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Thai gf visa to australia. What is my required financial situation at home?

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First of all I must say I am not sure if every oz tourist visa question must go in the huge thread at the top or not. I couldn't see anything saying to post there so I havn't.

I am 31 male chef just returned from a 3 year stint working in Thailand where I met my thai gf.

she is 25 and works in a hospital which has agreed to grant her 10 or so days off to come and visit me here in Australia.

I am not too concerned about meeting most requirements of the application so I won't drone on about it.

She has found a visa agent in bangkok by herself that she seems confident in which makes me confident. Apparently they have told her they can do everything basically (including MY letter of invitation - i'm getting to this) and all she needs from me is scan of passport, payslips, bank statement and a letter from my employer stating something.

My question is what does my financial situation need to be like? They have told her I don't need a heap of money in the bank and that if I have payslips showing a good steady income then that is ok?

My situation is: I returned from life in Thailand late April. Got a job roughly start of May and was working fulltime earning average $1000aud a week after tax until I walked out 2 days ago. Before I left they wrote me a letter (for a small bank loan) stating my employment was safe there etc. I also have all payslips with good amounts.

However now I have a new job starting in 5 days. New boss has already agreed to me taking time off for her visit.

In the bank I have around $3000 but there are some things I want to buy and a small $5000 loan to pay off.

So the girlfriend is asking me for payslips and stuff and aiming to holiday here 22nd of October which leaves me no time to build up a solid looking stint of employment really.

What is the best approach to this? I won't be able to send her a payslip of a full weeks work from my new job for another 2 or 3 weeks.

Do I wait and send that 1 payslip and all the good ones from the job I just left?

Do I have to wait wait wait until I can get a few months of them and forget about the October visit?

Would a letter from my new employer stating employment is safe bla blah blah be sufficient?

Is payslips and/or letter from boss sufficient or do I need a load of money in the bank to show as well?

Should I even mention the job I just left?

Oh and regarding this invitation letter. I have a very good template to use for this and could maybe explain things in this letter that this Thai visa agent might not. Girlfriend seems to think I should leave this to them but I worry they will sound a bit more generic and I could do better. They are Thai. Is it ormal to let the agent do the letter themselves without knowing anything about me like my qualifications, where we are going to stay and some other things thatare in the template I have.


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Regarding the letter of invitation , please look at what it says before it is submitted as i have seen some from these Thai "immigration specialists" that have been just pure bullshit and that will be a bigger problem if it appears you are not being upfront and honest in your submission. Not saying it is always the case but be careful.

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I think Australia is quite similar to New Zealand. the information being asked for is coming from requirements of Australian Immigration. Your gf cannot work and so you are seen as primary support whilst she is in Australia. they want to see you have enough funds to support her, Immigration basically assume she is dependent on you whilst she is in Australia despite any savings she may be able to prove she has.

Unfortunately there have been so many peoples rorting the system in the past which makes it quite instrusive for you to have your gf come for a genuine 10 day holiday to visit you...

They ask for anything and everything because they can!!! The more you you provide in terms of documents from her employer your financial situation her assests her respsonsibilities and obligations for her own family all give weight to her being able to get a visa without issue.

You should be able to garner all the information that Australia requires including how much money you will need to have to support her for 10 days from Australian immigration yourself. If it is smilar to NZ the amount of moneys is not excessive

The reality is she can lodge this all herself without paying for consultant fees although she probaly won't enjoy the inquistion visa officers tend to give applicants.

Be prepared to freely admit and profess your love for her,,,,

In my case for a similar experience I was even asked to provide emails with prefereably some soppy emotional carry on to help visa application...all for a 10 day visit by thai gf

We seriously don't realize how lucky we are to be able to go nearly anywhere without the need for a visa.

Keep the faith if you honest it will happen easily

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Mainly what they are looking for is a reason for her to return to Thailand.

If she has a job to return to and a letter from her employer stating that she is on a holiday break then you really don't need much more.

However, the more you supply the better. Photos of the two of you together are good. A few grand in the bank is also ok.

The approval rate for Australian holiday visas for Thais is pretty high.

Check the Embassy web site: http://thailand.embassy.gov.au/bkok/Visas_and_Migration.html

The visa applications are submitted through VFS in Bangers and they do not do in-depth interviews, they just make sure all the documentation is in order.

The application form is long but not that hard to do yourself.

I used an Australian registered visa company for my first tourist visa application for my Thai g/f 4 years or so ago but now I just do it myself every year.

Just don't lie or make bs statements as they have heard it all before.

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Do not listen to your GF

You simply apply for Visa at immigration and you have nothing to do with her getting a Visa.

She first gets a simple holiday Visa here in Thai.

Do not I reat do not try long term visas here they want your money...........DO IN AUSTRALIA

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Best you understand tourism visa law. personally. Do the background research yourself.

Be mindful of scams, bank fraud and the good old sucker punch.

Maybe she on the level , maybe not .

There is a sucker born every minute.

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Hi .I have done what you are now doing in Australia . My GF at the time stayed with me in Sydney for 14 days .We did all the paper work our selves . Every thing you need to know is on the Australian immigration website .As has been said before ,,immigration want to see your GF has reasons to go back to Thailand ,children ,property ,job to go back to .In your letter of invitation state that your will meet her at the airport and return her to the airport at her time of departure ,show a copy of the RETURN ticket and state that she will be staying at your home for the duration of the stay . State that you will cover all costs for the duration of her stay ,,( medical ,clothing ,food )

I did not and would not supply any one in Thailand a copy off my passport and I did not show proof of my income or savings .

Good luck with her visit .


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Hi .I have done what you are now doing in Australia . My GF at the time stayed with me in Sydney for 14 days .We did all the paper work our selves . Every thing you need to know is on the Australian immigration website .As has been said before ,,immigration want to see your GF has reasons to go back to Thailand ,children ,property ,job to go back to .In your letter of invitation state that your will meet her at the airport and return her to the airport at her time of departure ,show a copy of the RETURN ticket and state that she will be staying at your home for the duration of the stay . State that you will cover all costs for the duration of her stay ,,( medical ,clothing ,food )

I did not and would not supply any one in Thailand a copy off my passport and I did not show proof of my income or savings .

Good luck with her visit .


Ok thanks. I will just follow directions from the visa agent then and not worry to much about financial situation then. Thanks
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australian embassy needs something in writing,iv'e done this twice eg I [ name] will be responsible for all expenses including medical incurred by[ name] whilist in australia.[ or something in that vane

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have been through this several times - with the same girl.

australians tend to be pretty anal regarding what they want to ensure your visa application is 'ok'.

for a tourist visa, submitted through 'vfs' (thai post office), we had to submit email records, skype records, money transfer records, divorce documents, photos of us being together at different times etc.

even on the third application things did not change.

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Your g/f only needs a tourist visa for a nominated period under 3 months.

It takes about 4-6 weeks to process.

You are acting as a sponsor and that also includes financial support for her stay. You need to prove you have money for this by way of copies of a recent financial institution monthly statement.

You will also need a certificate of employment or letter from your employer proving employment and salary.

You need to prove your relationship so a letter of introduction is required as is photos, and email corro between you, outlying how met, when, where, etc and at what point she became your g/f. (For me I highlighted a sexual relationship as there are varianances of relationships in Australia). You can type a simple letter for your girlfriend to sign outlining essentially the same to corroborate. I would assert in your application & invitation letter you have been b/f & g/f for a period greater than 12 months otherwise you may not be successful.

A letter from your g/f employer that she is an employee and earns x amount.

Book a return flight with a travel agent (not under 2 months before travelling to allow visa processing) and provide the itinerary to support the fact that she will return. Buy travel insurance and provide a copy of this so it shows she is covered for illness, injury or accident that won't impact financially on the Australian Government or services BUT can be paid if anything untoward occurs.

All documents provided get certified as true copies.

You can complete 99% and have your g/ f sign the rest. Send all docs by DHL courier to her. Once done take to the Embassy agents VIS for processing with the nominated fee.

DONT engage a visa service (unless you're rich and money is no object) it does not guarantee success.

You do not need an agent nor do you need to go to the Australian Embassy. The immigration website provides more than enough info and if you can read/write/type and think then u won't have s problem.

I did this for my g/f, now wife and numerous trips and on a PR visa in Australia which all were accepted first time around without amendments or outside help from anyone.

There are some posts within that are ignorant and unhelpful. As an Aussie Im Happy to assist with samples of my applications obo my Thai wife at those stages if need be.

Cheers & goodluck

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Forget the visa agent, why not see a good travel agent?

The most they will ask from you is a letter of support, the GF provides proof there is 200K baht in the bank (you can assist with thiswink.png ) as well as the usual statements , job, family to go back to etc.

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Forget the visa agent, why not see a good travel agent?

The most they will ask from you is a letter of support, the GF provides proof there is 200K baht in the bank (you can assist with thiswink.png ) as well as the usual statements , job, family to go back to etc.

That is it in a nutshell.

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I've recently applied for, and received, several tourist visas for various Thai women. All the advice above is good. The Australian Embassy contracts a company to receive and do initial checks on visa applications. This is on the embassy website. If your GF is in Bangkok, she can make the application in person (they will check with her to make sure all the necessary information is there. She will get a decision 2 weeks after lodgment.

She should apply abut 6 weeks before her travel. You need to leave enough time in case her first application is refused (which happens sometimes). She can then apply again with all details about your pay/payslips etc.

Make sure her application and your sponsor letter precisely detail her itinerary, accommodation, how she will pay for meals, incidentals etc. She needs to have an average of 100,000 - 200,000 Baht in the bank over the last 3 - 6 months, or proof of equivalent assets, to be certain of a visa. Otherwise you may need to formally sponsor her visit (there are forms for this).

Edited by Stevemercer
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My Thai GF of the past had an executive level job at BoT. She applied for and received two tourist visas. Both times I was asked to show proof of finances. I would guarantee any debts incurred in America would be repaid. I assume Aus is the same.

If the girl has money or a job in Thailand that doesn't help anyone in America collect from her. Its not just that they want to know she will return to Thailand but that any money owed in your country would be paid.

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Do not listen to your GF

You simply apply for Visa at immigration and you have nothing to do with her getting a Visa.

She first gets a simple holiday Visa here in Thai.

Do not I reat do not try long term visas here they want your money...........DO IN AUSTRALIA

Mate......have you been through the process?

To the OP,

My gf also works in a hospital. She is coming out for her 2nd trip in October, so we are currently going through the process again.

We did the application ourselves, supplied what was requested in the application, plus some. Took all to the Embassy in BKK. Flood them with whatever you think is relevant.

1. Letter from employer stating she has a job, how long she has worked there and that she has a job after she returns from her 10 day holiday.

2. Letter from me stating she is my girlfriend and I will be supporting her financially and supplying accommodation. THIS DOESN'T ALLEVIATE THE NEED FOR HER TO SHOW HER OWN FINANCIAL RESOURCES.

3. Copies of bank statements from both me and her.

4. Proof of me having accommodation available stating the address ie, rate notices, utilities bills etc. Tip - make sure she has this address available when she comes through Immigration. A friend's Thai girl had trouble because she didn't know his address.

5. Proof of the relationship and its duration; photos, phone records etc.

6. Copy my passport. I took photos of documentation on my iphone and sent on LINE first time. These were accepted. More organised this time!

.......and obviously anything else required in the application.

There doesn't seem to be any consistency in their decisions. My gf's friend who works at the same hospital (with the same references and university qualifications) was to come with her on the first holiday, but she was knocked back twice with no explanation (or refund).

Flood them with information.

Good luck.

Edited by FT10toLOS
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First of all I must say I am not sure if every oz tourist visa question must go in the huge thread at the top or not. I couldn't see anything saying to post there so I havn't.

I am 31 male chef just returned from a 3 year stint working in Thailand where I met my thai gf.

she is 25 and works in a hospital which has agreed to grant her 10 or so days off to come and visit me here in Australia.

I am not too concerned about meeting most requirements of the application so I won't drone on about it.

She has found a visa agent in bangkok by herself that she seems confident in which makes me confident. Apparently they have told her they can do everything basically (including MY letter of invitation - i'm getting to this) and all she needs from me is scan of passport, payslips, bank statement and a letter from my employer stating something.

My question is what does my financial situation need to be like? They have told her I don't need a heap of money in the bank and that if I have payslips showing a good steady income then that is ok?

My situation is: I returned from life in Thailand late April. Got a job roughly start of May and was working fulltime earning average $1000aud a week after tax until I walked out 2 days ago. Before I left they wrote me a letter (for a small bank loan) stating my employment was safe there etc. I also have all payslips with good amounts.

However now I have a new job starting in 5 days. New boss has already agreed to me taking time off for her visit.

In the bank I have around $3000 but there are some things I want to buy and a small $5000 loan to pay off.

So the girlfriend is asking me for payslips and stuff and aiming to holiday here 22nd of October which leaves me no time to build up a solid looking stint of employment really.

What is the best approach to this? I won't be able to send her a payslip of a full weeks work from my new job for another 2 or 3 weeks.

Do I wait and send that 1 payslip and all the good ones from the job I just left?

Do I have to wait wait wait until I can get a few months of them and forget about the October visit?

Would a letter from my new employer stating employment is safe bla blah blah be sufficient?

Is payslips and/or letter from boss sufficient or do I need a load of money in the bank to show as well?

Should I even mention the job I just left?

Oh and regarding this invitation letter. I have a very good template to use for this and could maybe explain things in this letter that this Thai visa agent might not. Girlfriend seems to think I should leave this to them but I worry they will sound a bit more generic and I could do better. They are Thai. Is it ormal to let the agent do the letter themselves without knowing anything about me like my qualifications, where we are going to stay and some other things thatare in the template I have.


I just did it and am now in Australia with my thai gf and we have been here now 7 weeks and going back to thailand in 4 weeks it is very easy to do , not get a visas agency to do it cost to much money can do it your self for 4,500 if you gf picks in up after about 3 weeks , if there send it to her home address you have to 200 more bht you will need most of the things the other op have told you to get but you will have to give them photos of you and her together like I did to get the visas cheers good luck and if you need to ask me something more you can message me here and I will help you .

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Taking a home grown Thai female out of Thailand, into a Western nation, could be the worst/last mistake you

ever make. Here, they are, usually, darlings but, given the many things/homes/autos available in Australia, could

change your life in unimagined ways. Buy her a big gold bracelet, or even a car, HERE, and tell her disease rampant

in Australia ! Anything but the trip !

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Mainly what they are looking for is a reason for her to return to Thailand.

Read all the posts above, many have the right information, visa aplication

in Thailand is a 2 stage screening process, don't go to Australian embasy

(beautiful building by the way) they won't let you in,, the forms are on line.

The visa application is all about HER, nothing to do with you.... BUT......

your input if needed will be her financial support while she is in Australia

In my case,, i needed to show proof of $25,000 in my bank,, stable living

accommodation, pay her Medicare while she was with me in Oz

Don't use agents in Thai, application is in Thai, if she can't read Thai =

problem, if she can't speak English = problem,, don't waste your money.

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So many answers from them putting this thread in the thaivisa email.

I appreciate it. However some say they don't care about the money. One says they want to see 10k and then another says 25k. So best I just contact vfs myself maybe.


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