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I have a Isuzu MU in July 2012 model is now driven 75000 km. A friend saw that I should change? Has this engine chain or belt? 3.0 turbo.

When to replace?


It looks like you wrote that in a bit of a panic. By MU do you mean PU short for pickup. It has a chain and NO you don't have to worry for several hundred thousand kms.


It looks like you wrote that in a bit of a panic. By MU do you mean PU short for pickup. It has a chain and NO you don't have to worry for several hundred thousand kms.

I think he means MU7.

I can't say whether your MU7 has a timing chain or belt. And the timing belt is not to be confused with the other belt that turns the fan, A/C, alternator, etc., which I'll call the Drive Belt.

For the Drive Belt my 2009 Toyota Fortuner (very similar vehicle to the MU7) Manual says inspect the belt at the first 100K kilometers (60K miles) or 72 months...and then every 20K kilometers/12 months after that. However, I had it replaced at the 100K kilometers point during a periodic checkout just because I wanted to....just takes about 5 minutes to change and the belt only cost around Bt500...the old belt showed very, very little sign of any cracking to begin...I expect it could have continued on my many, many more kilometers. Like I said I just had it changed because I wanted to.

However, you asked about the Timing Belt. I can say on my 2009 Toyota Fortuner 3.0L Diesel that the manual (which I have right in front of me) says replace the timing belt every 150K kilometers (90K miles). And I think I read somewhere that I will get an engine maintenance/trouble light when I reach 150KM (have about 144KM right now) to remind me. It too is supposed easy to change...about 20 minutes and not to expensive either according to my Toyota dealership folks where I have the SUV maintained.

Edit: Doing some googling on the MU7 the different links seem to say it got a timing "chain" which means it will probably last a long, long time...longer than you own the vehicle unless you plan to keep it 50 years or so.

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