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I'm not someone who normally gets sick, and so I'm not sure if what I'm currently going through is "normal" or something to be legitimately worried about.

But I've had a cough for about 3 weeks now, I am still going into work each day (I'm a teacher), although have taken a sick day today as last night it was the worst it's been so far.

Most of the time, particularly during the day, it's just annoying and constant rather than problematic. I'm not really coughing up phlegm, although sometimes cough up a little (but not the green stuff you get from a bad cold, more kinda like clear slimy spit). I don't have a runny nose or fever (at least not that I've noticed).

However, I occasionally go into coughing fits which give me piercing headaches afterwards and also leave me seeing stars. Last night, and this is what has gotten me concerned, I had a chronic coughing fit where my throat also constricted, I couldn't breath and was concerned that I'd choke and die or something. It felt sorta similar to when you're throwing up, but without my stomach heaving or anything coming up (other than a little phlegm).

My wife got some medicine from a pharmacy in the first week (cough syrup), I got some in the second week (pills), and I went to the doctor yesterday and he gave me some pills + some medicine I can sip.

But none of it seems to have helped that much, I felt like I was getting a little better this week (less frequent coughing), until last night. I'm not sure if the choking fit is potentially a result of the new medicine or just sorta random, it's the first time I've experienced anything like it before.

I've been trying to lookup stuff online, and it seems like different people online have similar symptoms and vastly different problems. I don't know if posting here will get me much better information, but hopefully it'll be specific to my symptoms/Thailand at least.

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That's terrible. I hope you get better.

Did the doctor do an X-ray? Even some infections show up that way. Did the doctor want any samples for culture? Sometimes you have to be pretty proactive to get thorough exams.


Severe coughing fits can cause the choking feeling you describe so if you do not feel any difficulty breathing other than at the end of a long coughing fit then that is probably all there is to that. Which still leaves the question of why the cough. My first guess, especially if it is worse at night, is throat irritation from post nasal drip likely due to allergy and suggest you see a good ENT.

If on other hand you experience any trouble breathing that is not limited to thr immediate aftermath of a prolonged coughing spell then serious pulmonary or cardiac issue needs to be ruled out.


No difficulty breathing as such, although if I take a deep breath it will often cause me to cough (only during the past 3 weeks though, previously I've never had problems).

And no the doctor didn't do an X-ray or take any samples, we actually mainly went to see him as our son (3 1/2 months) has a cough now as well, which we assume he got from me (although his sounds like he's got phlegm in his throat as well, and more of a "normal" cold as he sometimes sneezes as well, despite not having a runny nose).

Edit: Oh and I still cough during the day, I just usually only get the "fits" at night (usually starts when I'm lying down) and when I brush my teeth.


My guess remains post nasal drip due to allergy in turning making your throat raw and irritated which triggers cough. Just a guess of course but with no fever or other symptomd and a nonproductive cough it seems likely. Could try loratadine or zyrtec daily (antihistsmines) plus cough supressent at night. The one sold at 7-11 in green box with red tiger on it.

If this does not help then doctor and xray.



Don't worry, mine lasted for 28 days! Afterwards, occasional residual cough and minimum phelm in the throat.

Just be patient and drink lots of water or juice!


try "Solmax" (OTC) 3 caps one day,comes in a pack of 10,buy 3 packs ,10 days worth.

had something simular, went to the doc,no help,tryed Solmax cough gone


Thanks Sheryl, can allergies like this come on kinda suddenly though?

In that, I've been living at the same site for almost 4 years (Although I spent 9 months in BKK last year & we knocked down the old house & built a new one, which we moved into in March this year), and haven't had any problems until about 3 weeks ago. Our neighbours moved out about 6+ months ago, so there shouldn't be any new trees/flowers etc planted next door.

Although I did used to have allergies when I was younger (Maybe even still do), well sorta allergies, I ended up putting it down to my nose being sensitive to changes in the temperature (Or to the cold, or air pressure, I dunno, I didn't have problems going up mountains but likewise don't have problems going in/out of airconditioned rooms etc), as when I was growing up on our farm in NZ, I'd often be constantly sneezing in the mornings (Usually the colder ones when we'd get a frost, & never at night), but then would be fine by around 9am. When I moved to the city at 13, I had this happen only rarely, & since moving to Thailand, haven't had any problems with it.

Edit: And I'll try to check out those antihistamines you recommended later this afternoon, as well as the "Solmax" you've reccommended happynThailand. I just want this thing to go away, particularly after last night, thinking that I might choke to death was terrifying (Both my mother & father died in their early 40s due to natural causes, I'm still in my early 30s, but am still fearful of that legacy).


You need to take an x-ray of your lungs , I had an infection that lasted for almost 2 months.


Solmax is an expectorant, meant to help bring up phlegm which you sound like you may not have. For wet coughs not dry.


another thing that may help is small lozenges sold in 7-11 that contain zinc...called mybacitan or something like that.

The green box with red tiger stuff will suppress cough reflex if you take a generous dose (bedtime only! It contains a tiny amt of tincture of opium so not to take when driving, working etc))



had the exact same problem about a year ago. I developed a dry hacking cough but otherwise felt OK. Was an unproductive cough except for a very slight amount of clear fluid resembling spit. Worst lying down. Could initiate coughing by taking a deep breath. More annoying than anything else.

I went to an ENT at Bumrungrad who quickly diagnosed what he called "Bangkok Cough." He insisted this was an allergic type response often seen by foreigners when they come to Thailand. He completely ignored the fact that I had told him the cough started when I was in California and that I come to Bangkok two to three times a year with no previous history of this. This is a textbook example of an annoying problem with a great many doctors. They make a quick, snap diagnosis and then maybe look for symptoms to support it. He gave me a script for an antihistamine and one for codeine (which acts as a cough suppressant). The antihistamine didn"t help and the codeine was very clearly not codeine.

Endured this for about a month until returning to Los Angeles. I went to a pulmonologist who ran the usual lung function tests. Such synptooms are usually allergic, or post-nasal problems, or something viral induced. Fortunately this guy was thorough enough to also do a simple blood test. This came back showing that I had been exposed to pertussis.

This is a bacterial infection commonly referred to as "whopping cough." It is fairly uncommon in the US as all children are innoculated against this before entering school (DPT shot). I can't remember that far back. Spending most of the year in various of parts of Thailand and coming and going on Chinese airlines who knows what or when I was exposed to this.

I was prescribed a three day course of antibiotics (Zithromax) and symptoms quickly disappeared and have not returned. Given that you have received treatment for the more usual causes with no relief, this might be worth persuing. Good luck.


Thanks Payanak, the symptoms you've described are exactly the same as what I've got, and when I was doing some research online, Whopping cough often came up, but I kinda dismissed it by assuming I've been vaccinated against it (It was the first thingy they vaccinated my newborn son against). Although I've just done a check to see if they vaccinate for it in NZ, and it says that they do but that adults immunity often fades over time, which often results in outbreaks (NZ is apparently having an outbreak at the moment), so this might be a good thing for me to check.

Interesting, as the NZ Ministry of Health details the following as symptoms of stage 2:

The paroxysmal symptoms of whooping cough may include:

  • intense bouts of coughing, which bring up thick phlegm
  • a “whoop” sound with each sharp intake of breath after coughing
  • vomiting after coughing, especially in infants and young children
  • tiredness and redness in the face from the effort of coughing

I'm experiencing all of these, except vomiting (And the gagging/choking I had last night, felt like vomiting except without the stomach heave, so could fit, particularly as I'm an adult not child).


Even some simple things like post nasal drip can produce very severe and rather frightening symptoms. I have suffered much the same as OP, and in my case can categorically state it is non allergic rhinitis. When you feel so bad it is only natural to assume serious infection or disease but this is usually not the case. But a general health check up is always a good idea I guess. I wouldn't go rushing to the conclusion you have whooping cough though.

My guess, 99% likely some allergic reaction to an environmental factor, increased pollution through smog, or even construction work near where you live could do it. Or a change in habit, such as walking for long periods along a main road, or frequenting parts of a city that are slum like. Tell us a little bit about your location.


Besides getting a chest x-ray, you could also get an allergy test. You may want to avoid the expense but if you can afford it, getting a definitive diagnosis may be worth it. Good luck.


Standard NHS advice in the UK is to go for an X-Ray if you have a cough that lasts longer than 4 weeks, Sly.

Most likely it is nothing serious (if you are less than a '20 pack-year' cigarette smoker*). The quicker you get a diagnosis, the less problems you will have in clearing up any bad stuff. An X-Ray and a good radioligist's report will set your mind at rest; then you can get on with clearing up any lesser problems.

I'm not a doctor, but I have had 2 and half years of clearing up lung stuff, which started with a long-standing simple cough (though mine was more productive than yours sounds to be). Been there - done all that. If I were you I would give Sheryl's advice a whirl for a week or so but then get an X-Ray if you see no improvement.

*exceeding the 20 pack year rule of thumb means you smoked more than 1 pack a day for 20 years or it's equivalent over a longer/shorter period. If you give up/gave up having stopped short of this it is unlikely that you will develop lung cancer (per my consultants at a renowned UK lung/cardiac hospital). I will forever be grateful to the girlfriend who forced me to give up at the roughly 15 pack year mark if I wanted to stay weekends at her housesmile.png. Aforesaid consultants were pretty confident that my previous pulmonolgist's diagnosis of lung cancer was wrong simply on that acid test; and so it proved to be.


My guess, 99% likely some allergic reaction to an environmental factor, increased pollution through smog, or even construction work near where you live could do it. Or a change in habit, such as walking for long periods along a main road, or frequenting parts of a city that are slum like. Tell us a little bit about your location.

I live in a small town in the countryside (so no smog/pollution), and don't have any neighbours next door (well we sorta do, but the houses are vacant), so no construction etc nearby.

In general, to the best of my knowledge nothing has changed in the 4 months since we moved back here (apart from the season).

Also I'm a non smoker (never smoked).


i am going through almost the same[see topic] a very bad sore throat.my third week.

the cough is almost gone thanks to a bottle of TUSSIS .

but what has got me tinking is,like you its mostly at night so could it be the AIR CON.



Taking a short course of antibiotics such as Zithromax can't hurt you, so I'd suggest giving it a try. I had something similar, several years ago that caused my throat to close up and I almost suffocated several times. Went to Bumrungrad, got admitted for having pneumonia, got lots of antibiotics (don't know which), and 15 days later was released and the problem was gone. Not exactly sure why still, but the IV antibiotics killed off every nasty thing I had. Left me a bit susceptible to other contagious things as my resistance was lowered. I'm still cautious around people and avoid contact with anyone that coughs! Good luck my friend.



I found the best thing is a liquid from a local health store which is made from makaam which I think is Tamarind in English.


I have smoked for 66 years and found several ways to make the cough PRODUCTIVE - cough up mucus, and stop cough !

1). Buy some D-Coate or Terco-D both contain a banned in the US substance, Turpin Hydrate and, usually does the trick or

2). @ tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a 1/2 glass od water, ( don't sip-gulp )

3). If these don't work - write a will !


I'm in Chiang mai and went through the burning this year pretty much housebound, with air cleaners in each room. It was awful. I had no energy and sounded like I was consumptive.

The problem is that even now if I go outside for a short bit (20 minutes even), I start coughing. I don't cough anything up, it's just a deep hacking like cough. It's July and I'm still coughing? I realise they continue to burn in the area but it's nowhere near as bad as before.

Like others here, I don't trust doctors. They waste my time, money, and patience, so I've yet to go in for my cough. I know I need to, but I want to know what to insist on or they will run all sorts of crap tests. I have decent insurance and doctors see it as a green light to overcharge. I was just in for a different issue a month ago and it was unbelieveable what they tried to pull even when I made it clear which tests I was not going to approve.


When I came from Europe in winter, I got cold and still had it in Thailand, cough all day and night several days: I came one night to 7/11 get the first medicine I could find

there was a Thai woman here, who told me to go the next morning in a pharmacy to buy a chinese medicine ( she wrote the name in thai ) : two days later, no cough anymore

name in thai is ชวนป่วยปี่เเปกอ ( chouan pouay pi paeko ) and I put the picture here



You could have a serious lung disease...bronchitis or pneumonia...you will need an x-ray to determine this...

Your health is everything...go to a hospital or to a pulmonary specialist to make sure you will not go improperly treated and do permanent damage...

Good Luck....


occasionally I get a cough that just won't go away, if that happens I just take a 3 day course of zithromax antibiotic (any decent pharmacy) and it's gone within a couple of days.


This cough is going around everywhere, I'm in Australia, had the cough for about 3 weeks, I finally went the the Doc to get some antibiotics, coming to the end of it now. Our Manager at work came back from Europe with it. What can help is steamy showers, eucalyptus oil in hot water and a towel over you head to keep the steam in, lemon and honey in warm water and vicks vapor rub on your chest at night. Good luck , hope you get better, it's a real pain in the arse having a cough that you can not shake.


A concur with post #25 (ggt) and others, be careful with this one it may be more serious than it seems, go to a reputable medical facility and obtain a proper diagnosis with X-ray included. If you have chest pains as well this is even more urgent.


I'm in Chiang mai and went through the burning this year pretty much housebound, with air cleaners in each room. It was awful. I had no energy and sounded like I was consumptive.

The problem is that even now if I go outside for a short bit (20 minutes even), I start coughing. I don't cough anything up, it's just a deep hacking like cough. It's July and I'm still coughing? I realise they continue to burn in the area but it's nowhere near as bad as before.

Like others here, I don't trust doctors. They waste my time, money, and patience, so I've yet to go in for my cough. I know I need to, but I want to know what to insist on or they will run all sorts of crap tests. I have decent insurance and doctors see it as a green light to overcharge. I was just in for a different issue a month ago and it was unbelieveable what they tried to pull even when I made it clear which tests I was not going to approve.

You should expect the doctor to listen to your explanation of the malady, discuss the symptoms at length and ask about your own medical history and any family illnesses of relevance. You should expect him to listen to your chest as you breathe normally and with deeper breathing.

Depending on the outcome I would expect a doctor with a good grounding in pulmonology to want to see an X-Ray, give you a simple breathing test using a restrictive tube and measure your 'SATS', (oxygen level in the bloodstream) perhaps before and after making you do a short quick walk test using a simple laser light clip on sleeve over your finger end. A local clinic doctor might not do all of those. If she/he could explain the concerns emanating from those tests I personally would not quibble if they wanted to do blood tests, sputum tests if your cough is productive (though these are done far too shallowly in Thailand IME - they should be cultured for several days for proper results but a Thai private hospital gives the results in one hour!) and CT scan. The CT scan would be the only individually expensive procedure so you need to have a very good explanation why that is necessary before saying yes.

I was not overcharged by this Chiang Mai pulmonologist:

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/511966-chiang-mai-doctors-and-medical-specialists/page-6 Post #142


Yup my dog had it too

I took him to the Vets and he said it was Kennel Cough and would clear up in about 4 weeks

Just joking

It may be an allergy to something Try antihistamine

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