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Why young Isaan ladies marry old farangs?

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Personaly age is irrelevent in my eyes i know lots of married/un married couples all over the world with so called massive age differences. Then of course you get the name calling for instance "dirty old man" brigade followed very closely by the " there only after your money and will fleece you" brigade. I have grown to know the above mentioned as either Sad deluded gossip mungers or the jealous brigade either way i dont care my wife is 35 im 57 and we are happy and in love so as the saying goes dont judge until you try it. Dont want to try it ok dont judge IMHO of course

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My personal experience in LOS - necessary to know when to say yes & when to say no. Same in any

relationships anywhere.


"Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs"

has relevance to this thread.

All of us aspire for the highest but few achieve it.

How many Thais do you know that have risen to the top of Maslow's pyramid, self-actualization? In my opinion, not many as most are still concerned with survival on a day to day basis...

Not just Thais! In fact, Asians may have a different hierarchy to Caucasians. I have no idea!


I am 67yo - wife is 36yo. We have been together for 11 years. She has no Chinese blood.

When you was 36 did you want to bonk a 67 year old woman ? No its disgusting. When you was 25 did you want to bonk a 56 year old hag ? Disgusting

I bet you would if she built you a house and bought you a car and loaded up your bank account... well at least once!!


Why young Isaan ladies marry old farangs---OP

Do They.... I hadn't noticed, just been to busy enjoying the Thai food & viewing the temples etc...................wub.png

You obviously enjoy bullshitting Thai Visa readers as well.......clap2.gif


I am 67yo - wife is 36yo. We have been together for 11 years. She has no Chinese blood.

When you was 36 did you want to bonk a 67 year old woman ? No its disgusting. When you was 25 did you want to bonk a 56 year old hag ? Disgusting

Old saying "If you haven't tried it don't knock it" You obviously must be here to be a novitiate at a Wat. Try to be a little "broad" minded on this and other things in life. Understanding of others increases the scope of the brain being judgmental well it makes you bitter and narrow minded. To stray a little off topic I have many gay friends and I am straight I do not look down my nose at them. I accept them on a personable level. Try to be less judging and scornful it will improve your personality immensely.


My personal experience in LOS - necessary to know when to say yes & when to say no. Same in any

relationships anywhere.

I don't give my gf a paycheck, she works full time to earn money and goes to university all day on Sunday's to brighten her future. She asks for things sometimes and I sometimes say no, I have told her before that " I may not give you want you want but I will always give you what you need".

40 years difference is insane and pathetic .....and a everyone in that kind of marriage needs urgent counseling...but I know many couples with 25 years difference in age that REALLY are in very successful and loving marriages...with one detail. They live in the US, are very active couples, and the Thai girl becomes very "American", learning and enjoying very much the language, the customs, and the culture..

Without a very good communication and understanding, any marriage is just an exchange of convenience, with or without big difference in age, and in any country. The questions is...Why to get married with your housekeeper or your sexual partner.....getting worry with dishonesty, cheating, money, other people's relatives, intrigues, etc, etc, and losing the freedom of a single man life?

Doesn't make sense to me. .

Only LOVE... will make the needs to chose. Being in a marriage without real love.... it is a lot worst than to being alone, at any age. But....feeling alone in Thailand? ....How?... Why?

Here... it is not easy to find the right lifetime companion, but....you can have the best of the 2 worlds while looking...and being alone may be not so bad... not bad at all. My opinion.....

and the Thai girl becomes very "American", learning and enjoying very much the language, the customs, and the culture.. Sorry I tried this with a Mexican wife. She was great in Mexico. Once we left for my home country she changed overnight after talking to all the coffee clatching cigarette smoking women there and they kept informing her of her rights. Needless to say she took their advice. I did not heed the old saying in Mexico. "Never take the Mexican out of Mexico" May I take this opportunity to pass this onto males considering taking local girls back to their home country it all changes in a flash of an eye. Sorry to sound pessimistic but better to be safe than sorry. I have been sorry and well Western law is much different than Thai law. It kind of reminds me of the old style wash machine with a big wringer.


Security only security, old man has worked all his life, builds a house, gets a pension, marries Thai lady then when the old man leaves our planet she most likely gets it all, and the house will cost alot more than aything they could ever provide.

Not such a bad thing, the old man is happy for his retirement years much more so than back home where it most probably cold and shitty and feels lonely and what does he need any assets for when he's in wooden box.

Agreed....but as I've also said a few times already on this forum - Better to be an old man's darling than a young man's slave......


1. Have absolutely nothing in common

2. Cultures are so far apart, that even a speed of light rocket would never get either one of them there

3. No common language

4. No clear communication or understanding

5. Totally different set of values and moral

6. 30 years apart energy levels

For her: Money, money and money

For Him: Sex, Nursing and kind words(lies) of what a lovely man he is

Success rate: As long as he realizes of the business arrangement, it may last for long time, plus without her, he could not even get a beer.

As long as she does not meet another one with more money to burn and gives whatever she asks for, love will flourish

Very optimistic post. Thanks for the upliftment. So, all women in Thailand who like older men are bad. Wow. A bit of a super narrow minded world view, but I guess it's the way you see it. However, I might suggest some laxatives. They work wonders with a sour puss attitude.

While no doubt other reality is much better , but do tell how women in Thailand are different to women anywhere else?

You might like to think you posses some extra special features, but women in general do not really enjoy having sex with their fathers, nor there is little attractive left in an old body, even less so one that can not even speak the same language.

But as I said, all of that is irrelevant because some like their own reality because it feels better.

Though ask yourself , how is it that back home you could not even get a woman your own age, let alone one half your age and weight


Security only security, old man has worked all his life, builds a house, gets a pension, marries Thai lady then when the old man leaves our planet she most likely gets it all, and the house will cost alot more than aything they could ever provide.

Not such a bad thing, the old man is happy for his retirement years much more so than back home where it most probably cold and shitty and feels lonely and what does he need any assets for when he's in wooden box.

Absolutely spot on... There is nothing wrong with this arrangement as long as the man enjoys his lady and have a ball while still alive. Back home he will anyway just be a moneycow to his children and in the way of everything living their life's!!

It Is What It Is..


For those of you with much younger Girlfriends or Wives who have managed to pull the wool over their own eyes

.....Ask yourselves this hypothetical question:

Which of you would your girl prefer? You now or a younger you (i.e. 20-30 years younger).


I haven't done this, but I can take a good guess: Go on any Thai dating site... look at the age ranges the girls are interested in / looking for....

Is there any correlation between 'hotness' and age range?

i.e. my guess would be that the more attractive girls are interested in a younger age range, where as those of a lesser 'rating' may have to open up their options...


I will add to the previous post.

Logically (western logic), these relationships are insane. That be the case, I very much enjoy my insanity. However, my blood family have criticized me aplenty for my actions.

"Don't build a house & PUT it in HER name". Then, within a short time, they fleeced me for a considerable amount. "Double standard" - of course not.

It has been a pleasure, an honour to enhance their quality of life.

Since then, I have totally severed my ties (shackles) with the blood family. @ 1 decision.

Now, a new life; new family; new culture; revised principles; new religion; new cuisine; new language.

It has its challenges but worth every bit of it.

Well said good on you


I'm 40year old, enjoying my slavery status lol .....

Husband of my 39 year old thai doctor wife , I settle down and soooooooooo happy

Also guys the trut is that 99.99999999% of them don't give a damn about dating falang


I am 67yo - wife is 36yo. We have been together for 11 years. She has no Chinese blood.

When you was 36 did you want to bonk a 67 year old woman ? No its disgusting. When you was 25 did you want to bonk a 56 year old hag ? Disgusting

Ok so how old are you mr no it all you are the joke and disgusting


work for 300 baht per day, or take a 40 year older geezer that might croque sooner than later or if you have some thai husband to give him a hand into the next life, than you can retire & enjoy the rest of your life, with a new house, new car, fat bank account and if you are lucky, his pension


I think the biggest reason is Thai men. The vast majority of them are absolutely useless. What's the alternative? How about a rich farang?


IMO, thai ladies want a farang husband as they dont kick the <deleted> out of them at every opportunity, as thai males seem to enjoy this pastime. the number of female thais who i have spoken to, seems to bear this fact out.


1. Have absolutely nothing in common

2. Cultures are so far apart, that even a speed of light rocket would never get either one of them there

3. No common language

4. No clear communication or understanding

5. Totally different set of values and moral

6. 30 years apart energy levels

For her: Money, money and money

For Him: Sex, Nursing and kind words(lies) of what a lovely man he is

Success rate: As long as he realizes of the business arrangement, it may last for long time, plus without her, he could not even get a beer.

As long as she does not meet another one with more money to burn and gives whatever she asks for, love will flourish

Very optimistic post. Thanks for the upliftment. So, all women in Thailand who like older men are bad. Wow. A bit of a super narrow minded world view, but I guess it's the way you see it. However, I might suggest some laxatives. They work wonders with a sour puss attitude.
While no doubt other reality is much better , but do tell how women in Thailand are different to women anywhere else?

You might like to think you posses some extra special features, but women in general do not really enjoy having sex with their fathers, nor there is little attractive left in an old body, even less so one that can not even speak the same language.

But as I said, all of that is irrelevant because some like their own reality because it feels better.

Though ask yourself , how is it that back home you could not even get a woman your own age, let alone one half your age and weight


Back home it was easy for me to find a women 5 to 10 years younger, who was quite attractive, for a nearly middle aged woman. But, that was of little interest. The way I see it, if I can find a woman 20 to 25 years younger, she is a quality gal, with a big heart and a great sense of humor, is lighthearted and intelligent and easy to get along with, who has a family I love and trust, and is someone I can talk to and love being with, it is rather a no brainer for me. Why be with an old hag if you do not have to?

I visit back in the states, and see some of my friends who are with the same women that they have been with for the last 35 to 40 years. Their gals are 60 now. It is really frightening. Some of these gals are really good women. But, unless you are a far deeper man than I am, how do you wake up next to that every morning, and feel good about your day? I need some inspiration. Call me shallow. I am. I am ok with that. Shallow but inspired on a daily basis. Works for me.


Look I see it like this I have dated young lady's all my life be it in thailand be it in the west and I have never ever had a problem I keep my self fit and try to keep young by not drink not smoke go to gym everyday, but in the west it is look on as very bad but if the woman has a young man in the west it is ok .

In thailand thai lady's look at it as old man take good care and old man not go play up a lot like young thai man and young western man and most of all thai lady very smart thai lady knows young man from the west no have money and can't take good care so there you go that is how it is and if old man have good fun with young thai lady good on him as long as he not give all his money to her he is very happy and there is two winners him and her .


I go to the gym regularly, I do not drink or smoke, I take vitamins & go to aerobics. I am young, have hair, shower 3 times per day BUT nobody wants me * I have no $$$ but I did complete grade 5 primary school.

My Daddy is a judge & Mommy is a socialite.


Not limited to Isaan. Happens all over Thailand, surprised you haven't observed in Chiang Mai before you moved to Issan. Also happens in other countries as well, be it Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Indonesia etc. also not limited to farangs. Many cases of older Asian men marrying young other Asians. I've seen the same with Japanese, Chinese etc.


It's not just Isaan or Thais, but age gap marriage is common in many Asian countries including Japan. Many older businessmen there have young wives. Think the wives didn't consider money or earning power of the husband before marriage? Of course they do.


Why the interest in Isaan ladies in particular?

29 hours & 5.5k views

They must have something special in order to attract that much attention

What is the secret?


Young Issarn ladies are in most cases poorly educated and respect elderly western gentlemen for their wisdom and knowledge....................thumbsup.gif

Are you serious? They are born with a book of 'how to rob ferangs' and stupid westerners keep falling for it. I wonder if ever, they will wake up.


They'll be able to buy gold, or just be given it, along with a house in their own name, monthly salary many times that of the minimum wage. Then they'll only have to sleep with them once a week or so. For a few years. then they might even get a pension.


hmmmm.... my kinda job........short hours , quick retirement , gold up front , almost wort a once a week b/j ..... naw... i said almost

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