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Police investigating rumor that Prayut transferred 10 billion baht to Singapore Bank

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Successful governance? I think I just may have pissed in my pants a little bit from rolling on the floor, laughing so hard.

Same same as previous governments. Thailand hobbles along like a three-legged soi dog. Nothing changes. Use education as the yardstick for real change only.

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REad the report in the first link - it was his father. I don't read Thai so the second link was useless.

It is just deceitful to attempt to make a connection between an act of his family to a rumour. But that's par for the Prayuth hate brigade.

No not hate brigade we just love the truth. He transfered much of his B 680 million to his father but we never got the truth about how he got to get assets worth B 680 million on an army salary. You remember its was when he told the press to stop investigating his and his brother wealth OR ......

Who's 'we'? You're posting opinion and conspiracy as though it it the truth. It is not.

No politician, senator or anyone else has to prove where they got their assets or we'd be here until doomsday waiting for all the investigations. I don't know whether he got his assets legally (family possessions) or illegally & neither do you.

You are just rumourmongering.

As are the claims about PTP enriching themselves off the rice scam, where not a shred of evidence (yet) has been found.

Pot kettle black much?

You are barking up the wrong tree here. I've never posted an opinion that PTP have enriched themselves (apart from the commerce minister & a few others who face charges of exactly that) directly.

Put that in your sporran.

Did I mention you personally? All I said was its no different to the claims made about PTP enriching themselves off the rice scam, where no evidence has been found (yet) it doesn't make any reference to it being directed at you.

Have whatever it was back out of my sporran and see if it can go inside the shoe that's in your mouth ;-)

You didn't mention me by name but you posted in response to my post so your devious attempt to wriggle out of that can go right back in your sporran.

Yes, it is rumourmongering except for the embarrasing fact that evidence has been presented to a court of the commerce minister's dubious (to put it mildly) rice deals. No, he's not been found guilty yet. It has a lot more credence than the rumours you are spreading.

Nothing devious about it, but if you feel it's directed at you, crack on, makes no odds to me, and yes the commerce minister is in it deep, but there were lots of accusations and rumours and finger pointing all the way to the top to thaksin and Yingluck by anti shin posters and not a single shred of evidence presented by many posters here, and you have the balls to accuse me of runourmongering?

I take it you didn't bother reading my post that said I don't believe there's anything in this particular case? And that all it takes is for the Bank in question to say " nothing of that amount has been deposited in any of our branches over the last x amount of days/weeks/months.

If you are accusing me of rumourmongering about the transfer of 600 million baht, and the transfers to his children's accounts these were reported in pretty much All the Thai National papers, as well as Foreign broadsheets too.

So by posting articles already printed last year, is classed as spreading rumours, then what exactly do you call the following where no evidence not a single piece was presented?

The Koh Samui Bomb was masterminded by a politician

The Koh Samui bomb was political

The Koh Samui bombers were not related to southern insurgents.

There are no Army personnel involved in Human trafficking

One of the 14 incarcerated students was brainwashed

The student movement is orchestrated by a U.S. Agency

I could if I could be ar$ed post dozens more claims by the Junta where not a shred of evidence was produced to back up their claims.

But feel free to keep drinking their Kool Aid Ken, I on the other hand can see through their facade and attempts to discredit and manipulate situations to their advantage.

Just in case you skim my posts again.

I don't believe this story as in the OP has much weight behind it.

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!! :D


you people are a joke

you question peoples wealth or families wealth based on current income, wealth or assets that may have been in the family for years, this is a vastly different thing than a person in office making a declaration of wealth before and after their term, all of which I don't believe anyway, consider if the now convicted ex CDI chief was asked to declare his assets while in office - do you honestly think he would have been declaring the piles of money valuables and gold (worth billions) he had stashed in various basements of property he owned - I think not - but that is not the topic of this thread

I personally know a few people back at home that bought land for a pittance and sold it 15-20 years later making an absolute fortune, all it took was a little forward thinking and in these cases was without risk - one of them was a postman and is now a millionaire and owns multiple large properties all over the world

How much wealth do you think some people have accumulated in Thailand from places like Pattaya buying up small plots of land 20-30 years ago when it was all but a small beach village with a single street along the beach - a simple example but you get the idea

Now those pointing a finger at the PM either put up or shut up - simple as that


If this is true and can be proven... he's toast.

No one is that stupid.....If you are corrupt someone else transfer money on your bank account, but no one would direct transfer money from a state bank account on his own.

I get surprised every day here seeing how stupid people are ... e.g. Kamron(half)wit, Thai DCA, TAT, TCT, thai drunk drivers, thai drivers, thai teachers (also drunk), boat drivers (drunk), train drivers, People want to buy 3 Subs, taxi-drivers (maybe drunk), RTP (also drunk), Engineers (road collapses) and so on and so on and so on and so on ...


If this is true and can be proven... he's toast.

No one is that stupid.....If you are corrupt someone else transfer money on your bank account, but no one would direct transfer money from a state bank account on his own.

Double post


Here's a 'rumor' for the Thai police to properly investigate. That the Koh Tao mafia murdered two innocent British tourists and are rail roading two innocent Burmese through a complete sham of a trial where the DNA evidence has been conveniently 'lost'. The 'rumors' are pretty strong that local 'business men' did the deed, in fact it seems pretty solid.

Not the thread topic I know, just giving some helpful advice to the Thai 'police'.


It could just be a downpayment on the subs.

Since too many people are lying we will never no untill we see solid evidence.


The fact that rumours are all the 7%'ers have to discredit Prayut is a testament to Prayuts progressive and successful governance.

Lets see the evidence. Lets see where he got this information from. We won't see it because this was never intended to uncover a truth. It is a rumour! It made the front page and has planted the seed of doubt in the minds of the gullible and that is what the reds thrive on. It will be discussed at length in this forum until it magically becomes fact to the people the rumour was targeted at.

Facts - The red shirts greatest enemy. Rumours (It used to be beliefs) - Their dearest friend.

Abra Kadabra!

Whether or not the specific charge is true, I have no idea.

But your statement in response is abusrd from beginning to end Starting with 'the 7%'ers' remark, and going through the idea that Chan-ocha has allowed the level of transparency needed to prove this - or anything he wouldn't want the country to learn of - under his oppressive and hypocritical regime.

The man said it wasn't a coup; and then it was a coup. The man said he had no interest in being PM; and then he elected himself PM. The man said that martial law was only temporary; and then he institutionalized it permanently. The man said he valued transparency; and then threatened to have journalists executed. The man has done more to halt free journalism, in fact, than any world event I've personally witnessed in my lifetime.

And, knowing all these basic facts - as any thinking observer would - you conclude him to be an honest man. Keep saluting.


REad the report in the first link - it was his father. I don't read Thai so the second link was useless.

It is just deceitful to attempt to make a connection between an act of his family to a rumour. But that's par for the Prayuth hate brigade.

No not hate brigade we just love the truth. He transfered much of his B 680 million to his father but we never got the truth about how he got to get assets worth B 680 million on an army salary. You remember its was when he told the press to stop investigating his and his brother wealth OR ......

Who's 'we'? You're posting opinion and conspiracy as though it it the truth. It is not.

No politician, senator or anyone else has to prove where they got their assets or we'd be here until doomsday waiting for all the investigations. I don't know whether he got his assets legally (family possessions) or illegally & neither do you.

You are just rumourmongering.

As are the claims about PTP enriching themselves off the rice scam, where not a shred of evidence (yet) has been found.

Pot kettle black much?

You are barking up the wrong tree here. I've never posted an opinion that PTP have enriched themselves (apart from the commerce minister & a few others who face charges of exactly that) directly.

Put that in your sporran.

Did I mention you personally? All I said was its no different to the claims made about PTP enriching themselves off the rice scam, where no evidence has been found (yet) it doesn't make any reference to it being directed at you.

Have whatever it was back out of my sporran and see if it can go inside the shoe that's in your mouth ;-)

You didn't mention me by name but you posted in response to my post so your devious attempt to wriggle out of that can go right back in your sporran.

Yes, it is rumourmongering except for the embarrasing fact that evidence has been presented to a court of the commerce minister's dubious (to put it mildly) rice deals. No, he's not been found guilty yet. It has a lot more credence than the rumours you are spreading.

Nothing devious about it, but if you feel it's directed at you, crack on, makes no odds to me, and yes the commerce minister is in it deep, but there were lots of accusations and rumours and finger pointing all the way to the top to thaksin and Yingluck by anti shin posters and not a single shred of evidence presented by many posters here, and you have the balls to accuse me of runourmongering?

I take it you didn't bother reading my post that said I don't believe there's anything in this particular case? And that all it takes is for the Bank in question to say " nothing of that amount has been deposited in any of our branches over the last x amount of days/weeks/months.

If you are accusing me of rumourmongering about the transfer of 600 million baht, and the transfers to his children's accounts these were reported in pretty much All the Thai National papers, as well as Foreign broadsheets too.

So by posting articles already printed last year, is classed as spreading rumours, then what exactly do you call the following where no evidence not a single piece was presented?

The Koh Samui Bomb was masterminded by a politician

The Koh Samui bomb was political

The Koh Samui bombers were not related to southern insurgents.

There are no Army personnel involved in Human trafficking

One of the 14 incarcerated students was brainwashed

The student movement is orchestrated by a U.S. Agency

I could if I could be ar$ed post dozens more claims by the Junta where not a shred of evidence was produced to back up their claims.

But feel free to keep drinking their Kool Aid Ken, I on the other hand can see through their facade and attempts to discredit and manipulate situations to their advantage.

Just in case you skim my posts again.

I don't believe this story as in the OP has much weight behind it.

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!! biggrin.png

Eating delayed so a quick response to this.

I could add another 20 if I could be bothered but I will add just one:

No Thai could have done this (in reference to the Ko Tao murder farce)

I don't believe any of the points you listed BTW.

Don't smoke a pipe but I'll put it in my next whisky & soda.wink.png


More rumours and more Thai bashing. I wish all respondents could name where they are posting from and why the majority of the non Thai residents post anti Thai comments.

Why dont you start then ... ? I wish all thai apologists would tell if they live in Death Island (maybe connected to some village headman) or if they are employed by RTP or the Gov ...

I look foreward to hear your reply ...

My self, I live in CM for now ...


Which facts?

Google Prayuth's Land deals with a company called 69 property, which was only established 7 days prior to a 600 Million Baht transfer.



The major shareholder of the company when the deal took place had a British Virgin Islands address, Isara News said, citing the Business Development Departments data.

Sounds a lot like an offshore company to me, but he said it was all above board, and he's the boss, so that makes it kosher doesn't it?

REad the report in the first link - it was his father. I don't read Thai so the second link was useless.

It is just deceitful to attempt to make a connection between an act of his family to a rumour. But that's par for the Prayuth hate brigade.

I believe he personally transfered money to his children's accounts, and not just a few bucks, but in the millions, but you don't seem to think it was a bit "unusual" with the timings or that being Children of a multi millionaire would actually need such vast sums of money deposited into their accounts ?

Just like organising a coup, timing is everything. Could very well be 110% legit, but he instructed journalists not to dig too deep, why ? Why not actually invite journalists to see his wealth and assets, opening the doors to his wealth would have gone a LONG way to prove his honesty, integrity and sincerity don't you think?

Instead he got all moody and defensive, which I believe just aroused suspicions even more. This marrying into money is a load of Crap. It seems the RTA must've had 1st dibs at the Hi So debutantes ball, you can believe what you want to believe, I on the other hand don't believe his wealth is as clean as debutantes silk panties!!

I don't have any knowledge that Prayuth is crooked or honest & neither do you. What I don't do is continue to spread innuendo, conspiracy crap & rumours - something that TV & some Thai talking-heads are experts at.

You 'believe' blah blah blah - says it all. You earlier wrote about facts (more like rumours) and here the hypocrisy comes out with no facts just quarter-baked opinion, which you are entitled to if you only could be honest enough to admit it is just that.

To reiterate, I believe very little that is written on TV and even less of your attempts to spread rumours.

I'm off to eat but some day, Haggis, I'd quite like to meet you as I don't think youreally believe in some of the crap you write.

I have proof that he's dishonest: he said it wasn't a coup. He said he had no interest in being PM. He said martial law was only temporary. Every one of those (important) statements turned out to be blatant lies, actually. It's quite factual, and provable if you follow the news events and what he said along the way.

Oh right...except for the huge lies, he's totally honest, you mean.


Why would a PM (not elected) squirrel 10 billion baht offshore when Thailand is the centre hub of everything - ? - does he not trust his own countries banks - his own hard working people for happiness - and article 44? ????


The fact that rumours are all the 7%'ers have to discredit Prayut is a testament to Prayuts progressive and successful governance.

Lets see the evidence. Lets see where he got this information from. We won't see it because this was never intended to uncover a truth. It is a rumour! It made the front page and has planted the seed of doubt in the minds of the gullible and that is what the reds thrive on. It will be discussed at length in this forum until it magically becomes fact to the people the rumour was targeted at.

Facts - The red shirts greatest enemy. Rumours (It used to be beliefs) - Their dearest friend.

Abra Kadabra!

"Prayuts progressive and successful governance. "

Can't stop laughing when i read your comment, you must be in love with the PM, because love is blind, as you are .....

But, you may be able to convince the 70% (as you forgot a zero) if you came with facts of the successes ....come on lover boy ....


The fact that rumours are all the 7%'ers have to discredit Prayut is a testament to Prayuts progressive and successful governance.

Lets see the evidence. Lets see where he got this information from. We won't see it because this was never intended to uncover a truth. It is a rumour! It made the front page and has planted the seed of doubt in the minds of the gullible and that is what the reds thrive on. It will be discussed at length in this forum until it magically becomes fact to the people the rumour was targeted at.

Facts - The red shirts greatest enemy. Rumours (It used to be beliefs) - Their dearest friend.

Abra Kadabra!

The indignation and outrage of the blinkered junta groupies does far more damage to the ex-general than all the silly reports in the paper. Far better to just ignore it than giving it the old "but but but Thaksin's red shirts" response. As junta groupy-in-chief, you are the worst offender. Like the dear PM, you too are in need of a good PR person.


Read the final paragraphs of the full story http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1436431746.

They're building their argument for a major clampdown on the internet.

I believe you are quite correct. It's happening in a lot of places-- the USA has experienced a few "False Flag Operations" where the final conconclusion is that The Authorities need to clamp down on Free Speech and control the Internet. I grew up with the ringing in my ear of "Don't Trust Authority"-- really true, now!


Read the OP, not just the headline. Police aren't investigating Prayut, they're investigating the people who started the rumor.

You didn't really think the police would investigate the PM, did you?

why should the police investigate the PM when it is a red shirt rumour.


Read the OP, not just the headline. Police aren't investigating Prayut, they're investigating the people who started the rumor.

You didn't really think the police would investigate the PM, did you?

why should the police investigate the PM when it is a red shirt rumour.

Just like the students being Thaksin's lackeys in the yellow shirt rumor.

Wow, this is easy.


The fact that rumours are all the 7%'ers have to discredit Prayut is a testament to Prayuts progressive and successful governance.

Lets see the evidence. Lets see where he got this information from. We won't see it because this was never intended to uncover a truth. It is a rumour! It made the front page and has planted the seed of doubt in the minds of the gullible and that is what the reds thrive on. It will be discussed at length in this forum until it magically becomes fact to the people the rumour was targeted at.

Facts - The red shirts greatest enemy. Rumours (It used to be beliefs) - Their dearest friend.

Abra Kadabra!

The indignation and outrage of the blinkered junta groupies does far more damage to the ex-general than all the silly reports in the paper. Far better to just ignore it than giving it the old "but but but Thaksin's red shirts" response. As junta groupy-in-chief, you are the worst offender. Like the dear PM, you too are in need of a good PR person.

and I guess you are then a blinkered red shirt groupie. You seem to share thier mentality


Hey Jimlove

I am 62, My house is in Prachinburi near Kabinburi. My house is small but western style on just over 1 rai land. I love my life here and my small village accepts me and makes me welcome. When I die, I intend to be burnt at the local temple and have a few of my bones thrown into the river and some buried under a "golden shower tree". Is that enough for you?


A lot of bitter people here that thrive on rumours. I don't know what your agenda is or if you are just purely bitter. The facts, if there are any, will come out and some sort of truth will be established in a few weeks. Meanwhile, lots make wild assumptions not based on fact. I would hate some of you trolls to be in a jury when I was on trial and innocent


You also consider Khaosod English, and Thai PBS as Anti monarchist websites? Well then you must the agree that TVF itself shares the same views?

Both these news outlets reported the very same thing, so are you accusing TVF of being anti monarchist too ?


A lot of bitter people here that thrive on rumours. I don't know what your agenda is or if you are just purely bitter. The facts, if there are any, will come out and some sort of truth will be established in a few weeks. Meanwhile, lots make wild assumptions not based on fact. I would hate some of you trolls to be in a jury when I was on trial and innocent

But not innocent of forum etiquette? why do you feel the need to underscore your post, as if you're trying to prove a point?

Agendas? what's yours?

You should know that TVF is renown for assumptions and speculations, you're even doing it yourself by stating there's a lot of bitter people here, that's an assumption.

you're also speculating that there's an agenda too, considering no Thais listen to or care for Farangs opinions either, what would they gain to form some sort of agenda.

It's also naive to call people trolls, which again is pretty much what you're also doing, and if you were on trial, it would mean there was a criminal court case against you, and whatever the prosecution evidence presented will convict you, and it has been known that innocent people have gone to jail too.


You also consider Khaosod English, and Thai PBS as Anti monarchist websites? Well then you must the agree that TVF itself shares the same views?

Both these news outlets reported the very same thing, so are you accusing TVF of being anti monarchist too ?

You said :

Google Prayuth's Land .......

When we type this in google the 1st website google found was an anti-monarchy website, follow by two thai news website as Khaosod and Changrai time, next time think to control what google give you as an answer and not give wait to fall on anti-monarchist website


The alternative is shutting up and swallowing whatever propaganda that is forced upon us. I won't accept that no matter who is in charge. It used to be like that in the dark ages but they are over now.

Most have said this is particular case is probably bull. Doesn't stop other questions being raised though.


The fact that rumours are all the 7%'ers have to discredit Prayut is a testament to Prayuts progressive and successful governance.

Lets see the evidence. Lets see where he got this information from. We won't see it because this was never intended to uncover a truth. It is a rumour! It made the front page and has planted the seed of doubt in the minds of the gullible and that is what the reds thrive on. It will be discussed at length in this forum until it magically becomes fact to the people the rumour was targeted at.

Facts - The red shirts greatest enemy. Rumours (It used to be beliefs) - Their dearest friend.

Abra Kadabra!


"7% ers" Yo big fella, do you really buy that 7% swill you are being fed or is it just it sit's better with you political persuasion? Not that we have a dog in the fight.

I'm sure you are familiar with the term CRITICAL THINKING" So why is critical thinking repressed and even criminalized in this country under current laws?

My question to you is, if you are innocent then produce the evidence to quell the fires that plague you???? Where's the evidence?

I'm not saying yes or no to the accusation, just asking questions that the powers that be don't like being asked?

if it was the Aussie PM called into question what would they do? Answer produce evidence to nullify the accusation, is that happening here? or just I will punish all who accuse me statement???????

Go the Hawkesthumbsup.gif

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