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Burning sensation after shower


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Water in our area is not the best,

I have fixed water filtration system, Two miro filters and a carbon filter.

Yet after showering we get a itching burning sensation.

Anyone have a clue what this may be?

Its only started in the last few weeks. Its not the soap.

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Wild guess. Do you have a water tank after your filters?

I remember a thread from a few years ago where the poster had the same symptoms. It turned out to be some type of miniture worm or something living in the tank. I remember searching the internet and it was more common than i expected.

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I would doubt its a worm if the water is filtered...post tank.perhaps add some chorine to the tank...or use bleach. See what happens....

Edited by NickJ
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I have experienced this when using too much of the Antiseptic "Dettol" in our storage tanks for bathing water - not drinking water. (although not in Thailand)

No sure of your water supply situation though!

Edited by wannascuba
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Get some of the chemicals used for testing swimming pools.

Only a few hundred baht from pool supply shops.

You can determine if you have high chlorine, acidic or alkaline water at least.

Filters are no defence against this and other dissolved concerns. Low water levels in many areas mean you are likely to get dirty stuff.

If that yields nothing I might ask the pool shop if they can do a more detailed check.

Edited by jacko45k
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Could try putting a small amount of Permanganate of Potashe in the tank and letting it make its way around the system. It could be eggs that are getting through the filters and into the water you are showering in.

I know Permanganate is used for washing vegertables in India as it kills bacteria and also in fish tanks for killing parasites that attack the fish

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Either excessive chlorine ( which would smell accordingly ) or overdosing with lime, acid or caustic soda. These chemicals defat the skin, resulting in very dry skin and a burning sensation. Get a pH check, if it's less than 5 or more than 9, your local water treatment plant is doing the wrong thing.

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I have removed chlorine, so it is looking possible its lime or acid.

Water is form local well and when levels are low they take it from a lake up the road.

Lots of chemicals are sprayed onto the fields here,

I will be getting a testing kit soon

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I don't have an answer, but I have over the last month or two got some kind of rash on arms and legs. I sometimes used to smell chlorine in the shower water, but not for a long time. Also the water when doing laundry if full of dirt, and has started to make doing laundry quite the task as clothes come out of the spin dryer with spots of dirt/hin type colouring. I saw someone yesterday that had the same skin condition as me, and he didn't know what was causing it either. Very dry looking skin with small red spots. This is Udon city area.

Edit: I went out to a friends place at the weekend and his lake is the lowest water level I've ever seen. I didn't realise how severe the water shortage is around here.

Edited by Shiver
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Had a similar issue when the government water ran dry.

The landlord was filling the communal tank with water purchased from guys that ran around with a large tank on the back of a pick-up. I never found out where those guys were getting the water from, but I have seen similar pick-ups sucking water out of rivers and ponds, no filtering whatsoever.

I developed rashes, scaly skin, and a couple of fungal infections.

Short term solution was after every shower use a couple of litres of drinking water from a 20 litre bottle as a final rinse. Things got better.

Long term solution was to move.

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I had a similiar problem before the rains started (water is from a well). Testing did not reveal the cause and like you I already had filters. Others in this locality were likewise complaining.

What I finally tentatively concluded was that it was likely due to salt, which the testing did not include and which my filters would not remove (if anything, the resin filter would slightly add to it).

Whatever it was, it passed once the rains began so definitely linked to low water table.

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I had a similiar problem before the rains started (water is from a well). Testing did not reveal the cause and like you I already had filters. Others in this locality were likewise complaining.

What I finally tentatively concluded was that it was likely due to salt, which the testing did not include and which my filters would not remove (if anything, the resin filter would slightly add to it).

Whatever it was, it passed once the rains began so definitely linked to low water table.

Thanks for that.

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For all of u you very cheep filters from star filters Thailand. come in all filter sizes 10 micron down to 1 micron at under 20 baht each also they have 0 .5 micron ceramic filters. but I havent seen a case for these at under 100 baht, most bacteria are bigger than 0.5 micron hope this info is useful to many of you

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I have noticed in the past 2 weeks that the tap water smells like they have put a lot more chlorine, we are on mains water. Normally it is fine however the chlorine smell is a lot stronger now.

I would recommend testing the water. You said it isn't the soap so I am guessing you have already started thinking about all the things you may have changed and determined it has to be the water.

Test it and if not safe simply don't use it. Water is cheap here, buy in bulk and have a Thai shower or buy a camping shower and fill it up with pre-boiled water.

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I would check the pH of your water before doing anything. Any pool, or water shop should sell test strips. pH should be in the 7-8 range, ideally 7.2-7.6. When it is outside the 7-8 range it will cause serious skin and eye irritation.

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Try a SHOWER filter and see what happens Cheap and easy to install.

They help many people with skin allergies.

Filters only remove particulate matter. They do nothing to remove dissolved chemicals or correct the pH.

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What does the water smell like? Most likely chlorine is not the culprit. Does it affect others the same way? Even if to a smaller degree? If it is just you, you maybe having an allergic reaction. If others have the same effect, it is likely in the water. Does it occur during the shower or after?

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