made natural precursors almost impossible to source. The drug war is an abject failure. The only good thing it is used for is the bringing down of bloodthirsty cartel bosses who incidentally only got rich because of the inflated price of drugs due to prohibition. Fact is alcohol and tobacco ruin and end more lives than illegal drugs ever have.


In all fairness 50 years for 200 pills is shocking and disproportionate. It wasn't hard drugs. Apparently the drugs in question were given to him by undercover cops in the first place.

However i think you need to be a special kind of stupid to deal drugs in countries like Thailand...............................

I don't think that's correct about where the drugs came from and the people who supplied them were said to be quite annoyed, as the informant who 'fell' through the glass door allegedly found out.

Not "hard drugs"?

Well that's academic isn't it?

He chose to deal in Class 1 narcotics is surely the point?


Anyone that knows the case knows Lances father is lying through his teeth here. He also missed out the part where his father went around Pattaya threatening Al, sorts of people


Since you pretend to know this case better than the rest of us do you mind posting a Link to prove some of the B.S. you have been saying.

You Can't?

That Figures!

Yeah because the media widely reported on it.

Get a grip


Former soldier Lance Whitmore faces toughest fight - surviving Thai jail on drugs charges

Birmingham post Dated 14 MARCH 2015

It is a poorly edited version much of what has already been told, but the article interesting for its date and a letter underneath.

"This article is inaccurate, my friend J*** was grassed up by Lance, Lance was partying like a rock star for around a year and was a crystal meth addict, he was a well known drugs dealer in party town. Everyone knew where to get their drugs from for a night out, he was popular for this and spent his money on his meth habit and partying.

My friend was involved in Lance;s operations and when Lance was busted, the cops were taken to his room while he was watching TV and he was dragged into the mess also, snitching is probably worst than drug dealing.

Regardless of the warnings from 100's of books and documentaries, Lance has been a silly boy. But saying that I hope he gets out because no one deserves those conditions. I am sure the parents of the people that he sold drugs to think different, but I think he should be let back out."


Does make you wonder, what happened to the other guy, Jake, but this is the minutiae you have to wade through, the feckless characters and their inevitable lies in a sad story where the possibilities were known.


Anyone that knows the case knows Lances father is lying through his teeth here. He also missed out the part where his father went around Pattaya threatening Al, sorts of people


Since you pretend to know this case better than the rest of us do you mind posting a Link to prove some of the B.S. you have been saying.

You Can't?

That Figures!

Yeah because the media widely reported on it.

Get a grip

I am still waiting for that Link.

I read almost all the media reports and I didn't see that written anywhere. Obviously, you never read any of them at all.

But I always stand to be corrected here show just show me one Link that says that, and I will take back my words. (If it is worthy).


The thing with crime, and this includes drug dealing, is that nobody ever expects to get caught.

No matter what, this is excessive punishment. I don't know how long he will actually spend in jail, I suspect he could get transferred to a UK jail within 5 years, but the punishment here does not fit the crime.

British guys in Thai jails have a harder time than many other nationalities as they get no support from the UK government. There are charities that can help, but basically he will need to depend on help from friends and family outside for even basics like food and basic medicine etc.

Much as I dislike drug dealing, I feel sorry for this guy.

Would you still feel sorry for him if any of your family died because they were using drugs supplied by a dealer?

If there was no drug dealers, almost every type of crime would be reduced.

and AJAYDEE, you cannot say that bartenders can be compared with drug dealers, alcohol is not a drug if drunk in moderation.

OK Possum seeing as this is clearly trolling, am biting. Alcohol is a drug whether you have 1 beer or 50 beers.

Alcohol is the root cause of a LOT of societal issues because of its wide availability and aggressive selling strategies by the manufacturers. Even in my immediate family, my wife had an ex partner who beat her exclusively when he got drunk, also attacked his own 8 year old daughter when drunk because she tried to protect her mother. Then you have all the drink drivers (doesn't take a lot to impair driving ability) who kill and injure many.

And then you have all the health and productivity issues associated with drinking either in moderation or to excess. Even having a couple of beers every day is not going to benefit your health, productivity or bank balance is it.

Also if you've ever done ecstasy (MDMA) you'd know that if it is good quality then it is absolutely safe to take. Some people do die after taking tablets, but in most cases there has been a bad batch made and / or the stuff has been cut with something more dangerous because the authoritieshave made natural precursors almost impossible to source. The drug war is an abject failure. The only good thing it is used for is the bringing down of bloodthirsty cartel bosses who incidentally only got rich because of the inflated price of drugs due to prohibition. Fact is alcohol and tobacco ruin and end more lives than illegal drugs ever have.

I agree with you about alcohol, I have never touched it in my life, and never smoked. I have been brought up with alcohol, was married for twelve years to a drunk, have lost two brothers mainly because of drink and cigarettes, have worked most of my adult life as a professional musician with alcohol all around me.

I hate drunks and have no time for them. But what I am saying is not everyone who touches alcohol is a drunk, there is nothing wrong with it if it is not abused. I have Farang friends I have been seeing here in Thailand for years, who I meet regularly and have never seen them drunk. I suppose you are right in saying alcohol is a drug, but what I am saying is there are many people who drink alcohol and do not abuse it.

As for drugs, I am not qualified to talk about them and I only know what I read in the papers, like young people who fall into drugs and end up dead, and the drug dealers must take a lot of responsibility for that, and I do agree with your last sentence.

As for trolling, I have over 8000 posts here in Thaivisa, and if I was a troll in any way, I would have been found out long before now.


I've never understood the idea that adults need protection from their own enjoyment or even their own self-destruction. If someone wants to smoke something that grows out the ground, or inject it into themselves, or swallow a compound of chemicals made in lab somewhere, it's none of my business and shouldn't be anyone else's.

Your idea about adults having the choice of Free Will is a very good one. On most things I would agree with you 100%. But when talking about Drugs I tend to differ a little bit.

Drug Addiction is a very expensive habit. Hell, sometime I have trouble keeping up with legalized drugs like tobacco and alcohol, so I can just imagine what an ounce of Cocaine per day costs.

Drugs, Under Age Prostitution, and Crime, all seem to show up together a lot. I agree in that it is not anybodies business if one chooses to inject himself with some drug, or smoke a wacky cigarette, or pop a few pills. But when these people hold you at gun or knife point just to take your wallet, or steal your car, or break into your house when you are not home, to support there expensive drug habit, then this becomes everyone business.

You are never going to win the War on Drugs by arresting some guy like this on the street corner, and throwing him jail along with the key. There will just be someone else standing at this street corner and doing the same thing next week. This has been proven over and over again.

The way to win this is to educate our children at home to "Don't Do Drugs", and perhaps also in the School System. That doing Drugs is not Cool, but in fact very dangerous and harmful to them. So many people out there expect the Police or Governments to stop this, when the real problem start at home. It is up to all of us to clean up our own back yard, and not leave it for someone else to do for us.

People tend to think backwards, in that if there are no Drug Pushers there would be no Drug Users. But as already pointed out there will always be another Drug Pusher to replace the last one, and if we do not educate our children of the danger of drugs, there will always be Drug Users as well. But if we can educate our children not to use drugs, then we would also eliminate many Drug Pushers as well. The Law of Economics states a law were Supply and Demand go hand in hand. That if the demand dropped off, the supply will also.

I don't know what to make of people who say "How would you like it if he sold drugs to your children?" The truth is he would have never been able to do that because long ago I had serious discussions with my daughter on the harms of drugs. I can't say for sure the never tried drugs in there life, as I was not with them every moment of there life, but I can say as they grew up they never gave me a reason to ever suspect they did. Now grown and having successful careers.

So how do you tell someone that believe the Police and Government should take away this problem when the Buck Stops Here, and at home? .

he was a drug dealer not a drug addict.


"E" isn't particularly dangerous, addictive or destructive. Most truly civilized countries wouldn't be too concerned with this crime.

You think methamphetamine mixed with caffeine is not particularity dangerous ?

You should really do a bit of research before making such foolish comments.

Ecstasy is MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine), nothing to do with methamphetamine.

More importantly, everything you think you know about ecstasy courtesy of the US government is wrong. The researcher tested the wrong compound as reported by ABC here: Ecstasy Rising Documentary. One of the safest drugs available.


I've never understood the idea that adults need protection from their own enjoyment or even their own self-destruction. If someone wants to smoke something that grows out the ground, or inject it into themselves, or swallow a compound of chemicals made in lab somewhere, it's none of my business and shouldn't be anyone else's.

So how about when some out of their skull junkie runs berserk with an axe and you're in their way or a yabba'd up bus or lorry driver crushes your bike or car? None of your business then?


Former soldier Lance Whitmore faces toughest fight - surviving Thai jail on drugs charges

Birmingham post Dated 14 MARCH 2015

It is a poorly edited version much of what has already been told, but the article interesting for its date and a letter underneath.

"This article is inaccurate, my friend J*** was grassed up by Lance, Lance was partying like a rock star for around a year and was a crystal meth addict, he was a well known drugs dealer in party town. Everyone knew where to get their drugs from for a night out, he was popular for this and spent his money on his meth habit and partying.

My friend was involved in Lance;s operations and when Lance was busted, the cops were taken to his room while he was watching TV and he was dragged into the mess also, snitching is probably worst than drug dealing.

Regardless of the warnings from 100's of books and documentaries, Lance has been a silly boy. But saying that I hope he gets out because no one deserves those conditions. I am sure the parents of the people that he sold drugs to think different, but I think he should be let back out."


Does make you wonder, what happened to the other guy, Jake, but this is the minutiae you have to wade through, the feckless characters and their inevitable lies in a sad story where the possibilities were known.

I write this "Comment" (and not article) off as being false.

First off he/she says that Lance was partying like a Rock Star for around a year. Lance did not return to Thailand until March 2014. He has been jailed for 10 months already. He must have been charged in August 2014. So the most his free time would have been, was 5 months, and I am sure that right after he lost his Fiancee to a Deadly Disease, he did not feel much like partying like a Rock Star.

Just also take a look at Lance. He is obviously a Body Builder. Do you know Crystal Meth Addicts who look like this? They usually look like Hell Runneth Over and like they came from a POW Camp. Meth was used as a diet pill at one time. Not something any Body Builder would want to take for sure.


Up-to-you to decide.


Why, why, why do these people do it?

Do what? Enact draconian laws about drugs they have no experience with? Did they write and carry out those laws while drunk? Most lawmakers drink heavily. If in doubt, take a look at Thailand's former #1 drug enforcer: Chalerm - a hard-core alchie who never tried the drugs he's legislating. Hi bosom buddy, Thaksin, is a whiskey drinker, yet he ordered the killing of over 2000 Thais re; other drugs. What's wrong with this picture?

There is nothing wrong with alcohol in moderation. The same cannot be said about drugs.

alcohol IS a drug.
Of course alcohol is a drug, and it's the most harmful drug, quantitatively, in the world. I have to grin when I see people comparing drugs and stating such things as "nothing wrong with alcohol in moderation." First off, have those people ever tried the other drugs 'in moderation'? A guy smoking a doobie in his favorite chair, eating cookies and listening to Nina Simone on headphones, is doing an illegal drug in moderation. YET THAT GUY AND THE PERSON WHO SOLD HIM THE SMIDGEN ON POT, CAN BOTH GET HEFTY FINES AND PRISON TIME. ...in brain-dead SE Asian countries.

Secondly, alcohol in moderation can kill people, a thousand times more often than other recreational drugs. Just look at drunk driving stats. Every day, 30+ Thais get killed on the roads, and most of those deaths are from drinkers who would qualify as 'moderate.' How many traffic deaths from pot, ecstacy, or heroin? Answer: zero.


I've never understood the idea that adults need protection from their own enjoyment or even their own self-destruction. If someone wants to smoke something that grows out the ground, or inject it into themselves, or swallow a compound of chemicals made in lab somewhere, it's none of my business and shouldn't be anyone else's.

So how about when some out of their skull junkie runs berserk with an axe and you're in their way or a yabba'd up bus or lorry driver crushes your bike or car? None of your business then?

What does that have to do with MDMA??


I've never understood the idea that adults need protection from their own enjoyment or even their own self-destruction. If someone wants to smoke something that grows out the ground, or inject it into themselves, or swallow a compound of chemicals made in lab somewhere, it's none of my business and shouldn't be anyone else's.

So how about when some out of their skull junkie runs berserk with an axe and you're in their way or a yabba'd up bus or lorry driver crushes your bike or car? None of your business then?
What does that have to do with MDMA??

I'm replying to a post that suggests drug abuse is nobody's business. No mention of MDMA.


Former soldier Lance Whitmore faces toughest fight - surviving Thai jail on drugs charges

Birmingham post Dated 14 MARCH 2015

It is a poorly edited version much of what has already been told, but the article interesting for its date and a letter underneath.

"This article is inaccurate, my friend J*** was grassed up by Lance, Lance was partying like a rock star for around a year and was a crystal meth addict, he was a well known drugs dealer in party town. Everyone knew where to get their drugs from for a night out, he was popular for this and spent his money on his meth habit and partying.

My friend was involved in Lance;s operations and when Lance was busted, the cops were taken to his room while he was watching TV and he was dragged into the mess also, snitching is probably worst than drug dealing.

Regardless of the warnings from 100's of books and documentaries, Lance has been a silly boy. But saying that I hope he gets out because no one deserves those conditions. I am sure the parents of the people that he sold drugs to think different, but I think he should be let back out."


Does make you wonder, what happened to the other guy, Jake, but this is the minutiae you have to wade through, the feckless characters and their inevitable lies in a sad story where the possibilities were known.

I write this "Comment" (and not article) off as being false.

First off he/she says that Lance was partying like a Rock Star for around a year. Lance did not return to Thailand until March 2014. He has been jailed for 10 months already. He must have been charged in August 2014. So the most his free time would have been, was 5 months, and I am sure that right after he lost his Fiancee to a Deadly Disease, he did not feel much like partying like a Rock Star.

Just also take a look at Lance. He is obviously a Body Builder. Do you know Crystal Meth Addicts who look like this? They usually look like Hell Runneth Over and like they came from a POW Camp. Meth was used as a diet pill at one time. Not something any Body Builder would want to take for sure.


Up-to-you to decide.

It is a letter to the newspaper article i referenced or a comment as you prefer. The article was linked above which lists this. I thought that was plain.

Look, quibbling over the veracity of the players involved is losing game. And not the reason why i posted the above as i am not buying any of their shit. However it does add a different pov. I suspect the truth only resides in the fact he was dealing and stupid. The rest is minutiae as I said.

However citing his photos is odd as they were probably pre-ice or crys-meth and that shit is a game changer in everyway if using. If he was into that stuff who knows..... certainly not one iota he or his Dad says can be trusted, even if you cared.

However differing points to note.

  • What happened to Jake? Why has their been no mention of his outcomes?
  • "safe house for three days- why....? was it a chance to "deal" Thai style re this and other issues
  • caught outside his father's bar/restaurant alone or with his mate in the supermarket
  • Jake or lance the protagonist- the finger pointing is inevitable but illuminating that Lance did plead guilty.

I suspect he was a player. Pleading guilty and a heavy handed sentence suggests he has not only done the crime but missed some opportunities to ameliorate his situation and pissed people off. Classic TIT!

The Thai judicial system have sent a message to cooperate with the police or gamble on your appeal to get a proportionate sentence. The police will prove cheaper.


"E" isn't particularly dangerous, addictive or destructive. Most truly civilized countries wouldn't be too concerned with this crime.

You think methamphetamine mixed with caffeine is not particularity dangerous ?

You should really do a bit of research before making such foolish comments.

Ecstasy is MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine), nothing to do with methamphetamine.

More importantly, everything you think you know about ecstasy courtesy of the US government is wrong. The researcher tested the wrong compound as reported by ABC here: Ecstasy Rising Documentary. One of the safest drugs available.

You should really understand I was not talking about ecstasy before you make your pathetic attempts to call me a fool.

I was told by a relaible source he was caught with Yaba, not E.


Anyone that knows the case knows Lances father is lying through his teeth here. He also missed out the part where his father went around Pattaya threatening Al, sorts of people


Since you pretend to know this case better than the rest of us do you mind posting a Link to prove some of the B.S. you have been saying.

You Can't?

That Figures!

Yeah because the media widely reported on it.

Get a grip

I am still waiting for that Link.

I read almost all the media reports and I didn't see that written anywhere. Obviously, you never read any of them at all.

But I always stand to be corrected here show just show me one Link that says that, and I will take back my words. (If it is worthy).

Are you serious?

It's not in the media

And never will be. The guys father is a massive kunt, a lot and tried to bully people. Fact is his so. Was the wrong'un here


I've never understood the idea that adults need protection from their own enjoyment or even their own self-destruction. If someone wants to smoke something that grows out the ground, or inject it into themselves, or swallow a compound of chemicals made in lab somewhere, it's none of my business and shouldn't be anyone else's.

So how about when some out of their skull junkie runs berserk with an axe and you're in their way or a yabba'd up bus or lorry driver crushes your bike or car? None of your business then?

I think Rumblecat is referring to doing things which don't harm others.

The War on Drugs has always amped up the worst effects of illegal drugs. So everyone is supposed to believe that - and it's been a highly successful brainwashing campaign. Just as much as the general public, so too the law-makers and enforcers have been successfully brainwashed - in to believing that every use of any illegal drug is bad bad bad, and harmful.

If they were doing a campaign against cars, they would say every car is a violent killer, every time it's turned on.

With everything an enlightened person does: the basic tenent is: DO NO HARM

Unfortunately, very few enlightened people exist, over the age of 14. The older the average person gets, the more encumbered he/she becomes with societal indoctrination. All the 'hang 'em high' crowd posting herein - have been successfully brainwashed by society to hate all recreational drugs except alcohol - and also to think that every use of a non-alc rec. drug is horrible and hurtful and destructive. Ignorance knows no bounds.


I've never understood the idea that adults need protection from their own enjoyment or even their own self-destruction. If someone wants to smoke something that grows out the ground, or inject it into themselves, or swallow a compound of chemicals made in lab somewhere, it's none of my business and shouldn't be anyone else's.

So how about when some out of their skull junkie runs berserk with an axe and you're in their way or a yabba'd up bus or lorry driver crushes your bike or car? None of your business then?

I think Rumblecat is referring to doing things which don't harm others.

The War on Drugs has always amped up the worst effects of illegal drugs. So everyone is supposed to believe that - and it's been a highly successful brainwashing campaign. Just as much as the general public, so too the law-makers and enforcers have been successfully brainwashed - in to believing that every use of any illegal drug is bad bad bad, and harmful.

If they were doing a campaign against cars, they would say every car is a violent killer, every time it's turned on.

With everything an enlightened person does: the basic tenent is: DO NO HARM

Unfortunately, very few enlightened people exist, over the age of 14. The older the average person gets, the more encumbered he/she becomes with societal indoctrination. All the 'hang 'em high' crowd posting herein - have been successfully brainwashed by society to hate all recreational drugs except alcohol - and also to think that every use of a non-alc rec. drug is horrible and hurtful and destructive. Ignorance knows no bounds.

We'll have to disagree on that then.



  • What happened to Jake? Why has their been no mention of his outcomes?

I think it's up there somewhere, but Jake was in Court the same day, pleaded not guilty.

I'm told he was given 2 x Life Sentences but I'm also told he has to reappear in 2 weeks.

No idea why it hasn't been reported yet.


I've never understood the idea that adults need protection from their own enjoyment or even their own self-destruction. If someone wants to smoke something that grows out the ground, or inject it into themselves, or swallow a compound of chemicals made in lab somewhere, it's none of my business and shouldn't be anyone else's.

So how about when some out of their skull junkie runs berserk with an axe and you're in their way or a yabba'd up bus or lorry driver crushes your bike or car? None of your business then?

I think Rumblecat is referring to doing things which don't harm others.

The War on Drugs has always amped up the worst effects of illegal drugs. So everyone is supposed to believe that - and it's been a highly successful brainwashing campaign. Just as much as the general public, so too the law-makers and enforcers have been successfully brainwashed - in to believing that every use of any illegal drug is bad bad bad, and harmful.

If they were doing a campaign against cars, they would say every car is a violent killer, every time it's turned on.

With everything an enlightened person does: the basic tenent is: DO NO HARM

Unfortunately, very few enlightened people exist, over the age of 14. The older the average person gets, the more encumbered he/she becomes with societal indoctrination. All the 'hang 'em high' crowd posting herein - have been successfully brainwashed by society to hate all recreational drugs except alcohol - and also to think that every use of a non-alc rec. drug is horrible and hurtful and destructive. Ignorance knows no bounds.

A car only becomes a violent killer when driven by someone, for instance, incapable or impaired through drug use.

To suggest the car itself is a violent killer smacks of distorted thinking at best or excessive drug use at worst.


Anyone that knows the case knows Lances father is lying through his teeth here. He also missed out the part where his father went around Pattaya threatening Al, sorts of people


Since you pretend to know this case better than the rest of us do you mind posting a Link to prove some of the B.S. you have been saying.

You Can't?

That Figures!

If you can be bothered to look, the threats were made on CEO, though I think they were subsequently edited by the Mods.

Start here and trawl back? http://cambodiaexpatsonline.com/general-chatter/help-needed-bail-money-for-lance-whitmore-thai-prison-t1914-420.html


The guys father is a massive kunt, a lot and tried to bully people. Fact is his so. Was the wrong'un here

This is his old man on the right yeah.



they are waiting for the money offer, this guy and his father have been around Pattaya party scene for years. They will not have the bucks the Police are asking. They are no doubt asking for millions.

What it is worth, heard the following from a few different sources.

Price is now 3 mill or 60,000 GBP, father only raised near 2 mill circa 40thou.

At the start an offer was made 500,000bt down payment, same 500,000 when son released, father refused. Nobody really knows why


There will be scant sympathy here from law abiding ex-pats. The law in Thailand is different than the UK. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time...there are books about life in Klong Prem....and everyone should know that drugs carry big sentences over here, rightly or wrongly. Foreigners are complaining about prison conditions when Thais have to endure them, but when a foreigner goes inside, suddenly the conditions are inhumane. Double standards.

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