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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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Just a thought, if the DNA isn't a match, I wonder who's DNA might have been found in Hannah.

Do you (jdinasia) think it should be retested against those who have already been tested ? Maybe a certain someone could head to Britain and do a test in front of the T.V. cameras.

If you're asking jdinasia or AleG, they would say 'No' ...new testing of DNA should not be done which compares Nomsod's or Mon's DNA (or any other of the Headman's peoples' DNA) against the DNA found in/on Hannah. They would say something like, "No, they're not the defendants, they've already been cleared. Forget about them. Don't even mention their names. They're cleared now and foreever, you got that?!"

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Post # 205

"I reckon the boys also know who did it, and while they may have been brave enough to recant their confessions citing duress, they will certainly be too terrified to say who actually did it. I am sure they know how much influence and power is at the hands of the real perps, and being a stuck in that h there jail would not be a safe place for a witness to be"

Should the 2B actually know who committed the murders, I am confident that the Defense Team also know..

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15 September 2014
Island On Lockdown After Gruesome Murder of British Tourists
The bodies were found at around 6.20 am by a group of Burmese workers who were cleaning the beach, Pol.Maj.Gen. Kiattipong said.

Maybe they didn't close down the piers soon enough so that those that committed these crimes left on the early ferry and have never returned.

From http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/11724506/Controversial-trial-of-alleged-killers-of-British-backpackers-to-start-in-Thailand.html

"Small, slight and baby-faced, neither Zaw Lin nor Wai Phyo look like killers."

What do killers look like?

You edited my post and removed the below there is a significant difference between cleaners finding the bodies or police it looks like the story is being changed maybe no phone records to verify the police initial reports maybe the person who notified him is not a burmese cleaner.

"Its interesting that the police have not called the cleaners in as their first witnesses seeing that they were first on the scene , the defence should make sure police are telling the truth and the cleaners and police phones checked to verify."

That's right -- I edited your post because all I was interested in was the headline and the URL as to when the island went on lockdown and maybe that the lockdown was not soon enough. That I left the first line of the story in regarding the bodies being found was just to not have a second snip. I'll be more careful next time.

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15 September 2014
Island On Lockdown After Gruesome Murder of British Tourists
The bodies were found at around 6.20 am by a group of Burmese workers who were cleaning the beach, Pol.Maj.Gen. Kiattipong said.

Maybe they didn't close down the piers soon enough so that those that committed these crimes left on the early ferry and have never returned.

From http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/11724506/Controversial-trial-of-alleged-killers-of-British-backpackers-to-start-in-Thailand.html

"Small, slight and baby-faced, neither Zaw Lin nor Wai Phyo look like killers."

What do killers look like?

You edited my post and removed the below there is a significant difference between cleaners finding the bodies or police it looks like the story is being changed maybe no phone records to verify the police initial reports maybe the person who notified him is not a burmese cleaner.

"Its interesting that the police have not called the cleaners in as their first witnesses seeing that they were first on the scene , the defence should make sure police are telling the truth and the cleaners and police phones checked to verify."

Yes exactly, one of the most important witnesses to the case, the one who was the first on the scene after the murders and he/they have not been called as witness??? Bizarre to say the least, what happened to them? Disappeared? Their evidence not seen as helpful to the prosecution?

Yes phone records where are they?

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No 2 DNA's Match! Not Now! Not Ever!

You can match DNA of a child to a Parent as in many ways they are close. But being close only counts when you are throwing Horse Shoes or Grenades. Being close doesn't count as Evidence in a Court of Law.

If what you said was true then many DNA Matches they have matched for Crimes could actually be the Father, or Mother, or even a Twin Brother.


You misunderstand me.

We all have 50% of our mother's DNA and 50% of our father's DNA. If you take a sample from each parent and compare it to a DNA sample from the scene of a crime it will be apparent whether or not the child of those parents could be a possible match.

I am not suggesting that the child will have identical DNA to that of either parent.

If that is true what you say, then there is also 50% of the Father's DNA, and 50% of the Mother's DNA that the accused doesn't have. So how do you scene that from the Parents to get the exact match with the accused?

I am sorry but I don't buy this. Your Theory and Revolutionary Idea may makes sense to you but not to me. I have never heard of anyone accused of Murder at a Murder Trial by using only the Parents DNA as Evidence, and I doubt you have either.

I worked for the police in the UK at a Scene of Crime Office.

Whilst there a guy was convicted of a murder, 17 years previous I believe.

A teenager was cautioned for a minor offence and DNA tested. It proved a partial match for the murder all those years ago and suggested a family member.

It proved to be the teenagers uncle who had commuted the murder.

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Were speedboats also on lockdown?

Nothing on that Island was on lockdown, it was business as usual.

15 September 2014
Island On Lockdown After Gruesome Murder of British Tourists
The bodies were found at around 6.20 am by a group of Burmese workers who were cleaning the beach, Pol.Maj.Gen. Kiattipong said.

Maybe they didn't close down the piers soon enough so that those that committed these crimes left on the early ferry and have never returned.

From http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/11724506/Controversial-trial-of-alleged-killers-of-British-backpackers-to-start-in-Thailand.html

"Small, slight and baby-faced, neither Zaw Lin nor Wai Phyo look like killers."

What do killers look like?

You edited my post and removed the below there is a significant difference between cleaners finding the bodies or police it looks like the story is being changed maybe no phone records to verify the police initial reports maybe the person who notified him is not a burmese cleaner.

"Its interesting that the police have not called the cleaners in as their first witnesses seeing that they were first on the scene , the defence should make sure police are telling the truth and the cleaners and police phones checked to verify."

That's right -- I edited your post because all I was interested in was the headline and the URL as to when the island went on lockdown and maybe that the lockdown was not soon enough. That I left the first line of the story in regarding the bodies being found was just to not have a second snip. I'll be more careful next time.

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Quoted in another newspaper today.

More about the first policeman questioned yesterday has said Montriwat Tuwichean, 46, who owns a bungalow and restaurant named In Touch called the police.

this has now changed from burmese cleaners to Mon .

Edited by StealthEnergiser
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Oh and I forgot - what was it that led the police to these two suspects in the first place, ...?

Answer: From the first minutes, Thai officials were frantically trying to nail this on Burmese migrants. The first head cop followed the evidence (what a surprising concept in Thailand!) and it led to the brother and son of the Headman being prime suspects. However, there was too much pressure from Bkk to nail Burmese, so the head cop was yanked off the case, and we know what ensued.
Again you are misrepresenting things.

There were several sets of suspects. All were cleared.

They rest is just garbage to promote your agenda..

It's no surprise to see JD, Aleg and the rest of the RTP shills rushing to defend their masters.

Ignore these blinkered (or mis-directed) fools.

Edited by saminoz
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I looked in my crystal ball this morning, and this is what I saw:

The judge will allow re-examination of DNA, but will put tight parameters on it. Something like, "Only look at comparisons with the defendents' DNA, no one else's."

Whether the judge will allow re-examination of evidence which was requested and approved in April, my crystal ball was cloudy on those issues.

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Recall the two accused Burmese were not the first suspects arrested for the murders.


Surat Thani police yesterday arrested a British tourist after he was suspected to have connection with the deaths of two fellow Britons in Koh Tao off Surat Thani coast.

Police identified the British back packer as Christopher Alanvare.

Police said they arrested him after employees of a resort on the beach told police that Mr Christopher was seen strolling near the scene where the two British tourists were killed on the night of September 14.

Besides they also found a significant evidence which is a blood stain on his clothes.

Police said Christopher urgently left the popular diving paradise on the first ferry to the mainland the next day after the murder was discovered.

So convinced that Chris was guilty, the police chief announced that the murders were about to be brought to justice. Prayut followed with a statement that no Thai would commit such a crime. Then the "evidence" failed to implicate Chris and the police had to actually begin an investigation in earnst.

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Good, because if that's true the "mafia: are digging there own graves.

The British press won't fear them in the slightest, and will go after them big time.

This is very disturbing, tweet just in from Jonathan Samuels:

Our Thai translator at backpacker murder trial says she's been 'warned off' by 'the Mafia'. Elements here clearly fear a fair trial


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This is very disturbing, tweet just in from Jonathan Samuels:

Our Thai translator at backpacker murder trial says she's been 'warned off' by 'the Mafia'. Elements here clearly fear a fair trial


Maybe he should contact Andy Hall @atomicalandy for advice this need to be noted by the defence lawyers i would think.

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Recall the two accused Burmese were not the first suspects arrested for the murders.


Surat Thani police yesterday arrested a British tourist after he was suspected to have connection with the deaths of two fellow Britons in Koh Tao off Surat Thani coast.

Police identified the British back packer as Christopher Alanvare.

Police said they arrested him after employees of a resort on the beach told police that Mr Christopher was seen strolling near the scene where the two British tourists were killed on the night of September 14.

Besides they also found a significant evidence which is a blood stain on his clothes.

Police said Christopher urgently left the popular diving paradise on the first ferry to the mainland the next day after the murder was discovered.

So convinced that Chris was guilty, the police chief announced that the murders were about to be brought to justice. Prayut followed with a statement that no Thai would commit such a crime. Then the "evidence" failed to implicate Chris and the police had to actually begin an investigation in earnst.

Wasn't this the point where the RTP had "allegedly" planted the shirt in this guy's bags?

All adds to the credibility of the RTP huh? How will JD and Aleg and the rest of the shill "thicket" spin this?

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But from your post I see it is you who is fixated on accusing the Head Man and his Family no matter what truth they find or come out.

Are you dislexic? All I've written many posts on this topic - relates to wanting truth and justice. Not Thai style justice, but verifiable no-stone-unturned justice. If the Headman's family members are cleared in a viable way, fine. I and everyone else who doubted them should leave them completely alone. I'll even publish a public apology. However, in the view of many observers, there are dozens of gaping issues regarding their culpability - which haven't been addressed. Either that, or such implicating things have been hidden, trashed, not looked for, altered, or explained falsely.

There you go again. Clipping part of my post without including yours then pleading the opposite as to what you said.

For the Umpteenth Time, these people you constantly suggest were investigated from the first, but where cleared because they had an Iron Clad Alibi and had their DNA Tested, which did not match. How much more would your Police need to clear a suspect? .

On the other hand, the 2 accused where placed on the beach and very near the murder scene, supported by eye witnesses, during the time of the Rape and Murder. Even a good Burmese Friend of the accused, who was with them, has made a sworn statement he was with them on the beach, at this close location, until 1 am. He said he left then and went to visit his girlfriend while his friends decided to stay on the beach to drink some more.

David and Hannah were last seen together leaving the Bar (AC Bar if I recall) near 1 am by witnesses and CCTV. They must have gone to there rented accommodations as David's Friend, Travel Companion, and Room Mate, by sworn statement says that David left shortly afterwards, and near 1 am. The Rape and Murders happened between 1 am, when last scene, and 6 am, when the bodies were discovered.

To my knowledge, nobody had seen them together in public after this 1 am time. So from the lack of a better word, logic would suggest they both must have went straight to this secluded spot on the beach, which is only 100 meters away from where they were staying. To do this they must have traveled right next to, or very near, the 2 Accused as they were still on the beach drinking. This time frame could be no later than 1:30 am. The autopsy seemed to confirm that they were both killed between 1:30 am and 2:30 am. Taking into account the time required to kill David, and to sexually assault Hannah and them murder her as well, they were both attached around 2 am, at the latest. ,

Even the 2 accused admitted to their whereabouts at their first Court Hearing. They stated they are innocent and when asked who they thought that did this they said they did not know. They stated they were on the beach in this location and time, but did not see anything. Like David and Hannah walking by them, which was the only path to get where they were going. They said they were "DRUNK" and just staggered home, although they did not know the time and nobody saw them do this.

So on one hand you have earlier suspects, who through an Iron Clad Alibi, where one proved he could not have even been on the Island during the times of these murders, and DNA Samples taken from both them, that did not match Hannah's DNA Sample and thus cleared of any suspicion.

On the other hand, you have 2 accused who they themselves claim they were near the crime scene and near or during the times of the murders, but saw nothing. They claim they did not see David and Hannah yet claim they found Davids Cell Phone on the beach. Who there only Alibi is themselves, staggering home drunk at an unknown time, with no other witnesses to collaborate their story. Who DNA matched the DNA on Cigarette Butts found at the Crime Scene. Who's DNA Matched the Sperm Samples taken for Hannah.

With Evidence like this, any Police Force in the World would arrest the 2 accused and charge them for this crime. .

. . .


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Recall the two accused Burmese were not the first suspects arrested for the murders.


Surat Thani police yesterday arrested a British tourist after he was suspected to have connection with the deaths of two fellow Britons in Koh Tao off Surat Thani coast.

Police identified the British back packer as Christopher Alanvare.

Police said they arrested him after employees of a resort on the beach told police that Mr Christopher was seen strolling near the scene where the two British tourists were killed on the night of September 14.

Besides they also found a significant evidence which is a blood stain on his clothes.

Police said Christopher urgently left the popular diving paradise on the first ferry to the mainland the next day after the murder was discovered.

So convinced that Chris was guilty, the police chief announced that the murders were about to be brought to justice. Prayut followed with a statement that no Thai would commit such a crime. Then the "evidence" failed to implicate Chris and the police had to actually begin an investigation in earnst.

Wasn't this the point where the RTP had "allegedly" planted the shirt in this guy's bags?

All adds to the credibility of the RTP huh? How will JD and Aleg and the rest of the shill "thicket" spin this?

Planted shirt? Huh?

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Personally I don't buy this "we were tortured into confessing" c&%#p. They would have to do a lot more to me than just a few slaps to get a confession which would certainly mean the gallows or life in jail. Flaying or removing body parts comes to mind. The Burmese boys looked pretty healthy to me after the alleged "torture".

All it would take is a plastic bag over your head for a few minutes, and you would be squealing like a pig.

try it and see.and leaves no marks/

regards worgeordie

Didn't their first lawyer wittness injuries from beating, wasn't he sacked? or resigned fron the case?

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Only reason I can think of for your posts are purely to muddy the waters and hijack the thread with irrelevant and meaningless comments

Nothing meaningless about pointing out that the defense is making a claim and that publicly the UK police haven't corroborated it.

It will be interesting if it is true. Personally, I doubt the veracity of the claim, but it is possible.

Lets not forget you are another who for 10 months have told us the Burmese and 100% guilty. No if, and's or buts.

Even if the U.K. said the DNA didn't match and had Hannah exhumed to prove it you would still say the Burmese did it.

Just a thought, if the DNA isn't a match, I wonder who's DNA might have been found in Hannah.

Do you thing it should be retested against those who have already been tested ? Maybe a certain someone could head to Britain and do a test in front of the T.V. cameras.

I read that the DEFENSE said there was some discrepancy with the DNA Collect in the UK and the DNA Collected in Thailand. I did not read anywhere which said the DNA Samples of the accused did not match. So you are jumping to conclusions.

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But from your post I see it is you who is fixated on accusing the Head Man and his Family no matter what truth they find or come out.

Are you dislexic? All I've written many posts on this topic - relates to wanting truth and justice. Not Thai style justice, but verifiable no-stone-unturned justice. If the Headman's family members are cleared in a viable way, fine. I and everyone else who doubted them should leave them completely alone. I'll even publish a public apology. However, in the view of many observers, there are dozens of gaping issues regarding their culpability - which haven't been addressed. Either that, or such implicating things have been hidden, trashed, not looked for, altered, or explained falsely.

There you go again. Clipping part of my post without including yours then pleading the opposite as to what you said.

For the Umpteenth Time, these people you constantly suggest were investigated from the first, but where cleared because they had an Iron Clad Alibi and had their DNA Tested, which did not match. How much more would your Police need to clear a suspect? .

On the other hand, the 2 accused where placed on the beach and very near the murder scene, supported by eye witnesses, during the time of the Rape and Murder. Even a good Burmese Friend of the accused, who was with them, has made a sworn statement he was with them on the beach, at this close location, until 1 am. He said he left then and went to visit his girlfriend while his friends decided to stay on the beach to drink some more.

David and Hannah were last seen together leaving the Bar (AC Bar if I recall) near 1 am by witnesses and CCTV. They must have gone to there rented accommodations as David's Friend, Travel Companion, and Room Mate, by sworn statement says that David left shortly afterwards, and near 1 am. The Rape and Murders happened between 1 am, when last scene, and 6 am, when the bodies were discovered.

To my knowledge, nobody had seen them together in public after this 1 am time. So from the lack of a better word, logic would suggest they both must have went straight to this secluded spot on the beach, which is only 100 meters away from where they were staying. To do this they must have traveled right next to, or very near, the 2 Accused as they were still on the beach drinking. This time frame could be no later than 1:30 am. The autopsy seemed to confirm that they were both killed between 1:30 am and 2:30 am. Taking into account the time required to kill David, and to sexually assault Hannah and them murder her as well, they were both attached around 2 am, at the latest. ,

Even the 2 accused admitted to their whereabouts at their first Court Hearing. They stated they are innocent and when asked who they thought that did this they said they did not know. They stated they were on the beach in this location and time, but did not see anything. Like David and Hannah walking by them, which was the only path to get where they were going. They said they were "DRUNK" and just staggered home, although they did not know the time and nobody saw them do this.

So on one hand you have earlier suspects, who through an Iron Clad Alibi, where one proved he could not have even been on the Island during the times of these murders, and DNA Samples taken from both them, that did not match Hannah's DNA Sample and thus cleared of any suspicion.

On the other hand, you have 2 accused who they themselves claim they were near the crime scene and near or during the times of the murders, but saw nothing. They claim they did not see David and Hannah yet claim they found Davids Cell Phone on the beach. Who there only Alibi is themselves, staggering home drunk at an unknown time, with no other witnesses to collaborate their story. Who DNA matched the DNA on Cigarette Butts found at the Crime Scene. Who's DNA Matched the Sperm Samples taken for Hannah.

With Evidence like this, any Police Force in the World would arrest the 2 accused and charge them for this crime. .

. . .


Yet another shill :-(

How many times are you going to repeat your "IRON CLAD ALIBI" mantra?? Is that what you have been asked to spread around?

You are spouting a very one sided view of the whole thing. The two accused are guilty of being on that beach around the time.

isn't there an issue of some missing CCTV footage regarding some other potential suspects? Didn't the senior RTP officer at the time on Koh Tao feel sufficiently confident of these people's involvement to actually name them in the press?

It's very convenient and disgustingly dis-ingenuous of you to omit (ok, let's be fair, maybe "forget") these facts.

The reason there is such a debate over this story is the wide-held belief that the RTP is a corrupt institution that has been know in the past to "bend" justice to serve the cause of well connected "Hi-So" Thais. If the Police have cigarette butts with the DNA of the two Burmese who have already admitted being in the vicinity, I don't see that as particularly damaging. Easy enough to plant them at the actual scene. As for the DNA found, supposedly, in Hanna, also easy enough to plant, if you accept that the RTP are not whiter than white a lot of the time.

I think that an acid test will prove to be whether the court allows for re=testing of all DNA by an independent lab and whether those tests support the RTP's case.

At the very least, the investigation was amateur, shambolic and showed the RTP in a very, very poor light.

It will be interesting to see how the whole trial unfolds.

No surprise to most here to learn that the press' support teams are being intimidated.

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No 2 DNA's Match! Not Now! Not Ever!

You can match DNA of a child to a Parent as in many ways they are close. But being close only counts when you are throwing Horse Shoes or Grenades. Being close doesn't count as Evidence in a Court of Law.

If what you said was true then many DNA Matches they have matched for Crimes could actually be the Father, or Mother, or even a Twin Brother.


You misunderstand me.

We all have 50% of our mother's DNA and 50% of our father's DNA. If you take a sample from each parent and compare it to a DNA sample from the scene of a crime it will be apparent whether or not the child of those parents could be a possible match.

I am not suggesting that the child will have identical DNA to that of either parent.

If that is true what you say, then there is also 50% of the Father's DNA, and 50% of the Mother's DNA that the accused doesn't have. So how do you scene that from the Parents to get the exact match with the accused?

I am sorry but I don't buy this. Your Theory and Revolutionary Idea may makes sense to you but not to me. I have never heard of anyone accused of Murder at a Murder Trial by using only the Parents DNA as Evidence, and I doubt you have either.

I worked for the police in the UK at a Scene of Crime Office.

Whilst there a guy was convicted of a murder, 17 years previous I believe.

A teenager was cautioned for a minor offence and DNA tested. It proved a partial match for the murder all those years ago and suggested a family member.

It proved to be the teenagers uncle who had commuted the murder.

This example shows how the Ripper hoaxer was caught 27 years down the line after a family member was DNA tested for drink driving: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/yorkshire-ripper-hoaxer-wearside-jack-2053906 Edited by evadgib
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"I think we did a pretty good job of sealing the crime scene, although we have a limited number of officers on Koh Tao and so local volunteers helped, said Colonel Kissana Phathanacharoen, the deputy chief spokesman for the Royal Thai Police."

Unbelievable! And this comes from the mouth of the Deputy Chief Spokesman for the Royal Thai Police!

How many police officers does it take to put a ribbon round a crime scene? And does "local volunteers" include one former suspect who was allowed to step over the ribbon and trample around the area along with journalists, other "interested" parties and explicit photographs being taken that were posted on the Internet?

Maybe " a pretty good job" for the 2 or 3 RTP apologists on here but not for me!

Further utterances from the mouths of the RTP:

“We managed to collect cigarette butts, condoms and the weapons they used in the crime. And we have DNA from the body of Miss Witheridge,” said Colonel Kissana Phathanacharoen, the deputy chief spokesman of the Royal Thai Police.


Condoms??? I thought the ONE condom found at the crime scene had been dscounted as evidence (Hannah's DNA = drop of blood? - found on the outside but nothing on the inside).

Yeah! Figure that one out where they find Hannah's DNA on a Condom on the outside, and nothing on the inside.

Let me give you a hint. Look at the size of the end of your Garden Hoe.

But then this would only be speculation on my part, and at Thai Visa we don't do that here.

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To an overly nested comment above: I was not referring to speedboats. I was referring to the possibility that these crimes were committed by fellow tourists who were able to leave the island that morning on the scheduled ferry before any lockdown. I was not referring to the Immaculate Escape of everyone's favorite likely perp.

Edited by JLCrab
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It is fairly obvious that the police were led to knock on the door of the accused by information given by those who wanted to direct the police away from the real murderers. How else could the police possibly have got there?

The fact that these two are bar workers and the real murderer runs a nightclub may have something to do with the choice of these two innocent men.

There is stuff on FB about people overhearing the son of a nightclub owner saying he wanted to have sex with the girl when he saw her dancing in his club. People are too scared to come forward. Maybe the defense have found some of these witnesses.

This whole thing stinks and I hope justice gets served on the real killers.

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I would like to know how the first policeman in the scene was able to say both bodies where almost naked, when it is clear Hannah was almost fully clothed.

These people have no problem telling lies even when the truth is staring them right in the face.

Did he show a picture of Hannah's broken body which was dressed and told people "look she is virtually naked"?

Had you seen the Crime Photos, like I had, and obviously this Police Man, you would know why he said this. I can testify that he did not make this up one iota! He was telling the truth!

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Good, because if that's true the "mafia: are digging there own graves.

The British press won't fear them in the slightest, and will go after them big time.

This is very disturbing, tweet just in from Jonathan Samuels:

Our Thai translator at backpacker murder trial says she's been 'warned off' by 'the Mafia'. Elements here clearly fear a fair trial


The mafia warning off the Thai translator for Sky News shows just how far they will go. Its little wonder that the defense have stated that important witnesses they have are too scared to testify.

But yes this will backfire on them and will only give the media more determination to report every chaotic aspect of this case, ie tell the truth no matter what the consequences. There are obviously some people who are in a state of fear that the truth will be revealed.

Reminds me of the statement Andy Hall made some time ago and kind of reinforces that

“It’s really challenging getting witnesses for them because everyone’s so scared,” Hall said. He said that Thais living on Koh Tao are especially scared to speak out, because they have names and addresses that can be easily tracked. People are scared that their businesses will be closed or their lives will be threatened, even that they could be killed, Hall said. http://asiancorrespondent.com/128732/koh-tao-murder-suspects-issue-plea-for-witnesses-ahead-of-formal-charges/

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Just moments ago on Sky News, when the reporter was asked if there was concern that the 2 may not get a fair trial, he stated that this was the case, and that translators had been threatened by the local mafia not to help reporters............................wonderful country amazing people.

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Recall the two accused Burmese were not the first suspects arrested for the murders.


Surat Thani police yesterday arrested a British tourist after he was suspected to have connection with the deaths of two fellow Britons in Koh Tao off Surat Thani coast.

Police identified the British back packer as Christopher Alanvare.

Police said they arrested him after employees of a resort on the beach told police that Mr Christopher was seen strolling near the scene where the two British tourists were killed on the night of September 14.

Besides they also found a significant evidence which is a blood stain on his clothes.

Police said Christopher urgently left the popular diving paradise on the first ferry to the mainland the next day after the murder was discovered.

So convinced that Chris was guilty, the police chief announced that the murders were about to be brought to justice. Prayut followed with a statement that no Thai would commit such a crime. Then the "evidence" failed to implicate Chris and the police had to actually begin an investigation in earnst.

Wasn't this the point where the RTP had "allegedly" planted the shirt in this guy's bags?

All adds to the credibility of the RTP huh? How will JD and Aleg and the rest of the shill "thicket" spin this?

Planted shirt? Huh?

So he got the article of clothing wrong. As you well know JD, it was jeans the police planted. But that doesn't fit your picture does it?

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"We feel confident he will allow it," he said of tests the defence had been demanding for months in order for a "fair trial". The defence team had also complained about not being given access to the forensic evidence, despite the court initially ruling in April that they could run their own independent tests. "There's a real lack of adequate disclosure by the prosecution and that worries us about whether there will be a fair trial," Hall, from the Migrant Worker Rights Network, told AFP before the judge confirmed a decision on this would be reached today.

The forensic material from the crime scene has been used by Thai police and prosecutors to insist they had charged the right men, saying it strongly pointed to the Myanmar pair as the perpetrators.

I was under the impression that independent tests were allowed and had been done as requested by the defence, but it would appear not blink.png

not sure there is much to add to that, I will not comment but I'm sure others are thinking exactly what I am thinking

my thoughts are with the family at this very traumatic time, but I do want to see justice in this case ...and verification of the DNA evidence is a key factor, if the police are confident then what is the problem having it verified

Oh and I forgot - what was it that led the police to these two suspects in the first place, was it something about a phone being found outside their residence or something like that, in order to hunt down killers you have a trail of events that lead to the suspects being implicated - the DNA is just verification that the trail was correct

Not much. They were randomly rounding up young migrants for questioning (torture?). A group who were playing Sepak Takrow ran away from them. The three who managed to not get caught by some amazing coincidence then turned out to be the murderers. Well one of those caught confessed then withdrew his confession then implicated the other two then didn't implicate them. Then the other two confessed and then withdrew their confession.

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