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Russian wanted in connection with fatal stabbing of dog in Jomtien

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I would give the Russian a community service award.

Pit bulls are mongreled out slugs that are unpredictable around kids.

Take a look at the average pitbull owner. Half the time they look like their dog.

Most Australians who own pitbulls are covered in tatoos. Says it all.

great luv it, im sure ur get some ozzies disagree with u

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The individual pictured appears to be another quality tourist. I'm not sure which is lower on my favorability rating, a pitbull, or a drunk Russian carrying a weapon.


Just had an incident here in Canada. Pit bull killed a guy. The dog has been banned for over ten years now. Not sure where the dog came from but a guy definitely died from the attack.


"Stabbed in the chest?" The dog likely was attacking him an leapt up chest facing is the only way logically that a man would stab a pit bull in the chest. Unless the og attacked and he was able to flip it over an then stab it. Either way, it sounds like the guy was defending himself.

You didn't get that job as a CSI script writer then, came here instead.


The news.mthai.com website reported the story in the OP, with Thai readers' comments underneath. Most comments were in support of the Russian, believing that it was probably self defence and that dogs running wild round the sois are a big problem in Thailand.
One post was from a Thai who lives in the soi and they gave a little background to the story. They said the owner lets the dog run about the soi unattended all the time. In fact she has several dogs. The dogs would often try to bite pedestrians and motorcyclists passing through the soi. If any of the victims tried to retaliate by hitting the dogs the owner would start shouting and swearing at them regardless of the fact her dogs had just tried to bite them. This had been going on for a long time. The dogs also fouled the soi and their antisocial behaviour was well known there.

For those of you who are saying that this breed of dog are killers know nothing about pitbulls. Firstly if you want to locate the killer you need to be looking at the other end of the lead. The truth is these dogs are super social animals and need to be brought up mixing with people from the beginning. Now if this dog is a full American pitbull ''which i doubt'' looking at the pic and it was 7 months old and has been raised freely mixing with patrons it would be 90% safe to assume he has been socialized and none aggressive with humans. Also a 7 month American pitbull would be smaller than the dog in the picture. It looks like he has a taller breed mixed in.

A pitbull becomes aggressive when it is locked away and has little or no human contact. When a pitbull is fully grown it can not be allowed to roam freely because of the dangers associated with other soi dogs. ''Not people''. this goes for socialized pitbulls as well. My pitbull is now 14 months old and soi dogs approach him when i walk him on his lead. They want to kill him, he wants to lick them to death. He is young and naive and i have already had vet bills from sio dog bites on his back side whilst on the lead. I know one day he would return the favour.

A very sensible post, surprised no one else noticed that the one in the pic is definitely not a pit bull of any kind, just someone claimed it was. Someone once tried to sell me two pedigree ban keaw pups...i guarantee a ban keaw never even sniffed their mothers erse.
The dog, whatever breed it may be is not the main concern here.....a Wanted Russian armed with a knife is!

I saw a documentary on pit bulls and similar fighting dogs a while back.
They interviewed a vet who was sometimes called on by the police to identify the breed of dog they had in custody which had attacked someone or been in a dog fight. This vet said that even though he had over 30 years experience as a vet, he was very often unable to ascertain if the dog was a pure pit bull or a pit bull cross breed because they all looked so similar. And when it came down to it, the injuries inflicted by them were so horrific it didn't really make any difference.
Also it's a common tactic for pit bull owners to claim their dogs aren't pure pit bull to get round the strict laws on owning these dangerous dogs.


I had me English Bull Terrier killed a few years ago, he was only a couple of years old and still a puppy really. He was never left to run the streets - we had a nice yard and garden all around the house, which was secure. He was never walked off the lead in the streets, totally, totally harmless. Some twunt poisoned him, the only thing we could think of was that burglars or house invaders were put off by him in the yard, so they poisoned him. That, or local Muslims. How interested were the police? You know the answer..

The story is not complete.

Russian did not kill the dog on the street but in old ladies house.

Old lady was being helped by PAC.

She called PAC to ask for help as she was scared Russian was going to kill her.

Instead he went into her house and killed the dog.

PAC called police and insisted on Russian being arrested for break and enter and murder of a dog.

Police did arrest him, but while getting all the facts , officer escorted him to hotel to get his passport .

While in the room , he escaped through the back window .

Police has his passport copy and all the info.

Once arrested he is looking at 7 years jail for both offences if convicted.

Can read proper story on PAC site

Good! Too many Russians and too much crime from them. 14 years in prison sounds good to me Konying! He is going to be a very different person when they catch him!

Not 14,only 7

But if he confesses, then its down to 3.5

Currently max fine of 40k baht for animal cruelty / prison. I guess prison time or fine for the break and enter. A Westerner killed a Thai member of my family when running a red light and then did a runner; was released after paying a "fine". If the guy has the cash, why do you expect a different outcome in this case?


Looks like the dog is getting all the sympathy votes.

The Russians sure are held in low esteem around here!

I would like to hear what happened, I rarely hear of Russians attacking dogs for no reason.

I frequently hear and have been subjected to, feral behaviour of free roaming uncontrolled dogs in Thailand.

This is a large, male, known vicious, breed of dog. An attacking dog brings with it rabies fears from the slightest bite.

My first thought was, good, one less, but I would like to hear what the Russian or a witness has to say.

There is a possibility the Russian was trespassing too.


Assuming he was being attacked, he was surely lucky to have a knife ready to defend himself.

There's at least two sides to every story.

Dogs sense the smell of fear and anger on people and who knows what really happened first there, no matter what the Rusky looked like?

I knew an elderly lady who was killed by one and in Oz they are illegal. Tragic.

For me, nothing could be so frightening as any breed even remotely looking like this and hell bent on eating me.

Can be so fast and furious.


Looks more like self defence.....The owner was away.....Dog stumbled in....Nobody in control of it......obviously no leash on it....probably attacked the guy as he was walking past the house.


I think the fact that the Russian had a knife on him says a lot!

Sometimes it is wise to have a knife in your bag.

The knife may come handy in cutting bread or opening a beer bottle, you never know.

If this guy didn't have a knife with him he may have been severely bitten by this extremely dangerous dog.

In many countries of the world this kind of dog is illegal to keep as a pet.

" this extremely dangerous dog." ????????

Sorry, did you see something in the article????

What danger???

The dog's home was in a BAR. Therefore, it is not going to be dangerous. Just somebody's friendly pet.

Obviously just a sadistic Russian at large with a knife. I hope the police apprehend this "extremely dangerous human" and lock him away for a very long time. However,........

Having said that, I honestly believe that ALL pit bulls, the world over should be neutered as SOME can be unpredictable with many used for Illegal dog fights. ( Human problem again, as usual).


Did this happen on public property and if so was the dog under adult supervision i.e. leashed?



Whether it was or not, it's hardly the dogs' fault.

I have lived in Pattaya area for some years now. I have never seen this notice and other dog owners I know, have never seen it either. Is it real or is it made up?

My dogs regularly visit the vet at an animal hospital and no vet has ever made even a suggestion that my dogs should be registered.

The dogs are vaccinated against rabies annually. They receive a flimsy collar tag which has normally faded to become illegible within 2 months and disappeared completely within 4 months.

If the dog's owner had complied with what you suggest, would that have protected it against this Russian attack?


"Stabbed in the chest?" The dog likely was attacking him an leapt up chest facing is the only way logically that a man would stab a pit bull in the chest. Unless the og attacked and he was able to flip it over an then stab it. Either way, it sounds like the guy was defending himself.

Sounds more like the russkie was kicking the dog, dog defended itself and got stabbed by this criminal.

The dog was NOT stabbed in the chest as photo's on Pattaya One site clearly show. He was stabbed in the right side


The evil Russian carrying a knife attacked an innocent puppy and brutally killed the poor dog.

A warning to all dogs in Pattaya: beware of the Russians with knives! They are armed and very dangerous.


The news.mthai.com website reported the story in the OP, with Thai readers' comments underneath. Most comments were in support of the Russian, believing that it was probably self defence and that dogs running wild round the sois are a big problem in Thailand.

One post was from a Thai who lives in the soi and they gave a little background to the story. They said the owner lets the dog run about the soi unattended all the time. In fact she has several dogs. The dogs would often try to bite pedestrians and motorcyclists passing through the soi. If any of the victims tried to retaliate by hitting the dogs the owner would start shouting and swearing at them regardless of the fact her dogs had just tried to bite them. This had been going on for a long time. The dogs also fouled the soi and their antisocial behaviour was well known there.

I saw a documentary on pit bulls and similar fighting dogs a while back.

They interviewed a vet who was sometimes called on by the police to identify the breed of dog they had in custody which had attacked someone or been in a dog fight. This vet said that even though he had over 30 years experience as a vet, he was very often unable to ascertain if the dog was a pure pit bull or a pit bull cross breed because they all looked so similar. And when it came down to it, the injuries inflicted by them were so horrific it didn't really make any difference.

Also it's a common tactic for pit bull owners to claim their dogs aren't pure pit bull to get round the strict laws on owning these dangerous dogs.

If that was the case different story then I can understand the Russian. Different story as what Koyin posted.

I have a dog, he loves to bark at other dogs and sometimes at strange things that pass (out of the ordinary). Before he did not do that I let him out sometimes (making sure I could hear him as i live in front of a small park). Now I don't because even though he never bitten anyone he might scare someone and that is just not good. I take him on walks and that is it, sometimes let him walk free with me watching him when there are no people around.

I can understand people wanting to defend themselves against dogs, however barking does not equal an attack and some people are just over reacting when it comes to dogs wanting to harm all dogs they see. That is the other extreme.


The news.mthai.com website reported the story in the OP, with Thai readers' comments underneath. Most comments were in support of the Russian, believing that it was probably self defence and that dogs running wild round the sois are a big problem in Thailand.

One post was from a Thai who lives in the soi and they gave a little background to the story. They said the owner lets the dog run about the soi unattended all the time. In fact she has several dogs. The dogs would often try to bite pedestrians and motorcyclists passing through the soi. If any of the victims tried to retaliate by hitting the dogs the owner would start shouting and swearing at them regardless of the fact her dogs had just tried to bite them. This had been going on for a long time. The dogs also fouled the soi and their antisocial behaviour was well known there.

I saw a documentary on pit bulls and similar fighting dogs a while back.

They interviewed a vet who was sometimes called on by the police to identify the breed of dog they had in custody which had attacked someone or been in a dog fight. This vet said that even thoo the ugh he had over 30 years experience as a vet, he was very often unable to ascertain if the dog was a pure pit bull or a pit bull cross breed because they all looked so similar. And when it came down to it, the injuries inflicted by them were so horrific it didn't really make any difference.

Also it's a common tactic for pit bull owners to claim their dogs aren't pure pit bull to get round the strict laws on owning these dangerous dogs.

hey katana--howz about providing a link to the 'mthai.com' story you refer to???

Nope? I didn't think so because there never was one. As for the rest of your post, pure BS...

I, on the other hand, actually have an authentic link:



"Stabbed in the chest?" The dog likely was attacking him an leapt up chest facing is the only way logically that a man would stab a pit bull in the chest. Unless the og attacked and he was able to flip it over an then stab it. Either way, it sounds like the guy was defending himself.

Sounds more like the russkie was kicking the dog, dog defended itself and got stabbed by this criminal.

It might have been the other way round.

Nobody would attack a dog without a reason.

Imagine that the Russian man was having a peaceful lunch with his wife and two little children in a restaurant next to the pub.

The pub owner's dog may have been wandering around unleashed and unattended.

The dog may have approached a little child and became aggressive all of a sudden. This kind of dog is quite unpredictable as everyone know.

This kind of dog is notorious for being a killer dog. Pit bulls around the world have killed many people already.

The Russian man may have been defending himself or his child.

He grabbed a kitchen knife from the table and used this knife as a weapon to fight the angry dog.

He is a hero!


The evil Russian carrying a knife attacked an innocent puppy and brutally killed the poor dog.

A warning to all dogs in Pattaya: beware of the Russians with knives! They are armed and very dangerous.

I would say beware of idiots carrying knives who are afraid they get attacked by an apple or a loaf of bread.

Never understood peoples need for weapons, thing is when you got one with you who knows what you do when drunk or emotional they are then a danger to others.

Much rather face a dog then a person with a knife.


Pitbulls are one of the most dangerous breeds on the Planet. They can turn without reasons and have mauled many Children to death.

I don't know that pit bulls are more or less likely to go off on you than a poodle.

But if they do go off, they're bred to grab and hold on and not let go- except to get a better bite. And their breeding has given them the "hardware" to inflict injuries way out of proportion to a typical breed.

That's what makes them dangerous.


The evil Russian carrying a knife attacked an innocent puppy and brutally killed the poor dog.

A warning to all dogs in Pattaya: beware of the Russians with knives! They are armed and very dangerous.

I would say beware of idiots carrying knives who are afraid they get attacked by an apple or a loaf of bread.

Never understood peoples need for weapons, thing is when you got one with you who knows what you do when drunk or emotional they are then a danger to others.

Much rather face a dog then a person with a knife.

A dog is a weapon. I too see no reason to own a weapon.

The cognitive dissonance in this thread is astonishing. Dogs are a hazard on many different levels. Why defend them? Why pretend they are harmless when they are demonstrably not?

A significant number of posters seem to believe that Russians are dangerous dog hunter-killers and spend their free time looking to make their own lives difficult and should receive the death sentence.

I'm going to have to tell you, please be seated, dogs are not people. Killing an animal is not murder. If it is, your lunch makes you a criminal.

For a reason I will never understand, some people need pets that subject the rest of us to potential attack or some kind of biological problem. Dogs are worse than rats,qv.


Did this happen on public property and if so was the dog under adult supervision i.e. leashed?



Whether it was or not, it's hardly the dogs' fault.

I have lived in Pattaya area for some years now. I have never seen this notice and other dog owners I know, have never seen it either. Is it real or is it made up?

My dogs regularly visit the vet at an animal hospital and no vet has ever made even a suggestion that my dogs should be registered.

The dogs are vaccinated against rabies annually. They receive a flimsy collar tag which has normally faded to become illegible within 2 months and disappeared completely within 4 months.

If the dog's owner had complied with what you suggest, would that have protected it against this Russian attack?

I agree it is not the dogs fault. But it still hasn't been established if the dog attacked the Russian. If it did and the dog was unsupervised on public property then the dog's owner is partially responsible. The Pattaya City Announcement is available at the city vet's office (your welcome to visit) on 3rd Road where you can also register your dog. The other sign was found in Naklua and may or may not still exist. There maybe others around like it though I've not seen any. Whatever, this is Pattaya law and the regular police, city police, public health and city vet will all follow up complaints of owned dogs roaming free and fouling public areas. Ignorance of this law is no excuse.

If the dog had been kept on private property where the Russian would not have come across it unless trespassing then the dog would probably still be alive. Same goes if it had been properly supervised (leashed) on public property.


The evil Russian carrying a knife attacked an innocent puppy and brutally killed the poor dog.

A warning to all dogs in Pattaya: beware of the Russians with knives! They are armed and very dangerous.

I would say beware of idiots carrying knives who are afraid they get attacked by an apple or a loaf of bread.

Never understood peoples need for weapons, thing is when you got one with you who knows what you do when drunk or emotional they are then a danger to others.

Much rather face a dog then a person with a knife.

A dog is a weapon. I too see no reason to own a weapon.

The cognitive dissonance in this thread is astonishing. Dogs are a hazard on many different levels. Why defend them? Why pretend they are harmless when they are demonstrably not?

A significant number of posters seem to believe that Russians are dangerous dog hunter-killers and spend their free time looking to make their own lives difficult and should receive the death sentence.

I'm going to have to tell you, please be seated, dogs are not people. Killing an animal is not murder. If it is, your lunch makes you a criminal.

For a reason I will never understand, some people need pets that subject the rest of us to potential attack or some kind of biological problem. Dogs are worse than rats,qv.

A dog on ones own property is not a weapon, no argument from me that roaming dogs can be dangerous.

Killing a dog is indeed not murder, but neither is it a nice thing to do. Dogs are considered pets in most cases only headcases go out killing them.

Dogs are worse as rats.. i really wonder about the intelligence of some posters cheesy.gif wonder what education (if any) you have. Sure the potential of a rat attack vs a dog attack is a lot less. But rats spread disease that is their danger.. and the danger from that far outweighs that of dogs.


I would give the Russian a community service award.

Pit bulls are mongreled out slugs that are unpredictable around kids.

Take a look at the average pitbull owner. Half the time they look like their dog.

Most Australians who own pitbulls are covered in tatoos. Says it all.

Pit Bulls and Russians should be banned.


I had me English Bull Terrier killed a few years ago, he was only a couple of years old and still a puppy really. He was never left to run the streets - we had a nice yard and garden all around the house, which was secure. He was never walked off the lead in the streets, totally, totally harmless. Some twunt poisoned him, the only thing we could think of was that burglars or house invaders were put off by him in the yard, so they poisoned him. That, or local Muslims. How interested were the police? You know the answer..

The story is not complete.

Russian did not kill the dog on the street but in old ladies house.

Old lady was being helped by PAC.

She called PAC to ask for help as she was scared Russian was going to kill her.

Instead he went into her house and killed the dog.

PAC called police and insisted on Russian being arrested for break and enter and murder of a dog.

Police did arrest him, but while getting all the facts , officer escorted him to hotel to get his passport .

While in the room , he escaped through the back window .

Police has his passport copy and all the info.

Once arrested he is looking at 7 years jail for both offences if convicted.

Can read proper story on PAC site

You feel your life is in danger and you call an animal rescue center! I don't believe this story one bit.


The news.mthai.com website reported the story in the OP, with Thai readers' comments underneath. Most comments were in support of the Russian, believing that it was probably self defence and that dogs running wild round the sois are a big problem in Thailand.

One post was from a Thai who lives in the soi and they gave a little background to the story. They said the owner lets the dog run about the soi unattended all the time. In fact she has several dogs. The dogs would often try to bite pedestrians and motorcyclists passing through the soi. If any of the victims tried to retaliate by hitting the dogs the owner would start shouting and swearing at them regardless of the fact her dogs had just tried to bite them. This had been going on for a long time. The dogs also fouled the soi and their antisocial behaviour was well known there.

For those of you who are saying that this breed of dog are killers know nothing about pitbulls. Firstly if you want to locate the killer you need to be looking at the other end of the lead. The truth is these dogs are super social animals and need to be brought up mixing with people from the beginning. Now if this dog is a full American pitbull ''which i doubt'' looking at the pic and it was 7 months old and has been raised freely mixing with patrons it would be 90% safe to assume he has been socialized and none aggressive with humans. Also a 7 month American pitbull would be smaller than the dog in the picture. It looks like he has a taller breed mixed in.

A pitbull becomes aggressive when it is locked away and has little or no human contact. When a pitbull is fully grown it can not be allowed to roam freely because of the dangers associated with other soi dogs. ''Not people''. this goes for socialized pitbulls as well. My pitbull is now 14 months old and soi dogs approach him when i walk him on his lead. They want to kill him, he wants to lick them to death. He is young and naive and i have already had vet bills from sio dog bites on his back side whilst on the lead. I know one day he would return the favour.

A very sensible post, surprised no one else noticed that the one in the pic is definitely not a pit bull of any kind, just someone claimed it was. Someone once tried to sell me two pedigree ban keaw pups...i guarantee a ban keaw never even sniffed their mothers erse.

The dog, whatever breed it may be is not the main concern here.....a Wanted Russian armed with a knife is!

I saw a documentary on pit bulls and similar fighting dogs a while back.

They interviewed a vet who was sometimes called on by the police to identify the breed of dog they had in custody which had attacked someone or been in a dog fight. This vet said that even though he had over 30 years experience as a vet, he was very often unable to ascertain if the dog was a pure pit bull or a pit bull cross breed because they all looked so similar. And when it came down to it, the injuries inflicted by them were so horrific it didn't really make any difference.

Also it's a common tactic for pit bull owners to claim their dogs aren't pure pit bull to get round the strict laws on owning these dangerous dogs.

Please provide link to mthai article.


Only nasty insecure people would have an American pit bull dog as a pet.

Would you let your 2 year old child play in the same room with an American pit bull or a Tzitzu

yes the pit bull would be the first choice, NOT, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif


Only nasty insecure people would have an American pit bull dog as a pet.

Would you let your 2 year old child play in the same room with an American pit bull or a Tzitzu

yes the pit bull would be the first choice, NOT, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

It's hardly an OLD LADIES dog. There's a lot more to this story.


Plenty of statistics (US here)


The combination of molosser breeds, including pit bulls, rottweilers, presa canarios, cane corsos, mastiffs, dogo argentinos, fila brasieros, sharpeis, boxers, and their mixes, inflict:

  • 86% of attacks that induce bodily harm
  • 81% of attacks to children
  • 89% of attack to adults
  • 76% of attacks that result in fatalities
  • 86% that result in maiming
  • Even if the pit bull category was "split four ways," attacks by pit bulls and their closest relatives would still outnumber attacks by any other dog breed.
  • Pit bulls are noteworthy for attacking adults almost as frequently as children. This is a very rare pattern, only seen elsewhere in the bullmastiff/presa canario line.
  • If a pit bull or rottweiler has a bad moment, instead of a person being bitten, often a person is maimed for life or killed. This has created off-the-chart actuarial risk.

And attacks are on the increase


I can see no more reason to have a Pit Bull than walk around with a loaded pistol. Just asking for trouble. Plenty of other breeds of dogs available.

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