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[Poll] - Is it safer to ride your own bike or take the motorbike taxis... ?

Motorbike safety.  

67 members have voted

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Just curious as to what every ones opinion is...

I tried to find statistics as to the percentage of accidents by private owners and motorbike taxis but was unsuccessful so this is second best...

Debating getting my own bike because I am tired of riding white fisted on the back of a taxi while they weave through traffic, closely cut off other cars and go faster than is really necessary in my opinion...

I would feel safer on my own bike but I would like to get a consensus to base my decision on...




Ha-ha a somewhat odd question/poll.

Well many factors to weigh in;

How good a rider are you?

You never know how good a rider the taxi bike dude is? is he drunk (some are in Pattaya sometimes)? So you put your life in his hands.

No thanks man, I ride my own bikes here, big and small.

Well okay, if I get drunk downtown I sometimes takes a motorbike taxi home if my wife can't pick me up but that only happens 2-4 times a year.


Both - depends if I am planning on drinking. Yes you could be in an accident either way but it is not pre-ordained........coffee1.gif


Mathematically, it's always safer to be on your own bike because of the weight associated it with being on a motorbike taxi. The motorbike taxi guy + you would weight around 140 KG. The more weight on a motorbike the more time it takes to come to a complete stop. Also it is much more difficult to maneuver with 140 kg on board than 70 kg. But come to think of it, I've never seen a motorbike taxi guy in an accident.


I believe the average Thai motorbike taxi has way more experience that riding around city streets than some farang from who knows where.But not much anyone can do when A car runs over you coming from the rear.Safer in A songthew,bus,or taxi.And if it's Bangkok probably the safest is the subway or BTS.


When in BKK if I want to get somewhere quickly then it is the motor sai taxi every time. I would never dream of riding my Click on the streets of BKK. Not enough experience. The motor sai guys know their patch and have the experience. Saying that, If a car or bus hits you then there isn't much you can do. If the journey is long distance then a taxi or the train is the best option.

I have picked the taxi option above assuming you mean motor sai taxi and not a car taxi.


This is a time sensitive question. It all depends on how long you have been riding.

Certainly, in the first 6 months or so of driving, I was in much more danger of killing myself or being killed than I am 6 years later after gaining lots of experience. I drive a 100 times more carefully over here than I probably would back in my country, because I am aware of the infinite number of crazy idiots on the roads in Thailand. I also care much more for MY life and am much more aware of how quickly and easily you can be killed on a motorbike, than is a Thai motorbike driver. The longer a Thai motorbike driver lives the more he feels invincible, until they reach a tipping age where they do, presumably, start to gain some wisdom.


I waited behind a Pattaya motorbike taxi in Bang Lamung whilst waiting to take our bike test. Needless to say he had tread whatever on his rear tyre.


If you are a good rider and are prepared to ride, then you are probably safer on your own bike. (By "prepared" I mean as we teach in Safe Driver's courses where you actually take the time to think about where you are going (routes, time of day, traffic, obstructions, etc), you are mentally fit to ride and your ride (bike/car/kwaii) is ready to go (mechanically serviceable).

Moto-taxi drivers are (generally) experienced riders but, unless you get the same one each time, it can be a crap shoot. Late at night - is the guy sober or stoned ? Are you sober or falling down, puking drunk ? Is the driver a lunatic speed demon bent on reincarnation or a mellow fellow content with his lot in life ?

I ride a lot of moto taxis, especially if I think I might be having a wee drink (or 10). I gamble that the driver is less wasted than I am and that there's a better chance he'll get me home in one piece than if I tried to ride myself. Can't take into account everyone else on the road though and the only time I've been in an accident on a moto-taxi was from a pick-up truck that decided to gun it and "shoot the gap" between the scooter I was riding on and the one ahead of him. My guy ended up clipping the rear of the pick up (which sped off totally unconcerned of course). I was lucky. Being fairly drunk at the time I recall sort of standing up as the bike was going down and then doing a hop, skip and a jump routine which, surprisingly, left me standing on my feet.

Too often though I've seen the kinds of things that drive me up the wall when I'm riding as when I'm "taxiing". Other drivers pulling out without looking. Turning without signalling. Running lights and so on. It's worse (to me) as a passenger though, because I'm not in control and I can't tell if the taxi guy is seeing the same things I am (or able to react to them as I normally would). Many a time I've tapped the driver on the shoulder and pointed out a potential hazard and many a time I've noticed from his reaction that he hadn't noticed the danger himself until I pointed it out (even the ones that aren't trying to text/talk on their phones as we are roaring down Sukhumvit in heavy traffic) !

(Note though that I've seen foreigners on bikes acting every bit as bad as locals though, including jumping lights (early), running lights (late), driving on sidewalks, driving the wrong way on streets and all the other things that make us mad !)


When in BKK if I want to get somewhere quickly then it is the motor sai taxi every time. I would never dream of riding my Click on the streets of BKK. Not enough experience. The motor sai guys know their patch and have the experience. Saying that, If a car or bus hits you then there isn't much you can do. If the journey is long distance then a taxi or the train is the best option.

I have picked the taxi option above assuming you mean motor sai taxi and not a car taxi.

Yes, agree with that, so I would say it also depends on where you are.

If riding somewhere not familair with roads are habits, like for me Bangkok, I'd prefer a motorbike taxi over riding myself there. After living there for a while I might change.


Riding your own bike, I would think you would stay on the road instead, of narrowly missing pedestrians, or even hitting them.


I choose motobike taxis. If you get an any kind of accident it is always your fault if you are the driver. If you own or rent a motobike, then you also have to think about theft. If stolen you will owe your rental company $600 or go out of your pocket to buy a replacement. For me, paying a motobike taxi a dollar for transport is the best option. Less to worry about and there are always one or two of them waiting outside where ever I am.


I use the motor bike taxis every day in Bangkok and have never had a problem. Regulation seems to have been tightened up recently; they all have a hi-vis vest with their names and registration details.

As for other motor cycle riders I give them a wide berth whether driving or on foot.


You'd have to be a pretty bad motorcycle rider to think that motorcycle taxis are safer.

On the few occasions I have taken a moto taxi they seem to think that I'm in some kind of rush to get where I'm going and break just about every road rule (speed, jump lights, wrong side of road, etc) available.

Now I hang on around the drivers neck. The faster he goes the tighter I squeeze. That seems to work.


Thanks for all the input.

Clearly if you are unfit to drive your own bike (drunk, high, unexperienced, etc...) it is better to go with the motorcycle taxi...

My question was more geared to the average daytime driving to work or do errands and have some experience driving a bike in heavy traffic...

Resoundingly it seems that most here would rather ride their own bike. Most seem to take my point of view that these guys drive unnecessarily crazy...

They do not think you are in a rush, they really could care less. They just want to drop you off and get back in the que as fast as possible so that can make the most out of the day $$. Safety is not always the top priority with these guys but "most" are really experienced. Not to mention if they are in an accident and hurt you, themselves or their bike they may be out of a job for quite awhile. Something most of them will not be able to afford...

Just seems to me that the way they drive, pre mentioned is not necessarily the case, and the priority of speed is placed over safety... =[

Anyway thanks again for all that chimed in or posted... =]



Your listed answers don't have an option to say that motorcycle taxis are safer!

Cant edit the poll now but that would be "Taxis are the way to go to avoid accidents... !!"

Avioding accidents being more safe...

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