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Keeping a UK Bank Account

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To the OP:

It is not illegal to hold or open a UK bank account as a non resident, but policy that the majority of UK onshore banks are no longer accepting non resident accounts due to concerns of money laundering and terrorist activities. Some will accept non resident accounts but these fall under different terms and conditions, such as they do not pay interest and on-line facilities pertaining to those accounts are not permitted. Similar banking rules apply here in Thailand regarding non resident accounts.

Onshore UK banks will normally permit foreign addresses for their accounts, but the accounts holders are suppose to inform the bank that they are not resident in the UK, because many types of bank accounts are not applicable for non residents. If a UK bank begins to suspect that an account holder is non resident without being notified, than that bank may close and freeze the account, plus claim back any interest it considers the account holder was not entitled to including other fees it feels fit to charge.

The solution is to open an offshore UK account, or known as International banking, which is specially desired for non UK residents. Most offshore banks will send credit and debit cards via post and have on-line facilities that enable an offshore account holder to transfer funds to any country abroad in any currency. Usually the offshore interest rates are crap, but as I have explained above, these are the only options available.

Trying to bluff it out that he is a UK resident, is done at the OP`s own risk and discretion.

Some useful information:




As I posted earlier, the ESD regulations have stopped the UK Offshore banking for many of us.

Barclays would not specifically tell me how I had failed to pass. Not living in the EU, working for non-EU companies and paid in USD, one or all of those?


The European Savings Directive pertains to tax and tax tracking between the European members States and has nothing to do with Thailand.

I`ve had offshore Barclays accounts both in Jersey and the Isle of Man for over 26 years and only 7 weeks ago, one of my sons who is resident in Thailand opened an offshore Barclays account for the first time.

Possible reasons for not qualifying for a Barclays offshore account is that either you do not have enough funds, you could not satisfy them that you have a bona fife residential address in Thailand, not given accurate details of where you lived and worked before, your accounts have gone into arrears in the past and you have a bad track record with the banks. There could be a multitude of reasons that only you would know about why offshore banking is off limits to you. For us who fulfil the requirements and have good financial track records with checkable references, no problem, UK offshore banking is not prohibited to us living in Thailand.

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Easiest to keep quiet and use your Daughter's address. If you have a UK credit card then know that UK Banks will not mail a replacement to Thailand due to security concerns, but your Daughter could.


I bank with RBS and have done so for over 20 years ... they know that I live full time over here. This is my registered address. They post both my mine and my wife's bank cards here. The local branch even repacks the cards so that 'Mr Thieving Postee' doesn't realize they are bank cards. How can anyone who has any kind of pension/bills to pay manage without a UK Bank Account.

Regarding your UK Pension,you can nominate an account abroad where you want it sent to, and in Sterling or Baht?


I have a Jersey account that permitted me to change my address to Thailand.

They were a little retentive about it but it was achievable.

I do not see why your Insurance company would not accept a payment from them?

I also have an account that uses my mother's address, but I obtained that before they were so exacting wrt proof of the address.

There are also outfits that offer you a UK address so that you can receive mail as if you lived there, whether you can persuade the bank to accept this address is another matter. (They ask for utility bills and maybe even a bank statement using that address.) One is called London Office Asia.


Have you no friends in the UK that you can use there address ???

It is important to keep an Address in the UK for various reasons..

I moved here in 2012 and have a Santander UK account and I told them before I moved, basic banking with some hiccups, the worse was when they would not send a new debit card as Thailand was unsafe but after an email of complaint to their ceo they put an exception on my account and sent a new card that will be renewed as and when required.

the big problem is that call center staff are not used to dealing with expat problems and do not know the answer to what to them are tricky problems and you have to take complaints up one or two levels and ignore them if they say you cant complain, just complain to the top


Thanks for all the responses guys. Unfortunately the situation is still confusing and the "European Savings Directive" reference posted by Bpuumike raises a red flag and maybe points to a recent change. Most of my friends and family have already left the UK too so few options there.

The information on the internet is both unclear and conflicting. Maybe if the change was made some time ago then it will still be honoured.

I might end up having to ask them but that could well result in the account being closed. Otherwise it's down to an ultimatum to my ex / daughter: "no address, no money".


Lloyds Bank have my Thai address and automatically send to me to Thailand, my new credit and debit cards, also every month my statements to Thailand...same as other bank accounts that I have.

I've never had any problems.

lloyds will not send cards outside of uk there ok with abroad address but that's about as far as service goes

also if your pin needs renewing they send a pin with a 14 day expiry and the letter typically takes up to 3 weeks standard post i asked for expedited post their reply no can do system computerized

ok we live and learn maybe Lloyds are like Thai banks each branch has its own agenda or maybe your Lloyds is different to just about every other posters Lloyds on this forum


I think you will find if you don't have a uk address you cant have a bank account there. go on the internet and look, I know there are companies that you can have your mail sent there they will open it up and deal with things on your behalf or will forward the mail on to you here.

Not sure why you bothered to post this considering the many previous replies from individuals saying that generally it was not a problem...............coffee1.gif

yes I know I F..... up posted before reading other posts. things must of changed 15 years ago when I came here I thought that was the case. sorry, but good news of me now.


Lloyds Bank have my Thai address and automatically send to me to Thailand, my new credit and debit cards, also every month my statements to Thailand...same as other bank accounts that I have.

I've never had any problems.

lloyds will not send cards outside of uk there ok with abroad address but that's about as far as service goes

also if your pin needs renewing they send a pin with a 14 day expiry and the letter typically takes up to 3 weeks standard post i asked for expedited post their reply no can do system computerized

ok we live and learn maybe Lloyds are like Thai banks each branch has its own agenda or maybe your Lloyds is different to just about every other posters Lloyds on this forum

Lloyds have always refused to send my cards to Thailand, so I'd given up asking and just get family to send them. Interesting that it doesn't seem to be consistent.


Thanks for all the responses guys. Unfortunately the situation is still confusing and the "European Savings Directive" reference posted by Bpuumike raises a red flag and maybe points to a recent change. Most of my friends and family have already left the UK too so few options there.

The information on the internet is both unclear and conflicting. Maybe if the change was made some time ago then it will still be honoured.

I might end up having to ask them but that could well result in the account being closed. Otherwise it's down to an ultimatum to my ex / daughter: "no address, no money".

I've had two bank accounts closed in the Uk because I wasn't living there (Barclays and ANother).

First Direct (owned by HSBC) started causing problems.

Natwest have blocked most of my internet banking until I insert my card in one of their ATMs.

Best to keep a UK address.

No address/no money looks like the best option to me.


Lloyds Bank have my Thai address and automatically send to me to Thailand, my new credit and debit cards, also every month my statements to Thailand...same as other bank accounts that I have.

I've never had any problems.

lloyds will not send cards outside of uk there ok with abroad address but that's about as far as service goes

also if your pin needs renewing they send a pin with a 14 day expiry and the letter typically takes up to 3 weeks standard post i asked for expedited post their reply no can do system computerized

ok we live and learn maybe Lloyds are like Thai banks each branch has its own agenda or maybe your Lloyds is different to just about every other posters Lloyds on this forum

Lloyds have always refused to send my cards to Thailand, so I'd given up asking and just get family to send them. Interesting that it doesn't seem to be consistent.

THey send mine but I do tell them to send via courier and they deduct the courier fee from my account. Give them a call and tell them to send via courier and that you will pay the cost.


I bank with RBS and have done so for over 20 years ... they know that I live full time over here. This is my registered address. They post both my mine and my wife's bank cards here. The local branch even repacks the cards so that 'Mr Thieving Postee' doesn't realize they are bank cards. How can anyone who has any kind of pension/bills to pay manage without a UK Bank Account.

i too bank with rbs. pensions are paid into it and they only have our address here in thailand. inter transfers between uk.banks is easy,and their international swift trans.are handled by them[ roy world express].


Thanks for all the responses guys. Unfortunately the situation is still confusing and the "European Savings Directive" reference posted by Bpuumike raises a red flag and maybe points to a recent change. Most of my friends and family have already left the UK too so few options there.

The information on the internet is both unclear and conflicting. Maybe if the change was made some time ago then it will still be honoured.

I might end up having to ask them but that could well result in the account being closed. Otherwise it's down to an ultimatum to my ex / daughter: "no address, no money".

I've had two bank accounts closed in the Uk because I wasn't living there (Barclays and ANother).

First Direct (owned by HSBC) started causing problems.

Natwest have blocked most of my internet banking until I insert my card in one of their ATMs.

Best to keep a UK address.

No address/no money looks like the best option to me.

Had to close my First Direct account recently after 15-20 years with them as they demanded proof of identity and residence in the UK (certified passport and utility bill in my name for UK address). I had been using a relatives address in UK for several years.


Use a family member's or friend's address.

Best dea. I have a mate in the UK, been using his address for more than 20 years, my bank are aware of the arrangement and have no problem with it. Of course, it has to be someone you can really trust, we've know each other 30 years.


as long as you have a good relationship with your uk.bank they should let you keep your acc.as long as they have your thai address[ proof]



It's not a huge problem to tell your bank you've moved overseas, I told HSBC the same twelve years ago and they've been happy with my address here in Thailand ever since, sending me credit cards, statements and other mail on a monthly basis. We've discussed at length my plans and financial situation so they are aware that I am ex UK and never likely to return on a permanent basis, it's not a problem for them.

I have the same experience with Barclays in the UK, no problem with a Thai address.

However, it's suddenly a different situation with Barclays International in Jersey. Despite multicurrency banking with them for 20+ years they have decided I do not meet the screening requirements of the European Savings Directive and will be closing my accounts next month. It's a hassle I could do without but am moving on. Barclays Jersey did tell me by phone that a lot of other people have been affected in the same way and I was about to start a thread on this subject.

So far I have heard nothing about this from Barclays in the UK mainland so am assuming there will be no problem with Sterling accounts there, even with my Thai address.

I had exactly the same problem with Barclays International,Jersey,called them and found a solution that has met their needs and means my account remains open.I live in China,so gave them my Chinese address as my home address,also they accepted my UK address as my address for mail outs etc.

pm me if you need any more info.


Have you no friends in the UK that you can use there address ???

It is important to keep an Address in the UK for various reasons..

Like others i have had no problem with my Halifax account they forward on any updates, i have no UK address and they know i live here in Thailand, the main problem sets in when your debit/credit card runs out,as others have pointed out there is an embargo on sending these cards to Thailand, on the phone i suggested sending cards to a friends address and getting them to forward on too me, i was told the only problem there is when i came to activate the card(s) it would not be recognised from Thailand, maybe other banks are different but this was the Halifax's answer, they could not tell me why there was an embargo on Thailand, and how long it had been in place, so maybe to do with present government!

So my advise to the opener would be make sure you have plenty of time left on your debit/credit cards and good luck!



Have you no friends in the UK that you can use there address ???

It is important to keep an Address in the UK for various reasons..

Like others i have had no problem with my Halifax account they forward on any updates, i have no UK address and they know i live here in Thailand, the main problem sets in when your debit/credit card runs out,as others have pointed out there is an embargo on sending these cards to Thailand, on the phone i suggested sending cards to a friends address and getting them to forward on too me, i was told the only problem there is when i came to activate the card(s) it would not be recognised from Thailand, maybe other banks are different but this was the Halifax's answer, they could not tell me why there was an embargo on Thailand, and how long it had been in place, so maybe to do with present government!

So my advise to the opener would be make sure you have plenty of time left on your debit/credit cards and good luck!


My bank (Lloyds) won't send new cards to me in Thailand, but they know I'm living here, so my transactions in Thailand are always recognised.


You can register an address in Thailand easy. However, your debit and credit cards will not be renewed when they expire unless you have a UK address associated with the account. You will also be unable to open any new accounts. I had this very same problem which I overcame by adding my daughter's name to my account and registering the account at her address. I'm not certain but I don't think I needed to make it a joint account ( it was more convenient for me). Simply tell the bank that you rent a room at your friend or family member's house. They do not check the council register or electoral roll.


Yes I have very recent experience of this. I have an HSBC bank account in the UK and can change my address via the online banking service without any problem. Last December I went to the UK and stayed with my brother. When I needed HSBC to send me the PIN for my VISA card, I logged in online, changed my address to that of my brother's house and HSBC sent the letter there. When I returned to Thailand in January, I changed my address back. Last month, HSBC sent me a new VISA (my old one had expired). So I'm fairly definite HSBC has no problem with Brits using overseas addresses.


I bank with RBS and have done so for over 20 years ... they know that I live full time over here. This is my registered address. They post both my mine and my wife's bank cards here. The local branch even repacks the cards so that 'Mr Thieving Postee' doesn't realize they are bank cards. How can anyone who has any kind of pension/bills to pay manage without a UK Bank Account.

So the RBS sends your bank cards to Thailand? Your lucky, I wish the Clydesdale Bank would do the same.


Yes I have very recent experience of this. I have an HSBC bank account in the UK and can change my address via the online banking service without any problem. Last December I went to the UK and stayed with my brother. When I needed HSBC to send me the PIN for my VISA card, I logged in online, changed my address to that of my brother's house and HSBC sent the letter there. When I returned to Thailand in January, I changed my address back. Last month, HSBC sent me a new VISA (my old one had expired). So I'm fairly definite HSBC has no problem with Brits using overseas addresses.

Jadee, Thanks for that., good that you have recent experience of it.


FWIW I also have a UK Barclaycard, the only condition Barclays imposes on me is that they must have a UK address on file, as well as my overseas home address, the latter being where they send any mailings.


For the life insurance: create a deposit with the insurance company and have them deduct the premium from that deposit.

Can't help you with the other question.


I think this topic will be better in the Home Country forum rather than in Bangkok Forum


"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I have both an HSBC account and a Halifax account. Halifax have tried a few times to send my debit card here but on every occasion it has gone missing in the post although I did receive the pin number which obviously comes separately.

HSBC allow your cards to be delivered and picked up from you branch in the UK but unfortunately Halifax don't so seeing as I don't have an address in the UK my card is nearly a decade out of date.


Lloyds Bank have my Thai address and automatically send to me to Thailand, my new credit and debit cards, also every month my statements to Thailand...same as other bank accounts that I have.

I've never had any problems.

lloyds will not send cards outside of uk there ok with abroad address but that's about as far as service goes

also if your pin needs renewing they send a pin with a 14 day expiry and the letter typically takes up to 3 weeks standard post i asked for expedited post their reply no can do system computerized

You are the lucky one. I was with TSB and then Lloyds TSB and now with Lloyds. They won't send me anything here in Thailand. I have to go in myself when in the UK and swap/change my cards.

To the OP keep a UK account as you never know when you will need it, as opening one as a non resident is difficult.


Can't you use your daughters address?

That was my original intent but she still lives with my ex, who has moved in with her new guy, hence the difficulty. I don't want to be lumbered with overseas transfer fees every month and my life insurer stated when asked a year or two ago that the payment mustbe made from a UK bank.

So as suggested previously the option might be "no use address ---> no money".

But thanks again to everyone who has responded, at least I have a clearer idea how to proceed for now.

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