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Why young Isaan ladies marry old farangs?


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Been with my Dragon 15 years now, she is 17 years my junior, no worries she owns the Pub, the houses and the cars and bikes, suits me to a tee, I pay the insurance, electricity ect, not a bad deal, god bless her little cotton socks.Nothing wrong living in Isaan.

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Same here - wife has legal title to it all,

Well, almost - not the bank a/cs. As she is co-signatory, what do I have to worry about?

Side issue - I am curious about gender reassignment.

That should have a positive effect on the marriage? No negatives? Personal experiences to relate?

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1. Have absolutely nothing in common

2. Cultures are so far apart, that even a speed of light rocket would never get either one of them there

3. No common language

4. No clear communication or understanding

5. Totally different set of values and moral

6. 30 years apart energy levels

For her: Money, money and money

For Him: Sex, Nursing and kind words(lies) of what a lovely man he is

Success rate: As long as he realizes of the business arrangement, it may last for long time, plus without her, he could not even get a beer.

As long as she does not meet another one with more money to burn and gives whatever she asks for, love will flourish

Amazing how so many of you on here just want to generalize and have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not picking on konying, but he does have a nice list I can use.

My wife and I are 25 years apart and have a wonderful relationship.

1. No, we didn't have a lot in common initially, we do now. There's nothing wrong with not having a lot in common with someone, it's fun to make your own memories together.

2. Yes, my culture is different than hers, I like that. I personally don't care much for many of the American ladies I left behind.

3. I've learned better Thai, she's learned much better English.

4. After 10 years of being together we understand each other pretty well, better than I ever had with an older western lady.

5. Values and morals are not much different, we are both good people and that's the important part.

6. My energy levels are actually much higher than hers, I don't mind going on a long walk on hot days, she doesn't care for being outside in the heat.

Money: We share most of our money, I certainly do not spoil her. She has no gold, no fancy designer bags or clothing and she understands the value in not buying those things.

Sex, Nursing: I've had plenty of sex back in the states, I didn't need to come here for it. She does take care of me pretty well, however, no different than my mother took care of my father. We were both brought up that way and she enjoys seeing me happy, and I her.

So, next time you guys want to know why someone is with someone else, why don't you just ask them?

Thanks for sharing your side of the story, I wonder if hers is the same .

You learning some Thai and her learning some English leaves a pretty big gap, sorry to tell you, no matter what you might like to think.

You not liking your own culture and not knowing hers, despite what you like to believe is another flaw which you do not even realise . Your culture is what made you the way you are. You are now "respecting " hers while she does not know nor care about yours.

These are just facts which no doubt you will refute .

But that's the difference between understanding the reality and making one up.

As for you speaking Thai as otter pensioners like to claim , not picking on you but I find it hilarious.

I moved to Thailand when I was 26, went to school, work with Thai and after 15 years I would hardly call my Thai fluent , yet a 60 year old manages to learn fluent or good enough to have deep and meaningful conversations?

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Most of the ones I run into have been abandoned by a husband and Mama is raising the kids (probably on average 2). I am 76 and my live-in is 35 and has a 3-year old daughter. She mixed concrete on construction jobs before coming to Pattaya. They don't get pregnant fresh out of school either - i read somewhere that the average age of the Thai mother haviing her first child is 24. Mine gets a salary, half of which goes into Mama's bank account. The other half goes into my GF's bank account - the first one she has ever had. She also gets a weekly allowance to cover out of pocket expenses so the bank account piles up. Depending on longevity I will make a provision for her in my will. I can't speak with any degree of certainty but I imagine attending school, daily sessions at the gym, mild housekeeping and laundry chofres beats the crap out of mixing mud. She is either very happy with the latest chapter in her life or she deserves an Academy Award for best performance. Notice there is no talk of marriage which would be ridiculous.

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Did a good deal of reading before retirement here, still learning, of course but...what I had read about Thai culture led me to believe that 1. Age is traditionally more respected than in my home culture 2. Education was more respected in my home culture 3. There is a focus on family security (yes, you can read steady income) and 4. There is a belief that western males are (earned or not) more monogamous than a goodly number of Thai males (I truly appreciate the Thai male who helps supply a never ending number of pretty 30 something Thai females looking for security).

So, being a retired Professor in his mid-60s, with some funding, well hay, what's not to love! Ha! Played for awhile but I found I wanted a relationship where we could travel together, etc. For a younger lady from Isaan or not, the considerations out weigh the 28 year difference between my wife and myself.

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I think THIS answers the Question.

Although she is not Issan, someone with a $ 70,000 baht a Month pension may as well be Rupert Murdoch not to mention the dowery. I said not to mention it !


man knows talent.

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I have a 36 year old that has a grip on me like super glue. I am 59. I try to buy her clothes which she has very little of. Nope too expensive. I tried to replace her worn out shoes. She bought a pair for 129 Baht. I give her money and she gives it to her mother to take care of her 2 boys.

Money is not always the reason.

I cannot for the life of me see what she sees in me. I still have hair. I have little gray hair and very few wrinkles is her answer. The fact that I will be dead by the time she gets to my age is of very little concern to her.

Sex is not a problem for either of us. She initiates it most of the time. I suspect because she has been convinced that all foreigners require sex at all times. She even wonders why I don't sometimes.

She is a very smart woman. English abilities ar lacking but I understand enough Thai that that is not a problem. She uses a translator very quickly and only needs it 1 time.

We went to a Global House to look around and she saw a school friend. Her friend was freaked that this shy girl that studied all the time and never fooled around with boys, had a farang boyfriend.

No single answer for this question.

She doesnt want her thai kids then?????

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Most of the ones I run into have been abandoned by a husband and Mama is raising the kids (probably on average 2). I am 76 and my live-in is 35 and has a 3-year old daughter. She mixed concrete on construction jobs before coming to Pattaya. They don't get pregnant fresh out of school either - i read somewhere that the average age of the Thai mother haviing her first child is 24. Mine gets a salary, half of which goes into Mama's bank account. The other half goes into my GF's bank account - the first one she has ever had. She also gets a weekly allowance to cover out of pocket expenses so the bank account piles up. Depending on longevity I will make a provision for her in my will. I can't speak with any degree of certainty but I imagine attending school, daily sessions at the gym, mild housekeeping and laundry chofres beats the crap out of mixing mud. She is either very happy with the latest chapter in her life or she deserves an Academy Award for best performance. Notice there is no talk of marriage which would be ridiculous.

Make her get a job, and stop scrounging???

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1. Have absolutely nothing in common

2. Cultures are so far apart, that even a speed of light rocket would never get either one of them there

3. No common language

4. No clear communication or understanding

5. Totally different set of values and moral

6. 30 years apart energy levels

For her: Money, money and money

For Him: Sex, Nursing and kind words(lies) of what a lovely man he is

Success rate: As long as he realizes of the business arrangement, it may last for long time, plus without her, he could not even get a beer.

As long as she does not meet another one with more money to burn and gives whatever she asks for, love will flourish

Very optimistic post. Thanks for the upliftment. So, all women in Thailand who like older men are bad. Wow. A bit of a super narrow minded world view, but I guess it's the way you see it. However, I might suggest some laxatives. They work wonders with a sour puss attitude.

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I am extremely surprised -

the conduct on this thread is TOO good - congratulations

The honesty is to be commended too

In my late 60s, I have no desire to be hanging around the bars in Pattaya.

There is a time for everything.

I think it is great that there is space for all of us in LOS.

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i do have an opinion from experience, might it be a personal question to ask what is your situation age gap etc

i fear the answer might be married same age to Chinese/Thai has her own career/income/works for the family

i have been incorrect many times before but this has the pattern stamped on it

Chinese and Thai female mentality is very different.

I hate Chinese mentality. It is not sincere.

The problem in Thailand is that you never know how much Chinese blood a Thai woman has.

Trust my advice: try to avoid Chinese women for serious relations. The Chinese mentality is too different from farang mentality, eventually you will have a lot of problems but it may already be late to split.

Out of all the nations on this planet Thai women are known to sincerely tolerate the biggest age difference between wife and husband.

Even pilipinas will not tolerate sincerely such a big age difference not even mentioning Indonesian women.

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Did a good deal of reading before retirement here, still learning, of course but...what I had read about Thai culture led me to believe that 1. Age is traditionally more respected than in my home culture 2. Education was more respected in my home culture 3. There is a focus on family security (yes, you can read steady income) and 4. There is a belief that western males are (earned or not) more monogamous than a goodly number of Thai males (I truly appreciate the Thai male who helps supply a never ending number of pretty 30 something Thai females looking for security).

So, being a retired Professor in his mid-60s, with some funding, well hay, what's not to love! Ha! Played for awhile but I found I wanted a relationship where we could travel together, etc. For a younger lady from Isaan or not, the considerations out weigh the 28 year difference between my wife and myself.

The part about respecting elders is true only between a young Thai and an Older Thai.

We are all still farangs...to the young ones...., and we don't hold the same status as an older Thai.

Especially when you are dealing with young ladies who are on the "take".

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Well, once I talked to a Thai man about this phenomenon. He gave me a very impressive explanation. He said, those Thai girls did it as they regard this as "a job" not marriage. After the farang passed away, they can begin their new life with bunch of banknotes on hand. But, my Thai friend who died a month ago was only on her early 40 while her farang husband is already 60 some!

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Curiousity - I checked Wiki re Rupert's wives. The latest was a Chinese. The interesting part - Wiki says that Rupert broke off his relationship with Tony Blair after discovering that Tony was having it off with Dang.

Rupert & Tony?

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The real fools are sponsors! They send money to the girl while they are not even here and the girlis doing everyone and anyone! At least the ones that buy a house or live here, the girl is

with him all the time!

Is she??

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Security only security, old man has worked all his life, builds a house, gets a pension, marries Thai lady then when the old man leaves our planet she most likely gets it all, and the house will cost alot more than aything they could ever provide.

Not such a bad thing, the old man is happy for his retirement years much more so than back home where it most probably cold and shitty and feels lonely and what does he need any assets for when he's in wooden box.

Yes.. spot on.. also many Thai women have had bad experiences with Thai partners.. also there isn't the stigma in Thailand of big age differences in relationships.. Taking care of an older guy who pays all the bills and provides a lifestyle they could only otherwise dream of isn't a bad option... especially when the only other option is to work hard in a crappy job and get 300 Bt a day to try to survive on..

My wife is 27 years younger than me.. her daughter lives with us and I have got her through high school and now she is in 3rd year Uni.. without my support she would not have finished high school.. I'm a very lucky guy... a beautiful family who take good care of me .. a good extended family too.. building a house gives me something to do which I enjoy.. and a good asset for them when I pass on... win win..

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Did a good deal of reading before retirement here, still learning, of course but...what I had read about Thai culture led me to believe that 1. Age is traditionally more respected than in my home culture 2. Education was more respected in my home culture 3. There is a focus on family security (yes, you can read steady income) and 4. There is a belief that western males are (earned or not) more monogamous than a goodly number of Thai males (I truly appreciate the Thai male who helps supply a never ending number of pretty 30 something Thai females looking for security).

So, being a retired Professor in his mid-60s, with some funding, well hay, what's not to love! Ha! Played for awhile but I found I wanted a relationship where we could travel together, etc. For a younger lady from Isaan or not, the considerations out weigh the 28 year difference between my wife and myself.

The part about respecting elders is true only between a young Thai and an Older Thai.

We are all still farangs...to the young ones...., and we don't hold the same status as an older Thai.

Especially when you are dealing with young ladies who are on the "take".

Leaving aside the young ladies, I have always found Thais "ducking" if they must pass in front of me and always greeted with a wai, but that is just my experience.

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40 years difference is insane and pathetic .....and a everyone in that kind of marriage needs urgent counseling...but I know many couples with 25 years difference in age that REALLY are in very successful and loving marriages...with one detail. They live in the US, are very active couples, and the Thai girl becomes very "American", learning and enjoying very much the language, the customs, and the culture..

Without a very good communication and understanding, any marriage is just an exchange of convenience, with or without big difference in age, and in any country. The questions is...Why to get married with your housekeeper or your sexual partner.....getting worry with dishonesty, cheating, money, other people's relatives, intrigues, etc, etc, and losing the freedom of a single man life?

Doesn't make sense to me. .

Only LOVE... will make the needs to chose. Being in a marriage without real love.... it is a lot worst than to being alone, at any age. But....feeling alone in Thailand? ....How?... Why?

Here... it is not easy to find the right lifetime companion, but....you can have the best of the 2 worlds while looking...and being alone may be not so bad... not bad at all. My opinion.....

aha ... finally we have the cut off point to when the age difference is acceptable ....... is that only for marriage or is a bigger difference acceptable if you don't marry ?

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I'm surprised the moderators hadn't shut this down at the beginning.People must have a lot of time on their hands to read and answer.

Why should the moderators shut this down at all? It is topics like this that keep Thaivisa or any other forum going.

What does it matter whether the topic is done to death or not, there are thousands of members here, and they come

and go all the time, every time the same topic comes up, you get different questions and different answers all the time.

If the Mods start shutting down threads for little reason, there will be less and less members contributing.

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Why young Isaan ladies marry old farangs?

let me guess ..... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ whistling.gif certainly not for the good looks.

I just don't understand - my wife is always telling me that I am handsum man. Why is that?

I bet it's not because you are grossly overweight, covered in tattoos, and have facial hair.

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But where are you, "normal" farang guys / gals hanging out? I mean those emotionally mature expats guys / girls who want a meaningful relationship (not a business transaction that may turn into love later), a life companion with whom you can really share your inner thoughts... where are you in the LOS?

I am not knocking valid business transactions that work, but they are not for me. I genuinely want to know where I can find other types of personalities!

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