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Phuket death jump owner offers B200k-B300k to deceased's family

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Phuket death jump owner offers B200k-B300k to deceased's family
Nattha Thepbamrung

An official inspects the cage lift at the site after the fatal plunge. Photo: Eakkapop Thongtub

PHUKET: -- Police have revealed today (July 7) that that the family of Kuwaiti, Abdullah Adel Kadhmbahman, who died after falling from the World Bungee Jump in Patong on May 27 have been offered between B200,000-B300,000 in compensation from the business owner.

“Last week, the owner of the World Bungee Jump offered between B200,000 – B300,000 to the family through their Thai lawyer,” investigating officer Maj Teerasak Boonsaeng told The Phuket News.

“We do not yet know how the family will react to the offer and whether they will accept it or not,” he added.

He also said that the owner of the jump and the staff member who attached the safety equipment to Mr Kadhmbahman when he took the deadly jump are still likely to be charged with negligence causing the death of a person. However, police are still waiting for evidence from the forensic department in Bangkok.

Should both be charged they will face up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to B20,000.

Mr Kadhmbahman died after he hit the ground when the bugee cords which were attached to his ankles either broke or come off during a jump.

Following the fatal plunge, Patong Municipality ordered the facility to close until safety standards had been reached and a permit to operate had been issued. However, the owner decided to demolish the venue and keep it closed for good.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-death-jump-owner-offers-b200k-b300k-to-deceased%CC%95s-family-53097.php

-- Phuket News 2015-07-07


If I remember correctly, the owner told a taxi driver to take the injured Kuwaiti to hospital and say he fell over.

Now he offering a pittance in blood-money.

And he may be fined for the death the enormous sum of 20,000 Baht.

There really is no deterrent at all regarding keeping safety a priority for foreigners.


probably trying to offer compensation as an exchange to not press charges

Interesting point, does the family have to sign a 'no further action clause' to get the 200 / 300,000Baht?


probably trying to offer compensation as an exchange to not press charges

Interesting point, does the family have to sign a 'no further action clause' to get the 200 / 300,000Baht?

Not sure actually, most of the time on the news they always say "charges were dropped" when compensation are given


Offering less than he probably spent on his vacation, wow. The lowest of the low ball offers. coffee1.gif


That's less than $10,000. Good luck. I suspect that his Kuwaiti family value his life a little higher than a couple of months salary.

Compensation for the loss of a lifetime's earnings would be a good start.


If I remember correctly, the owner told a taxi driver to take the injured Kuwaiti to hospital and say he fell over.

Now he offering a pittance in blood-money.

And he may be fined for the death the enormous sum of 20,000 Baht.

There really is no deterrent at all regarding keeping safety a priority for foreigners.

I was just reading recently that Blood Money payment had been set by Kuwaiti law at 10,000 dinar (KW) which is about 1.21 million baht. Ah I just found the article: http://news.kuwaittimes.net/blood-money-set-by-law-at-kd-10000/


"Should both be charged they will face up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to B20,000."

And why on God´s green Earth should they NOT be charged ... even tho I am not gonna hold my breath T.i.T. ....

I hope the Family of the deceased guy say NO to the Blood-Money offer !!!

20,000B fine ... ridiculous amount for killing a person but the murder of the chilean cycklist (7,500B fine) comes to mind ... sick.gifsick.gifsick.gif Strange way these people see Justice ...

I can only advice everybody I know to stay far away from here ...


Somewhere between $ 6 to $ 9,000 US dollars to settle whereas in other nations they'd be looking at double digit MILLIONS but....... they better take it as in court, 4 or 5 years later, the deceased is likely to be found to be the culprit !


200to 300thousand baht not nearly enough for a mans life 500 up to a million would be nearer the mark this man died from a malfunctioning safety harness on a bungee jump and the owner should pay accordingly.


So what is it,did the bungee break or come off? get your story right,,,,300k Baht is crap if they in the wrong,,more like 50 million Baht comes to mind!


What about World Bungee Jumps insurance?, even if they were to accept this woeful sum, i'm not sure they would ever see 1 baht of it.


Frankly it's quite insulting. This guys Patong Boxing Stadium must take in that much weekly, if not more than this. If the Bungee was getting 300-400 customers per month as indicated in other news outlets at 1600 a go, that's at the minimum of 500K/mo with virtually no overhead except a couple of staff as obviously training, licenses, insurance and other expenses relating to safety were not having to be paid.


If no travel insurance, 200,000 to 300,000 baht wouldn't cover the cost of repatriating the body, unless he was cremated.

From memory, the families of the foreigners killed in the Tiger Disco fire were offered 1 million baht. (no pun intended)



Should both be charged they will face up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to B20,000.

20k or 10 years? well gee erm let me think uuummmmmm!


This offer is just a legal formality. I also understand that the amount is specifically stated in the paperwork that you have to sign before jumping. Very common that these 'contracts' state that you realize the risk of what you are about to do and take full responsibility should anything go wrong. Now a judge can rule that the contract is void but at this moment the owner has some paperwork to show for. If the contract says that an X amount will be offered as compensation to the family of a fatality then from a legal point of view that is what the owner should do. Now at a later stage a judge can never say you did not follow your own contract because you did not offer the stated compensation........yes, we did your honour. Here are the documents.


If no travel insurance, 200,000 to 300,000 baht wouldn't cover the cost of repatriating the body, unless he was cremated.

From memory, the families of the foreigners killed in the Tiger Disco fire were offered 1 million baht. (no pun intended)

No pun was made.



Should both be charged they will face up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to B20,000.

20k or 10 years? well gee erm let me think uuummmmmm!

Those convicted of a crime don't get the choice, that is up to the court.


'Should both be charged they will face up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to B20,000.' The contrast between the two potential penalties never fails to amaze me ... while the irony ever fails to puzzle Thai governments.



Should both be charged they will face up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to B20,000.

20k or 10 years? well gee erm let me think uuummmmmm!

Rich pay the money and walk while the poor go to jail. The justice system in this country sucks.

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