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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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To be honest though its the small entry wound by her chin and massive exit wound in her skull that gave it away.

you watch too many movies mate, and trust me I do actually have first hand experience of such things, saying nothing more than that and you have made your point also

I've seen all the pics and its not a sight you would forget in a hurry.

Further to that the 25 years I spent working in hospitals in London I have seen most things over the years.

No way was this murder carried out with a garden hoe.

Have you seen CSI LA's re-enactment using a dummy a few days ago? He used a garden hoe and it gave the same injuries as Hannah's. If the back of garden hoe was used with such force, you can see it giving Hannah's injuries plus his hoe is covered in blood similar to the one found at the crime scene.

Maybe she was shot too but she was definitely hit with the hoe in my opinion.

This is the video.


Interesting....although it would have to be an already unconscious Hannah for it to be an accurate hit in my opinion.

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Does anyone have a transcript to show what was actually said about the DNA being lost. I'd love to know which words were mistranslated?

The above article mentions the defence holding evidence that could relate to DNA taken from the Witheridges body when it was returned to England.

I have always wondered if this was done by British forensic experts as it seemed a no brainer not to do so, and if this has been done and the above is true then the truth may well prevail and it will hurt the Thai Justice system.

The parents have gone home probably in disgust however if they themselves suspect a farce ,(they would have to be blind not to),then they can not stand by and watch to innocent boys die because that will be on their conscience as well as the British police.

I dont think the corrupt officialdom in any country have a conscience.

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This whole thing is a farce. It is obvious that much effort is put into the coverup. it shows connections with police, mafia and even politicians.

One needs to ask , what kind of country is this. How low can they go to pin a death sentence on innocent people to cover their trail.

Foreigners should let their voices heard all over the world. let their media know and let this destination be exposed for what it is. if we foreigners sit idle and continue to pump billions into this economy and fatten these criminals , then wee too have to share a guilty conscience.

Tourist need to know what the corruption and justice system here is like before they spend their hard earned cash. we should never , never help crime to flourish.

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If the trial does collapse, do we think anybody senior in the police force or government will resign?

Lets hope that the poor Burmese guys are properly compensated for having to go through this terrible ordeal.

I'm sure Thailand will compensate them for being remanded in custody for a crime they didn't commit,

A very slow boat back to Myanmar !!!

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Sure wish I didn't have to wade through page after page of drivel to get to the pertinent news articles. Couldn't they be pinned to the top of this thread?

you don't have to when you reopen it starts where you left off

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I really hope !!! Free the Burmiese

If the prosecution case is thrown out then its "face saving all round"..............sure the myanmar workers will be acquitted but where does that leave the "british family's...still in limbo i would say and the real perpetrators are still free.For the thai authorities it will be a win win result,but justice will not have been done.

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To be honest though its the small entry wound by her chin and massive exit wound in her skull that gave it away.

you watch too many movies mate, and trust me I do actually have first hand experience of such things, saying nothing more than that and you have made your point also

I've seen all the pics and its not a sight you would forget in a hurry.

Further to that the 25 years I spent working in hospitals in London I have seen most things over the years.

No way was this murder carried out with a garden hoe.

I have also seen all the pictures - like I said you have given your opinion now give it a rest

Please how about some facts, telling someone to give it a rest is a fail on your behalf,

now, if you have seen the photos, how do you explain the entry wound on Hannahs cheek, and if you'd care to look again, how do you explain that the exit point you can clearly see the cranium is moved outwards, hence the evidence of exit wound..can you discredit this? Nope because it's fact..So please give us facts that prove it as I have just done or stop telling others to shoosh up, it adds little and is not how to discuss things.If we had all shooshed up months ago when the Police told us too all would be ok by now..bloody tourists and their informed opinions..

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On Saturday, the police general in charge stated DNA evidence 'was not lost.' source - Nation newspaper

Is he believable? No switcheroo, please, Police General Somyot.

Perhaps he'd be adept with the three walnut shells, working a sidewalk on a bridge over the River Thames - if he were to flee from Thailand - upon hearing of charges being laid against him for intentionally perverting the course of justice.

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This was when i first questioned about the hoe oct 2014 and another poster that we are all aware of quickly responded.

Also some of the you tube clips of the hoe were removed as youtube has had requests.


Also some of the you tube clips of the hoe were removed as youtube has had requests.

Well if thats true we can assume its the same people making requests to remove youtube clips that show contradictions in the crime scene and hoe position as are also telling the Thai press to keeping reporting to a minimum, unless of course its the reports by the RTP Chief in Bangkok letting everyone know DNA samples are not lost, which was covered extensively in the Thai press

Edited by thailandchilli
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It really does sound like it's going to collapse, but anything can happen in this country. Massive lose of face either way. If found guilty I hear an uproar from the people of Thailand over this bullshit from officials, if found not guilty then I still hear the uproar over this bullshit anyway.. I really want to hear from the U.K side, as many hecklers said there was nothing?

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If the trial does collapse, do we think anybody senior in the police force or government will resign?

Unlike Japanese culture, Thai culture has no tradition of officials accepting responsibility for making serious errors.

Lets hope that the poor Burmese guys are properly compensated for having to go through this terrible ordeal.

Ha ha. You make the comedy.

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This was when i first questioned about the hoe oct 2014 and another poster that we are all aware of quickly responded.

Also some of the you tube clips of the hoe were removed as youtube has had requests.


Also some of the you tube clips of the hoe were removed as youtube has had requests.

Well if thats true we can assume its the same people making requests to remove youtube clips that show contradictions in the crime scene and hoe position as are also telling the Thai press to keeping reporting to a minimum, unless of course its the reports by the RTP Chief in Bangkok letting everyone know DNA samples are not lost, which was covered extensively in the Thai press


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On Saturday, the police general in charge stated DNA evidence 'was not lost.' source - Nation newspaper

Is he believable? No switcheroo, please, Police General Somyot.

Perhaps he'd be adept with the three walnut shells, working a sidewalk on a bridge over the River Thames - if he were to flee from Thailand - upon hearing of charges being laid against him for intentionally perverting the course of justice.

I hope that the burmese PM has been notified of the latest developments if so time for him to call PM Prayuth.

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Sure wish I didn't have to wade through page after page of drivel to get to the pertinent news articles. Couldn't they be pinned to the top of this thread?

I agree 100%.

Come on moderators, let's have some proper reporting of the trial

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I really hope !!! Free the Burmiese

If the prosecution case is thrown out then its "face saving all round"..............sure the myanmar workers will be acquitted but where does that leave the "british family's...still in limbo i would say and the real perpetrators are still free.For the thai authorities it will be a win win result,but justice will not have been done.

A blanket ban on all travel to KPG and KT for the full 5 day period surrounding each moon would soon get the message accross, inc not letting tourists board inbound ferries. Any attempt to curtail it should be met with a countrywide inbound travel ban for the months of Dec & Jan. The only language they understand is money, therefore foreign govts and the western tourist industry need to ensure it's their hand on the tap! Edited by evadgib
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Police tried to manipulate Koh Tao witness, court told

Police on Koh Tao tried to persuade a witness at the Witheridge-Miller crime scene into saying that he had wiped blood off an alleged murder weapon, according to Aung Myo Thant, a lawyer for the defence team.

Speaking to DVB on Thursday evening, the lawyer said the court heard testimony from a Burmese migrant named U Oh, who was a garbage collector on Sairee Beach during the period in September 2014 when British tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were murdered.

“U Oh confirmed he was the owner of the garden hoe, which is alleged to have been used as the murder weapon in the case,” Aung Myo Thant said. “A police officer had earlier testified that the hoe was used to murder the victims, then the blood-stained tool was placed under a bag and discarded on the beach.”

But U Oh testified that the hoe was in the same place he left it the night before, the lawyer said.

“Also, police cajoled him to say he washed off the blood from the hoe. However, that is not what he told the judge. He said that he had not paid any attention to the hoe and was not aware of whether there was any blood on it or not.”

The defence team previously requested the DNA sample to be re-examined by Thailand’s top forensic expert, Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand.


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This whole thing is a farce. It is obvious that much effort is put into the coverup. it shows connections with police, mafia and even politicians.

One needs to ask , what kind of country is this. How low can they go to pin a death sentence on innocent people to cover their trail.

Foreigners should let their voices heard all over the world. let their media know and let this destination be exposed for what it is. if we foreigners sit idle and continue to pump billions into this economy and fatten these criminals , then wee too have to share a guilty conscience.

Tourist need to know what the corruption and justice system here is like before they spend their hard earned cash. we should never , never help crime to flourish.

100% agree with you Waden. Having lived here and in other "developing" countries with similar levels of corruption and accepted it as part of life there, this case has really revealed how despicable the situation is here from top to bottom and is causing me to seriously re-evaluate my stay.

I am comforted though by the fact maybe, just maybe, all the international attention could bring the beginnings of change. That is why we must keep attention focused and give Andy all the help we can. Maybe that will also be a very small consolation for the tragic loss of 2 young lives although it will likely give scant comfort to the families.

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We're all free to discuss whatever we like on here smedly...if you don't like what is written don't read it.

With respect Smedly, your opinion may be a bit skewed as well. You mentioned in an earlier post That OBVIOUSLY Hannah and David had something of an amorous thing going on. There is no proof of this, it's been gone over and over again. Try and get your own shit straight before condescending to other posters.

EDIT: I couldn't post all the previous text, just in case of misunderstanding. Agreeing with you, Smokie

Edited by Rykbanlor
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This whole thing is a farce. It is obvious that much effort is put into the coverup. it shows connections with police, mafia and even politicians.

One needs to ask , what kind of country is this. How low can they go to pin a death sentence on innocent people to cover their trail.

Foreigners should let their voices heard all over the world. let their media know and let this destination be exposed for what it is. if we foreigners sit idle and continue to pump billions into this economy and fatten these criminals , then wee too have to share a guilty conscience.

Tourist need to know what the corruption and justice system here is like before they spend their hard earned cash. we should never , never help crime to flourish.

100% agree with you Waden. Having lived here and in other "developing" countries with similar levels of corruption and accepted it as part of life there, this case has really revealed how despicable the situation is here from top to bottom and is causing me to seriously re-evaluate my stay.

I am comforted though by the fact maybe, just maybe, all the international attention could bring the beginnings of change. That is why we must keep attention focused and give Andy all the help we can. Maybe that will also be a very small consolation for the tragic loss of 2 young lives although it will likely give scant comfort to the families.

The reports are that a UK F&CO Officer accompanied the 2 families of the two victims and sat with them in the Samui Courthouse. Say what you want of the F&CO's involvement (or lack thereof) in this case, how many murder trials in Thailand have representative's of the victim's Embassy sitting in the Courtroom?

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We're all free to discuss whatever we like on here smedly...if you don't like what is written don't read it.

With respect Smedly, your opinion may be a bit skewed as well. You mentioned in an earlier post That OBVIOUSLY Hannah and David had something of an amorous thing going on. There is no proof of this, it's been gone over and over again. Try and get your own shit straight before condescending to other posters.

EDIT: I couldn't post all the previous text, just in case of misunderstanding. Agreeing with you, Smokie

nobody knows for sure if they were together or not, everything is speculation and if you are going to quote me make sure you do it accurately.

and yes everyone is free to discuss and make points as they see fit, the point I was making to somkie36 is that he had already made his point and repeating it over and over just clogs up the forum, he thinks Hannah was shot and a hoe couldn't have been the murder weapon - fair enough we don't need to hear it over and over

and this is another wasted post on the same subject - so just leave it there - no more please

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We're all free to discuss whatever we like on here smedly...if you don't like what is written don't read it.

With respect Smedly, your opinion may be a bit skewed as well. You mentioned in an earlier post That OBVIOUSLY Hannah and David had something of an amorous thing going on. There is no proof of this, it's been gone over and over again. Try and get your own shit straight before condescending to other posters.

EDIT: I couldn't post all the previous text, just in case of misunderstanding. Agreeing with you, Smokie

nobody knows for sure if they were together or not, everything is speculation and if you are going to quote me make sure you do it accurately.

and yes everyone is free to discuss and make points as they see fit, the point I was making to somkie36 is that he had already made his point and repeating it over and over just clogs up the forum, he thinks Hannah was shot and a hoe couldn't have been the murder weapon - fair enough we don't need to hear it over and over

and this is another wasted post on the same subject - so just leave it there - no more please

OK Boss!


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