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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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So what happened to the news article about the Burmese girl getting murdered ?

Another lie by the conspiracy theorists ?

Are you being deliberately trollish? Every one who has posted that has either posted to ask for confirmation, or has posted to state that it is an unfounded rumour.

Nobody that I am aware of has posted that there was a news article.

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So what happened to the news article about the Burmese girl getting murdered ?

Another lie by the conspiracy theorists ?

No idea where the story came from but, like you, waiting to see some confirmation or otherwise.

No attempt to deflect the second reported case of the RTP's attempts to pervert the course of justice by attempting to solicit false testimony?


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Not confirmed at the moment and may be rumour but i have seen this on a couple of different Facebook site.

"A witness of Koh Tao case, Ohn Mar, who saw the dead bodies ( Hannah and David) was murdered on 29th July."

Let me guess , you saw it on CSI LA facebook page?

Please stop with rumors, if this is a murder we will find out soon in the real news.

If you feel the post is inappropriate report it I as did say not confirmed and rumour .

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Sorry, can someone clarify if the beach cleaner was male or female. Seems one post referenced 'her' and the other 'he' . I understand it was a male, and he was partially blind, again that is what has been reported....

In court it was a male, however its also been reported the first actual person to find the bodies was a female who apparently fled back to Burma

Thanks for the clarification, has she been murdered on Koh Tao, or in Myanmar, seems to be no info on the Google box at the moment...

Its just rumours at the moment on facebook, if it did happen then they are saying it happened in Koh Tao. Not sure about this rumour but lets see if true or not, currently CSILA are not saying anything until they themselves get confirmation about it.

and this confirmation will be coming from who exactly - don't hold your breath

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So what happened to the news article about the Burmese girl getting murdered ?

Another lie by the conspiracy theorists ?

Baiting? What conspiracy theorists would that be that reported it then? Hint it was not CSILA

Everybody is waiting for confirmation why don't you do the same, if it turns out to be untrue then so be it you can come back here and yell "told you so!". Chill

Edited by thailandchilli
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I have never said the police were not abusive to them ... unlike you though I do consider their admission to their own representatives relevant especially when the police were not there and they showed no fear of the police by saying they were abused. Further I find it relevant to the fact they changed their story. To not consider their free admission to embassy officials, lawyers and rights workers is to bury ones head in the sand and clearly shows a lack of being honest about the facts in this case. At the very minimum their credibility needs to be questioned but I personal believe combined with the others facts, you choose to ignore or discount, their admission is a clear indication of their guilt.

LMAO!! cheesy.gif

JTJ questioning someone else's credibility!! Ironic or what?giggle.gif

JTJ, you keep forgetting that it is the same two lawyers that are alleged to have said that the B2 confessed the crime to them in an open meeting who later (within a couple of days) very publicly declared their innocence!!!

I would think that the latter statements hold more weight, don't they?

Early on you claimed to have no vested interest in this case, but pretty much all the dribble and claptrap, old posts and misrepresentations, blatant misdirection and nonsense you have come up with since, clearly have more give a truer picture fo your role than your earliest nonsensical claims statements.






One of the biggest problems in this case is the translations.

For example they may have said yes we admitted to do the crime.

However this was in the context of their confession made under duress.

It goes to be replicated and twisted each time its reported until you get to totally unrepresentative quotes from the original statement.

Just a thought to add to the Mix. You know how it is one paper will take a slant on a story to fit their political agenda. the UK papers do exactly the same. Spinning as they say. You also have to remember that in the recent years the news has had to tow a certain line in many instances or risk being shut down. You will note the Thai TV channels aren't present at the court 3 5 or 7 I read somewhere. well there you go again hey. Propaganda and distortion all to repair a crack in the tourist industry coffers that lets money seep away to other destinations on the back of what seemed a shambolic investigation.

The $$$$$ has been a major factor in the trials speed and that's been confirmed by the Police.

In the UK they will shut down major motorways in the event of 1 death until a thorough investigation has been forensically carried out. In Thailand they drag you to the side of the road and start blowing their whistles and wave you through. We have all seen it. Well the ones on here who have actually spent time in Thailand. Serious time and not 2 weeks with Hayes and Jarvis.

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Again it's worth pointing out that they also confessed at least three other times to other people, the doctor that examined them, a Human Rights Commission representative and of course the police.

Evidently the police have not changed their stance, the doctor presented that confession when questioned as a witness in court, and the HRC has not, to the best of my knowledge, came out to say they believe their confession to be false.

Their story changed the moment the defense lawyers started to build a case, from telling people that they did it and providing details on it to "we were too drunk to remember anything", on three bottles of beer and one bottle of wine split between three men... and the third man didn't seem to have any problem recalling events from that night. To me it sounds like a cop-out.

C'mon Ali G. The doctor was a local Koh Tao doctor I believe and they had the same interpreter to speak to the other people who has been fingered as part of the torture dished out.

Try having a bag over your head and asphyxiated and see how keen you are to change your story.


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Well it appears a Burmese witness on Koh Tao has been found dead with a nasty head wound.

What a surprise.

This is going to rock the prosecution, the P.M is going to be shattered.

I have just found a photo I have been looking to find for weeks it had disappeared. I just found one on CSIMM. The photo in question is where David was found-the photo's show he was NOT found face down or up in the shallow water as the story goes, he was taken out and propped on rocks and would have had to have been carried back to shore.. if so by whom, this has never been mentioned and as I have no idea how to attach photo's...sorry I suggest a look and be the judge on this anomaly.

I've seen the photos, yes he was found face up. I couldn't make out any pics where he was propped up?

There are also pics of 3 people carrying him out of the water, 2 rescue workers and one RTP I think. They then put him straight down onto the sand! Would have thought they would have put a sheet down first.

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Linky States:-

Quote.>Again rubbish. In worked for prosecution and instructed counsel in more than 20 murder trials in oz. never ever has that been an issue.

Opposite in fact because police did not follow a lead there was an argument in the bar would show them incompetent. In fact there were times mid trial when police were found to have neglected to follow up and defense will call for that evidence in the court. If police say they didnt investigate it is not good for prosecution.

You really are just making things up<End quote

I hope you don't mind me asking a few questions, not to buy into your debate with JTJ but to clarify a couple of things. You worked for the prosecution, was that in the local court, the district court, supreme court or high court's jurisdiction? What state or territory? If you were a little more specific, it would allow those of us who have been involved with enforcement and prosecution to understand more clearly the debate that is ongoing and where is heading between you two. Were you actually a prosecutor and a qualified solicitor? Who employed you, the DPP, the CDPP, or the Police prosecution branch which, if the latter, you would also be a sworn Police Officer? And you instructed counsel in more than 20 trials, so you were or still are an instructing solicitor, maybe a Barrister? I hope you don't mind my asking, just curious?

Its ok, a little background.

Qld, never as prosecuting counsel, I worked for Director of Public Prosecutions as Instructing solicitor. I know next to nothing about civil law. Never worked for CDPP. Never a police officer.

I never instructed in the magistrates court, where the committal hearings take place before going to trial in the higher courts. I instructed in District courts for usual assaults amd rapes for a couple of years then Supreme court for drugs and murders etc. 1 year in Court of Appeal. Appeal court is just legal argument, I only saw a witness required once, so if you are not legally minded it is not exciting. Only did High Court once, for the one week sittings. High court is boring, all constitutional arguments, easy to fall asleep smile.png

There is a lot of difference between states on how things are run. If I was to go to say Sydney for a criminal trial I would know enough to get by but would not be comfortable.

I moved on from that work in 1999. So quite some years ago.

Thank you for the courtesy in responding, and taking time to explain. I hope you don't think I was a S A, only curious. Now I can see where it's coming from and going to. Again, thanks for the courtesy and the civility you showed in answering.


So that's the brand of medication you're on. Explains everything. Now go and lie down and rest, please don't exert yourself in trying to come up with any more profound responses, three a day is enough, it will cause brain damage it you extend yourself further..

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I have never said the police were not abusive to them ... unlike you though I do consider their admission to their own representatives relevant especially when the police were not there and they showed no fear of the police by saying they were abused. Further I find it relevant to the fact they changed their story. To not consider their free admission to embassy officials, lawyers and rights workers is to bury ones head in the sand and clearly shows a lack of being honest about the facts in this case. At the very minimum their credibility needs to be questioned but I personal believe combined with the others facts, you choose to ignore or discount, their admission is a clear indication of their guilt.

LMAO!! cheesy.gif

JTJ questioning someone else's credibility!! Ironic or what?giggle.gif

JTJ, you keep forgetting that it is the same two lawyers that are alleged to have said that the B2 confessed the crime to them in an open meeting who later (within a couple of days) very publicly declared their innocence!!!

I would think that the latter statements hold more weight, don't they?

Early on you claimed to have no vested interest in this case, but pretty much all the dribble and claptrap, old posts and misrepresentations, blatant misdirection and nonsense you have come up with since, clearly have more give a truer picture fo your role than your earliest nonsensical claims statements.






One of the biggest problems in this case is the translations.

For example they may have said yes we admitted to do the crime.

However this was in the context of their confession made under duress.

It goes to be replicated and twisted each time its reported until you get to totally unrepresentative quotes from the original statement.

Just a thought to add to the Mix. You know how it is one paper will take a slant on a story to fit their political agenda. the UK papers do exactly the same. Spinning as they say. You also have to remember that in the recent years the news has had to tow a certain line in many instances or risk being shut down. You will note the Thai TV channels aren't present at the court 3 5 or 7 I read somewhere. well there you go again hey. Propaganda and distortion all to repair a crack in the tourist industry coffers that lets money seep away to other destinations on the back of what seemed a shambolic investigation.

The $$$$$ has been a major factor in the trials speed and that's been confirmed by the Police.

In the UK they will shut down major motorways in the event of 1 death until a thorough investigation has been forensically carried out. In Thailand they drag you to the side of the road and start blowing their whistles and wave you through. We have all seen it. Well the ones on here who have actually spent time in Thailand. Serious time and not 2 weeks with Hayes and Jarvis.

This Human Rights Commissioner,Mr Prinya Sirisarakan, is an internal appointee and his appointment was met with a lot of skepticism as he had no experience in Human Rights and, by definition would be biased towards the government that appointed him.

"the former charter drafter Prinya was a businessman and former vice president of Nakhon Ratchasima Province Industrial Federation. He has no solid record of human rights work".

Just the kind of chap you'd want to send in to hear some scapegoats "confess". Ask yourselves who the translator was between the B2 and the non-Burmese speaking commissioner. Roti anyone? wink.png

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Third Burmese said he did not witness murder

A third Burmese man, Maung Maung, who is being held in custody as a witness to a case involving the murder of two British tourists on the Thai island of Koh Tao, said he did not witness the killing.

Lawyer Aung Myo Thant and MAT representative Kyaw Thaung both confirmed to DVB that Maung Maung had told the embassy team that he had witnessed Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun in bed sleeping when he returned to the room at 5am and that nothing seemed suspicious.

According to Kyaw Thaung: “Maung Maung said he woke them up and asked them, ‘Where is the guitar?’ at which point one of the pair indicated it was in AC Bar [where the British couple, Hannah Witheridge and David Miller, had been drinking with friends the night before]. Maung Maung said he then went to AC Bar to look for the guitar and his sandals, ‘because they were expensive – 350 baht’, he said.




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As I was searching for info on the Human Rights Commissioner that"heard" the confessions from the B2, I came across this old post from a previous post. Says a lot for the veracity of his claims, I'd say.

I was curious about this human rights commissioner - turns out he is one of the charter drafters of the 2007 constitution and a member of the (dubious) NHRC in Thailand - an organization which has no respect among human rights organizations.

In addition, I found this statement regarding his appointment to the NHRC - a real gem.

Parinya Sirisarakan is a businessman whose only known previous connection with human rights was being named by the previous Commission as a violator of human rights

The above quote comes from :

2011 ANNI Report on the
Performance and Establishment
of National Human Rights
Institutions in Asia
so I am not posting a link to it.
Clearly, the gentleman is closely aligned with the current 'administration' and has been identified as not having any experience in human rights.
Take this OP with a grain of salt - or maybe an entire shaker of salt.

So much for their confessions eh ladies?


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What I cant seem to get my head around is how you could murder in a horrific way 2 people and then go to bed. I am sure there would have instances in the world somewhere however its not the normal response is it?

You also cant tell me that they wouldn't have sustained injury's. Nail marks, scratches or bruises from the fight. I am sure David and Hannah would have given them a fight back. So it doesn't make sense to my logical way of thinking. No marks and straight off to bed. Go to work in the morning and all's well.

But hey what do I know.

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Well it appears a Burmese witness on Koh Tao has been found dead with a nasty head wound.

What a surprise.

This is going to rock the prosecution, the P.M is going to be shattered.

I have just found a photo I have been looking to find for weeks it had disappeared. I just found one on CSIMM. The photo in question is where David was found-the photo's show he was NOT found face down or up in the shallow water as the story goes, he was taken out and propped on rocks and would have had to have been carried back to shore.. if so by whom, this has never been mentioned and as I have no idea how to attach photo's...sorry I suggest a look and be the judge on this anomaly.

I've seen the photos, yes he was found face up. I couldn't make out any pics where he was propped up?

There are also pics of 3 people carrying him out of the water, 2 rescue workers and one RTP I think. They then put him straight down onto the sand! Would have thought they would have put a sheet down first.

He is sitting 12M out from the shore line, directly opposite where he was injured-if you look carefully you will see his head just above the water. CSIMM has circled his head. It looks staged, he's facing directly opposite his clothes, it was to allow him to watch the attack on Hannah I'd say-animals.

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As I was searching for info on the Human Rights Commissioner that"heard" the confessions from the B2, I came across this old post from a previous post. Says a lot for the veracity of his claims, I'd say.

I was curious about this human rights commissioner - turns out he is one of the charter drafters of the 2007 constitution and a member of the (dubious) NHRC in Thailand - an organization which has no respect among human rights organizations.

In addition, I found this statement regarding his appointment to the NHRC - a real gem.

Parinya Sirisarakan is a businessman whose only known previous connection with human rights was being named by the previous Commission as a violator of human rights

The above quote comes from :

2011 ANNI Report on the
Performance and Establishment
of National Human Rights
Institutions in Asia
so I am not posting a link to it.
Clearly, the gentleman is closely aligned with the current 'administration' and has been identified as not having any experience in human rights.
Take this OP with a grain of salt - or maybe an entire shaker of salt.

So much for their confessions eh ladies?


Word! Lets see if rumplestiltskin and the team can spin this into gold.

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This Human Rights Commissioner,Mr Prinya Sirisarakan, is an internal appointee and his appointment was met with a lot of skepticism as he had no experience in Human Rights and, by definition would be biased towards the government that appointed him.

"the former charter drafter Prinya was a businessman and former vice president of Nakhon Ratchasima Province Industrial Federation. He has no solid record of human rights work".

Just the kind of chap you'd want to send in to hear some scapegoats "confess". Ask yourselves who the translator was between the B2 and the non-Burmese speaking commissioner. Roti anyone? wink.png

The Police don't give a jot about the NHRC anyway. They never turned up despite repeated requests I believe.


Yesterday the police ignored a summons to the National Human Rights Commission to answer questions with regards to the alleged torture of the two migrant workers who have been charged for the murders of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge in Koh Tao last month.

Thai prosecutors have also said the 300 page dossier presented to them by police had holes in it and further evidence was required.

The National Human Rights Commission has also decided to send a team to Koh Tao to examine the crime scene, The Nation newspaper reported today.

Thai police have come under intense criticism locally and internationally for the way they have handled the case since the bodies of the two Britons were found on Koh Tao's Sairee Beach on the morning of September 15.

They failed to seal off the crime scene and issued a number of conflicting statements before announcing that the two Burmese men had been arrested.

But the bar workers claimed later that their 'confessions' had been forced from them under duress. They said the bruises on their bodies proved they had been beaten by police.

Detectives denied this and said DNA evidence matching samples from the body of Miss Witheridge and the two men was evidence of their guilt.

Prosecutors, however, said the evidence was still not strong enough to take the men to court and they have asked police to re-submit their file on the case after adding evidence that was required to make it watertight.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2789761/lawyers-call-british-experts-examine-dna-thai-backpacker-murders-burmese-bar-workers-retract-confessions.html#ixzz3hYqYdn96

or try this


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It was reported that the Wooden Club was presented as evidence during the recent court dates, but lacked finger prints or DNA.

and that is absolutely no surprise at all - just like the hoe was wiped clean by the garbage collector as instructed by a certain individual, this beach worker is now suspected to have been murdered, perhaps her standards didn't fit with the agenda - go figure

Goldbugry alG and TJT will be along shortly to remind the world that this investigation has been of the highest standard and will stand up to all scrutiny

No, I'll be along to tell you, once again, that you are repeating "facts" which are not actually true.

"CORRECTION: The beach cleaner who removed the garden hoe from the crime scene did not tell the court he also washed the tool, as was originally reported."

CORRECT: Some very nervous persons knew the Defense would get it right...someone had to go..who's next???

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This Human Rights Commissioner,Mr Prinya Sirisarakan, is an internal appointee and his appointment was met with a lot of skepticism as he had no experience in Human Rights and, by definition would be biased towards the government that appointed him.

"the former charter drafter Prinya was a businessman and former vice president of Nakhon Ratchasima Province Industrial Federation. He has no solid record of human rights work".

Just the kind of chap you'd want to send in to hear some scapegoats "confess". Ask yourselves who the translator was between the B2 and the non-Burmese speaking commissioner. Roti anyone? wink.png

The Police don't give a jot about the NHRC anyway. They never turned up despite repeated requests I believe.


Yesterday the police ignored a summons to the National Human Rights Commission to answer questions with regards to the alleged torture of the two migrant workers who have been charged for the murders of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge in Koh Tao last month.

Thai prosecutors have also said the 300 page dossier presented to them by police had holes in it and further evidence was required.

The National Human Rights Commission has also decided to send a team to Koh Tao to examine the crime scene, The Nation newspaper reported today.

Thai police have come under intense criticism locally and internationally for the way they have handled the case since the bodies of the two Britons were found on Koh Tao's Sairee Beach on the morning of September 15.

They failed to seal off the crime scene and issued a number of conflicting statements before announcing that the two Burmese men had been arrested.

But the bar workers claimed later that their 'confessions' had been forced from them under duress. They said the bruises on their bodies proved they had been beaten by police.

Detectives denied this and said DNA evidence matching samples from the body of Miss Witheridge and the two men was evidence of their guilt.

Prosecutors, however, said the evidence was still not strong enough to take the men to court and they have asked police to re-submit their file on the case after adding evidence that was required to make it watertight.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2789761/lawyers-call-british-experts-examine-dna-thai-backpacker-murders-burmese-bar-workers-retract-confessions.html#ixzz3hYqYdn96

or try this


It's weird, some days the mail is blocked, some days I get straight on to the site.

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Well it appears a Burmese witness on Koh Tao has been found dead with a nasty head wound.

What a surprise.

This is going to rock the prosecution, the P.M is going to be shattered.

I have just found a photo I have been looking to find for weeks it had disappeared. I just found one on CSIMM. The photo in question is where David was found-the photo's show he was NOT found face down or up in the shallow water as the story goes, he was taken out and propped on rocks and would have had to have been carried back to shore.. if so by whom, this has never been mentioned and as I have no idea how to attach photo's...sorry I suggest a look and be the judge on this anomaly.

I've seen the photos, yes he was found face up. I couldn't make out any pics where he was propped up?

There are also pics of 3 people carrying him out of the water, 2 rescue workers and one RTP I think. They then put him straight down onto the sand! Would have thought they would have put a sheet down first.

He is sitting 12M out from the shore line, directly opposite where he was injured-if you look carefully you will see his head just above the water. CSIMM has circled his head. It looks staged, he's facing directly opposite his clothes, it was to allow him to watch the attack on Hannah I'd say-animals.

Lozza check your PM. :)

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Good! Get him on the Witness Stand for the Defense. His bravery surely indicates he is not afraid to tell it as he saw it. But then talking to a newspaper Reporter, if that is true, and talking on the Witness Stand, is 2 different things. This is because being a Liar in Court can get you a Perjury Charge but being a Liar to the Newspapers can get you Publicity.

Personally, I have been screwed more times by the Taxi Drivers of this World than by anyone else. I am not indicating he is a liar even if this was never proved. I am not even indicating he ever talked to the Media, which could all be made up by them. But if it is true then a sworn testimony in court carries more weight with me then this Media Report.

So you prefer to believe things only if they are said in court.

Was the police officer in court saying the dna is gone or lost telling the truth or was his boss who was not in court when he contradicted it telling the truth?

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Here is my take on the supposed admittance of guilt after the 'safe house'. It harkens to what happened at the 'safe house' It's likely they were tortured, perhaps both psychologically and physically. It's quite common for authorities, all over the world, to tell suspects something like, "Admit the crime, and you won't get the death penalty. Hang tough, and insist on your innocence, and we will find you guilty and you will die." So, having no inkling of the law or their rights, they signed a piece of paper they couldn't read, with no advocates within shouting distance. Next, they're sitting again with older stern-faced men. They're still spooked by the earlier scenario, and they still don't want to be executed, so they stick with their forced confession. At some point soon after, they're apprised of their basic legal rights for the first time, and quickly tell the truth: they were tortured and forced to confess to a crime they didn't do. they've been unwavering in declaring their innocence ever since. Indeed, they and their lawyers are clammoring for re-testing of crucial evidence. that's not the actions of guilty people.

Here's how guilty people act:

>>> they pay money to get people to convince others of their innocence, no matter how outlandish

>>> They avoid DNA tests

>>> They keep hiding from police

>>> They threaten anyone who may have evidence or witness accounts (I just heard today that the Burmese woman who first found the bodies of H and D has just been killed)

>>> They threaten defamation of character lawsuits

>>> They offer 1 million baht rewards for anyone who can prove their family member is guilty. What are the chances that reward will ever be paid? Zero.

>>> They disparage the reputation of others who they try to frame as scapegoats (Headman telling everyone Sean is a paedophile)

>>> They destroy evidence

>>> They stage a DNA comparison press event which doesn't do what it's purported to do.

>>> They obfuscate things, and lie like rugs.

>>> They pay people to lie about things.

How many of those things are being done by the B2? None. How many are being done by the Headman's people? All.

Nailed it.

What do police always use when determining suspects? Motive, Intent, Ability and odd behavior after the crime, Usually when trying to cover ones tracks.

B2 lack all of those things.

I personally think if the B2 were guilty they would have attempted some kind of escape, As we all know the Island was hardly "locked down". Great post Boomer.

Yes agree too.

Me too 100%'agree.

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I agree the media may have reported it, but it would serve no benefit to Andy Hall and the defence team, given it is evidence directly against the Myanmar men on trial. Hopefully it will all come out in the next couple of months, but there is a lot of information we are not privy to, we have only observed snippets of it at this stage.

I dont think you or anyone can presume it is evidence directly against the B2, and it could be possible that the reason its not shown (if thats the case) is that it can in fact confirm their own story and fits in with their timeline and the 3rd witness who said he saw them asleep in bed at 5am.

We have already had reports of the prosecution with holding crucial evidence albeit by saying they didnt have the budget to bring it.

I would like to see if this video cctv was also shown as this has the running man captured at 5.41am

running man footage was earlier than that 3:44 and 4:49 and perhaps as you say even later or the camera time was not accurate on the 2 sets of cameras

Yes thats the records I have, the first shots at 3.44 and then the last at 5.41, here's another one of the one at 5.41am. As an after thought, what time did the cleaners who found the bodies say they arrived at the scene?

A (male) beach cleaner named "O" found the hoe at 5:40 a.m. according to his court testimony. The court was also told that a female Burmese beach cleaner had found the bodies of Hannah and David but that she couldn't be a witness as she had gone back to Burma. It's never been stated precisely at what time she found the bodies. I presume this is the woman who has allegedly been murdered on 29th July.

Anyway "running man" seems to have been out and about at the same time that the murder weapon was found.

Edited by IslandLover
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Nobody to my knowledge has said they do not have the "Chain of Custody" concerning the DNA Tests. All that was said is that the Defense doesn't have that yet. Just like they never had the Hoe, which has been reported that they do now. But time will tell.

They said they lost things (the hair, etc), and they said that DNA 'was all used up'. Add to that, RTP have been dragging their feet in every ridiculous way - trying to avoid any re-examination of DNA. Oh, and RTP's lead investigator said he never saw results of Nomsod's test, didn't know if it was really done, didn't know if it was compared to DNA from victim, and didn't know if the sample still existed or where it was. And even if they did know anything about NS's DNA, they certainly wouldn't share that data with the Brits. If that's not screwing-up 'chain of custody' ....then what is? Everything RTP are doing screams cover-up and screw-up and shielding the H's people.

And then there's a 600 lb gorilla sitting in the middle of the room, which RTP are determined not to acknowledge: I'm referring to DNA comparisons (with victim) of those who should be prime suspects. Besides Mon and Nomsod, there are their tough-guy buddies who like to pose with weaponized rings and guns. There's only one reason none of those people have been looked at by RTP: COVER-UP!!!

You are only saying that this NS DNA was never checked because you did not see it.

Umm, excuse me, but this isn't about what I did or did not see. I'm quoting the lead detective saying he doesn't know diddly squat about Nomsod's DNA. He essentially confirmed that NS's DNA showcase was just that, a show for the gullibles among us.

GOLDBUGGY: "As this was not handed over to the Public to inspect and scrutinize, and which was pointed out several time that this is common practice of the Police Force not to do so."

Boomers replies: What planet are you from? Nothing is handed over to the public. All the DNA is essentially done 'in house' with some lab assistance from University students. Typing is given to RTP top brass, and they decide what to announce. Thus far, all they've announced is lies, lies, and more lies.

GOLDBUGGY: Wasn't it you who claimed over and over again that the Police could easily check NS Telephone Records, and since they did not you claimed there was a big cover-up? Then Bingo! You found out they did check and your eyes were like a Deer caught in the Head Lights.

Boomers replies: Bingo indeed. Did you graduate from Bingo College, in Gullible, Kansas? It's probably another lie from RTP. They offered no time on that phone call claim (if it's after 8 am Monday morning, it signifies nothing), and you can bet your rubber ducky there won't be any official paperwork (from AIS, DTAC or True Move) to back that up, or any other phone records from 5 am onwards re; any suspects, former or current.

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To me, calling someone a Boy when he is 22 Years Old is the part I think is Bizarre.

So enlighten us, what is the official age when a boy becomes a man, or is it people just refer to these individuals as boys because of their youthful appearance.

Yet AleG (or was it JTJ?) refers to Nomsod as a "kid". He is about the same age as the B2 is he not?

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Third Burmese said he did not witness murder

A third Burmese man, Maung Maung, who is being held in custody as a witness to a case involving the murder of two British tourists on the Thai island of Koh Tao, said he did not witness the killing.

Lawyer Aung Myo Thant and MAT representative Kyaw Thaung both confirmed to DVB that Maung Maung had told the embassy team that he had witnessed Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun in bed sleeping when he returned to the room at 5am and that nothing seemed suspicious.

According to Kyaw Thaung: “Maung Maung said he woke them up and asked them, ‘Where is the guitar?’ at which point one of the pair indicated it was in AC Bar [where the British couple, Hannah Witheridge and David Miller, had been drinking with friends the night before]. Maung Maung said he then went to AC Bar to look for the guitar and his sandals, ‘because they were expensive – 350 baht’, he said.


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Maybe you can shed some light on this aspect? Was this Maung Maung character the third person initially arrested and then released? Secondly, he alleged he left the two defendants and went and stayed drinking with his girlfriend until he returned home and discovered them sleeping at 5.00am. Was his state and the degree of intoxication ever mentioned or questioned, am I right in recalling him alleging he was drunk? Can some one be heavily intoxicated and still remember specific details of an event, maybe yes, maybe no.

Was his girlfriend ever spoken to in order to corroborate his whereabouts and state of intoxication? He seems to slip in and out of the picture without much being mentioned as to his whereabouts between the hours relevant to the murders. If she provided corroboration, then fair enough but if she didn't then he should never have been ruled out as a person of interest and more inquiries carried out. Was his movements after 5.00am ever corroborated? I don't know, hence my asking these questions but when considering how the initial investigation was a monumental stuff up, maybe this was just another aspect that the RTP deemed irrelevant and subsequently failed to investigate. If they did, and it was above board, then my apologies.

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To me, calling someone a Boy when he is 22 Years Old is the part I think is Bizarre.

So enlighten us, what is the official age when a boy becomes a man, or is it people just refer to these individuals as boys because of their youthful appearance.

Yet AleG (or was it JTJ?) refers to Nomsod as a "kid". He is about the same age as the B2 is he not?

Does it really Matter???

Boy, Man, Young Man, Kid... Its just a personal phrase that's totally irrelevant to the case of David and Hannah. It will no have bearing in court proceedings.

What will have a bearing though is the things you aren't focusing on and that's the evidence that's coming up.

Sean McAnna has reinvented himself by the way.


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Here is my take on the supposed admittance of guilt after the 'safe house'. It harkens to what happened at the 'safe house' It's likely they were tortured, perhaps both psychologically and physically. It's quite common for authorities, all over the world, to tell suspects something like, "Admit the crime, and you won't get the death penalty. Hang tough, and insist on your innocence, and we will find you guilty and you will die." So, having no inkling of the law or their rights, they signed a piece of paper they couldn't read, with no advocates within shouting distance. Next, they're sitting again with older stern-faced men. They're still spooked by the earlier scenario, and they still don't want to be executed, so they stick with their forced confession. At some point soon after, they're apprised of their basic legal rights for the first time, and quickly tell the truth: they were tortured and forced to confess to a crime they didn't do. they've been unwavering in declaring their innocence ever since. Indeed, they and their lawyers are clammoring for re-testing of crucial evidence. that's not the actions of guilty people.

Here's how guilty people act:

>>> they pay money to get people to convince others of their innocence, no matter how outlandish

>>> They avoid DNA tests

>>> They keep hiding from police

>>> They threaten anyone who may have evidence or witness accounts (I just heard today that the Burmese woman who first found the bodies of H and D has just been killed)

>>> They threaten defamation of character lawsuits

>>> They offer 1 million baht rewards for anyone who can prove their family member is guilty. What are the chances that reward will ever be paid? Zero.

>>> They disparage the reputation of others who they try to frame as scapegoats (Headman telling everyone Sean is a paedophile)

>>> They destroy evidence

>>> They stage a DNA comparison press event which doesn't do what it's purported to do.

>>> They obfuscate things, and lie like rugs.

>>> They pay people to lie about things.

How many of those things are being done by the B2? None. How many are being done by the Headman's people? All.

Nailed it.

What do police always use when determining suspects? Motive, Intent, Ability and odd behavior after the crime, Usually when trying to cover ones tracks.

B2 lack all of those things.

I personally think if the B2 were guilty they would have attempted some kind of escape, As we all know the Island was hardly "locked down". Great post Boomer.

Yes agree too.

Me too 100%'agree.

This must be the "glee club" I keep hearing about.

One of the men was arrested trying to flee the island the day after he became a suspect, the Bangkok Post article "Koh Tao murders: DNA matches, confessions obtained, crime re-enacted" points out the police began following Win on the 30th.

October 2nd: "another team of police officers arrested the third man at a Surat Thani municipal pier after it was discovered that he had boarded a boat and left Koh Tao Island late last night (thus October 1st).

He was escorted to 8th Region Police headquarters for questioning."

It's quite telling how the armchair detectives seem to forget small details like these.

Of course now some new spin must be concocted to explain why in that case fleeing (actual fleeing, not Boomerangutang's fictions) is not indicative of guilt.

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on the same report which is not correct as David had been stabbed a hoe wouldn't make them marks,

"He admitted to being sexually aroused and along with his two accomplices had used the hoe to beat the male tourist and then dumping his body in the sea. They then proceeded to rape the woman and finally killing her by hitting her with the same garden hoe."


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