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A TV debate between Prayut, Yingluck and Abhisit?

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Despite the misogynistic rantings of some here, my feeling is that Yingluck would mop the floor with both of them. All have had an opportunity to govern, but only YL has been effective, and only YL has actually business experience. Sometimes substance really does matter.

What? Cauliflower?

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As a politician, Abhisit would make a good analyst, he should step aside and offer advice and assistance. He is able and smart, but nobody is going to vote for him. What would be the point of the Democratic party going forward with him as leader? While political "stability" is being established, this is the time for parties to develop policies and practices that will help them and the country once elections are called. The Democrats could advance their popularity with voters in the North by showing an understanding for their problems. The opposition, whoever they may be, could demonstrate a practical understanding of political reality, and cut ties with the Shinawatra clan. The parties should look to the good of Thailand, what a nice change that would be.

I certainly agree and especially your first point.

Given all that's happened, IMHO Abhisit is not the right man to be the front man for the democracts, and IMHO they will need a new man when things get back to elections.

They also urgently need to get on with the reformation of their party and the way it works which they have promised many times but they keep reinforcing their old image, and the criticism continues that they are too slow.

But Abhisit could contribute a lot by being an independent political analyst and commentator. His broad knowledge and experience and his ability to see the bigger view would be highly valuable to Thailand.

Korn could play a similar role, but perhaps mostly focusing on economics, finance etc., where he is a proven expert and well proven strategist.


Despite the misogynistic rantings of some here, my feeling is that Yingluck would mop the floor with both of them. All have had an opportunity to govern, but only YL has been effective, and only YL has actually business experience. Sometimes substance really does matter.

What? Cauliflower?

"... only YL has been effective ..."

There's a nomination for the most wrong post of the year.


Doubt Prayuth will eat humble pie to have the debate. That's an admission that he and the coup were failures. If he done this early from the beginning, it would mean a whole lot different. Of course Ahbisit will attend but he really has lose his credibility by twice boycotting elections. He is part of the problem,not solution. Yingluck must stay away from this hypocrisy and remain the only person mandated by the people against the other 2 who do not have the legitimacy from the people.

Yingluck, and through her Thaksin, are also part of the problem and not the solution.

Do you really believe Abhisit got up one morning and decided, on his own, that the Democrat party would boycott the elections?

Do you also really belive that Yingluck got up one morning and decided, on her own, to dissolve parliament?

If you answer yes to either or both of those questions then you are a fool.

Neither of them have EVER been in control of either party. Someone much bigger though not necessarily smarter has been pulling their strings.


Despite the misogynistic rantings of some here, my feeling is that Yingluck would mop the floor with both of them. All have had an opportunity to govern, but only YL has been effective, and only YL has actually business experience. Sometimes substance really does matter.

Not only has she no experience in political debate, I doubt she has ever mopped a floor.


The debate:

Prayut: "Thank you all for coming and welcome to the debate!"

Abhisit: "Thank you for having us. I'd like to begin with a question."

Prayut: "We're here to give opinions, not to ask questions!"

Yingluck: "Thank you three times, PM Prayut, for having us. My opinion is that we should...."(Prayut interrupts)...

Prayut: "You should be at home in the kitchen, raise children and stay out of politics! You have no say here!"

Abhisit: "But you said that..."(Prayut interrupts)...

Prayut: "But what? You're questioning my direct order? Get out of here!"

Prayut: "Well, I'd say that's a wrap! Thank you all for coming. Good night!"


A debate like that will never happen, but as the commentator says they might be opening up for a much needed political debate by inviting former foes to debate the future of the country.

Such a debate could take some of the need for debate (and quiet down the students' protests) and the general could keep himself in power while maintaining that the future of the country needs to debated thoroughly before any elections or a new government can be made.


They could solve the country's economic problems at the same time by making it a pay-per-view event as well as running a book on how long Abhisit/Yingluck could survive before Prayut leaps across the stage and rips their throats.


It would be painful to watch. Abhisit is in a different weight class intellectually and diplomatically.

Yingluck would just look silly. No comment about the other in case I have the BIB at my door 5 am tomorrow.

That is one way to look at it. Abhisit looks and sounds the part, Mr Reasonable with a public school accent. But who/what is behind the expensive suit and the soft words? His schoolmates might have had good cause to call him "veggie"( in addition to the name play).

That's true enough in that attending public (actually very expensive private) schools in the UK does not guarantee knowledge, intelligence or wisdom. However, qualifying for and graduating from Oxford might, and usually does. Whether you agree with what he stands for and how is another matter.

Yingluck has demonstrated the level of her intelligence on several occasions. She'd be ok to cry and smirk though. Make it like a soap. She'd just repeat she's done nothing wrong and trot out the usual lies.

The "boss". Well need we say more. He's on telly and in the papers for all to judge.

The challenge - if you wanted a political debate on TV, who actually could you ask?


Two people from one political side and only one from the other side, it's not really balanced, right?

Perhaps Thaksin could attend with his clone. wink.png


Two people from one political side and only one from the other side, it's not really balanced, right?

How would you achieve a balance with Yingluk on one end of the beam. Calling her a political lightweight, even an airhead, doesn't do justice to what more resembles a helium balloon.


yingluck would be too busy to attend any debates due to her business commitments (looking at fruit)

It would only be the Right Honourable Abhisit and Prayut on the show. Abhisit would be offering constructive criticism to Paryut for the benefit of the majority and Prayut would be taking it on board which may well sway Prayuts stance on certain matters (bit like the submarine scenario).

Abhisit would not say "There is no use going on the show because it will not change anything" or "The senate is already stacked with Prayuts people so the only way to change anything is break the law now". No....Wont get those excuses for the Right Honourable man. That is why he has "Right" and Honourable" before his name as opposed to the other one who lies (pun intended) dormant like viral latency.


Two people from one political side and only one from the other side, it's not really balanced, right?

Perhaps Thaksin could attend with his clone. wink.png[/quote'

It would surely attract a very large audience! ;)


Two people from one political side and only one from the other side, it's not really balanced, right?

How would you achieve a balance with Yingluk on one end of the beam. Calling her a political lightweight, even an airhead, doesn't do justice to what more resembles a helium balloon.

Misogynistic, as I said. Her brother is an evil genius who easily controls most people in Thailand, while she is just a ditsy airhead who cannot tie her shoelaces.

I think your caption under your icon is probably accurate, as you seem full of it.


Two people from one political side and only one from the other side, it's not really balanced, right?

How would you achieve a balance with Yingluk on one end of the beam. Calling her a political lightweight, even an airhead, doesn't do justice to what more resembles a helium balloon.

Misogynistic, as I said. Her brother is an evil genius who easily controls most people in Thailand, while she is just a ditsy airhead who cannot tie her shoelaces.

I think your caption under your icon is probably accurate, as you seem full of it.

I would rather be mistaken for a misogynist than a sycophant. I am yet to see any substantiation of your claims of her "effectiveness", and her business experience in a created position in a family-owned company is a joke. I have never seen her in footwear with shoelaces, but you are probably correct in that assessment.

BTW the only effective statement I have heard her make was at a pre-election rally where she unilaterally raised the promised pledge price of rice. The party initially denied it, then agreed she was correct. Shooting her mouth effectively cost the country billions of baht.


yingluck would be too busy to attend any debates due to her business commitments (looking at fruit)

It would only be the Right Honourable Abhisit and Prayut on the show. Abhisit would be offering constructive criticism to Paryut for the benefit of the majority and Prayut would be taking it on board which may well sway Prayuts stance on certain matters (bit like the submarine scenario).

Abhisit would not say "There is no use going on the show because it will not change anything" or "The senate is already stacked with Prayuts people so the only way to change anything is break the law now". No....Wont get those excuses for the Right Honourable man. That is why he has "Right" and Honourable" before his name as opposed to the other one who lies (pun intended) dormant like viral latency.

...looking at fruit. Add, watching mushrooms grow in the dark.


It would be painful to watch. Abhisit is in a different weight class intellectually and diplomatically.

Yingluck would just look silly. No comment about the other in case I have the BIB at my door 5 am tomorrow.

If he hasn't taken too much 'ear medicine', Pol. Capt. Chalerm could give Khun Abhisit a good debate.

The only way Yingluck would have any chance at giving as good as she got would be if they rigged her up to a mobile phone connected to Lord Valdemort na Dubai, himself, so he could hear the questions and then feed her the rebuttal through her blue tooth ear-bud (Buddha help her if she lost connection).

Since she never debated in the run up to the 2011 election, and never once joined in any of the debates in Parliament, it is ludicrous to think she would participate in any televised debate now.

I would like to see Abhisit ask Prayut some inconvenient questions, though; just to watch him squirm trying to wriggle out of giving a direct answer. I'll bet the PM has almost zero debating skills since the boss never has to debate his juniors.


Alas it will never happen. Yingluck would never agree to attend, (AV would wipe the floor with her) which is a godsend for Prayudh, who even his admirers must admit would end up making a prize tit of himself. Pity...


Never happen YL and Prayut would not stand a chance.

Here they are,guess who is who!!!!!!!!!!!!!attachicon.gifThai political debate.jpg

From left to right: Tu, Pu, and Mark. Do I get a prize if I'm correct?


here is your prize,bar fine paid,enjoy

That is very generous but I must decline... unless you find a brunette as attractive as this one.



yingluck would be too busy to attend any debates due to her business commitments (looking at fruit)

It would only be the Right Honourable Abhisit and Prayut on the show. Abhisit would be offering constructive criticism to Paryut for the benefit of the majority and Prayut would be taking it on board which may well sway Prayuts stance on certain matters (bit like the submarine scenario).

Abhisit would not say "There is no use going on the show because it will not change anything" or "The senate is already stacked with Prayuts people so the only way to change anything is break the law now". No....Wont get those excuses for the Right Honourable man. That is why he has "Right" and Honourable" before his name as opposed to the other one who lies (pun intended) dormant like viral latency.

...looking at fruit. Add, watching mushrooms grow in the dark.

Her toxic lethargy is still reminiscent of viral latency.


Why would anyone want a debate with these 3? Is there no one with anything new to offer Thailand?

YS the only PM among them who was actually elected could soon be barred from politics so what she thinks may not matter (that's if she does think. Some poster would have us believe she has no brain function and is controlled from Dubai). AV the only PM among them who has stood for election and never been elected and Mr P the current PM who doesn't give a damn about election results.

Surely all 3 of these represent what is wrong with Thai politics. They all just represent the different aspects of the status quo.


Never happen YL and Prayut would not stand a chance.

What do you mean, if Abhisit is so great why has he been trounced in every election he has contested? In fact, why has he been trounced so badly that he has boycotted as many elections as he has contested. The man is a dud.


Never happen YL and Prayut would not stand a chance.

What do you mean, if Abhisit is so great why has he been trounced in every election he has contested? In fact, why has he been trounced so badly that he has boycotted as many elections as he has contested. The man is a dud.
But he speaks so highly of you!

I really don't like Abbisith and all he stands for, but that debate would be like shooting fish in a barrel for him, since he is the only one of these 3, who actually would have to say anything of political substance and could back it up with "knowledge"!

I personally like Abhisit and everything he stands for. One of the only honest politicians in this country. He is the hope for Thailands future. I wonder why you dislike him.

Abhisit honest, you must be joking ! He was given chances, not public elected, to prove he had some kind of good governing in him, he prove he didn't !

He boycotted democratic elections and i don't see anything else he stood for than getting the power without elections, in that case not different from the Junta.

The two boys where never elected by the people , so why should YL attend to a public debate with this both self appointed and so called politicians.


yingluck would be too busy to attend any debates due to her business commitments (looking at fruit)

It would only be the Right Honourable Abhisit and Prayut on the show. Abhisit would be offering constructive criticism to Paryut for the benefit of the majority and Prayut would be taking it on board which may well sway Prayuts stance on certain matters (bit like the submarine scenario).

Abhisit would not say "There is no use going on the show because it will not change anything" or "The senate is already stacked with Prayuts people so the only way to change anything is break the law now". No....Wont get those excuses for the Right Honourable man. That is why he has "Right" and Honourable" before his name as opposed to the other one who lies (pun intended) dormant like viral latency.

Love your jokes, especially in the morning. You are so full of the Junta, I think they pay you for all the crap you write.

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