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Formal nuclear deal has been reached with Iran

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Formal nuclear deal has been reached with Iran
GEORGE JAHN, Associated Press
MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press

VIENNA (AP) — A landmark Iran nuclear agreement was reached Tuesday after clearing final obstacles, and a senior diplomat said it included a compromise between Washington and Tehran that would allow U.N. inspectors to press for visits to Iranian military sites as part of their monitoring duties.

But access at will to any site would not necessarily be granted and even if so, could be delayed, a condition that critics of the deal are sure to seize on as possibly giving Tehran time to cover any sign of non-compliance with its commitments.

Under the deal, Tehran would have the right to challenge the U.N request and an arbitration board composed of Iran and the six world powers that negotiated with it would have to decide on the issue.

Still, such an arrangement would be a notable departure from assertions by top Iranian officials that their country would never allow the U.N's International Atomic Energy Agency into such sites. Iran has argued that such visits by the IAEA would be a cover for spying on its military secrets.

On Tuesday morning, the European Union announced that the final plenary of Iran and the six countries negotiating with it will take place at 10:30 Vienna time, followed by a news conference. A Western diplomat said they will endorse the deal, reached in the early morning hours. He demanded anonymity because he was not authorized to comment on the confidential talks.

While access is a key part of monitoring envisaged cuts on Tehran's present nuclear activities, it is also important for the IAEA as it tries to kick-start nearly a decade of stalled attempts to probe allegations that Iran worked on nuclear arms. Washington says that Iran must cooperate with the IAEA's probe as part of any overall deal before all sanctions on it are lifted.

The Iranians insist they have never worked on weapons and have turned down IAEA requests to visit sites where the agency suspects such work was going on, including Parchin, the military complex near Tehran where the agency believes explosives testing linked to setting off a nuclear charge was conducted.

Iran's acceptance in principle of access to military sites will give the agency extra authority in its attempts to go to the site and its demands — previously rejected by Tehran — to interview scientists it suspects were involved in the alleged nuclear weapons work.

Any deal will go to the U.N. Security Council, which is expected to endorse it by the end of the month, to start the mechanics of implementation — long-term, verifiable limits on Iranian nuclear programs that could be used to make weapons in exchange for an end to sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Associated Press writer Nasser Karimi contributed from Tehran.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-14

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Thanks Obama/Kerry for making the world an even more dangerous place.

Even an historic treaty making the world a safer place is dumped on. The hate for Obama knows no bounds.

Obama legacy grows. When you consider all that he's accomplished despite a Republican congress that's sole purpose was to stop him from doing anything, Obama has triumphed. His ratings grow by the day while the ridiculous Republican clowns continue their hateful, racist dialog.

He will be remembered as one of the nation's greatest President while we watch the demise of the GOP.


Really, people should be waiting for details before any final judgments on this either way, but I reckon there will be dancing in the streets of Tehran (and Moscow) and no dancing in the west except among Iranians there ... so figure that one out.


Can the U.S. congress effectively block this deal, or not? I know they won't like it but do they have the power to block it?

I think they can block the removal of U.S. sanctions but not the treaty itself or the removal of U.N. imposed sanctions.


Is this actually a treaty or is it some other type of agreement between the involved gov'ts and Iran?


Is this actually a treaty or is it some other type of agreement between the involved gov'ts and Iran?

It is an executive action without the sanction of Congress... Unless ratified by Congress, this deal dies when Obama leaves office... Just like the rest of his executive orders...


Thanks Obama/Kerry for making the world an even more dangerous place.

Unlike the wonderful world of sunshine and lollipops left to us from the Bush/Chaney presidency??? Think before you write.

The damage caused by Bush when he destabilized the Middle East by running his "illegal war for oil money based on lies" will haunt the entire world for generations to come.

I guess you think it would be best to just go in and start bombing Iran to hell rather than negotiating a civilized solution?

Bomb first...think and pay for your mistakes later????


Great news, several heads of Mossad and US intelligence agency's have said that Iran poses no nuclear threat, Iran is not building a nuclear weapon, and is several years away from being able to do so, but despite all of this Netanyahu and his right wing war mongers continually call for bombing of Iranian nuclear sites.


Good job Kerry but will have to see the details. This will likely also reduce the price of oil which isn't doing any favors for the oil producing nations contrary to others saying it is a bonanza for Russia.


When Washington needs Tehran for fight ISIS, to the detriment of Gulf Monarchies, it's sure a deal can found


Thanks Obama/Kerry for making the world an even more dangerous place.

Unlike the wonderful world of sunshine and lollipops left to us from the Bush/Chaney presidency??? Think before you write.

The damage caused by Bush when he destabilized the Middle East by running his "illegal war for oil money based on lies" will haunt the entire world for generations to come.

I guess you think it would be best to just go in and start bombing Iran to hell rather than negotiating a civilized solution?

Bomb first...think and pay for your mistakes later????

Where do Bush/Cheney come into it? I don't remember posting in favor of their actions.

What you are presenting is an argumental fallacy known as Tu quoque.

I agree with you about Bush's legacy, for what it's worth.


Ok. The treaty is better than the hidding and not questioned and most aggressive army in the region who owns nuclear weapons but nobody dare to check after.

Nobody can use lies, manipulation to be one sided , if there is international law it must be applied to all including isreal. To my knowledge Iran is not occupying any land of any nation, is not killing hundreds of kids and elders in nazi way.


110 billion dollars will be released to Iran.

Expect more Iranians in Pattaya! burp.gif

First time I ever clicked 'like' on one your posts - a big day indeed.

I hope you are right though - Iranians are wonderful people and I hope we can see many more of them travel further afield, helping those less open minded souls realise that they are being fed a diet of lies and horse manure from their preferred media outlets.


As much as I wish it were true, I'm quite certain this agreement will be another blunder by the USA.

Iran will do whatever they can to appear to be following the agreement when in reality they don't care one bit about it. Meanwhile they will rake in aid and whatever else they can while it suits them.

Then when the UN finally realise and start to do something about it, Iran just throw the agreement in the bin and carry on as before.

Then the USA get them to the negotiating table and agree to give them a load more stuff if they promise to stop.

You simply cannot trust these people.


Thanks Obama/Kerry for making the world an even more dangerous place.

Unlike the wonderful world of sunshine and lollipops left to us from the Bush/Chaney presidency??? Think before you write.

The damage caused by Bush when he destabilized the Middle East by running his "illegal war for oil money based on lies" will haunt the entire world for generations to come.

I guess you think it would be best to just go in and start bombing Iran to hell rather than negotiating a civilized solution?

Bomb first...think and pay for your mistakes later????

9-11 demonstrated you cannot defend against terrorist attacks once they are hiding in your country. So they went after them in their training camps and also after governments who support them.

If it brought down a few SERIOUSLY evil dictators then that was a nice side effect.

The miscalculation was that the people of these countries were basically honest and would embrace democracy like people in the West. This was the big miscalculation : They aren't and they didn't. They are products of the same society as the dictator. Same reason Thailand will remain as corrupt as it is now for decades to come no matter what the Junta do.

I wonder what the world would be like if you got to make the big decisions. A lot more dead Americans for sure. Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing for an armchair critic. I bet that if you got into a debate with the people who made the decisions, they would make you look like an ignorant child.

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