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Just in an attempt to put some balance on the forum my son sent me this gem on Youtube.

Not too sure if it were best that NancyL helped open up this individual's social circle, or Folkguitar takes him on a tour of the music venues...or he reads the various food threads on CM Thaivisa forum.

Either way a very different perspective to mine smile.png


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He is 'foaming' at the mouth. Maybe he has Rabies.

I find it hilarious that he says don't come here because it's so bad, but he isn't leaving. In his quest to find a 30 something cute woman.


people like this must have been saved from being fed to the ants by some of the locals with expat help. i am surprised he has not been stomped into a dark spot the size of a paper plate or just disappeared into the unknown parts of the oceans.

an embarresment to mankind of any natuon that he enters just to be seen in his vicinity.

O ! it offends me to the soul to hear a robustious periwig- pated fellow tear a passion to tatters, to very rags, to split the ears of the groundlings, who; for the most part are capable of nothing but inexplicable dumb-shows and noise: I would have such a fellow whipped for o'erdoing Termagant; it out-herods Herod; pray you, avoid it

Hamlet, Act III, Scene 2



$800 a month and all he knows is the bar scene is not for him yet he continues to talk about it. Crappy food. His Visa agent won't invite strike up a friendship with him why has he got one? He doesn't like it here. I am surprised that he didn't talk about the real problem here. People for the most part driving on the wrong side of the road. Don't they know he is an American?

What is really surprising is that he is going to come back with a video that people will eagerly be awaiting.facepalm.gif

T each their own. If I was him I would be seeing a travel agent not a Visa agent.cheesy.gif


I'm sure I would dislike him if I met him, but I also feel for the old fella. He is intensely lonely and unhappy. If only he could overcome is pride, ego and north American arrogance ("I'm a 'merican for gawds sake"), he'd have a good shot at an enjoyable life here. If not, go to Maddog.


I'm sure I would dislike him if I met him, but I also feel for the old fella. He is intensely lonely and unhappy. If only he could overcome is pride, ego and north American arrogance ("I'm a 'merican for gawds sake"), he'd have a good shot at an enjoyable life here. If not, go to Maddog.

Instant classic. ^^^


This guy is just a basketcase jackass..... He is here why..... cuz he can't afford it anywhere else..... and he doesnt like it here, but apparently go back to wherefrom he came because they couldn't stand him and ran him out once or maybe a death threat back there.... Can feel sorry for most mentally ill but somehow not for this guy. Jackass of the year.

PS maybe his mother will see this and make a post defending him..... that way he will at least have one nice post or comment.


Awfully shot video painful to watch. I couldn't watch it all. The bit were he showed his apartment, i couldn't work out what was up and what was down. When he said "20,000 people and nobody can say hello" I think they all can say "hello" but choose not to to him. He looks awfully pale. My advice get out in the day more and go to bed at night.


After getting into the video for about a minute and a half I can totally understand why he isn't able to establish meaningful relations.


If we're honest, we all have our days when we are really sick of everything (doesn't matter where you are in the world, if you're in one of those moods you'll find fault with anything and everything) but most of us wouldn't go to the trouble of not only having a rant (good for the soul occasionally) but went to the effort of putting it online. He just seems to me to be really, really unhappy.

Chiang Mai isn't for everybody, when asked by younger people I tend to say it's not a party town, that there is a bit of a scene, but it isn't huge. He appears to want to be where the music and party scene is much bigger; he really ought to leave here and find somewhere he likes.

I hope he can find happiness, we all deserve it.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Does anybody know the phrase he translates as "You are cute."? Is it Thai or Northern?

Anyway, this dude is not in a good place right now... And I don't mean geographically.


'We all deserve happiness' ??? A childish statement.

Equally juvenile is 'hope he finds it' (happiness).

Come on. Is not happiness a state of mind? Even guys with no feet, hands, eyes, etc can be happy. And is not happiness something we can work to achieve, or must we be lucky and simply stumble across it (like a lottery ticket).

Happiness can be gotten by each of us. In fact, 'The Conquest of Happiness' is available to all, here: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/The_Conquest_of_Happiness


I'm sure I would dislike him if I met him, but I also feel for the old fella. He is intensely lonely and unhappy. If only he could overcome is pride, ego and north American arrogance ("I'm a 'merican for gawds sake"), he'd have a good shot at an enjoyable life here. If not, go to Maddog.

Did not seem to be bragging about being an American. Just stating that he was a foreigner....as one would say...A'm aussie, kiwi or brit....

I think people here over react to Americans...anyways. Possibly because of inferiority complexes...lol.


What a miserable piece of crap. Why on earth would he expect his visa agent to invite him over for a meal and to meet her family? He seems like the type of person who would be miserable anywhere/everywhere.


Well, that's eight minutes of my life I'll never get back. I was a bit confused at first, I'm a bit hard of hearing and I thought he was complaining about cumber bands. How very odd, I thought, then I realized it was cover bands.


Yes, absolutely everyone has to work to obtain their own happiness -- just like they have to work to keep themselves healthy. It's a personal responsibility. He kept saying how there's no way to meet anyone unless you speak Thai. Duh -- you're in Thailand, why not take the time to learn Thai?

This poor guy doesn't look healthy, neither physically nor mentally. It's sad. He's in a place where, with a little bit of effort, a single guy with a modest income can build a nice life for himself. Easier here than in the U.S. The catch is "build a life" -- not have it handed it him by walking into a bar.


Yes, absolutely everyone has to work to obtain their own happiness -- just like they have to work to keep themselves healthy. It's a personal responsibility. He kept saying how there's no way to meet anyone unless you speak Thai. Duh -- you're in Thailand, why not take the time to learn Thai?

This poor guy doesn't look healthy, neither physically nor mentally. It's sad. He's in a place where, with a little bit of effort, a single guy with a modest income can build a nice life for himself. Easier here than in the U.S. The catch is "build a life" -- not have it handed it him by walking into a bar.

Excellent post... and a good summing-up.


I'm always wary of someone who begins speaking with a 'sigh.' When used with strangers, it's a cry of 'pity me! I'm a victim.'

Unfortunately in his case, he IS a victim... a victim of his own inability to get out of the house to do something productive! I've never seen a country with so many opportunities for interaction, with locals despite the language difficulties, or with other expats! I rarely get to sit down to lunch without getting into conversations with strangers at the next tables. No... this man is a prisoner in a jail of his own making. The problem is not Chiang Mai.


I met a bloke just like this in a CM Makro store some time ago. Clearly not happy and as a result of many things (inc drugs) he was clearly also 'very disturbed'. After being polite and listening for a while I tried to move away, but he followed each time and just kept going on and on. When I said "why dont you just fxxx off". He said he had been thinking about it for a while. I responded "no, I mean now, away from me".


I made it to 58 secs ......anyone go the full distance ?

I stopped watching after 30 seconds to go to HomePro to buy a rope and a stool.

Now that was funny.smile.png What I can't figure out is why you didn't watch he whole thing. As it happened he didn't come in with a zinger to turn it around but you would have to see it all to know that. I just dialed up a game of Spider Solitaire after I saw that his video was a waste of time and listened to the moaning in case he came up with some thing intelligent.

By the way is the stool one with a broken leg ready to break under any weight?tongue.png


He knows all the bars...but doesn't know anything else about Chiang Mai.

Can't know to many on $800 a month. Unless he goes in and just nurses a beer in the corner wondering why they don't have AC DC there? Also why the cute Barmaid hasn't invited him to diner.biggrin.png

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