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Forced to return to home country - what would you do?


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Why are there so many expats slanging their home country,to me it is worse than Thai bashing.If they did not have the benefit of education and work then they would not be here,or any other country.I find them obnoxious,very quick to condemn Thai basher,but very slow to admit what their nanny states have given them.In my opinion you are worse and traitors to your heritage.

My country England has given me nothing except a passport. I paid 40 odd years NHS contributions for my pension which is frozen. I pay full UK tax. I served 12 years in the army but get no military pension while others leaving after 1975 do. I am not entitled to free NHS treatment. My country is overcrowded due to too many immigrants, who are entitled to free NHS treatment.

My country is more of a traitor to me than I to my country.

Sorry to see you missed out on the pension,I can only guess you are older than me and I was lucky enough to squeeze in (as per a previous post ).I understand your bitterness towards the UK,I have many similar thoughts,but we are not allowed to voice them on here,( you can on other sites,but they are free thinkers ).My point is that the country is great but the politics and the system sucks,likewise what our American bretheren are saying.Keep the faith bretheren,they cannot take away your thoughts ( here included ).

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I moved back to the US. I got tired of the heat, dirt and third world standards. One year was all it took after many trips. I still return for visits, usually about 3 months.

BTW I consider Thailand dangerous with a very high gun murder rate and a very high road death toll per capita. I feel very safe in small town USA.

I like first world standards everywhere I look including my first world home, kitchen, bathrooms, garage door openers... First world infrastructure...

As for what would someone do, I have four good friends in Thailand who are also regulars on this forum who know they have me. I have made it clear more than once that all they have to do is let me know and I'll pick them up at the airport, bring them to my home, provide food and transportation and WE will figure it out from there. That's what friends are for where I come from.


Re you looking for any more friends ???? If so count me in....Chum...

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100.000 baht a month ! why not a million baht a week ?

Are you in the Rothschild family ? tongue.png

I live here, in E-San with my wife , one child and ..... seven dogs tongue.png with less than 25.000 baht a month ;

I know many farang from various nationality, some of them have good or very good income and they live like me .

No need to have much money to live here.

And about illness or medical problems, I have resolved the thing, I have no health insurance ;

Public hospital or the crematorium ...of the nearest Wat ;cheesy.gif

U can have the best and expensive medical insurance, ;

when it's time to go....wai2.gif

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I am grateful to the US for a great education and the bit of money I made working there. At the same time I despise living there (incidentally, I also despise the IRS following me around with laws like FATCA when I haven't consumed a single tax dollar in the past decade).

Can't understand Americans not wanting to return.

USA is a big place with plenty of warm areas to live in.

Not to mention guns ..... I love guns, YeeHaa.

If only I weren't a Brit, cold and wet in the south, cold, wet and dark in the north.

(and no guns)

Whatever happened to the aphorism " To be born British is to win the lottery of life"?

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I don't know why people are so afraid to return to their home countries. Your home country is not going to bite you if you return(unless you have some sort of serious legal problem).

Absolute nonsense, you obviously don't come from the UK, low state pensions, high fuel bills which causes the death of thousands of OAPs every year from

cold related illnesses, many of them have to chose between eating and heating. What sort of future is that?

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Why are there so many expats slanging their home country,to me it is worse than Thai bashing.If they did not have the benefit of education and work then they would not be here,or any other country.I find them obnoxious,very quick to condemn Thai basher,but very slow to admit what their nanny states have given them.In my opinion you are worse and traitors to your heritage.

I don't think it is slagging off their home countries, more to do with changing circumstances. I have empathy for those who see political correctness surpassing common sense.

As for the benefit of education and work.................

I am sure there are many like me who didn't go the college/university route. In my case, through choice, as I saw a huge world out there that needed looking at. I spent 23 years in the military doing just that, and believe me, any debt that I may have had to my country was fully paid during that time.

All my qualifications and knowledge, in this ever-changing part of my life, have been acquired without the help of my 'home country'; I am not stuck in the past but live for the future. Have always been like that and not planning to change in the near future.

As to being a traitor to my heritage, dream on and grow up a bit..............................wink.png

Took the words right out my mouth.

Always amazing when some ( r****d ) throws out the old traitor accusation.

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Think i would rather live in a cardboard box than return to australia. I could think of nothing worse than having to return there.

Substitute the US of A for Australia and I could have written that post myself.

For working people it was far and away the best country in the world when I was growing up... no more.

Ditto again the UK.

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This is a hypothetic question, so my ultimate answer is also hypothetic.

Yes, I would kill Nazis in self-defense.

Where a Nazi is a person that executes rules designed to sacrifice the integrity of human life to economic or geopolitical requirements.

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Why are there so many expats slanging their home country,to me it is worse than Thai bashing.If they did not have the benefit of education and work then they would not be here,or any other country.I find them obnoxious,very quick to condemn Thai basher,but very slow to admit what their nanny states have given them.In my opinion you are worse and traitors to your heritage.

I would not slag my "home" country. But I have lived in Thailand since I was 19 and am now 52. In that time I have been back to the UK 3 times, the last time 15 years ago and that was for a 3 day working visit. I have got nothing to go back to. I have lived more than half of my life here. Thailand is my home. I have no idea what I would do and at my age finding gainful employment would not be easy in the UK. Any tax I have paid to the UK govt has been returned to me in full. I have not paid any NI stamps for a pension. So there is absolutely no reason to go back. The UK and I owe each other nothing. My parent's tax and rates paid for my education. Just as I paid directly for my son's education in Thailand.

I would be better off in Laos or Cambodia if Thailand would not have me any more. Heaven forbid.

Edited by GarryP
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Another sad thread on TV.

Sure Thailand may be better than your home country in some ways or for certain lifestyles, but there’s no way anyone could say as a total package Thailand is better.

Of course there’s lots of good things about Thailand, but come on let’s be realistic. Some people say they have a better lifestyle because of the cheaper prices, but really while your money may go further here, the quality you’re getting is nowhere near comparable. Sure your house only cost a million baht, but it’s probably plagued with shoddy construction and major electrical problems that would never be allowed back home. Sure street food is cheap, but it’s also loaded with oil, sugar, salt, and msg. You always get what you pay for. What about traffic, road safety, pollution, cost of education, etc? In reality there’s always good and bad points and it seems that lots of people here only look through rose-colored glasses.

Many of you have complained about politics and media back home - no democracy, oligarchs, etc. Have you stopped to think what the political system and media are like here? Legal system anyone? Just because you don’t like the system back home doesn’t mean the system in Thailand is better.

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Why are there so many expats slanging their home country,to me it is worse than Thai bashing.If they did not have the benefit of education and work then they would not be here,or any other country.I find them obnoxious,very quick to condemn Thai basher,but very slow to admit what their nanny states have given them.In my opinion you are worse and traitors to your heritage.

Quite simple, these expats came here to escape the hardships of their home country, and going by TV posters, most of them are happy here.

I am not a traitor to the UK, as well as the hardships I have already described, it is only a matter of time before the Immigrants outnumber us

unless the government wakes up and does something about it, though I feel it's too late now.

The real traitors in the UK are Blair, Brown and "call me Dave" who just do not listen to the people and are only interested in lining their and there pals's pockets.

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I am grateful to the US for a great education and the bit of money I made working there. At the same time I despise living there (incidentally, I also despise the IRS following me around with laws like FATCA when I haven't consumed a single tax dollar in the past decade).

Can't understand Americans not wanting to return.

USA is a big place with plenty of warm areas to live in.

Not to mention guns ..... I love guns, YeeHaa.

If only I weren't a Brit, cold and wet in the south, cold, wet and dark in the north.

(and no guns)

I agree. I don't understand people slagging off the US in general for living. Stay out of big cities and there is a huge choice of places with regular folks, choice of weather and good opportunities. The cost of living isn't higher except for housing and utilities but in rural areas even that isn't bad. Many consumer items including cars and gasoline are cheaper. I think people are nice.

Sometimes I wonder...


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I am grateful to the US for a great education and the bit of money I made working there. At the same time I despise living there (incidentally, I also despise the IRS following me around with laws like FATCA when I haven't consumed a single tax dollar in the past decade).

Can't understand Americans not wanting to return.

USA is a big place with plenty of warm areas to live in.

Not to mention guns ..... I love guns, YeeHaa.

If only I weren't a Brit, cold and wet in the south, cold, wet and dark in the north.

(and no guns)

No guns???????????????? Not like America, but no guns????????

Edited by possum1931
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Why are there so many expats slanging their home country,to me it is worse than Thai bashing.If they did not have the benefit of education and work then they would not be here,or any other country.I find them obnoxious,very quick to condemn Thai basher,but very slow to admit what their nanny states have given them.In my opinion you are worse and traitors to your heritage.

I would not slag my "home" country. But I have lived in Thailand since I was 19 and am now 52. In that time I have been back to the UK 3 times, the last time 15 years ago and that was for a 3 day working visit. I have got nothing to go back to. I have lived more than half of my life here. Thailand is my home. I have no idea what I would do and at my age finding gainful employment would not be easy in the UK. Any tax I have paid to the UK govt has been returned to me in full. I have not paid any NI stamps for a pension. So there is absolutely no reason to go back. The UK and I owe each other nothing. My fathers tax and rates paid for my education. Just as I paid directly for my son's education in Thailand.

I would be better off in Laos or Cambodia if Thailand would not have me any more. Heaven forbid.

Agree with what you say Garry. I have lived full time here for 18 years now, the longest I have been in one location for any period of my life.

While I understand that I am a 'guest' in Thailand, it brings into question what exactly you call home.

I would never give up my British passport, would always consider myself proud to be British, but would not consider Britain to be home.

Still wouldn't burn the bridges though............................wink.png

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I don't know why people are so afraid to return to their home countries. Your home country is not going to bite you if you return(unless you have some sort of serious legal problem).

It's not about being afraid.If someone has lived a long time overseas and is happy, he has adopted a new lifestyle that would now be completely alien to his former life "back home"...he does n't want to return home,but maybe has too through ill health or money problems,so making the decision to do this becomes a dread.

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I have lived in different countries and if i had to go back i would make the best of it.

It would work out in the end,stay positive.

yes this is really important,and good to have a plan.If someone has to return home against their will its also important to let go of the past.

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I moved back to the US. I got tired of the heat, dirt and third world standards. One year was all it took after many trips. I still return for visits, usually about 3 months.

BTW I consider Thailand dangerous with a very high gun murder rate and a very high road death toll per capita. I feel very safe in small town USA.

I like first world standards everywhere I look including my first world home, kitchen, bathrooms, garage door openers... First world infrastructure...

As for what would someone do, I have four good friends in Thailand who are also regulars on this forum who know they have me. I have made it clear more than once that all they have to do is let me know and I'll pick them up at the airport, bring them to my home, provide food and transportation and WE will figure it out from there. That's what friends are for where I come from.


Me too after my first year, I feel tired with this bad thai things. I am really disappointed because all the negatives that I had noticed on my previous trips, never more than a month, it is recognized far more negative than I expected... I always try to trust in the "thai, the land of smile", to tell myself that I could see only negatives, Surely it is my mistake, but I understand that Thai is not my country....

But now, how can I tell my wife ???

Edited by aledale
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Think i would rather live in a cardboard box than return to australia. I could think of nothing worse than having to return there.

Yes, Australia is horrible place. Police state that caters for Gold Digging woman. Sell...

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It seems many have travelled and taken in many experiences in may countries around the world and see Thai/SE Asia as the pick of it.

In the end i've seen more of SE Asia and Europe than i have of home,Australia.

I think in later years of life it would be great to see more of it,"grey nomad" style.

Just a matter of getting in a car/caravan or motor home and taking off. No airports,planes,taxis,hotels,bugs from different climates and environments etc etc which are a breeze with a fit and healthy body.

Even living somewhere different to where you grew up and taking the time to take a good look around if you can. eg for me WA,i've seen very little of.

I don't see it as all doom and gloom.

Edited by Coaster11
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Why are there so many expats slanging their home country,to me it is worse than Thai bashing.If they did not have the benefit of education and work then they would not be here,or any other country.I find them obnoxious,very quick to condemn Thai basher,but very slow to admit what their nanny states have given them.In my opinion you are worse and traitors to your heritage.

My country England has given me nothing except a passport. I paid 40 odd years NHS contributions for my pension which is frozen. I pay full UK tax. I served 12 years in the army but get no military pension while others leaving after 1975 do. I am not entitled to free NHS treatment. My country is overcrowded due to too many immigrants, who are entitled to free NHS treatment.

My country is more of a traitor to me than I to my country.

Sorry to see you missed out on the pension,I can only guess you are older than me and I was lucky enough to squeeze in (as per a previous post ).I understand your bitterness towards the UK,I have many similar thoughts,but we are not allowed to voice them on here,( you can on other sites,but they are free thinkers ).My point is that the country is great but the politics and the system sucks,likewise what our American bretheren are saying.Keep the faith bretheren,they cannot take away your thoughts ( here included ).

we are not allowed to voice them on here?????? I don't understand this, I have slated the UK in every way, their royalty, government etc, etc, etc. Nobody who is connected to Thaivisa apart from one person who is not in his position anymore, and was 100% wrong, have ever warned me to watch what I am saying as regarding running down the UK.

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its all about resiliance, you say you are an ex ham tecc, and after the expected ups and downs you'd be fine

I'd be fine, there are places next to thailand with similar thinking and a whole lot more places to live further afield. got skills in multiple areas, I quite enjoy living in asia and would probably stay here

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hi i have an oa visa been here only 4 months and am learning so much ,what strikes me is is how can western guys fall head over heels with some thai bird and invest everything in her name then 50% lose everything ,me no way in chaing mai where i live i have met so many oldies like myself ,who lost a great deal ,

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Another sad thread on TV.

Sure Thailand may be better than your home country in some ways or for certain lifestyles, but there’s no way anyone could say as a total package Thailand is better.

Of course there’s lots of good things about Thailand, but come on let’s be realistic. Some people say they have a better lifestyle because of the cheaper prices, but really while your money may go further here, the quality you’re getting is nowhere near comparable. Sure your house only cost a million baht, but it’s probably plagued with shoddy construction and major electrical problems that would never be allowed back home. Sure street food is cheap, but it’s also loaded with oil, sugar, salt, and msg. You always get what you pay for. What about traffic, road safety, pollution, cost of education, etc? In reality there’s always good and bad points and it seems that lots of people here only look through rose-colored glasses.

Many of you have complained about politics and media back home - no democracy, oligarchs, etc. Have you stopped to think what the political system and media are like here? Legal system anyone? Just because you don’t like the system back home doesn’t mean the system in Thailand is better.

The good outweigh the bad in Thailand as far as I am concerned.

You will never find the perfect country.

Edited by possum1931
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