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Father faces deportation to Thailand after 27 years in Britain for two 'stupid crimes'

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normally I would agree but he was 6

if he was one of the 'new' immigrants and 16+ when he arrived I'd say 'som nam na' in fact all those criminals that pick pocket and shop lift on Oxford Street and the rest should be sent back home as soon as convicted but maybe not this guy as he has a son and was only 6 years old

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After reading the full story, sounds like the sort of loser that deserves what he gets.

Separate convictions for assault and stealing from a shop.

This is not one small error of judgement.

Yes the headline let us seem it was just wrong parking, but assault and stealing is not a small thing.....I wish my country would kick out criminal foreigners the same.


I am from Preston. I know a little of the background to this story.

His English step father was a drunken bully,

His mother much the same.

Poor bugger did not get a good start in life, so please give him a break.

I hear you.

The cynic in me wonders if he would not be sitting pretty in the UK if jihad was his game and not theft...


I love how people justify his actions as everybody do the same thing in Briton. NO! they don't all do the same thing.

Do the crime and hope the assaulted person feels vindicated as he should.


This is wrong on so many levels ... and another reason I detest the UK.

His crimes were no different from 1,000's of others that Britons commit on a daily basis, so jail him ... or fine him ... but he hasn't killed anyone, and doesn't deserve to be deported, especially as he is the father OF a British child, that will (now, presumably) lose his father.

What about his right to a family life that we read about so often when the uk wants to deport a F**king Moslem hate preacher, or a West Indian criminal? Where are all the PC liberal lawyer pr**cks? Oh , he is not black or a follower of 'The religion of peace', so he does not matter. It's total b**lovcks.


Maybe the chap can apply for asylum in the UK (or France) as his life might be at risk being deported to Thailand with this terrible junta in power which doesn't like people who do not show to understand the 'right' Thai values. After All the man is to have said

"But I’ve been brought up English, educated English and paid my tax and national insurance. So what part of me isn’t English?”"


Maybe the chap can apply for asylum in the UK (or France) as his life might be at risk being deported to Thailand with this terrible junta in power which doesn't like people who do not show to understand the 'right' Thai values. After All the man is to have said

"But Ive been brought up English, educated English and paid my tax and national insurance. So what part of me isnt English?"

Or take the name of A Certain Someone in vain, guaranteeing a prison sentence...


"But I’ve been brought up English, educated English and paid my tax and national insurance. So what part of me isn’t English?” Your citizenship. You are a Thai person living in a foreign country. At age 11, you were smart enough to apply to live off the dole. What held you from respecting the country enough to become English? The law indicates foreign criminals. You chose to remain foreign. You chose to remain foreign, you chose to commit crimes. Live with your choices.


I wish the U.S. would pass a law like this.

The U.S. does have law that covers deportation of immigrants who are permanent residents or naturalized citizens and who commit crimes.


I am from Preston. I know a little of the background to this story.

His English step father was a drunken bully,

His mother much the same.

Poor bugger did not get a good start in life, so please give him a break.

Damn right. It's good to know there are people with level minded judgement on this site. From half the comments I've read so far, I would reckon we have a lot of UKIP voters in our presence (xenophobic bigots being the other way to put that). Seriously, some people can only pervcieve the world in black and white, and yet consider themselves superior in everyway.


I'm surprised that he hasn't appealed against this dscision as it could have infringed on his 'Human Rights'. With a family in the UK he could surely argue on those lines. There a numerous persons in the UK who have been convicted of far worse crimes whom the Courts have permitted to stay as deportation infringes these 'Rights'

In just today's Mail (so no link) there is an article about a hate preacher living with his family in a swanky council house on 50K GBP a year benefits whom the Home Office have been trying to deport for years but cannot due to these 'rights'.


If this was a farang in Thailand its out you go, send him home he is a waste of space immigration is only supported by bleeding hearts have a referendum on it where those who want pay for it and watch all these dogooders backflip on this bull sh--


wait ... he cannot just marry his partner to get over it ?

why he never asked for citizenship, he did not live in THAILAND after all that does not hand it out like european countries...


At 27 years, from the age of 11..... I really don't think he should be deported unless the crimes he was to be deported for are grave (i.e. murder, attempted murder, armed robbery, or connections to organized crime). He is more British than Thai.....


I don't understand how someone can live and work in Britain for 27 years, paying tax and National Insurance, previously using the British education system, without becoming naturalised. Has he been on a work permit for years? He can't have been working illegally if he states that he has paid tax. What sort of visa would he be on?

Excuse me if I'm missing something obvious.


It is an entirely British matter of British Law.

Besides which

- he is sort of prone to crime;

- having lived in GB for about 27 years he is still not British - not much of a patriot;

On the other hand

- the media presentation of the case is soapy, sloppy and snorty - not calling for sympathy from me;

- he is not a member of a vocal power group thus the Law applied to him feels as vindication;

- his crimes are petty and he has been punished by law;

- had his crimes been much more serious - "please come back home" would have been on agenda - and this is a shame.

Overall feeling - this case has been made a showcase. Wrong case and wrong show.

GB is drowning in much more serious swamp of crimes it still refuses to acknowledge and is powerless to fight.


Deport first, appeal later Law right??? same like shoot first, ask questions later... I really think people of the same ethnicity should stay in their appropriate regions and not migrate... unless it is very very special special circumstances!!! Anyway when cultures and tradition clash there are a lot of problems which cannot be solved... in one's own society, religious beliefs, traditions and societal norms can find answers or solutions, might not be the best but won't make things worse. Anyway it is sad to know the mother committed suicide... and the child was left on his own within the Childcare system or whatever... anyway this is what happens when you are out of you society...

People of the same ethnicity? Appropriate regions? One's own society?

Do you really believe all that?


How would a person teach English in Thailand if they can not speak Thai?

You don't need to speak Thai to teach English.

This is a sad case but surely he can pull the human rights ticket. Deportation would deprave him of access to his kid. I thought terrorist supporters had pulled that one and won.

Also when taken in to care why wasn't he repatriated to Thailand?


After reading the full story, sounds like the sort of loser that deserves what he gets.

Separate convictions for assault and stealing from a shop.

This is not one small error of judgement.

Of course being put in a foster home and an alcoholic mother he had no chance.

Pity he was not of another type of migrant he would be allowed to go overseas and fight.

I think he has had a tough time he may be like this all his life, AA may be his salvation but he will get deported.

This is like a scapegoat for politicians to look tough for a failed and stupid migration system that has and is and will continue to wreek havoc on the pension system the medical system and will cause a war eventually.


I wish Australia would do the same, instead, what you have three is a bunch of liberals and

soft hearted whom, somehow defends the ' new Australians ' criminal behavior with

a ' fair go ' BS, while the very same criminals are living safe and sucking on the social

securities tits dry thumbing their noses at the authorities...

It surprises me that this has happened in the UK at all; we hear of so many who should be deported after criminal activities but who are not.

Usually what happens is they engage 'human rights lawyer' at an extortionate cost to the taxpayer and manage to stay. This happens for far worse crimes and it always seems to be the followers of a certain religion who are favoured.


I am surprised by so many posters suggesting he can teach English!

Just because he grew up in England and made a career in catering?

This is supposed to say much of

- these posters view of English;

- the Thai Education system view of teaching English;

- the fact why so many Thais after studying hard for about 10 years still speak no English.

No offence meant to some teachers of English in Thailand.


If this was a farang in Thailand its out you go, send him home he is a waste of space immigration is only supported by bleeding hearts have a referendum on it where those who want pay for it and watch all these dogooders backflip on this bull sh--

If a 6 year old British boy was brought up here in a Thai family, not speaking English for 30 years, and Thailand wanted to kick him out to go to a place he does not know and can not speak the language and probably doesn't know any relatives....I'm sure those same "bleeding hearts" AND others, would be shouting to let him stay in Thailand with his wife and child.


"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

[Mahatma Gandhi.]


I wish the U.S. would pass a law like this.

the US does exactly that all the time! I have two friends were deported in similar circumstances


So many Muslims in UK, but they deport this guy.

Sorry for the Donald Trump blunder

What has the faith of British citizens got to do with this story?

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